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Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset

Page 8

by Jeana E. Mann

  She turned to Mack who was sweating and swearing as she kicked the pile of ash at her feet. Elsie stood there, bracing her hands on her knees as her face throbbed and her heart raced while she struggled to draw in a full breath. The fight hadn’t lasted that long, but she ached all over.

  Elsie’s cell vibrated, startling her, and she pulled it out of her pocket, checking the screen. It was Orlando.

  She flipped the top. “Hello,” she panted.

  “Hey, El. I’ve been calling you, what’s going on?” he asked.

  “Sorry, I’m out with a friend.”

  Elsie’s heart pounded in her ears and she held her breath, waiting to hear what he was going to say. Orlando couldn’t possibly know she killed a vampire. She looked around but saw no one, and shook off her paranoia.

  “Well, we’re at your house with chick flicks, hoping you’re up for company. I still didn’t get that pedicure.” The tension broke and she laughed, noticing that Mack was eyeing her curiously. “Come home. Zander has more presents for you,” Orlando added.

  Zander? Presents?

  “Okay. Be there in twenty.”

  “What was that about?” Mack asked suspiciously when the call ended.

  Jacked up with adrenaline and mixed feelings about seeing Zander again, she glanced sideways at her friend. Her eye was swelling and she knew it would be bruised by morning.

  “It was one of the detectives on Dalton’s case. We’ve become friends, believe it or not. He wants to watch a movie. After this fight, I could use it,” Elsie stated.

  “You need to watch it. Cops are ignorant of what’s really out there and would lock you up for murder if they knew what we did. And, you look like you just got in a fight. What are you going to tell them?” Mack questioned.

  “I’m always careful and will think of something. You taught me well,” Elsie reminded her friend as she laced her arm through Mack’s and they limped back to her car.


  Elsie squinted as headlights shined in her rearview mirror, making her eye hurt more. She hadn’t concocted a story to tell Orlando and Santiago when she saw them. Police detectives weren’t likely to let the matter slide. And, then there was Zander. He wasn’t going to buy that she accidentally bumped into something.

  To make matters worse, the swelling from her eye had spread and her entire face throbbed from the pain. Every breath she took was a stab to the side, convincing her that she had cracked a rib. If she were smart, she would stop hunting vampires but that wasn’t going to happen. Mack and SOVA had given her life purpose again, and she wasn’t about to give that up.

  She parked her car and glanced into her rearview mirror. Mack was right. She looked like she had gone ten rounds in a boxing ring. Her cheek was already turning blue and her eye was nearly swollen shut. She didn’t carry makeup in her purse, not that it would hide the injury. She’d better come up with something fast.

  She looked over and saw Zander’s intense blue eyes and stern expression as he approached her vehicle. Even through her swollen eye, Elsie admired the blue cotton t-shirt straining over his muscled chest.

  Elsie opened her door and climbed out of the car. Orlando gasped, while at the same time, Zander went rigid as soon as he laid eyes on her.

  “What happened?” Zander said through gritted teeth. Elsie began to sweat and her mind went blank.

  She blinked up at him and opened her mouth only to close it. She couldn’t tell him the truth but didn’t want to lie to him, either. “My friend and I were, uh, kickboxing and I didn’t duck fast enough,” she murmured on a groan as pain wracked her face.

  That was close to the truth. She hadn’t ducked fast enough when the vamp attacked. Zander eyed her suspiciously and she quickly turned to glance at Orlando.

  “You need to stop kickboxing, cupcake. It seems you’re not very good at it. If you don’t watch out, you could get seriously injured,” Orlando chastised.

  She half-laughed and limped to her front door. “Come on in,” she offered after unlocking the door.

  Zander’s gaze slowly trailed down her body, sending searing heat through her beaten bones. Better than any heating pad.

  “Aside from the bruises, you look tired. How did you sleep last night?” Zander asked and paused next to her as he grasped her hand, bringing it to his lips.

  The kiss released electrical tremors, and his words caused blood to flood her face. Her words froze in her throat. Could he know she had dreamt of making love to him last night?

  “I slept okay,” she stammered.

  Zander’s expression said he knew every dirty detail and wanted it for real. Oh, God.

  “I brought you more chocolates, as well as, other surprises.” He remained in place despite the fact they were crammed face to face in the narrow entryway.

  Orlando slapped her on the shoulder, breaking the connection. “You gonna make me stand out here all night? I brought tequila and your favorite energy drinks,” he offered as he waved a bag in her face.

  The man already knew what she liked and they just happened to be two items she couldn’t afford this week so she was one happy lady.

  She couldn’t resist teasing him. “Uhhhhh, yep I am,” she replied, shutting the door in his face.

  She was laughing when Orlando called out from the other side of the door. “Damn, that hurt. Fine. I’ll leave and take these,” she could hear the rattle of bottles, “home with me.”

  She opened the door and grabbed the grocery bag then shut it again. At that, Zander burst out laughing. She looked over at him and nearly collapsed. Laughter had transformed his sharp patrician features. Simply gorgeous.

  Orlando was talking when she opened her door. “I’ll let that one slide, El, but know that my feelings are fragile and you might hurt them.”

  “Uh-huh,” she said dubiously. “So what movies did you bring this time?” She limped toward the living room and felt two sets of eyes watching her closely.

  Zander set down several bags and a large, white box on top of her coffee table then helped her to the futon. Zander sat so close to her that their thighs touched. She wasn’t sure what to do. It wasn’t necessarily inappropriate, but it was intimate. It was everything she didn’t want, especially after her dream. He reached up and gingerly touched her cheek. The touch was light and it occurred to Elsie that her cheek didn’t hurt at all with his simple caress. Time for a distraction.

  “Fetch me a drink,” she ordered Orlando with a wink.

  “Anything you want, cupcake. I believe Zander brought goodies, too.” Orlando said as he headed into her kitchen.

  She doubted she could eat anything. Her stomach was a roiling mess, but she couldn’t deny her curiosity. “What did you bring?” she asked Zander.

  Zander’s masculine voice rumbled with his Scottish brogue. “I brought bonbons, a ghra.” Something about the phrase tickled her memory but she was unable to chase down the thread. “My piuthar, Breslin, assured me females like to watch TV and eat the ice-cream treats.”

  Elsie couldn’t help but laugh, and immediately clutched her side when pain assailed. “I‘m not sure what puithar is, but I assume that it’s your sister or your mom. That idea is old-fashioned. Women don’t sit around eating bonbons anymore. Not that I believe they ever did.”

  The way his eyebrows creased and his brow furrowed was adorable. He shrugged and reached to the white box on her coffee table. He removed the lid, revealing two pillows inside.

  “It wouldna be the first time my sister was wrong. No’ that I’ll tell her that. She’d kick my arse. Here,” he said as he handed her the softest creation she’d ever felt. “I remembered what you said last night aboot no’ sleeping, and I hope these help.”

  The ice around her heart melted a fraction. How did Zander know exactly the right things to say, and do?

  “I can’t believe you remembered that, of all things. I don’t feel right about accepting gifts from you,” she admitted.

  “I remember every detail of o
ur conversations, and want to help. You’ve been through a lot. Now sleep,” he said, propping the pillows on the side of the futon.

  “You can’t demand that I sleep. It doesn’t work that way,” she quipped.

  Boy, he wasn’t kidding when he said he was used to giving orders. That didn’t change the fact that the pillows were calling her name. She laid her head down and it was like laying on a cloud. They were so soft, and cradled her face without causing more discomfort. She knew she needed to shower and clean the dirt and vamp dust off her body, but she was too comfortable to budge.

  Zander laid one of his big, strong hands on her shoulder and mesmerized her with his hypnotic blue eyes. It registered somewhere in her muddled brain that he had picked up her legs and draped them across his lap, but all she could think about was sleep.

  “I believe it does work that way, Elsie. You are, after all, resting comfortably now,” Zander stated.

  He was right. She relaxed into the pillow and was content to remain there. Her body was exhausted from lack of sleep and the adrenaline from the fight had worn off, leaving her more fatigued. Still, she didn’t know these men that well and was uncomfortable lying there. She tried to sit up but Zander stopped her.

  “Let me up,” she argued. Despite her vulnerable position, she wasn’t afraid.

  She should be frightened. Zander scowled more than he smiled, had more muscles than Hulk, and was intimidating as hell. Most often, he looked as if he could tear you apart without breaking a sweat. Yet there was something intangible, something she couldn’t explain, that made her believe he would never harm her.

  His face softened as one corner of his mouth curled. “Nay, I am rather enjoying this. ‘Tis something I’ve never done.” He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths and said, “I will never harm you. Relax and settle your tired body…please.” He added the last with reluctance. It was obvious he was unfamiliar with saying the phrase.

  “There you go again, Mr. Bossy Pants.” Elsie wondered how a man could be so overbearing with today’s society. He was domineering and controlling and she was shocked that she found it attractive. “What haven’t you ever done before?” Elsie asked.

  “Och, I’ve never catered to anyone but my siblings.”

  “Not even a girlfriend?” She couldn’t believe she asked him such a personal question. It was none of her business, and it implied an interest she wanted to keep buried and hidden.

  “Nay,” he murmured, running his hand over her calf.

  She curled her legs into her body. “Whoa there, buddy. I like you, but we’re just friends. Hell, I barely know you.” She may lust after the man, but that didn’t mean she wanted more. Or, did she?

  Zander kept his eyes locked on hers and she noticed one of his eyebrows arch. “I canna deny my attraction to you, but I willna push you, either. I willna jeopardize the gift of your friendship. Now tell me aboot your day. It looks like it was pretty exciting.”

  His voice ticked up at the end. Was he implying anything? No way he knew about her encounter with the vampires. Her heart began pounding in her chest at the suspicion in his voice. Paranoia was becoming her best friend.

  “I didn’t do much. Took my sister to the airport and did some work on my final papers. Then, as you know, I didn’t fare well kickboxing with my friend Mack.”

  “Tell me aboot this Mack. “Tis an interesting name,” he gritted, and Elsie noticed his hand tense on his leg.

  Did Zander think Mack was a guy? Was he jealous? The idea excited her more than it should.

  She smiled at the gruff Scotsman. “Mack is short for Mackendra,” she explained with a smile. “Aside from my sister, she is my best friend.”

  Orlando’s returned, drink in hand. “Madame,” he bowed and presented the plastic cup. “I combined a little of your energy drink with the margarita. Tell me what you think.”

  “Why thank you, Jeeves,” she teased. Elsie took a sip and her eyes rolled back in her head. “Mmmmm, this is delicious. I can’t believe I didn’t think of doing that. How about putting in one of those comedies you brought.”

  She had to stop the conversation from going back to Mack. Her patrols with SOVA weren’t something she was free to discuss. Best to avoid anything remotely related to it.

  “Sure, any preferences?” Orlando asked.

  She propped the pillow against the arm of the futon, and sat upright. “No, I don’t care. I haven’t seen any of them yet,” she replied.

  Zander’s hand reached out to her feet and he unlaced her tennis shoes, slipping them off her feet. She wiggled her toes and felt his fingers trace lightly over the tops of her socks. It was as if he couldn’t stop from touching her and she acknowledged that she liked the attention. It had been so long since she sat and cuddled with someone. It was harmless enough to allow this intimacy.

  Zander pulled out a box of the yummy caramels. All she could manage to eat were a couple. Next, he tried the clam chowder he brought, but that was also a no-go. When she refused the soup, he grabbed her spoon and finished the chowder. Watching Zander eat reminded her of all the dirty things he did with his mouth in her dream. Don’t go there, she chastised.

  Orlando selected a movie then brought the rest of the caramels and bonbons to the futon. They settled in and watched Melissa McCarthy do her thing in yet another great movie. Elsie laughed and gasped at the pain her laughter caused.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Zander asked, tracing her rib.

  “It’s just sore from kickboxing,” she prevaricated. He nodded and held her gaze for several seconds. Her chest warmed and she felt a pull towards him.

  Apparently, Zander felt the same pull as she noticed his hands twitch several times. More than once, he reached for her hand but stopped himself. When the movie ended, Elsie realized she’d watched Zander more than the television.

  She stood and stretched, careful of her injuries. “Thank you for stopping by. I need to head to bed. I have an early class.”

  Zander lifted her hand and brought it to his lips for a lingering kiss. His mouth was warm and sensual on her skin. He met her eyes and the connection between them flared. He laid his desires bare for a split second before he shuttered his expression. She appreciated his consideration given how guilty she was feeling over her emotions.

  “Sweet dreams, a ghra,” Zander husked. His sexy smile had her hoping for a repeat of last night.

  “You need to take up a different sport, cupcake,” Orlando teased. She flipped him off, shutting and locking her door behind them.

  Moments later, she heard a noise at the door. Figuring one of them had forgotten something, she opened the door and was surprised to see the white cat from the cemetery on her stoop. That was odd.

  When she stepped outside to scan the parking lot, the little hellion scampered in and jumped up onto her futon. He wasted no time getting comfortable, kneading his claws on her furniture as if he lived there.

  “You are a mystery, I’ll give you that. Good thing you’re a cutie,” she muttered as she shrugged her shoulders. She had no idea how the animal found her but she didn’t have the heart to throw him out.

  She sighed and went into the bathroom to shower and change into her pajamas. When she returned to the living room, her furry friend was purring peacefully like he belonged there. Her life had become so strange. The Twilight Zone had nothing on her.


  Zander wasn’t a patient male and it was difficult to give his mate the space she needed. He wanted everything and wanted it right now, but would never turn his back on the one thing that she could give him. Her friendship, he was learning, was as important as the rest. The concept of a female friendship was foreign to him. The females in his life consisted of the occasional bed partner, not platonic friends.

  His father had told him that Fated Mates consisted of intense connections. A bond that couldn’t be broken. What he hadn’t expected was to care so much about her opinion of him. He wanted her body and soul but none of that me
ant anything without her loving heart.

  After ordering Orlando to shift and remain with his mate, he made his way home, recalling how Elsie had chastised him for bossing her around and put him in his place. No creature had ever dared to speak to him in such a manner. Most were too afraid of him, as they should be. Elsie was the only one who would ever get away with it.

  With Orlando by her side, he was able to check in with the warrior telepathically. Each time she woke, Orlando told him that his mate went through a ritual of throwing up and crying, before she did some school work then went back to bed. It turned out to be a long night of worry for Zander.

  He knew nothing about humans and wondered about the effects of not eating or sleeping. For an immortal, it was of no consequence but for a human, it couldn’t be good. He questioned the Goddess’s choice once again for blessing him a human. Despite his dissatisfaction with the situation, his Elsie was now essential to his survival. And, the little minx was worming her way into his heart.

  Orlando returned to Zeum when Elsie left for class. Orlando informed him that she had an hour class before her shift at the restaurant. He hated the thought of her waiting tables all night when he knew she hadn’t slept more than a few hours.

  He was unable to sit still, needing to see her. When he went searching for Orlando, he saw an update in the war room that he and Santiago had been called to a homicide. In an effort to keep busy, he dealt with the paperwork and reports on his desk. Once all the menial tasks were done and there was nothing pressing on his plate, he was at a loss. The compulsion to be near her was driving him crazy.

  Zander grabbed his car keys and headed for the front door. Dinner it was.


  Zander gripped the leather-wrapped steering wheel of his Jag as he drove south, considering the past several days. His strength was tested in ways he never expected. He’d fought countless enemies over the centuries, and won, but questioned if he was strong enough to resist claiming Elsie. He didn’t want to do anything that would cause him to lose her forever but he needed her body and blood.


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