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George (Book 2): The Long Road Ahead

Page 6

by Le Clair, Scarlet

  I washed using the bar of soap and a cloth that had been left on the wash basin. The water was cold but felt good.

  I dried off with the rough burgundy towel hanging on the towel rail and got dressed quickly. Goosebumps covering my skin from head to toe.

  Entering the room again, I looked towards Nia.

  “Nia?” I saw her body tense even though she didn’t reply and kept her eyes closed.

  I got onto her bed behind her struggling to pull my leg up. I put my arm around her cuddling her in close. “Ni, it’s not you guys that I need to get away from.”

  “I know” she whispered.

  “Good, because I don’t want to lose you too”

  She turned towards me and looked into my eyes. Hers seeing right into my soul.

  “You won’t George. I do understand, really, I do. Just be careful when you’re outside of the gates ok?”

  “I will I promise” I hugged her close again and kissed her forehead.

  “Can I borrow a book?” I asked

  “Of course, “Nia turned away from me and sat up, handing me the pile of books. I chose a horror one about a haunted house.

  I got off her bed and limped back to my own, propping up my mismatched pillows to be able to sit up comfortably.

  Each of us started to read and before long we were both silent; engrossed in our stories.

  I jumped when the door opened, shocked that I had read almost a quarter of the book.

  It was Lt. Jacks, panic hit me. “What’s happened? Are the boys ok?” I was certain that he was going to inform us that the boys had gotten into trouble.

  “Yes, don’t worry, they checked in about half an hour ago, they were just getting to the site”

  “Ok” I felt a little better but still wished that I was right beside them.

  “How’s the ankle?” he asked

  “It’s sore, I can’t put any weight on it” I grumped.

  He nodded “I’m sure you’ll be back on your feet in no time. I’ve come to talk to you about the captain’s new idea” he pulled out the blue plastic chair from against the wall and positioned it in a way that he could speak to both myself and Nia.

  “How are you miss?” he attempted a smile at Nia, it looked more like he was in pain. I don’t think he was used to smiling.

  “Yeah I’m good thank you. Should get out of here today. And its Nia, please”

  “That’s great miss, I mean Nia”

  “So, what did you want to talk with us about?” I was curious as to why the captain would send his second in command to see us.

  “I’ve been talking to some other survivors this morning and throughout the following week will be talking to everyone individually and then as a group hopefully next week. We want to start training people on jobs. Cooking, Gardening, taking care of the animals, sentry duty, etc. Our hope is that eventually this will all be run by you survivors and that we can move onto another town, to try to help other people.”

  “Wow, that sounds amazing” Nia exclaimed.

  It did sound good, the fact that we would be part of the fight against the apocalypse, that we may make a difference.

  “So, I’m here to ask you what type of work you’re interested in? what you’ve done in the past?”

  I looked at Nia pointedly

  “Uh, I’d like to apply for the teaching assistant post please” she said quietly.

  “Ok” he nodded, writing it onto a notepad that I hadn’t even seen him carrying in.


  “I’d like to train and go on supply runs.” My eyes flickered to Nia who looked down at her blanket.

  “Ok, are you sure? We haven’t had too many people volunteer to leave” his eyes bore into me.

  “Yes, I’m sure, it’s something I’ve thought about a lot. I think that with the proper training and support that I can help this camp to thrive.”

  He nodded his head, he looked happy with my reply. I was just telling the truth. Whatever time I had left in this wasteland I wanted to help as many people as I could.

  “Ok, I’ve already asked your friends before they left this morning”

  “Oh yeah?” this had gotten Nia’s attention. She sat up straighter and lifted her head.

  “Yep I started with you guys, whilst another of my colleagues is doing the main survivor area.”

  “Why us?”

  “Because you have already lived as a group, you are used to this type of communal camp, running its self. Over the next few weeks we will be holding elections for the people to vote in a council. This council will essentially be in charge although we are hoping for democracy and not a dictatorship.

  “Will all you military men be leaving?” Nia looked a little scared.

  “Eventually, but to start we will use this as our base of operations. We will be leaving in teams to go and look for other suitable compounds to build up for other survivors or to use as a backup base just in case…” he trailed off. He wanted to say just in case this one ever got overrun but didn’t want to worry us.

  “Ok this all sounds good, in theory” I was a little sceptical that it could be done. I’d seen the devastation back at Deacons place when the zombies invaded a camp like this. I assumed that here they would just keep expanding and bring people back here.

  Now that I thought about it though it made sense to have multiple camps all over.

  “We will get there George, we will suceed in our fight against the undead”

  “Can you tell us what jobs our friends picked?” Nia enquired.

  “Well so far I’ve only seen the men that left this morning. He checked his list. Adam and Will have chosen sentry duty, Billy has joined Captain Coopers’ military, Amelia was with them his morning saying good bye. She chose gardening and kitchen duties.”

  “Military, Billy chose to leave us and join you, when you leave?” Nia sounded just as shocked as I felt.

  “No in fact he has joined us to help this camp. You see who ever will be on the council will have joined the military. They will receive more intense training than the rest as they will be making the final decisions on things. They will also have access to the weapons and rations. Billy will be the first member of your council, the only one not to be elected.”

  “Why Billy?” I was shocked that he would be the very first council member. Don’t get me wrong it’s not that I didn’t like him but he was dreadfully young and naïve.

  “I know that he’s young but I think that’s what we need, besides it was his idea about getting a self-sufficient camp so that the military could help elsewhere.” Almost as if he’d read my mind. He stood up getting ready to leave.

  “Well that’s great” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. It was an amazing idea. The more people that we could help the better. Plus, it would be good to know of another safe area that we could escape to should we ever run into trouble out on the road or if this place was overrun.

  He nodded and left without another word.

  “Well that’s something exciting but scary to think about! Our own place.” Nia grinned. I hoped that she would eventually accept that I needed to be on the move. Outside of these gates.

  Plus, I wouldn’t be out all the time. Just a few days or weeks per month.

  “Definitely scary with Billy in charge” I laughed. Nia laughed too, the melodic sound brightened my day.

  We talked for a while about all the possibilities that could happen as our camp continued to grow and strengthen. We had only been here a few days for me but honestly, I felt safer here than I had in weeks at the old place and I desperately wanted it to be successful. A place where we could not only survive but thrive.

  The doctor came in at around 4pm dressed in purple scrubs, her hair was thrown up into a neat bun. Annabelle and Amy were the only two I had seen wearing proper medical uniform. I guessed by those two wearing the proper gear it differentiated them from the other two trainee nurses, Ben and Nara. Doctor Annabelle sent Nia back to the living quart
ers. Nia couldn’t get out of bed quick enough, she began stuffing her clothes into a small bag.

  “Will you be ok?” I asked, concerned that most of our friends had left the compound and we had yet to hear that they had returned. That despite the camp being full that she would be alone because we hadn’t had a chance to meet the other survivors properly.

  “Of course, I will, I can’t wait to get out of here. Amelia is still here. I’ll come back later to see you. Plus, the doc says I must check in each day for the next week, you’ll be sick of me before long. Here, take these.” She smiled and handed me the stack of books that I’d gotten for her the day before, minus the one that she had been reading.

  “Why, thank you” I placed them on the foot of my bed.

  “I’ll never be sick of you Ni. Now go, have fun and be safe” I shooed her away with my hands.

  “Will do, boss” she saluted me and let out a girly laugh. She really was happy to be free. I’ll bet it was extremely boring sat in bed, alone for most of the day, and I was going to be in here for probably another two days. Oh, let the joy begin.

  Nia was right it was incredibly boring in the hospital wing. I’d gotten out of bed a few hours ago and hobbled out to the nurse’s station to have a talk with Amy. She seemed happy about it and chatted away nonstop about how good it was here compared to the last camp that she was in. My ears perked up a little

  “There’s another camp like this?” I asked, I don’t know why I thought that this was the first one that the military had attempted. Probably because the Captain hadn’t mentioned it during our little chat and I thought that Deacon would have brought it up. He must not have known.

  “Oh yes, I’m from one up North, I trained up there. I was in my third year of health at college when this happened. Just a few months out from graduating. Anyway, they had a few nurses and doctors at the old place and so they sent myself and Annabelle here” she smiled she didn’t seem disappointed, but rather quite smug that she had been chosen.

  “Ah, so we are the second compound that the army have put together?” this was good news. It proved that Billy’s plan had worked before. I was positive that we could also become self-sufficient.

  “So, did all the army men and women leave the old camp, how does it work now.?

  “No, we are the third camp I think. I’m not sure how it works there now, you’d have to ask the Captain or Lt Jacks. But I know that some of them stayed behind. Annabelle and I were amongst the first people to arrive at this camp. We brought Weapons and livestock with us, along with food clothing, water and bedding. The men go out on supply missions and bring us back what they can also. We have been here for nearly three months and I’m so proud of how it has grown.”

  “Wow, only three months? That’s incredible!” I was astonished at how far they had come in so little time.

  The doors to the infirmary flung open suddenly causing me to jump and Amy to make a surprised squeak sound. The doctor and several uniformed men came crashing through. The doctor led them straight through to the operating room. they were carrying another soldier, he was moaning in pain. I couldn’t quite see what was wrong with him but he was covered in blood, that dripped to the floor, leaving a messy crimson trail in their wake.

  Chapter 7

  “Amy, call in the others, we need all hands-on deck here” the doctor instructed before disappearing behind the operating room doors.

  “On it, well, guess I got to go” Amy hurried behind the desk and pulled out a hand-held radio. She started to talk quickly into it. That was my cue to leave.

  “See you later” I waved before going back to the ward.

  Nia came in a short while later with a smile from ear to ear. I made me feel good to see her so happy. She was practically glowing.

  “Soooo, you’re now looking at the new teaching assistant for our camp.” I didn’t think it possible but her smile grew wider.

  “Wow, that’s great, congratulations” she sat in the chair by the side of my bed and handed me the bowl of soup.

  “Yep, I’ll be working with the younger school age 3 to 5. The guy I’m working with seems so nice, his name is Brian Cook, he was a vice principal at a primary school before all this happened.”

  She was so excited she went on and on about the job and the staff she had already met during and after her interview. Said the Captain had another four applicants, two of which were qualified teachers. Because of the positive replies the captain had decided to do a younger class with Brian and Nia running it for ages 3-5, a class for 5-10 and one for 11-14.

  It was so nice to hear her enthusiasm that I just let her talk, smiling and nodding when I felt it necessary. I finished my soup and placed the bowl onto the bedside table and poured myself a glass of water.

  “It sounds so good, I’m so happy for you. Shaping little minds. I cannot think of anyone better for the job.” I smiled feeling extremely proud of her.

  “Oh, crap I forgot your coffee, I’ll go and get some.” Before I could stop her, she was gone; bouncing out through the doors. I chuckled to myself. This job had certainly given her a spring in her step.

  I lay back, it was warm in here today. I tried to distract myself from the heat by thinking of Poppy and Cameron. I was trying to think of my family in a positive way but it was hard. I was not to focusing on my loss, but of how lucky I was to have had them in my life even if it was for such a short time.

  I must have dozed off for a while. I woke up to her the voices of Nurse Amy and Nia. They were excited whispers.

  “Hey, you two,” I croaked, my throat was dry from the heat as I slept.

  The nurse handed me a single tablet this time which I refused. She didn’t argue but instead placed it back into a plastic orange bottle.

  She still gave me the water which I accepted gratefully and took a large drink. The cool water felt good as it made its way down my throat.

  “Thank you”

  “Will and the boys are back George” Nia was almost dancing on the spot from excitement and her eyes sparkled.

  “Really?” now I was excited. I couldn’t wait to see them. To hear all about their mission. For now, I would have to live through them and their thrilling adventure.

  “Yep, I’m just headed there now. Is that ok?”

  “Yeah of course it is. Tell them to come and see me and soon” I understood her need to leave me and go to see her uncle. It was one thing to hear that they were back safe but another to see them with your own eyes.

  “I will” she skipped to me and hugged me hard. “See you in a bit, I did bring you coffee but it’s probably cold now. I’ll get you more later, if there’s any left.”

  “See you in a bit” I kissed her cheek

  Nurse Amy lingered a little longer. “Is everything ok?” I asked, getting the feeling that she had bad news.

  “That soldier we had in yesterday, he turned.” She looked nervous and I noticed that her hands were shaking badly.

  “Oh no, was anyone else infected?” I was shocked, and scared. This guy was in this part of the camp with us.

  “No, he was already in quarantine and was taken care of quickly. But now the men that he came in with and your men have to be put straight into quarantine. From now on the Captain has deemed it protocol that anyone who has been outside of the gates will be placed into a 24-hour quarantine when they return here.”

  “Makes sense. Do you know if my friends are ok?” I was anxious to find out.

  “So far so good, no obvious scratches or bites.” She smiled.

  “Can I go and see them?”

  “I’ll have to ask the doctor, I’ll let you know soon.” She smiled and left the room.

  I got up and used the bathroom, washing my face and body the best that I could.

  When I returned, the doctor was sat in the chair by my bed, looking tired. Her hair was a mess and she had dark black circles under her eyes.

  “How’s things doc?” I asked

  “Not good George. Did Amy tel
l you about Corporal lance?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry” I didn’t know the man personally but any human death was a huge loss to all of us.

  She shook her head “I should have seen it, but there was so much damage to his arm and his colleagues swore that he hadn’t been bitten or scratched that I patched him up.”

  “Hey, you couldn’t have known, and he didn’t hurt anyone, right?” I reasoned.

  “No, he was in quarantine at the time. But I wasted medicine on him. Medicine that we could have used for someone who really needs it” there was a little anger in her voice.

  “Oh ok.” I was a little shocked at her reply.

  “I sound bad, don’t I?” she asked curling her lip in disgust at herself.

  “To be honest, it does sound harsh but I understand what you are saying. I see the need to keep the meds for the more serious of cases. Hopefully Will and the boys have brought you a lot of goods to re stock your shelves.”

  “Yes, indeed. Let’s look at that ankle” I hopped up onto the bed and lifted the leg of my trousers. The doctor started to ease back the white elastic support that my ankle was encased in. It hurt a little but not as much as it had before. Now it was more discomfort than pain.

  “Ah its looking good, we should try to get some movement in it. I’m heading over to see the captain. I’m sure you know that his office isn’t far from the quarantine area. Would you like to come with me?” she re wrapped my ankle and held her hand out to me.

  “Yeah I would love to see them. I’m so jealous that they got to go without me” I took her hand and she hoisted me up with a strength that she didn’t look like she had in her.

  We started to walk out of the infirmary and towards the main building. It was late afternoon but there were still many people milling about.

  She shook her head disbelievingly. “Most people want to stay well behind the gates, safe behind the men with guns. But you are unique George, you want to be out there fighting the good fight.”

  I held the door open for her to enter the military main building. We were going to access quarantine out the back from the inside this time instead of my normal route around the exterior.


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