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Wielder's Fate

Page 21

by T. B. Christensen

  “I have,” Traven replied groggily. “Your knock startled me awake in the middle of a bad dream.”

  “A vision?” Darian asked, growing serious.

  “No,” he answered. “It was just a normal dream. Is it already time to eat? I feel like I just shut my eyes.”

  “It is time,” the elf confirmed while nodding his head.

  Traven began for the door, but Darian stopped him.

  “You might as well leave your possessions here now and avoid having to walk back up to this chamber after eating. They will be safe here until you return after completing the trial.”

  “Am I allowed to keep my boots on?” Traven asked sarcastically as he began emptying his pockets.

  “Yes,” Darian replied with a chuckle. “You are allowed a shirt, pants, shoes, and a cloak. All else must be left behind.”

  Traven bent over and pulled the dagger from his boot after having emptied his pockets. He set the dagger on the small shelf next to the rest of his possessions. He felt uncomfortable without his sword at his side, his dagger in his boot, and the healing stone in his pocket.

  “Did you find me a warm cloak?” he asked.

  “It is waiting for you downstairs,” Darian replied. “Let us hurry and eat. We want to allow the food time to settle before we defeat the ten elven guards.”

  Traven glanced over his possessions, wishing he could take his sword with him. Resigning himself to his fate, he descended the stairs at Darian’s heels and followed him into the dining room. Celeste and Giselle were already seated next to each other on one side of the table. The other side had two plates loaded with food. Celeste motioned for them to sit down and eat.

  “Aren’t you two going to eat as well?” Traven asked as he sat down.

  “No,” Celeste answered. “It is too early to lunch. We will dine later.”

  Darian began eating in earnest, and Traven followed suit. His stomach was unsettled with the task before him, but he was hungry and knew this would be his last good meal for the next couple of days. He ate a variety of nuts, vegetables, and a large slice of venison. There were also two freshly baked rolls. He finished the delicious meal quickly.

  “Did you like it?” Celeste asked when they had both finished eating.

  “It was delightful,” Darian responded. “But it was not fit to be considered a last meal,” he added with a sly smile.

  “You assured me Traven would be victorious,” Celeste said. “Trusting in your judgment, we have decided to save the feast until after Traven returns from the mountain.”

  Traven was glad to hear that now Darian wasn’t the only one who believed he would succeed.

  “Are you ready?” Darian asked. “The sooner you begin the trial, the sooner you will have the armband.”

  “I’m ready if you are,” Traven said as he stood. “Thank you for the meal, Celeste.”

  Celeste smiled warmly.

  “Let us not waste any more time,” Darian stated as he stood and walked from the room.

  Traven followed as his devoted servant grabbed a thick fur coat hanging near the door and headed into the courtyard. Giselle and Celeste hurried to follow them. All four were soon outside the courtyard and heading back towards the palace.

  “I will carry this for now,” Darian said, holding up the thick cloak. “Unfortunately, you will have to put it on before the trial begins. It will be slightly cumbersome during the fight, but you will be grateful for it once you reach the higher elevations on the mountain.”

  Traven eyed the heavy coat. He hoped it wouldn’t slow him down too much during the first part of the trial. Then again, perhaps the thick fur would help to soften any blows he might receive. As they drew closer to the palace, more and more elves could be seen streaming in the same direction.

  “There will be a short ceremony before the King’s Trial begins,” Darian explained. “It is rare that someone undertakes the trial, so I assume most of the haven will be there to watch it commence.”

  “Not to mention that you are the first human to ever attempt it,” Celeste added.

  They followed a path that passed near the amphitheater and skirted the palace walls. As they rounded the giant Mother Tree, Traven noticed that there was a large clearing not far behind the palace. Glimpses of Mount Morian were visible through the foliage of the few giant trees that stood between the palace and mountain. They soon reached the edge of the clearing. Thousands of elves had already gathered along the edge, but he hardly took notice of them.

  His gaze was fixed on the majestic and foreboding sight of Mount Morian. The mountain rose straight up out of the flat ground of the clearing and reached all the way to the heavens. Half way up, clouds encircled the entire mountain. Its snow-capped peak thrust upwards above the thick band of clouds. While the Mother Tree had dwarfed the other giant trees, Mount Morian dwarfed everything in sight.

  “Come,” Darian said. “The elf king is already waiting.”

  Traven took his eyes off the mountain and surveyed the clearing. Directly in front of him, across the field and near the base of the mountain, he could see the retinue of the elf king. Behind the king there was a small area surrounded by tall wooden poles that were each spaced about an arm span apart. The crowd of elves at the edge of the clearing moved to the side to let Traven and his companions pass through. There were excited whispers and plenty of fingers pointed in his direction.

  Darian led them directly across the field towards the elf king. Traven soon recognized both of Darian’s parents waiting near the king and the same advisors he had seen earlier. There were also numerous other dignitaries nearby. The enormous crowd at the edge of the clearing surged forward, following Traven towards the starting point of the trial.

  When they reached the elf king, Darian made a low bow. Traven followed his example and did the same. The elf king smiled as he rose. He seemed in much better spirits than he had earlier. Celeste walked over to join her mother while Darielle walked over to stand at Traven’s side.

  “You are still determined to do this?” Darielle leaned over and asked.

  “Yes,” Traven replied, trying to keep the nervousness he felt from his voice.

  “We will begin then,” Darielle said with a strained smile. He quickly searched Traven to make sure that he hadn’t brought anything with him. After he was satisfied, he nodded. “Put on your cloak.”

  Traven took the brown fur cloak from Darian and pulled it on. It was bulky but didn’t weigh as much as he had thought it might. It fit well and was very warm. He had no doubt he would be perspiring profusely by the end of the first part of the trial. He left the hood down so his hearing and vision wouldn’t be obstructed. Darielle looked him over once again and turned to the elf king.

  “A candidate for king has arrived,” Darielle announced loudly, in a formal tone.

  “Does he understand the traits necessary to become a king?” the elf king asked.

  “Yes. He has developed them and wishes to be tried, that all may know he has the necessary traits.”

  “Let the candidate step forward,” the king commanded.

  Traven recognized his cue and took a step forward.

  “You wish to undertake the King’s Trial?”

  “Yes,” he replied.

  “You understand your task and the rules associated with it?” the elf king asked with a searching look.

  “Yes,” Traven replied firmly.

  “A king will need support,” the elf king announced to the crowd. “Who will support the candidate?”

  “I will,” Darian replied loudly as he stepped forward and stood next to Traven.

  “The candidate is ready to begin the King’s Trial,” the elf king announced. “He will return victorious or he will die on the mount. Let him show us whether he truly possesses the traits of a king.”

  The crowd erupted in cheers. Traven took a deep breath. It appeared the ceremony was over. Now it was time for the actual trial to begin.

  “This is your last chance t
o reconsider,” Darielle said quietly. “Once you enter the proving ground, there is no turning back.”

  “I know,” he replied. “I have already made my choice and will not back down.”

  “Very well,” Darielle stated. “All you need to do to begin the trial is enter the proving field. Good luck.”

  Celeste hurried over and kissed him on the cheek.

  “That is for good luck,” she said. She then dropped back next to her mother with a dazzling smile.

  “Be careful, Master,” Giselle said quietly. “I hope to get to know you better when you return.”

  “Likewise,” Traven answered with a grin, still surprised by Celeste’s kiss.

  “Come,” Darian said as he took a step towards the proving field. “It is time.”

  Traven joined his devoted servant and walked to the edge of the proving field. The small field was in the shape of an oval and surrounded by the thin wooden poles that were two arm spans high. There was a gap at the front of the oval where they stood that was several arm spans across. A similar opening could be seen across the field at the far side of the oval. It was bordered by two poles that were much taller and thicker than the others. The two poles were carved intricately and marked the entrance to the base of Mount Morian.

  That was his goal and destination. Once he passed between the two poles, the first part of the trial would be over. An elderly elf stepped up next to him and handed him and Darian practice swords. Traven was surprised to see that they were made of a hard wood that wasn’t very flexible at all. He inspected the practice sword and looked at Darian.

  “Yes,” Darian began, reading Traven’s eyes, “these swords are meant to inflict damage on the unskilled. While a normal practice sword will leave a bruise or welt, the swords used in the King’s Trial can break bones if swung hard enough. Many a candidate has been left for dead before he even reached the base of the mountain.”

  Traven took another deep breath to steady his nerves. The more he learned of the trial, the less he liked it. He glanced at the ten elven warriors waiting patiently in the center of the proving field. They all appeared focused and determined to prevent his passage. He realized with a start that he recognized several of them as the most vocal elves in the mob they had encountered when first reaching Morian Haven. One in particular was grinning at them with a malevolent sneer.

  “Do not fear them,” Darian stated confidently. “I have crossed swords with you and know of your skill. These elven warriors are excellent swordsmen, but none match your skill.”

  “Then none match your skill either,” Traven added.

  “Exactly,” Darian said with a smile. “I will do my best to help you reach the other side without so much as a bruise.”

  “Do you have any specific strategy in mind?”

  “Do not let them hit you with their swords,” the elf replied with a grin.

  Traven chuckled. Darian’s confidence and sense of humor when faced with such difficult odds lent him courage. He was once again thankful to have the skilled warrior fighting alongside him.

  “Is that all?” Traven asked. “That plan sounds too simple.”

  “Simple plans work the best,” Darian replied. He then grew serious. “Actually, I do have a strategy to suggest. Our best chance lies in systematically disabling the guards. Each guard that we can eliminate from the fight allows us one less sword to worry about. There are always a few warriors who will rush to meet us when we enter the proving field. They want the glory of bringing down the candidate first. We should endeavor to disable these anxious guards as quickly as possible. We can then fight back to back against the rest until you find an opening to escape. When the chance arrives, seize it and propel yourself between the sacred poles and onto Mount Morian without delay.”

  “Sounds like a good strategy.”

  “Show the guards no mercy,” Darian cautioned. “Their goal is to kill you and me before you reach the base of the mountain. This is not a sparring match. The first part of the trial is designed to be brutal to discourage unworthy candidates from profaning the sacred mountain.”

  “Understood,” he answered gravely.

  “Are you ready?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”


  Traven cleared his mind. The noise of the anxious crowd disappeared. The uncomfortable heat of his heavy cloak faded from his thoughts. He focused on the field in front of him and the ten elven warriors standing in the center of it. For now, the small, oval battlefield was all he knew. He took a solid step forward and placed his feet firmly inside the proving field. Darian immediately moved forward to stand on his right side. The cheering of the crowd instantly turned into an expectant silence.

  The ten guards stared back at him with calculating looks. After several moments of silence, two of the warriors rushed forward just as Darian had predicted. The one to the left was slightly faster and would reach them first.

  “Go for his legs,” Traven whispered quickly to Darian.

  Darian nodded, and as one they jumped forward to meet the lead attacker. Traven whipped up his sword and blocked the attacker’s strike with a loud crack while Darian leveled a vicious blow to the elf’s legs. As the guard crashed to the ground, Traven leapt over him and engaged the second attacker. The elf was quick but not quick enough to penetrate Traven’s defenses. As had been the case ever since he began wielding the ambience, he could easily sense where every stroke of his opponent’s sword would land before it happened. Darian was soon back at his side, and the two of them easily subdued the warrior.

  Traven stepped over the second guard’s motionless body in the direction of the remaining eight elven guards. He read surprise, determination, and even fear on some of their faces. He glanced over at Darian who had an excited smile on his lips.

  “That was easy,” Darian said quietly. “Two down, eight to go.”

  Traven continued studying the remaining eight elves. It appeared that none of them were eager to separate themselves from the others. He took another firm step towards them as he studied his goal. He wondered if he could somehow sprint past the guards and avoid fighting all of them. Unfortunately, the proving field was too narrow for him to slip by without engaging at least some of the remaining warriors. He waited a few more moments, but it became apparent he would have to make the next move.

  “Shall we?” Darian said with gleaming eyes.

  Traven nodded, and they began advancing boldly towards those blocking their passage. They were soon close to the center of the field. Darian suddenly leapt ahead of him and charged directly into the center of the guards. Traven immediately followed at his heels.

  Darian attacked the guards with a fury that surprised even Traven. Several of the elves stumbled backwards with surprise and one even fell. Traven dove into the fray, protecting Darian’s back and defending himself from the various blows that were sent his way.

  He was soon lost in the flow of the swords. He had to push his body to its limits to produce the speed necessary to deflect all the attacks, but once he found the proper rhythm, it became easy. Darian fought furiously behind him. The two moved in unison, both trusting that the other would protect his back from any dangers. It was precisely that trust that allowed them to slowly work their way towards the far end of the field while withstanding all of the attacks sent against them.

  The eight elven guards were careful to stay between Traven and the exit of the proving field. Once or twice he thought he might have a chance to make a run for it, but the gaps always closed up immediately. As they got closer to the edge, two of the guards disengaged from the fray and positioned themselves directly in front of the narrow opening that led to the mountain. That only left six guards on the attack.

  Traven began sweating profusely under the strain of defending himself against multiple attackers while wearing the heavy cloak. He wondered how Darian was holding up. Probably better than he was. He knew he could keep up his solid defense for quite a while, but eventually he wo
uld slow down from fatigue. If he hoped to make it to the base of the mountain with any energy remaining, they would need to employ a new strategy.

  The right moment finally presented itself, and he sprang forward, surprising the two guards directly in front of him. He took one of them in the chest with his foot and unleashed a blazing flurry of sword strokes on the other one as the first fell backward. He landed one hard stroke across the arm of the guard before spinning around and cracking his sword against the head of another guard who had taken the opportunity to try and attack Darian’s exposed back. Traven leapt over the guard as the elf crumpled to the ground and began defending Darian’s back once again against the guard he had kicked in the chest and the guard left with only one good arm.

  Darian’s focus was so concentrated on the three elves in front of him that it didn’t appear as if he had even noticed Traven’s brief absence. The elf was doing an amazing job in keeping the three guards occupied. Traven realized that with only the two elves left attacking him, he might be able to overpower them. He defended carefully for several moments as he thought up a new plan of attack. He finally decided to employ a trick he had learned from Blaize.

  Traven suddenly dove to one side and sprang up with his sword ready to block the swipe coming down upon him. The sound of the crack hadn’t even faded when he dove to the side again. This time his sword flashed out and swiped one of the guards’ legs as he rolled past. The guard came crashing down. Traven took the opportunity to launch himself onto the remaining guard and attack with all his quickness and skill. He promptly landed several glancing strokes on his opponent before connecting a solid strike to the guard’s knee.

  As the guard crumpled to the ground with a groan, Traven turned to face the other guard whose feet he had just swiped. He was too slow and received a blow against his left side. Luckily, his thick coat softened the strike to the point where he hardly noticed it. He immediately counterattacked and soon had the guard stumbling backward. He took advantage and continued pressing his attacker until the elf backed into one of the tall poles that formed the side border of the proving field.


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