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Claiming of a Sex Demon

Page 2

by Jaye Shields

  A second later, another form descended down the stairs. Lennox looked to the long, leather-clad legs. Human looking hands buttoned up a plain black shirt. He’d never seen a sex demon before, but the man making his way to the bar looked normal.

  “Water on ice, please.” The voice was cocky, and Lennox wondered if the man realized how unwelcome his presence was. He set his focus on the woman. “Hello there, gorgeous.”

  Megara turned away from Lennox and Zamuel to smile at the cause of the screams they’d heard. “Hi, I’m Megara.”

  Zamuel stood in a rush, knocking over his chair and stealing Lennox’s dagger from its sheath in one swift move. “You’re not welcome here, demon.”

  “Strange.” The newcomer became a flash of speed and stole the blade from Zamuel. He unleashed a grin of stark, white teeth. “I’ve felt quite welcomed until just now.”

  Zamuel didn’t miss a beat and punched the cocky ass in the face. The sex demon immediately sprang toward Zamuel, but Lennox had his long sword pointed on the stranger in an instant.

  “A good blacksmith always carries more than one blade,” Lennox warned. “Now, be off.”

  He was met with a yellow-eyed glare, but sex demon or not, Lennox didn’t like the man messing with his brother-in-law.

  “All right then.” The male laughed and turned toward the door, but Lennox prodded him with the sword.

  “I’ll have my dagger back.”

  It flipped through the air and Lennox caught it with his free hand. The sex demon departed through a watchful crowd, but turned and winked at the woman beside Zamuel. “If you’re left unsatisfied, gorgeous, you know where to find me.” And then he was gone.

  * * * *

  Emmerie needed some air. Pulling on her heavy, white cloak, she departed her small home that sat just on the edge of town. Lennox had most certainly walked the ten minutes it took to arrive at the meadhouse where her brother relaxed in the evening. She, on the other hand, was heading to the only place where she could be depressed in peace, Hidden Lake.

  The warm sun had already set for the day, and all that was left was the dark purple glow of the moon-lit night escaping through the forest canopy. The farther she walked from her home, the denser the trees became, and she welcomed the creepy darkness of the woods. After all, that’s how she felt most of the time. Dark.

  Finally, the comfort of the calm lake water beckoned her into the clearing. The light of the moon became a round lily pad on the lake, matching many of the floating white lotus flowers. This was the only place where she didn’t need to smile. She could embrace her true mood without causing concern among her family and husband.

  “Have I encountered a dryad or an angel?” an amused voice whispered from beside her. She turned and tilted her hood back just enough to look up at the tall stranger. His eyes were the color of fire burning against the dark backdrop of the forest. The stranger from the village. Amusement flickered in the stare he’d fixed upon her. She noticed his gaze trickle down the folds of her cloak, seeking out what lie underneath.

  “Well, I wasn’t born from a tree, so I’m not a dryad. And contrary to popular belief, I’m not an angel.”

  “Is that an invitation?”

  “Of course not!” Her shriek echoed across the clearing. Never before had she been spoken to in such a manner. She contained her next words in a chiding whisper. “How dare you speak to me in such a way?”

  “I suppose you aren’t a dryad. You’re wearing far too many clothes, and any creature trained by the goddess of the hunt would have kicked my ass by now.”

  Her cheeks flushed at the crass language.

  “You blush at my profanity? So you are an angel then.”

  She slapped him. Oh my God, she slapped him. For the first time in her life, she’d taken a backseat to her frustrations and she’d let them drive her hand right across the sex demon’s face. But when he turned his eyes back to her, bringing his hand to his jaw, she noticed that the amusement still hadn’t fled his gaze.

  “People in this town are quite welcoming.”

  She narrowed a glare at him. He was young and cocky and, although she hated to admit it, he was handsome too. In the darkness of evening, his amber eyes glowed all the more like fire. The dark, black hair falling against his pale face made him look more primal than he had during the day with young Riley. Emmerie took a step back, his presence making her feel suddenly claustrophobic in the spacious clearing. His jaw was set, as if he were someone to be reckoned with, yet the subtle smile on his lips hadn’t left since the moment she’d laid eyes on him.

  “If you’ve received anything less than a warm welcome,” she lectured, “it’s because your sarcasm is unbecoming.”

  “Among other things.” His constant smile left her unnerved. She swore he was on the edge of laughter.

  Emmerie turned to leave, but a strong grip found her shoulder and spun her around. Determined lips crushed hers. She struggled, but the stranger only brought her closer. His lips were soft, but he plundered her mouth with his tongue as if he needed to taste every inch of her. In only seconds, she was convinced that her mouth carried the sweetest taste on earth. Like a traitor, her body sank against his and Emmerie welcomed his tongue with her own.

  When a moan escaped her, reality slapped her in the face. What’s gotten into me? She jerked out of his arms and fell against the ground. Her hood fell back and her long hair spilled onto the leaves beneath her. The stranger knelt before her, but didn’t help her up.

  “You’re too beautiful to be an angel. You were crafted by the gods to be with a sinner. Luckily, you’ve found me.” Again with the damned smile.

  “Actually, I was crafted by God, to be with a gentleman. And guess what, I’m married to one, so don’t ever put your hands on me again.”

  “You didn’t act married a moment ago.”

  Emmerie saw red, shot up from the ground, and threw her hand toward his cheek once more. The stranger was fast and caught her wrist. The sleeve of her cloak slid down and revealed the ring on her finger. He stared at it, his fiery gaze still ever-amused.

  “What a pretty steel ring. Elegantly crafted.”

  Em thought she spied recognition flash in his amber stare. “Yes, made by my husband, an expert blacksmith. He hasn’t left me without gifts.” With her free hand, she whipped out a ruby encrusted dagger and pointed it at the stranger. “Now, leave me in peace.”

  “I’ll leave, sugar, but you were never in peace. And I have a feeling that after I leave, you’re going to be even more frustrated than before.”

  He pushed the blade aside and assaulted her mouth once more. Heat came off his body in waves, and Em no longer needed her cloak for warmth. This time, his lips slowly navigated hers, taking the time to fully explore her in a kiss that never seemed to end. Emmerie’s mind calmed; the dark stranger left her no choice but to have her mouth plundered in a slow, erotic fashion. For once, she wasn’t being treated like a fragile doll. She wasn’t breakable in the arms of this stranger and so she let herself fall into his embrace.

  Then shame overwhelmed her. “Lennox.”

  “Actually, it’s Reza.” He took a step back. “You’ve fully convinced me now that you’re angel.”

  “I’m not an angel.” Her voice broke.

  “Yes, you are. Because I know how badly you want me. And yet you turn me away.”

  His gaze burned into her, a smoldering hot brand, but he turned and departed through the forest. Only then did Emmerie realize she was shaking.

  * * * *

  Reza wasn’t about to leave a delicious young woman alone in the forest. His intention was to linger in the shadows and follow her home to ensure her safety. But the sensual wood nymph didn’t leave. No, the captivating human removed her cloak and continued undressing. He knew he should look away, but he couldn’t pry his eyes from the angel’s ethereal body.

  She was even more beautiful than he’d realized the first time he’d laid eyes on her in the village. Her long blonde
hair spilled down, effectively shielding the subtle curve of her breasts from his eyes. From the woods behind her, Reza had a sinful view of her pert derriere. It took every ounce of his self-control to remain undercover and not go to her, grab her by the ass, and wipe that tormented look off her face.

  And she did look tormented, but it wasn’t caused only by his actions. Reza thought back to the encounter at the inn with the blacksmith. If that man had hurt her, Reza would see that the steel-worker suffered equal pain. An unaccustomed anger simmered beneath his skin. Maybe he just needed to get laid again. It was true; a sex demon needed climax to survive. And his latest encounter with the angel from the woods left him wanting.

  Reza watched her walk to the lake’s edge and step into the night water. It would be cold. Very cold. She wouldn’t be hot-blooded like his own kind, and Reza knew she could catch sickness. He moved toward the water, but halted in his tracks when he spied a smile on her face. Every other beautiful thing in the world turned dark and ugly, for nothing could rival the earth-shattering serenity of this woman’s smile. He watched her hands slither out to fondle the water and let it sift between her fingertips. Gods, he wanted his skin to be that water. But this woman didn’t hunger for sex. No, she hungered for freedom. Soon, he’d give her both. Soon.

  Chapter 3

  The next morning, Reza finished his breakfast at the inn and stepped out in the bright morning rays. That’s one thing he loved about this region, the sun. Back in his hometown of Sprecia, the days were long and dreary, which was his cause for travel. Well, that and seeking out a life companion. Being dependent on sex in a small town got uncomfortable after a while. And sex demons weren’t immortal; the older they got, the more difficult it became to find sexual partners. He’d seen his own kind wither and die many times before because they hadn’t found proper release.

  So now he searched for a succubus, a female sex demon, who could meet his raw sexual appetite and commit to him for a lifetime. So far, sex demons had been few and far between during his travels. The ones he did find were obvious flight risks and narcissistic snobs. His sister and his childhood friend back home had set the standard high for his idea of what a woman should be. The only woman that had held a candle since he’d left home, the angel from the lake, was already taken.

  Out of nowhere, a body collided with his own, slamming him against a wall in a shallow alley. “Hey there, remember me?”

  Reza took in the sight of the attractive human female from the bar. “Megara, was it?”

  “Good memory.” She leaned in and whispered against his ear, letting her bottom lip kiss his skin as she spoke. “I’m impressed.” He hardened instantly. “So, is it true that you’re a sex demon?”

  “Look, normally I don’t mind being used to scratch an itch. But at the moment, I’m not in the mood.” Total lie. He was always in the mood. But he couldn’t get the woman with the angelic blue eyes out of his head.

  “Liar.” The woman tackled him to the ground, covering his body with her own. She arched against him and thrust her tongue into his mouth. Her teeth caught his bottom lip and he groaned with need. A commotion brought them to an abrupt halt.

  “Oh, sorry. Hi, Meg.” The angel from the woods blushed, but her face was somber, emotionless as her gaze met his.

  “It’s not what it looks like.” His own apologetic tone staggered him.

  “What are you talking about?” Megara’s offended voice gritted through clenched teeth.

  Reza didn’t spare her a glance, focusing on the surprise taking over the angel’s expression.

  “And Em, why do you care what it looks like?” Megara asked.

  “I don’t. This guy’s a looney.”

  “Em?” Reza focused on the blonde-haired sweet who’d plastered on a don’t-worry-about-me smile.

  “I’ll let you two get back to your business.”

  The young woman called Em darted away. Reza moved to get up, but Megara didn’t budge from on top of him. “Get off me.”

  Hurt crossed over her expression, but he didn’t care at the moment. His balls hurt much more than her feelings right now. But he only craved one woman. Em intrigued him. He had to find out if she was the one. Even if she was forbidden…

  * * * *

  After Emmerie’s devoted husband had made her breakfast, Lennox traveled to a distant village to sell his beautiful blades. He wanted to give her everything, he’d said. And so Lennox went to a nearby city with hopes to bring back more money. He’d be gone a week.

  The first thing she did was go into town to buy some mulled wine. Every time Lennox went away, this was her dirty secret. She knew a lady shouldn’t drink, but it was the only thing that blurred the lines of her haunting depression. She had no reason to be sad, but the truth was, she couldn’t help it and she had no idea why. And then on her way through town she’d seen the stranger from the woods. It was barely mid-morning and the handsome, albeit frustrating, stranger already had a woman in his lap. In the middle of an alley no less.

  When she’d seen them, Emmerie had been slammed by two emotions—disappointment and lust. The night before, he’d kissed her as if she were the only woman in the world. And truthfully, she’d tossed and turned all night in a hot sweat imagining the stranger taking her body in the woods. Catching him in the alley made her feel like just another pawn in his quest for pleasure. The heat that flooded the area between her legs had no problem being a pawn.

  She’d hurried home, but not before grabbing her wine. Now, she smiled as she uncorked it. Ah, sweet silence. No expectations. Just time. She felt guilty for not being sadder that her husband was gone, but that’s what the wine was for. She was tired of feeling guilty. Guilty of not meeting her husband’s needs in bed. Guilty for seeming sad all the time. Guilty for wanting wine. Just let the guilt fade away.

  Emmerie put the bottle to her lips and drank heavily. The scent of cinnamon and cardamom infiltrated her senses as she drank the warm berry wine. It was spicy and left her feeling exotic in her own skin. The same way she’d felt ever since the stranger from the woods laid eyes on her, looking past the folds of her cloak, seeking out what lie beneath. No one had ever looked at her like that. Not even her husband. Everyone looked at her as if she were breakable. But there was a fire in her. And luckily, it surfaced after a few good gulps of wine.

  Thinking of the handsome stranger from the night before caused heat to flood her body. Lennox’s sweet looks rarely produced a flicker within her. Even though he was muscular, his face was gentle, his blue eyes kind and patient. His dark blond hair made him look almost like family. But the stranger… His hair was dark and his eyes otherworldly. No one in town had eyes like that. And his face. The demon’s jaw was strong and the planes of his face were sharp enough to cut ice. The severity of his movements had frightened her, yet his presence was lightness. His body had been hard against hers. His hands had gripped her with expert need. His tongue had stroked hers…

  She wanted to touch herself, but the thought caused her to blush. She looked around the kitchen for something to use to caress her own tender flesh and seek out pleasure. She opened a drawer and grabbed a spoon. That’ll do.

  Emmerie put the bottle of wine to her lips once more and chugged deep, letting the liquid slide down her throat in a sensual fashion. She giggled as the wine took effect. Running to her bedroom with the wine in one hand and the spoon in the other, she threw herself onto the bed. Setting the wine on the bedside table, Em slid the spoon under her panties and dipped it low. The metal found her sensitive skin and she bit her lip against the sensation. Slowly, she began rubbing the edge of the utensil against the tiny hood hidden between her folds. She wasn’t wet, and the hard edge grated against her like gentle erotic torture. She began to throb for the inanimate object bringing her slow pleasure. The thing she loved most about the spoon? No pressure.

  * * * *

  Reza nearly came all over his pants. After following Em home, he’d watched her dance, smile, and even giggle. But
if that hadn’t already stirred him with lust, he’d watched her take a spoon into bed with her. Now, he let himself in through an open window and made his way to the bedroom, because obviously, the blacksmith wasn’t home. He walked into the room as silently as possible and watched. She was fully clothed, and yet she writhed against her bed as the spoon slid in and out of the top of her underwear. Gods. She was innocent, and yet sinfully tantalizing. She had no idea how mouthwatering she was. But she was about to find out.

  “You know what feels even better than a spoon?”

  Her surprise caused the poor instrument to be flung across the room. It hit the wall with a thud and Reza approached the bed where she laid. Her horrified look made him chuckle. Luckily, she didn’t move from where she lie on the soft comforter. Instead, she froze.

  “A tongue.” Reza sat on the bed by her feet and pushed the hem of her dress up higher. Her plain cotton panties became exposed and Reza heard her breath catch. Her big blue eyes focused on him. He fingered the fabric of her panties and tugged gently. “May I?”

  A storm of desire passed through her sapphire gaze, shimmering into a sensual shade of gray. He was going to take that as a yes. Reza gripped the white cotton and pushed it to the side, revealing soft blonde curls. They glistened with moisture, and Reza practically salivated at the sight. His cock became so hard against his pants that he thought it would explode through the fabric. And now to taste her. Reza nuzzled her core and inhaled the scent of honey. He licked out with his tongue and was awarded with a loud cry. He tasted her with renewed intensity, letting her sweet honey be soaked up by his tongue. She was delicious. Her moans became music to his ears until he was sure there was no other sound he’d rather hear for the rest of his life.

  She squeezed her thighs shut, capturing his head between the force of her legs. He smiled and pried her legs back apart. “I don’t know if you’ve heard, but I’m a sex demon, and we don’t give up so easily.”


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