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Taken: The Vampire's Concubine: Part Three

Page 3

by Desiree Broussard

She squatted down to grab him by the front of his shirt before yanking him up to face her. “Apparently, I wasn't exciting enough for you to honor our agreement,” Arania muttered harshly. “But I'll have you anyhow. I think I'm going to like you much better as my slave. From here on out, you'll exist only to please me... And I think you'll find that I'm extremely hard to please.”

  Zander glared at her, his body filled with rage. She dropped him back to the ground before standing up to wipe her hands on her legs. “He's filthy and disgusting,” she told the men that were with her. “But we need to leave. It's not safe on this stretch of road, not with the sand dwellers. Pick him up. You can carry him back.”

  Chapter 3

  Keely sat in the large wooden chair, staring woodenly at the loaded plate in front of her. The food looked exquisite, and smelled even better, but she wasn't able to eat it. Not with Kosmas seated across from her, his dark eyes locked onto her as if he wanted to devour her.

  “Is your meal not to your liking?” he asked her silkily, his eyes never leaving her face. “I would have imagined you'd be starving, at least by now.”

  “I would have preferred to dine alone,” she replied stiffly, her hands clasped tightly together underneath the table. She was trying hard to be civil, after all, Zander's life depended on it, but Kosmas made it difficult. Instead of taking the time to get to know her, he continued to force his seductive presence upon her. Keely felt as if she were walking a tightrope, and the rope was beginning to fray.

  “It's hard for me to eat if someone is staring at me,” she added pointedly, picking up her fork. He made no move to look away. After a moment of debate, she jabbed her fork into a piece of meat. Why should she give him the satisfaction of knowing he bothered her?

  Kosmas chuckled. Despite her dislike of the man, there was no denying how handsome he was. His long, black hair was pulled back into a ponytail that only seemed to emphasize his strong, masculine features. He wore a long-sleeved button down shirt that stretched across his wide shoulders. It was white, the top three buttons left open. The lower half of his body was encased in a pair of tan pants that hugged his lean hips, and the large, visible bulge underneath the zipper. The man had to be hung like a horse, either that, or he'd found a very inventive use for a role of sausage. Keely made a note to herself to be on the lookout for the smell of rotted meat.

  Something nudged her ankle. Looking down, Keely met Brownie's eyes. The little dog sat next to her feet, his ears pulled back as he wagged his tail. His brown eyes appeared to bulge as he stared back at her. Clearly, he was hoping she'd share.

  Keely picked up a small piece of meat before sliding her hand underneath the table. Immediately, he stood on his back legs as he took it. The little chihuahua was too cute, and he knew it. He'd played her right into his tiny little paws.

  And so had his owner. Keely glared at Kosmas again before shoving a vegetable in her mouth. “Why are we even using this gigantic dining room?” she asked him grumpily as she chewed. It was rude, but she didn't care. If he didn't like it, he could send her back to her room.

  “Had I known you desired a more intimate setting, I wouldn't have,” Kosmas replied, his grin satisfied. “Next time we will dine in my rooms. I prefer it there, too.”

  Great. It was time to steer the conversation in a different direction. “How do you get your meat? Do you hunt it?” Keely fairly spat the word out. She'd seen what passed as hunting in her own world, and she wasn't a fan. In fact, she found it downright cruel.

  A shadow passed over Kosmas' face. For once, he looked serious. “We do hunt, but I doubt our version of hunting is the same as yours. For one, meat is not in big demand here on Legionnaire, and for two, I'm not a fan of it as a sport.”

  “Good,” Keely replied, relaxing just a bit. Being the center of his attention unnerved her. She wasn't used to it, and it kept her constantly on edge.

  “Why?” Kosmas asked her, his dark eyes hooded.

  Keely bit into a piece of meat, nearly groaning in pleasure. It was tender and succulent, bursting with flavor. “It's not that I'm a vegetarian or anything,” she finally told him, thinking about his question. “I like meat just as much as the next person, but I've seen the way that people hunt, and I hate it.”

  He looked at her curiously, motioning for her to explain. Keely blushed as she floundered around in her mind for the right words. “Animals are all but extinct on Earth now,” she told him, trying to explain. “Oh, of course the rich have plenty, but the rest of the population is poor and starving. Animals had to pay the price for it.”

  Her voice caught, her throat tightening painfully. She looked up at Kosmas, sad at the memories. After seeing how many hunted, she'd stopped eating meat, but it hadn't stopped her on Legionnaire. Upon seeing the food, she'd only been too happy to pick it back up again, and now she felt guilty for it.

  His lips tightened at her continued silence, as if he could somehow read her thoughts and found them as distasteful as she did. “And humans consider us the monsters,” he muttered, as Keely blushed even brighter.

  “Our rules on hunting are extremely strict,” he explained, his expression dark. “It might surprise you to know that I share many of your same sentiments. Just because an animal can't speak doesn't make it any less deserving of humane treatment and compassion. They can think and feel, just like we do, and in many ways, their lack of ability to talk is tragic. I wonder what many of them would say, if they could only put it into words.”

  Keely was touched by his attitude and understanding. She suspected there were many layers to Kosmas. While some of them were downright despicable, some of them were endearing, much like this one. “But if your people hunt, how are you different?”

  His eyes hardened, a cynical light entering into their dark depths. “For one we don't do it for sport, like I mentioned before. The animals on Legionnaire are wild, and they are free to roam as God intended. Twice a year, a predetermined number is hunted, their lives ended in the most humane way possible. They are then brought back, cleaned, and divided out, according to requests. The rest of the year, hunting is not allowed. And not just anyone can hunt,” he added, almost as if it were an afterthought. “Our hunters are hand-selected by me. They are the only ones allowed to do so.”

  Keely gaped at him in surprise, completely shocked to see how much thought went into it. Brownie deserted her, as if he realized she wouldn't be sharing anymore food. Kosmas leaned over to pick up him from the floor before holding him on his massive chest. The dog rested comfortably as Kosmas patted him gently. “Humanity,” he scoffed the word out, “apparently has forgotten what being human really means. Just because one can doesn't mean they should, and the same applies to hunting.”

  She was amazed at his insight. Over the years, Keely had experienced many of the same thoughts. Time and time again, she'd been horrified at the sheer cruelty and meanness of those around her. Some of the ice inside of her melted as she stared at Kosmas in a new light.

  In moments like these, it was so easy to forget the darker side of him. He was attractive and attentive, and physically, he was one of the best looking men she'd ever seen. Kosmas was powerful and so sexually desirable that she worried she couldn't stand against him. Even watching him have sex with other women wasn't enough to turn her off, in fact, it seemed to be having the opposite effect. It sparked some age-old feminine need within her to prove that she was the one woman that could tame him, but would it ever be possible? It seemed highly unlikely, especially when he could have anything or anyone that he wanted.

  But would that desire lead her down the wrong path? It wouldn't take more than a word to have him, but what about when it was over? As much as she wanted to believe differently, she wasn't any better than the other concubines that lived to please him. It wasn't as if her puss was made from gold. Even having sex with him wouldn't ever be enough to make him walk away from the exotic temptations to be found with other women. And Keely doubted he ever would. There was only one thing th
at could make a man faithful, and it was deep and abiding love. The type of love that affected a person in their very soul, a love so strong that life without the other one didn't mean anything at all.

  Was Kosmas capable of that depth of emotion? Her father had been, but her father had been a good and kind man that would have never hurt another soul. Kosmas was selfish enough to take anything he wanted, even if it meant destroying others in the process. He reminded her of a child with a new toy, but how long would it take before he tired of her? She was willing to be that he enjoyed the thrill of the chase, but lost interest once he'd ran his prey into the ground. Things came easy to a leader like Kosmas, a challenge would be too exciting for him to pass up.

  Keely's eyes widened suddenly, her fork clattering to the table. Enlightenment was immediately followed by anger as she raised her face to stare at him. He stared back at her, completely cool and calm, as if nothing she did or said affected him. “You bastard,” Keely hissed out. “It never was about me, was it?”

  * * * * *

  The red-haired concubine glared at him from across the table, her green eyes glinting with rage. She was magnificent, so much so that Kosmas was amazed by his restraint. His cock hadn't been soft since the night he'd met her. Even at that moment, he was hard enough to blow. He couldn't even shift in his seat from fear that the friction of his pants would cause him to release.

  There was so much passion in her, he mused silently, staring at her coolly to throw her off-guard. He enjoyed unnerving her, it was the only way to keep his edge. He admired her strength, but he was even stronger, and he made it a point to remind her of that often. A woman of her character could easily railroad a man into submission, if he wasn't careful.

  It wouldn't happen with Kosmas, though. Keeping her in check only fueled the lust that raged within him. He enjoyed her quick wit and her need to dominate every situation, it kept him on his toes. She reminded him of a wild kitten, ever wary and cautious as it struggled to survive. He was confident he could tame her, but it would take time. She'd learned to hide behind a tough exterior because she'd been left with no choice. The women in her world had been forced to become strong because the men had failed them, and Keely was no exception.

  The men in Legionnaire were tough, and they took care of their own. The downfall of Earth was tragic, but it hadn't happened overnight. Their world had been in a mess for a long time, the family units destroyed. Men hadn't taken their responsibilities seriously, leaving their women to handle the impossible burdens of doing it all. Eventually, their structure, the very foundations of their society had crumbled, and the vultures had moved in.

  It was a situation that would never be found in Legionnaire. When vampires mated, they mated for life. Their men had too much pride to neglect their mates and households, and certainly none of them would have ever abandoned them. It would have disgraced them beyond belief. Mates respected each other, both sides appreciating the bond that developed between them. A mating was special, a union not to be taken lightly. A mate would die for the other one, and in that was their strength.

  The vampires had watched the humans from a far, and they'd learned a lot. Nothing had been sacred to their society, especially their marriages. They'd married and divorced like crazy, uniting families and lives and then destroying them. Was it any wonder that the women brought from Earth appreciated the change? They were starved for affection and severely neglected sexually. A rueful grin curved his lips. His men were more than able to fulfill their sexual needs, in fact, the unmated ones were begging for more. Bringing the concubines into their world had definitely boosted their morale, his people were happy with the changes and optimistic about their futures.

  “Oh, did you find my question funny?” Keely asked as she stood to her feet. His grin had infuriated her, although that hadn't been his intention. Her large breasts heaved underneath the dress she wore. His fingers clenched into fists as he fought against the need to rip the material and bare them to his hungry eyes.

  His grin widened when she leaned over the table, placing her palms flat as she all but snarled at him. She was the first woman to ever stand up to him. A human male would have been intimidated, he might have even been horrified, but not Kosmas. He not only respected her spirit, he found it arousing.

  “You might have fooled me once, but I've figured out your game,” she bit out, leaning over to push her face up to his. The material at her breasts dropped enough for him to peer inside, revealing the plump curves and pink nipples. A wave of heat washed over him as he inhaled deeply. With a view like that, he was prepared to surrender.

  “How dare you pull me into some sick game of comeuppance,” Keely hissed, her large eyes narrowed. “The only reason you've put me through all of this is because you're jealous of Zander. I suppose you must have seen him talk to me in the ballroom and blew it out of proportion by thinking I mattered? You thought you'd hurt him by forcing me to be your concubine, but the joke is on you. Zander couldn't care less about me, if you had any type of brains, you would have already figured that out.”

  Keely slammed her palms down on the heavy wooden surface for emphasis. The sound barely registered in Kosmas' mind. Instead, he was all but drooling over the way her breasts jiggled from her actions. He imagined cupping their heavy weight from behind as he pumped his shaft in and out of her tight little twat.

  She stared at him for a moment longer before sighing and standing back up. “I'm out of here.”

  Kosmas came to his feet as she turned to walk away. Springing across the table, he landed softly in front of her. She blinked rapidly as she glanced between him and the table before shaking her head in bemusement. “Get out of my way,” she ordered him as regally as a queen, stepping to the side in an effort to move past him. “Our association is done.”

  “Like hell,” he murmured as he clasped both of her shoulders to hold her in place. “Our association will never be over. As for my brains, they are all in my cock right now, and believe me, it's more than big enough to hold them. You're to blame for that. You, and those gorgeous titties of yours.”

  Keely sent him an unamused look as she tried to break free from his fingers. “It's a good thing you have a palace full of concubines to relieve you,” she countered, her face flushed. “Maybe you should have them all to bend over, though I'm not sure that even that many would ever be enough for you.”

  Kosmas laughed, elated by her words. “And you call me jealous? Let me clear your misconceptions up now. I'm the ruler of Golden Harbor, not Zander. I have no reason to be jealous of him. He's an excellent guard and fighter, but so am I. In fact, I'm better, which is why I'm in charge. Even more importantly I have you, something he doesn't, and I knew I'd have you from the moment I spotted you. Zander is of no consequence to me, I can assure you of that. Forget him because I can assure you that you will never see him again. Ever.”

  * * * * *

  His words affected her deeply. Keely stopped resisting as she struggled to breath through her pain. The finality of his words washed over her. Kosmas sounded so certain, almost as if he knew something she didn't. Was Zander dead?

  How could she stand there desiring the very man that had condemned an innocent one? She was certain that Kosmas had a hand in Zander's disappearance, she just didn't know how. What kind of woman was she? Not a very good one, she thought grimly, as guilt overwhelmed her.

  Kosmas was oblivious. “Come with me,” he told her, leading her across the dining room. His voice was low, seductive even, as he added, “I've got something I want to show you.”

  They walked through the doors of the dining room and down a hallway. He stopped at a tall door before opening it and leading her into a small room. A Chesterfield sofa sat in front of large velvet draperies, but otherwise the room was mostly bare of furniture. Someone had turned on a dim lamp, but the majority of light came from the fire in the fireplace.

  “What are we doing in here?” Keely found her voice as he shut the door behind him. “Really
, Kosmas, I think this night is over.”

  “The night is just beginning,” he corrected her before guiding her to the sofa. “There's more to our evening than just eating. I've fed you, now I'm going to entertain you.”

  His words were ominous to her ears. Keely had seen his idea of entertainment, and she didn't like it. Kosmas left her little choice, though. He pressed her back onto the sofa, his own body quickly lowering down next to her.

  At his nod, two servants walked up to pull the draperies open wide. Keely's lips tightened in annoyance as they revealed a room through a thick pane of glass. Inside was a half-dressed man and woman, their lips pressing together heatedly while locked in a passionate embrace.

  Keely sat frozen, staring at the couple in disbelief. In build and coloring, the man resembled Kosmas slightly, but it was the female she couldn't tear her eyes away from. Her hair was a brilliant shade of red. It was clear she hadn't been randomly selected, Kosmas had staged this interlude on purpose. Clearly, he was out of control.

  “It's not natural, of course,” he said almost conversationally, watching her face closely. “Your coloring is unique to our world, which is why she's wearing a wig. It's just one of the many souvenirs we've brought back from your planet, though. Who would have ever expected it to be so useful?”


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