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Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset

Page 17

by Jeana E. Mann

  For two days, thoughts of Zander haunted Elsie. His sexy smile, his hypnotic blue eyes, the fitted shirt over his muscular chest, and the way his black slacks hugged the best ass known to man. Well, to be accurate, vampire. Fire coursed through her blood and ignited desire low in her abdomen. She had felt a connection to him from the very first moment.

  Did knowing he was not only a vampire, but the Vampire King, change how she felt about him? Her logical mind said yes. That they were two different creatures and not compatible, but her aching body screamed that it didn’t matter at all. In fact, her body was begging for him to sink his fangs into her throat and take anything he needed. It was a yearning that disturbed her greatly.

  One thing was clear to Elsie. She had reacted to Zander’s revelation poorly. Despite her conflicting emotions and disbelief, she missed her friends. She wanted to see them again. Talk to them. It had been lonely in her apartment. Her only company was her turmoil and it was driving her insane.

  The ring of her cell phone intruded, and she scrambled to grab it from her backpack. She considered having voicemail pick up when she saw it was Orlando, but she wanted to hear his voice.

  “Hi, Orlando. I’m glad you called,” she said by way of greeting as she nervously rubbed her thigh. She swallowed against the tightening in her throat, anxiously waiting for his reply.

  “Hey, El. I’m calling because there’s been a development in the criminal case. Okay, that’s only part of the reason. I miss you. We all do,” he muttered.

  As she listened to him talk, she realized she knew so little about these beings. She wondered why Orlando and Santiago worked for the police, and Jace for Harborview. Zander said it was their mission to keep humans safe. What did that mean? Would they be willing to partner with SOVA? How would Mack take this news?

  Mack’s hatred for vampires was so deep that Elsie doubted she’d take it well. She knew she’d have to tell her friend at some point, but wasn’t looking forward to that conversation. In fact, she’d been avoiding her.

  Elsie stood and paced the floor as she cleared the lump from her throat. “I miss you guys, too. You’ve helped me so much, and I treated you terribly the other night. I’ve given a lot of thought to what Zander said and I understand why you kept it a secret from me. Obviously, people wouldn’t handle the news well. They’d be afraid and some would hunt you down.” If she were honest, she would’ve been a part of that ignorant group. “And, I’d bet the government would want to study you. Oh, Orlando, I’m so sorry for kicking you and Zander out of my apartment.”

  “There’s no reason for you to be sorry. And, we never left. We’ve been keeping watch outside your apartment. We wanted to make sure you remained safe,” Orlando admitted.

  Elsie smiled. She should’ve known they would continue to protect her. It warmed her heart knowing they cared so much, and could forgive her behavior. But, that is what family did. They forgave each other and embraced your crazy.

  “Do you guys want to come over? I’m making enchilada soup,” she offered.

  “You know it, cupcake. I’ll bring Mexican martinis and the gang,” Orlando replied.

  “And, make sure Zander comes with you. I owe him an apology, as well.” Just the thought of seeing the sexy vampire had her heart racing.


  Three martinis in, Elsie was relaxed and talking with her friends, but she wasn’t completely happy. Zander hadn’t shown up and she guessed he was too upset with her. She never intended to hurt him and felt terrible about it.

  His piercing eyes and sinful smile continued to haunt her. Ever since learning what he was, she had a million questions and wanted to learn all about him. What did his fangs looks like? Did his eyes really glow, or had she imagined that? Did he feed from women? And, why did the thought of Zander sinking his fangs into another woman make her want to kill someone?

  Suddenly, Zander’s masculine scent tickled her nose. She whirled around, and her glass hit the linoleum floor. The shards scattered like roaches scuttling in search of a dark corner. Elsie couldn’t move, and not because she would cut her feet if she did. His delectable scent enveloped her and her body heated, ready for him to take her. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind. She knew her reaction was insane.

  They stared at each other from across the counter and her body thrummed with excitement. God, what he did to her with a simple look. Needing a distraction, she blurted, “Zander, I’m glad you came. I owe you an apology. My behavior was appalling and I hope you can forgive me.”

  When he remained silent she blabbed on, “Let me clean this up and then I can get you a bowl of soup, and a martini.” She smiled too widely at him then felt like a total idiot. What was wrong with her?

  “A ghra, I have missed you terribly. Doona move,” Zander ordered.

  Elsie gasped when he reached across the counter, picked her up, and brought her into his chest. “Orlando, clean up the glass then get me a drink and a bowl of my Elsie’s soup.”

  She smirked at his familiar domineering attitude. “I can see that Mr. Bossy Pants is back. And, can I just say, holy shit, you’re strong.”

  The sexy rumble of his laugh vibrated against her skin. “’Tis Dr. McYummy to you, lass.”

  The cold knot in her stomach eased. “I’m glad you came, Dr. McYummy. I have wanted to talk to you. I’m so sorry for what I said. I had been operating under certain assumptions for so long that I was blinded by my ignorance. I needed to process what you said,” she explained.

  Elsie had the urge to nestle closer into his chest, but wasn’t sure where things stood between them. The last thing she wanted was to be rejected by Zander, so she wiggled in his arms until he put her down.

  Zander grabbed her hand and led her to the sofa. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap.

  “I knew it would be a lot to take in, but I couldna go on withoot you knowing the truth aboot me. Let’s no’ dwell on the past, but move forward. I canna say how happy I am to be here right now. You look beautiful, a ghra,” he said and smiled.

  Zander nuzzled her neck and placed a tender kiss behind her left ear. A zing traveled throughout her body and left Elsie breathless from the touch of his lips. God, how she wanted this vampire.

  “Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself. But, you probably hear that from women all the time,” she admitted.

  His hands ran up and down her arms. “All that matters to me is what you think. In my seven hundred sixty-five years, I havena wanted anyone like I want you,” he husked, causing a shiver to run down her spine.

  How was it that his voice caused her to clench with need? Her eyes remained glued to his lips while he spoke. Did he say he was seven hundred sixty-five years old? For God’s sake, he looks to be in his thirties! The difference in their ages should turn her off, but it didn’t deter her one iota. Nothing stopped her from imagining everything she wanted him to do to her. The bright blue glow of his eyes distracted her from his mouth but not for long.

  A sudden hiss forced her gaze back down to his mouth, where she saw white fangs peeking out from his full lip. She grabbed the drink Orlando handed to Zander and gulped it in one swig. Five minutes with the vampire and all she could think about was hot, sweaty sex. She was weak and pathetic.


  In hearing his mate’s thoughts, Zander used his telepathic abilities to tell the others to leave her apartment. He wanted privacy with his mate.

  When the room cleared, he turned her in his lap so she straddled him. The position brought his groin in contact with her center. He cupped her cheeks in his palms and brought his lips to hers. When she tensed, he rubbed her back, trying to calm her frayed nerves. Slowly, Elsie relaxed and moved her lips against his.

  He pressed kisses across her mouth then down her neck. He returned to her lips, and she parted her mouth. Zander deepened the kiss, careful to keep her in the moment. When she took over, and became aggressive in her exploration of him, he nearly lost his seed at the slip and slide of their pass
ionate kiss.

  Suddenly, she tensed and looked around her apartment. “Nay, a ghra. I sent them home. I wanted you all to myself tonight.”

  Her eyes wild and uncertain, she gulped and nodded. “I see that. You assume I want to be alone with you,” she teased him.

  He tugged her closer. “I know exactly how much you want me.”

  She laughed nervously and settled her hands on his shoulders. She held his gaze and he saw her vulnerability. The fact that she trusted him was huge progress and his world began to settle into place. He knew they had a way to go, but there was once again hope.

  He ran his hand up her side and paused beside her breast, hands shaking from his nerves. Zander was over seven hundred years old, and this tiny human had him weak in the knees. He leaned forward and claimed her mouth, keeping the kiss slow and deliberate.

  Elsie quickly became crazed, but he fought his strong urgency and continued the leisure pace. She bit his lower lip, “Kiss me like you mean it.”

  His eyes blazed before he capitulated. He didn’t want her thinking. He wanted her wild and uninhibited. He wrapped one hand in her luxurious hair and the other palmed her breast. He squeezed and she arched, pushing her breast further into his hand and as he feasted on her mouth. When she ground against his cock, her heat seared him through their jeans.

  He groaned and latched onto her ass as he stood from the sofa. He pulled her tight against him and let her feel how much he wanted her. A cool breeze told him the head of his cock had escaped his pants, and was ready to play. He began walking to her room. The movement rubbed them together, making her shudder. She stiffened in his arms and he wondered if he was pushing for too much.

  “Bedroom?” he asked and leaned back to gauge her response.

  Her eyes were wide and he realized she had tensed not because he was pushing for too much, but because she was ready to climax. “Yes, and hurry. Oh, god, don’t you dare stop. I’m so close,” she panted.

  He kept moving and made sure to hold her tightly to him. She whimpered as he settled her on her feet. “Doona worry, I’m only getting started,” he promised.

  In seconds, Zander had Elsie naked on her bed. He had to pause and take in his fill. She was simply beautiful with her swollen breasts and heaving breaths.

  “You’re not naked,” she complained.

  He was surprised at what an impatient little thing she was as she continued the erotic play without him. She squeezed her breasts and pinched her nipples as she stared at him. Perfect, pert nipples. Her hands began to move lower across her abdomen. Naughty little minx. Zander quickly leapt onto the bed and grabbed her hands.

  “My turn,” he croaked.

  His balls drew up tight, ready for release at the sight of her. Heaven stared back at him as he looked down between her beautiful legs. She had the most luscious, shaved pussy he’d ever seen. The scent of her arousal drew him like a bee to honey.

  He shifted his body down the bed to rest between her legs. His aching cock jerked against the mattress, urging him to pound into her sweet heat. Not before he had his fill. Zander dipped his head to taste her sweet nectar. Licking his lips, he tasted her juices then attacked her engorged nub that was begging for attention.

  He ran his hands up her legs, pushing them wider. Her throbbing clit dared his fangs to sink deep, but the fought the urge. Instead, he licked and nipped at her intimate flesh. Her soul entwined with his and enhanced his desire and pleasure. Nothing his father had told him prepared him for the experience of being intimate with his mate. It was all-consuming and aroused him like nothing before.

  He thrust his tongue into her tight channel and pushed deep, allowing his fangs to scrape her flesh. He was rewarded with her cry of pleasure. He removed his tongue and lapped at the spot that needed him most. He increased his speed and inserted his finger deep into her core. She fisted his hair and ground against his mouth. He felt her spasm, indicating she was close. Zander intended to give her as many orgasms as she could handle before the night was over.

  She moaned, “Zander, don’t stop. I’m…so, close…please.”

  “You never have to beg, a ghra. Och, you are so verra tight and wet. My cock aches for you. You are mine.”

  He would give her whatever she wanted. He inserted another finger, then another, thrusting deep inside as he sucked and licked her clitoris. Her hands released his hair and traveled down to his shoulders, coming dangerously close to his mate mark.

  Fire exploded across his back, the pain robbing his breath. He sucked hard on her core as he tried to gain control over the impulse to bite her flesh and force her to complete the blood exchange, binding them forever.

  Shoving his needs aside was difficult, but he managed by focusing on her. “You taste so good,” he murmured.

  He continued his ministrations and was soon rewarded with her cries of bliss as he felt her shatter, followed by the clenching in her channel. It was all he could do not to replace his fingers with his cock and thrust into her heat. He watched her face as she came and was awed at the beauty of her pleasure.

  “You are so verra sexy when you cum.”

  She was gasping as she reached for him. She pulled him up to her for a kiss. Soft, silky lips met his. He forced her mouth open and slid his tongue along hers. He thought he’d explode when she slid her tongue into his mouth, licking his fangs. He held back, allowing her to explore him freely.

  Her hands roved his body. He relished the feel of her hands and mouth on his flesh. Had never experienced anything more erotic. She roamed down his torso, and pinched and nipped his nipples. He bit his lip to stop his orgasm. It was too soon. He wanted her to explore every inch of him.

  Elsie unbuttoned his pants, and when her small hand encircled his hard cock, he couldn’t stop the growl that escaped his throat. He brought her mouth back to his and nipped her lips, praying for the strength to stave his imminent orgasm. How embarrassing would it be for him to cum from a subtle touch, but his mate undid him completely.

  He felt like a young lad who was about to have intercourse for the first time. For him, these sensations were completely new. All of his previous sexual experiences had only been a physical release, and had never been accompanied by such intense emotions. He was overwhelmed by caring for her so deeply, needing this physical connection, and being scared it may end too soon. Nothing had ever felt as good as this moment in time.

  He thrust his hips as she gripped him and pumped up and down his hard length. “My god, you’re gorgeous. And huge! I don’t know if you’ll even fit.”

  He smiled at her words and savored her gasp, his fingers working her clitoris again. Little did she know, he was made for her, and would fit perfectly.

  He felt her slick syrup drip from her core to coat his hand, and had to hold back from sinking into her heat and losing himself. She ground against his hand and increased her grip on his cock in response. She was nearing orgasm again.

  “That’s it, a ghra, take what you need. You are hot and so verra wet,” he whispered and tweaked her clit.

  “Holy shit! Yes, Zander, just like that,” she shouted.

  She screamed out his name as she came, and that was his undoing. He couldn’t hold back anymore and thick ropes of his hot seed jetted onto her hand and stomach.

  “Goddess, you undo me, Elsie,” he growled, continuing to stroke her, as his orgasm continued.

  They were both gasping for breath and their hearts pounding. “Oh, my Lady E, you are truly incredible,” he murmured as he worshipped her breasts.

  She arched her back, forcing more flesh into his mouth. He loved this side of his mate. She was downright wanton.

  She began to squirm under his hand. “Stop, it’s too much. And, how the hell are you still coming? Is that a vampire thing?”

  “Aye, ’tis because of my vampire heritage,” he replied, leaving out the information about mates. He was afraid she would reject him again if he told her about Fated Mates.

  She pressed against his body. �
�Hey, I’m not complaining. You can satisfy my every desire. Mmmm,” she reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck and sinking her fingers into his hair. He had never felt closer to any female.

  “I have been hard and aching for you from the moment I saw you in that restaurant all those months ago. And, a ghra, I will always be able to make love to you and feast on your flesh for hours. That is only one of the benefits of being with a vampire,” he smiled mischievously, revealing his fangs.

  “My God, you’re stunning,” she whispered before claiming his lips.


  What had she done, Elsie thought. The guilt and betrayal she felt was like a mass of tar in her hair. Warm, sticky, and impossible to remove. The more she fingered it, the more it gunked-up her insides. She needed a scalpel and acid to get rid of it.

  A few martinis, and an undeniable attraction to a vampire, and she had gone against the vows she made to Dalton years ago. She jumped up and grabbed her robe off the door, sliding her arms into the fabric.

  She had made a mess of everything, but it shouldn’t surprise her. They had been heading in this direction for weeks. She watched as Zander stood up and reached down for his jeans. Her loins clenched and her core spasmed at the sight of his bared flesh. She couldn’t stop the blush that stained her cheeks as she remembered what they had done. For God’s sake, she had screamed his name like he owned her.

  She never had that kind of experience. She loved Dalton, but what she felt with Zander was incomprehensible. Zander made her mindless with lust and desire. Wanting him so completely only intensified her guilt.

  His gaze darkened. “I like the way you scream my name, lass, and I canna wait to make you scream while I’m inside you. Your screams were verra passionate.” Her blush deepened and she cringed in embarrassment.

  She had hoped to avoid this conversation forever, but, apparently, he was having none of that. She had never actually talked about sex, either before, or after, the fact. She did it and then cleaned up and moved on with her day.


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