Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset

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Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset Page 14

by Jeana E. Mann

  Needing distance,she stood and went to get her plate. “So, this club you’re talking about. When do I get to go?” Elsie asked, joining the conversation.

  Everyone looked to Zander as if waiting direction. She rolled her eyes. No wonder the man expected his orders to be followed. They treated him like he was some sort of king.

  Zander grinned, making him look even sexier, and responded, “Anytime you want. Just say the word, a ghra.”

  “Maybe this weekend,” she said as she settled on the couch next to Orlando and began eating. The food was delicious, just the right amount of spice and garlic. “You know, I think I will try some of that hey juice.”

  She got up to get her drink when a warm palm stopped her. Zander handed her a glass of Rhys’ concoction and she sipped it cautiously. Hmm, interesting combination. It was strong, but fruity and good. She imagined it would only take one glass of this to give her a good buzz.

  “Thank you,” she told Zander before turning to Orlando. “Why haven’t you told me about this club? You’ve been stuck on my couch for weeks and haven’t been out once.”

  “I wasn’t about to leave you alone. You couldn’t possibly stay out of trouble without me here,” Orlando teased.

  She laughed and a boisterous round of ribbing ensued. At some point, Zander glared at Orlando, who immediately stood, allowing Zander to take the seat beside her. He took her hand in his and entwined their fingers. She couldn’t help but shake her head. The man didn’t even have to use words to give orders.

  She was distracted by the soothing circles he rubbed with his thumb. It grounded her and settled her roiling emotions and stomach. She finished her food while enjoying this odd, but wonderful family. There was no doubt that this group of men, and Breslin, had adopted her into their lives.

  After eating, Elsie leaned back and settled against Zander. It came natural to relax with him and she soaked in his masculine warmth. Why did it feel so right with him?


  Zander silently ordered everyone to leave Elsie’s apartment. He couldn’t take the torment any longer. Between his aching cock, his need for her blood, and the relentless pain in his mate mark, he was close to losing it. She had been sitting next to him on the couch for hours and he could smell her arousal. Her anxiety rose and he smelled her fear when Orlando was the last one to leave her apartment. She turned to him and he placed his finger over her mouth, stilling her words.

  “Nay, doona think right now. I want you and you want me. Be with me,” he pleaded.

  He watched indecision cross her face and saw when her lust won out. He wanted to shout his triumph, but didn’t want to give her any reason to stop this.

  “I’m scared,” she admitted. “I’ve never been with anyone but—”

  He cut off her response by lowering his lips to hers. The jolt of electricity that zapped him when they connected was exhilarating. He moved his mouth over hers, licking and coaxing hers open. The moment she parted her luscious lips, he delved deep, his tongue sliding sensuously against hers.

  His mind blanked and all he could think was how badly he needed his mate. She was soft, and her curves fit perfectly against him. Her soul stretched and slid against his in an erotic caress, robbing him of his sanity.

  He trailed his mouth to nibble the pulse pounding in her neck and regained some composure. Her rich, earthy honeysuckle scent drove him on. He pulled her shirt aside and kissed her collarbone. Such delicate bones, so fragile. He wrapped his arms around her waist and tugged her into his lap.

  “I always thought I’d stay faithful to Dalton, but now, all I can think is that I want more.” She looked down and her cheeks tinged with pink. “What does that make me?”

  He gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger, making her meet his gaze. “You are perfect. And alive. He wouldn’t want you to die with him. He will always be a part of you, a part of us. Doona allow the ghosts of the past to dictate your future.”

  He swiped at the tear glistening in her eyes and kissed her lightly. The moment the tension left her shoulders he deepened the kiss. He kept his ardor in check and kept this kiss tender and slows. Elsie wrapped her arms around his neck and Zander felt her inhibitions slip away.

  He trailed his hands down to rest on her hips. “What do you like, a ghra? What turns you on?” he murmured, and enjoyed the blush that tinted her cheeks.

  “Oh…I, uh…I don’t really know. The usual, I guess.”

  He chuckled and ran his hands to her firm ass. It took a nanosecond of contact and he was ready to rip her clothing from her body. He buried his face in the crook of her neck to hide his glowing eyes then began raining kisses on her sweet, velvety-soft skin. She shivered in his hold.

  “I doona know what the usual is, Elsie.”

  He honestly didn’t know what humans enjoyed. He had never been with one. The usual for him involved fangs, blood, and intense sex.

  “You’ll have to be more specific. I usually give the orders, but I want you to tell me how to please you. I want to do this right,” he admitted.

  He wanted to be gentle with her. He wanted to make love to her and explore and savor every inch of her sultry body.

  “Surely, you have been with a woman before. I can’t believe that a man, as good looking as you, has never been with a woman,” she said on a moan as she arched into his embrace.

  He slid his hand under the fabric of her shirt and palmed her breast. “I have been with my share, but none of them has been you, lass. You are verra different. With you I have a connection that I have wanted for longer than I can recall. I want to know how to please you.”

  She ground her crotch over his erection, making him growl. “I can see you like this, a ghra.” He slipped his thumb inside her bra and rubbed across her taut nipple as he guided her hips with his other hand.

  “I want to touch you.” She tugged his shirt over his head and tossed it to the ground.

  “Your turn,” he murmured and the rending of fabric echoed in the small room. Her eyes flew wide and he claimed her mouth again before the words left her mouth. She was soon squirming on his lap, driving him crazy.

  Their tongues clashed together and he removed her bra while the room heated another degree. His hips rose as hers descended and the friction nearly robbed him of his seed. It was difficult to hide evidence of what he was, but he refused to let her see. She wasn’t ready for that.

  “How do you do this to me? I’ve never been like this before…” Her words trailed off when he dipped his head to take a nipple in his mouth.

  She arched, shoving more flesh into his mouth. Zander craved to taste her warm blood. His gums tingled and he fought back his fangs. He needed his mate. Needed to be inside her and claim her in every way.

  Her sounds of pleasure were matched by his. His hands were everywhere, exploring every silky inch and his mouth followed. Touching, tugging, tasting. Her hands fisted in his hair and clutched him close as if afraid he would pull away.

  “A ghra, I need to feel you,” he implored as his hands went to her button.

  The sound of her zipper echoed and she stiffened in his arms. Sweat beaded their bodies and she shivered. He entered her thoughts and saw that she needed to take things slowly, but didn’t want to disappoint him. Zander needed to stop now or he would go further than she wanted. The first thing his mother taught him was that he should never push a female for more.

  “What’s wrong, Zander?” she asked on a pant.

  “No’ a single thing. In fact, everything is right. I’m rather old-fashioned, and would like to take things slow. I hope that is alright.”

  “Slow is good. You’re old-fashioned, and I’m new at the whole dating game. We’re a perfect combination,” she said with a smile that spoke of her relief.

  They’d made more progress than he hoped for, and Zander held that close to his heart. He’d waited over seven hundred years to find Elsie. He could wait a little longer.


re the hell are you? We’re heading to Club Confetti and you’re going, too. Time for that fun you were talking about,” Orlando demanded when Elsie answered her phone.

  Excitement built at the thought of finally going to the club the guys talked so much about. Admittedly, she was anxious to see Zander again, too. It had been a week and school took up most of her time. The few days she was free, Zander was unavailable. At first, she thought he’d lost interest, but Orlando explained that his business kept him very busy.

  “I was at the grocery store, buying food for you. I’m tired of you complaining there is never anything in my house to eat. Tonight might not be the best night. Mack wanted me to stop by and see her now that my cast is off,” she said, checking her rearview mirror as she drove.

  Elsie was anxious to go out with them, while, at the same time, she wanted to get back out on patrol. Thoughts of hunting made her wonder if she should broach the subject of vampires with Orlando.

  “I’m at your apartment. Get your sweet ass home. You’re going out with us so don’t argue with me. Breslin even picked up some clothes for you to wear. And, Zander is going to meet us there. Said he was eager to see you.”

  And, just like that, her desire ignited and she no longer wanted to take it slow. It was unreal how the mere mention of his name made her lust go rampant.

  “Oh, alright. Twist my arm. I’m pulling in right now,” Elsie said as she parked her car in front of her apartment building. She quickly hopped out and grabbed the groceries from her trunk then rushed to her front door.

  Orlando pulled the door open before she reached her stoop. “I’ll trade you,” he offered as he took the bags and handed her a box. “Tell me more about this Mack and why I haven’t met her?”

  From behind the bathroom door, Elsie gave him a brief rundown of how she met Mackendra, careful to keep out any reference to SOVA. She pondered how to bring up the subject of vampires as she lifted the lid and saw a new iPhone in a sleek, black case. It had a silver Celtic cross on the back. It was exquisite.

  It had to be from Zander, Elsie concluded. The man was constantly giving her gifts. He was persistent, if nothing else. She pressed the button and saw a text message waiting.

  “I look forward to dancing with you this evening. Think of you too many times a day and need to see your beautiful smile. And remember, if you ever need or want me, I’m only one touch away. Your Z.”

  With flutters in her belly, Elsie typed a reply.

  “You continue to amaze me. Deeper indebted to you with each passing day, I pray I can find a way to repay everything you’ve done for me. I look forward to dancing with you, as well. Until later…”

  Setting the phone aside, Elsie noticed that Breslin had given her a designer dress and shoes. The dress was the most beautiful shade of rose-gold with a slight metallic sheen to the fabric. It had a flattering cross-front bodice and low-V neckline. Elsie tuned out what Orlando was saying as she gawked at the clothing. There was no telling how much the garment cost. She picked up the platform sandals. The snake print complimented the dress perfectly. Only celebrities wore designer clothes of this caliber.

  Unable to wait a moment longer, Elsie quickly slid into the dress. The material was soft as silk against her skin, and fit like a glove. She couldn’t help notice the shoes made her legs look a mile long.

  Even without her hair or make-up done, she felt like a supermodel. She’d never worn anything so exquisite, nor felt sexier than she did at that moment. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Elsie was anxious to see Zander’s reaction. Thinking about that was dangerous. He said he wanted to take it slowly, but she was ready to explore every luscious inch of him.

  She set about doing her hair and makeup and refocused on her discussion with Orlando.

  “So, Mackendra mentioned something when I talked to her, and since you’re a big, bad detective, I wanted to ask you about it.”

  She heard a deep chuckle. “I am big, but I’m not bad, cupcake. I can hear the worry in your voice. What did Mackendra tell you?” Orlando asked.

  “Well, this may sound crazy, but she said that vampires are real and they stalk the city at night.”

  “Wow. Not what I was expecting you to say. Do you believe her?” he croaked in a shaky voice.

  His tone caused Elsie to smear eyeliner across her temple. Wetting a cotton ball to fix the disaster on her face, she hesitated in her reply.

  She wiped at the black smudge and replied, “I’ve been through enough to not dismiss what she said. I saw that guy’s fangs and felt them sink into my arm. And, they both had unbelievable strength and speed when they attacked me. I wasn’t strong enough to fight them off, and would’ve died if Bhric and Kyran hadn’t been there that night. I’m…not sure what to think.”

  “So, you believe vampires exist?”

  “Yes, I do. And, I question if there could be more creatures out there. I never did buy into the TwiKill bullshit the media reported. What about you, O? What do you think?” she asked as she stepped out of the bathroom.

  Elsie smiled when his emerald eyes bulged, and his mouth dropped open. Confirmation. She looked as good as she felt.

  “I think you look unfuckingbelievable! And, we’re late. Let’s go,” he quipped and offered his arm.


  Falling off the bar seat, Zander hardened and his fangs shot down the instant Elsie walked in with Orlando. Every nerve-ending in his body came to life. She was a gorgeous faerie with her petite frame, long brown hair, and loch-blue eyes. The color of her dress enhanced her peaches-and-cream complexion, and the club lights reflected off her glittery heels. Stunning.

  Each step she took drew every eye in the club. Thankfully, he asked Killian to keep the obvious supernaturals out of the club tonight. It was one of the reasons it had taken so long to arrange a night for her in their club. Hangouts for those with features that clearly set them apart from humans were few and far between. He owed Kill a huge favor for making the necessary arrangements, but it was worth it to see his mate in that dress.

  Her hips swayed like a pendulum as she walked next to Orlando and he wanted to tear apart every male lusting after his female. Who could resist her mile-long legs in those come-fuck-me heels? His black, Armani dress pants were unable to hide his obvious desire. As she approached the group, he shut his eyes against the lust glowing brightly behind his lids. Luckily, she was busy greeting his siblings and warriors. Goddess, but he wanted to caress every inch of her gorgeous body. He remembered exactly how soft and sensual she felt in his arms. He longed to claim his mate, and didn’t know if he could make it through the evening without taking her body and blood.

  Lena sidled up behind him. “Mon coeur, I can help with that. Come, let’s go to our room,” she purred, reaching around to stroke his erection.

  Zander was so engrossed in Elsie he didn’t hear Lena approach. His mate made the world around him vanish. As the vampire king, and leader of the Dark Warriors, he could not afford such distractions. He closed his eyes to reign in his temper as she stroked his now flaccid cock through his pants. Elsie’s soul was clawing in his chest, wanting to tear into the female. He shoved Lena’s hand from his groin.

  “Lena, I told you, I have found my Fated Mate, and there willna be another for me!” He abruptly turned away before he said or did something he would regret, and walked toward his destiny.


  Elsie was laughing with Rhys as he offered her some of his hey juice when she felt a pull from across the table. “I’d love some of that hey…” she trailed off as she locked eyes with Zander. Her heart skipped a beat.

  She couldn’t take her eyes from his perfectly-chiseled features. His countenance screamed aristocracy, power, and ruthlessness. He was tall. Even in heels, she had to look up at him. He was easily six and a half feet tall. She itched to run a hand across the black stubble on his jaw. His full, luscious lips were tilted at the corners as if he knew her thoughts. She gazed into his piercing, Sapphire-blue eyes and b
lushed. The hunger she saw behind his orbs was raw and needy.

  Zander was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen. Normally, she disliked long hair on men, but his shoulder-length black hair was fitting. It flowed freely around his broad shoulders, mesmerizing her. Her entire frame trembled as she read what was in his eyes…sex. And, not just any sex, but wild, uninhibited, can’t-walk-the-next-day sex. Exactly what she wanted.

  She craned her neck as he approached. He was so close she felt heat emanating from his body and she went up in flames, like dry tinder. Silence descended over the group, intensifying the moment.

  “Shit, I hope my mate eye-fucks me like that when I finally find her,” Santiago murmured so low that she questioned if she heard him correctly.

  “Yeah, I’m on the edge and need to find a female soon. The sexual tension between them is as thick as I am,” Rhys groaned. That comment was unmistakable.

  From the corner of her eye she noted Kyran smacking the backs of their heads. “Shut the hell up, arseholes. Show some respect.”

  Her curiosity about the men’s comments was short-lived when Zander enveloped her hand and kissed her knuckles, letting his lips linger a moment. “Nine circles, you look absolutely ravishing. I’m starving for you, a ghra.”

  She blushed at his words and closed her eyes as the lilt of his accent washed over her. The timbre of his voice caressed her flesh. It was a full-body caress. Sensual and promising. She had no right thinking like that, but no one had ever looked at her like this man did. The desire in his gaze had her nerves back on edge.

  “Thank you, but I can’t take credit. It’s the dress and shoes. Breslin did a great job.” She forced herself to break contact and turned to Breslin. “Thank you for the fabulous clothes. I’ve never owned anything this exquisite.”


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