Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset

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Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset Page 13

by Jeana E. Mann

  He removed her hand again. “Doona touch me, Lena,” he demanded and met her gaze.

  “Ah, mon tresor. I know I’m the one for you. Search your heart and feel it like I do,” she urged as she unzipped her leather jacket to expose more of her cleavage.

  His body didn’t react to her words or actions. In fact, his flesh was crawling to get away from her.

  “Lena, I’m sorry, but you are no’ the one for me. ‘Tis a true miracle, the Goddess has blessed me with my Fated Mate. I hope you can understand,” Zander stated.

  Her eyes narrowed but her tone softened. “I’m sorry, mon coeur. As you can imagine, your news took me by surprise. Obviously, I’m upset that our time together is over, but I want to see you happy. I would do anything for you,” Lena replied as she batted long eyelashes. His instincts rang with alarm at the calculating look in her eyes.

  Shaking his head, he responded to her. “I havena made an official announcement. My mate is no’ in a position for a ceremony right now. She has become a target of the skirm. I canna put her in the spotlight. My Dark Warriors are helping me to keep her safe.” Zander clenched his fists against his fear and anger.

  “This war with the demons and their skirm is far more dangerous than ever before. The announcement will be made when we are ready to move forward with the mating,” he added and took a step back, needing space from Lena.

  “Dieu, I assume your mate is human. Otherwise, you wouldn’t need help protecting her. I would’ve thought the Goddess would bless the Vampire King with a supernatural. But never mind that. Tell me how I can help. You know females, especially human ones, are different creatures and require special handling, n’est-ce pas? I assume she knows nothing of Tehrex Realm, or the war and world, she is about to rule. I could be her personal guide. Your Dark Warriors are great for battling demons but this is not a job for them,” Lena remarked, a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

  Not going to happen. He held any further thoughts and feelings close to his heart. Telling anyone, especially Lena, that Elsie fought skirm was a bad idea. And, he wasn’t about to entrust his mate to this female.

  “I appreciate the offer, Lena, but I have everything under control. I doona need your help. I may no’ know much aboot females but I’m certain having someone that I have fucked in the past befriend my Fated Mate isna a good idea. Besides, I have her soul to guide me.” With that, Zander turned from the female and took his leave of the club.

  Putting the exchange with Lena out of his mind, Zander thought of Elsie and how devastated she was when he left her apartment. She lost her car and job in one night. He vowed to take care of her and there was at least one thing he could do for her before sunrise. He jumped into his car and headed across town.


  Elsie rolled over in bed and groaned. Pain shot up her arm. It woke her several times during the night and she didn’t get more than a couple of hours sleep. Unfortunately, she needed to get out of bed. She had papers to write and new challenges to overcome.

  Grumbling, Elsie sat up and flung her feet over the edge of her bed. Her body felt like it had been run over by an eighteen-wheeler. She needed an energy drink and a pain pill pronto.

  She reached over and grabbed the sling from her nightstand and carefully slipped it over her shoulder. Getting her arm into the contraption was a teeth-gritting experience. She stood up to retrieve her medication and swayed. Dizziness hit and she stumbled to the carpet.

  She landed on her bad arm and pain wracked her body. She cried out and rolled to her back, cradling her arm.

  “Orlando? Are you here?” she called out, hoping he was still there.

  She laid there and waited for a response, but none came. She hoped he wasn’t pissed at her. She stayed holed up in her room all night, ignoring him. Served her right if he left. As she rolled to a sitting position, a manila envelope caught her eye. It was on the floor as if someone shoved it under her door.

  What could that be, she thought. She managed to get to her feet without falling and walked over and picked up the envelope. It felt heavy in her hand and had an odd lump in the center. Something slid into the corner when she tilted it.

  Curious, Elsie tore it open. Her jaw dropped when she saw the contents. Inside was a handwritten note, a car title, and a key.

  “For the love of Buddha! A car!” she screeched.

  And not just any car. A Jaguar XKR-S, according to the title. She rushed to her window, breaking the metal mini-blinds in her haste to check the parking lot. There, in her reserved spot was Zander’s metallic-grey convertible.

  It glinted in the morning sun. With shaky hands, she opened the crumpled letter. The elegant, masculine script reminded her of the Renaissance period and she felt the familiar zing course through her body as she read the note.

  My Lady E, I considered buying you an armored tank to keep you safe but the sleek design of my car reminds me of your sensuous body. The supple interior is almost as soft as your skin. It handles curves almost as well as I do. I canna express how sorry I am for no’ being there to protect you. Always yours, Z

  Elsie was flabbergasted. She had no idea how long she stood there staring at the note before her mind started working again. He was apologizing for not protecting her. He blamed himself for her injuries. And he had given her an expensive car. His car! The man was imperious, to say the least.

  She threw open the bedroom door and spotted a sleeping Orlando on the leather sofa.

  “Hey, didn’t you hear me yelling for you?” she snapped.

  He didn’t budge so she walked over and nudged him.

  “What, in God’s name is wrong with Zander? He gave me a car? Who does that shit? I can’t accept this, it’s too much. No one gives a gift like this without expecting something in return. You have to tell him to come pick it up right now,” she shrieked.

  Elsie didn’t give a shit if she was being rude or waking him up. This was too much, even for Zander.

  Orlando rolled over and blinked open tired eyes. She could’ve sworn his eyes were glowing. Her mind stuttered at the half-lidded, heated gaze he shot her way.

  “What is it with you two waking me up? I do need sleep, you know,” Orlando grumbled as he sat up.

  When the sheet fell to his waist, she prayed he was clothed and turned her head in case he wasn’t. Now, if he were Zander, she’d be praying for a sneak peek at his body. May even take off her clothes and slip beneath the sheets to join him.

  Elsie quickly tossed her salacious thoughts aside. What had gotten into her lately? She couldn’t seem to get her mind out of the gutter where the man was concerned.

  “Ah,” Orlando muttered, “I see you found the envelope. First of all, no one tells Zander no. And second, are you crazy? It’s a kick-ass car. Accept it. He gave this to you with no strings attached, El. He is genuinely worried about your safety.”

  She turned her and met his gaze then swallowed at the intensity she saw there.

  “We all are. And, trust me. Zander can afford to give you this car. He has at least twenty others and that doesn’t include his collection of motorcycles. Besides, for him, it’s the equivalent of you buying me a cheeseburger.”

  He stood gracefully and walked toward her. She was relieved to see that he was wearing boxers, but didn’t miss the erection that filled his underwear. Men always woke up with morning wood, right?


  “No. Stop right there.” He cut her off as he grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “You need a car. He had one to spare. You owe him nothing. This subject is done. The car is yours, period. Now, be a good girl and grab me one of your energy drinks. The one in the white can, not that nasty-tasting blue one.”

  She hated to admit defeat, but knew she was beat. Besides, she desperately needed a car. And, what a car it was.

  “Kiss my ass, Orlando. You get me one. I have a thank you note to write,” she quipped as she walked to her desk in a huff. Orlando chuckled as he walked to the fridge.

>   She searched through the drawers and found her nicest stationary. How did you thank someone for such an extravagant gift? She grabbed the energy drink Orlando brought her and popped the top.

  “Thank you, Cabana Boy,” she smirked up at Orlando.

  “Why I let you boss me around, I have no idea,” he called over his shoulder, before shutting himself inside the bathroom.

  Staring back at the blank page, she considered everything. Zander’s words caused flutters in her belly and warm tingles to spread through her body. She had never received such a provocative letter. Thoughts of skin and curves brought back her fantasy from the night before. Guilt reared its ugly head but she shoved it aside. She couldn’t resist Zander.

  Zander, I have no words to express my gratitude. Your gift is ostentatious but I’ve been advised to accept it. Besides, I’m certain you would order me to take it, Mr. Bossy Pants. Thank you for the heartfelt gesture. As for handling curves, I’ll let you know. Always, Elsie

  She was not as eloquent with words, but she hoped her reply would relay her sincerity.


  Climbing into her car, Elsie lamented the loss of Zander’s intoxicating scent. It had been three weeks since he gave her his car, and she had become addicted to the earthy, masculine scent. It was way better than the smell of a new car. It aroused her and made her feel wanton. It made her think of hot, uninhibited sex. Her stomach tightened, and to her surprise, her groin moistened, readying her for the man who left his smell behind.

  She wasn’t ready to be with another man, but she reasoned there was no harm done. After all, she wasn’t actually sleeping with Zander. Admittedly, she did sneak out several times a day to drive to the corner store just to inhale his scent. His nearness dulled the sharp edges of Elsie’s black hole that consumed her entire being.

  Familiar ire rose as her thoughts slid from Zander to her current situation. She was forced to quit her job after the attack. Oh, she had gone in the next day, and several days after that, and tried performing her duties, but the cast made it impossible.

  Consequently, Zander and Orlando, along with their friends, stepped in and paid her bills. All of them. Even her boisterous objections didn’t deter them from giving Elsie a check that would support her comfortably for three years, if not, more.

  The fact that the check was issued from a charity alleviated some of her guilt about accepting the money. Elsie’s Hope was formed by Zander and his sister, Breslin, in Elsie’s honor. The organization’s main purpose was to assist the families of murder victims.

  The gesture touched her deeply. More so than the fabulous car Zander gave her. Sure, she appreciated the car and other gifts, but this was a legacy she could leave behind. Something that would help countless other victims struggling with the financial burdens that accompanied such loss. Elsie didn’t know how, but she planned to pay back every cent they gave her.

  Her cell phone rang and she fumbled through her purse until she found it. Glancing at the screen, she saw it was her friend.

  “Hey, Mack. How’s it going?” she said into the small device.

  Mack was a great support for Elsie after Dalton was killed and Elsie missed patrolling with Mack, but she was more of a liability while wearing the cast.

  “Hey, girl. It’s good. How are you feeling? How’s the arm? I still can’t fucking believe that you were attacked, and I wasn’t there to help. I promised when you joined SOVA that I would always have your back.” Elsie could hear the anger and self-recrimination in her friend’s voice.

  “Mack, it’s not your fault. In fact, it’s mine. I was pre-occupied and you taught me better than to let my guard down,” Elsie replied with a sigh.

  She contemplated telling Mack she suspected that Zander’s brothers knew about vampires, and that she should recruit them. She opened her mouth, but the words remained stuck. She wasn’t entirely certain what was stopping her. No doubt they’d be an asset. Especially Kyran. He’d taken out two vamps without breaking a sweat. With them on their side, they could rid the city of this threat with ease.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re okay. You’ll be back out there before you know it. Don’t forget. Our job as survivors is to take out the evil that preys on the innocent. That’s the reason we survived. We can’t quit until every last vampire goes up in flames. They are a plague on humanity and need to be exterminated. It’s our mission. Nothing else matters,” Mack explained, and Elsie could hear the determination in her voice.

  Having been victimized twice by these vampires, Elsie couldn’t agree more. It chapped her ass she was injured and unable to help right now.

  “I saw the doctor today and he said that my bones are healing nicely. Few more weeks and I should be back out there with you,” Elsie replied.

  “Don’t rush out too soon. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt again. Don’t worry. The rest of us are all still out there killing the bastards,” Mack quipped.

  All Elsie did was worry. She hated the thought that there were people being hurt and killed because of vampires roaming the streets.


  Elsie loved her new electric chopper. It made cooking dinner a manageable task with her cast. Chopping vegetables was next to impossible without it. Cooking was cathartic, and she hadn’t prepared a full meal since Dalton died. It felt great to be in the kitchen again. And, she was excited to cook for her new friends. It was the least she could do after all they’d done for her.

  “Put down that margarita and make yourself useful,” she told Orlando. “I need the cornbread taken out of the oven. Then, pour me a margarita. I have to stir this roux or it will burn.”

  Orlando came up behind her and looked over her shoulder into the pot. “Who’s the bossy one now? Mmmm, this smells amazing,” he said as he glanced into the large pan.

  “Wait until you taste it.” The black hole throbbed as she whisked her roux, thinking of Dalton and how much he loved her cooking. “This was one of his favorite meals, you know,” Elsie added.

  Orlando put his arm around her shoulder and gave her a one-armed embrace. “I’m sure he loved everything you made. He loved you very much.”

  She gripped his hand where it rested on her shoulder. “I will always cherish the love we shared. A part of me is in that coffin with him. I know I’m young, and everyone keeps telling me that I have my entire life ahead of me, but it feels like the grief will never end,” she confessed.

  “I know it’s hard for you to think about the future, but you will be happy again. It’s your fate to have extraordinary love in your life. Don’t close yourself off to that,” Orlando said and Elsie met his gaze.

  She wanted to believe him, but couldn’t imagine opening her heart to another ever again.

  The smell of burned flour reached her nostrils. “Shit, the roux. It’s burned. Great. Now I have to start over.”

  A comfortable silence descended over the kitchen as she hummed, cooked and drank with her friend. Orlando was easy to talk to and she genuinely enjoyed his company.

  Soon, the sun set and darkness descended. As she wondered when the others would arrive, there was a knock at the door. She watched the group file into her apartment, and her heart skipped a beat when Zander walked in last, closing the door behind him. Their eyes locked on one another and she couldn’t move. Time stood still.

  Suddenly, Rhys call out, and startled her. “I brought some hey juice, so let’s get this party started!”

  Elsie took the food to the table and turned to Rhys. “You’ve been holding out on me. What exactly is hey juice?”

  Rhys walked and placed his muscular arm around her shoulders. “Well, sweet cheeks, hey juice is my top-secret mixture of the finest ingredients. Best part is, about twenty minutes after you drink it, I guarantee you will be rubbing on me saying ‘hey baby’ and begging to experience my… magnificence,” Rhys said, waggling his eyebrows comically.

  She burst out laughing, slid out of his embrace, and shook her head. “I’m not that eas

  “Damn, bro, she put you in your place,” Orlando laughed.

  Zander approached with a tall, voluptuous brunette who had Bhric’s amber eyes. The woman was stunning. “Elsie, ‘tis my sister, Breslin. She keeps us all in line.”

  Elsie exchanged pleasantries with Breslin, but remained hyper-aware of Zander’s presence. He towered more than a foot above her five-fourheight. When he purposely brushed up against her, Elsie went up in flames.

  “The food is ready. Get it while it’s hot,” she croaked out. The man had a seriously devastating effect on her, and his obvious desire unnerved her.

  Everyone clamored to fill their plates then sat down to eat. All the while, Zander was never far away, and used every excuse to touch her. A brush of a hand here, a clasp of a shoulder there. It was driving her crazy.

  She fought the heat that pooled in her stomach. She was inexorably aroused as his scent permeated her nostrils. It was exhausting. Her body waged a battle between arousal and remaining coherent. She didn’t want to stand there like an idiot drooling over the gorgeous man.

  Get over yourself. I want some of that fine ass! Her inner-sex-fiend taunted.

  Suddenly, Zander grabbed her hand and led her to the sofa, pulled her into his lap. She felt the hard line of his body as he wrapped arms around her torso.

  He leaned in and whispered, “You look good enough to eat. I think I’ll have you for dinner. Stop denying what you want.”

  She shuddered at the tone in his voice. His demand sent shivers through her system and she turned to meet his penetrating gaze. God, what he did to her.

  Shaking off his spell, she managed to mutter, “I’ve told you, Mr. Bossy Pants, you can’t order me around.” Her words belied what she was feeling. She wanted to succumb to him in every way.

  Zandercaressed her thigh and she allowed it. It felt too good to stop him. In fact, she wanted to kiss his full lips more than anything but then she remembered they were surrounded by friends and his family. Not the time to share a first kiss. The sexual tension had been building between them for the past few weeks, and when they finally did kiss, she had a feeling she wouldn’t be able to stop.


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