Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset

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Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset Page 20

by Jeana E. Mann

  Surely, he wasn’t talking about taking on the creatures with his bare hands? She watched him rip the head off the next attacker. Apparently, he was. And, she acknowledged her lethal killing machine was a total turn-on.

  She looked around for her sister and was relieved to see Breslin and Bhric guarding her. The two were side by side, wielding fire and ice. If she wasn’t seeing it with her own eyes, she wouldn’t believe it.

  The complementary powers were fitting for the twins. Their moves were synchronized to combat their foes, while they kept Cailyn safe. Bhric immobilized his enemies with ice, and then slashed easily through their hearts. Elsie couldn’t decide if Breslin was faster with her fire or her knives. The corpses burning on the ground around her were a gruesome sight. As the horrid smell of putrid flesh scorched her nostrils, bile rose in her throat.

  “Die, motherfucker!” cried a deep voice.

  Elsie twirled around, startled that Gerrick’s yell was so close. There was a horrendous wound on his shoulder, but it didn’t slow or stop the warrior. He thrust his weapon into a chest, and spun to attack another without hesitation. A shudder ran down her spine. The man was scary calm and had wicked skills.

  As she had during so many battles, Elsie again wondered what Dalton faced in his last moments. She hoped and prayed he was spared this savage attack because, if not, he suffered horribly.

  Suddenly, a war-cry sounded behind her. It was a long, shrill, undulating cry to the heavens that pierced her soul as the clang of steel on steel raged around her.

  Looking over her shoulder, Elsie saw it was Jace. He took out enemies with a fevered frenzy. It struck her that these men had been protecting humans from these creatures for centuries. They were heroes who should be worshipped for their sacrifice, and she was honored to call them friends.

  She joined the fight with fervor. At one point she saw that Zander was bleeding profusely and grabbed hold of the back of his jacket, trying to staunch the blood dripping from his wound. When a bright light caught her attention, Elsie turned to see Santiago shift into the biggest wolf she’d ever seen. She watched as he ran in the direction of the demons, only to stop short when they disappeared. They kept teleporting, making it difficult for anyone to land any hits. Elsie saw the danger before he did.

  “Santiago, behind you!” She barely had the words out before he turned and ripped into one skirm then slashed his claws across another’s throat.

  She took stock of their forces and was relieved when she saw that everyone was alive. Orlando was in animal form, as well, clawing the enemy to pieces. A skirm snuck up behind Orlando, but Kyran was there before she could warn him.

  Kyran wielded two small knives, identical to the ones Zander handed to her. She recalled Kyran bragging how he was an expert with knives, calling himself the badass of the realm. She prayed he was right about that. Anger and determination splayed across his face as he suddenly disappeared then reappeared behind another enemy, turning him to ash.

  Elsie’s eyes bulged. Kyran simply vanished from where he stood and resurfaced twenty feet away in the blink of an eye. He was fast as lightning, taking out enemies left and right with ease. Determination etched across his harsh features. He was clearly focused on reaching the huge demon.





  A menacing laugh followed by a wet, tearing sound, thick, obscene, something out of a nightmare.

  A whispered gurgling plea from his mother…

  Kyran shook off the horror of his past. Seeing the archdemon had caused the memories to resurface. Witnessing his mother’s murder made him who he was and shaped everything about him. Watching his mother be raped and brutally slaughtered warped him beyond measure.

  The demon sneered at his brother. Kyran refused to lose another family members to this evil scum. He had a vendetta to cash in. Consumed by rage, he sifted to the demon’s side. Putting his hatred into the attack, he thrust one knife into Kadir’s side, and slashed downward.

  When Kadir teleported away, a large, black organ remained stuck to the end of Kyran’s knife. Kyran roared his fury, knowing the demon was injured, but not killed. Luckily, the demon needed to regenerate, and wouldn’t be returning to the battle.

  “Fuck,” he shouted. “Goddess, be damned! Filthy piece of cowardly shit,” he cursed, knowing he lost his opportunity for the revenge he sought.


  The fight continued, and Elsie was tiring. She envied the supernaturals’ strength and stamina. She wasn’t going to last much longer. A sizable dent was made, but there were still so many skirm. Silver flashed in her peripheral vision, and Elsie turned to watch a pair of knives fly by her head and land in Rhys’s hands.

  “I don’t just attract the ladies,” he said and winked. The guy was telekinetic? Now, that was a handy ability to have.

  “Come on, Azazel. Let’s dance, pretty boy. You know you want a piece of this,” Rhys taunted as he curled his fingers upward, egging on the attractive man. Apparently, they knew each other.

  “I’d like to play, cambion,” Azazel purred as he parried Rhys’s attack.

  “You’re not my type. Must suck being replaced as the reigning archdemon,” Rhys mocked before feinting left.

  Rhys swung his blade, severing Azazel’s right arm. Azazel merely stumbled, still smiling, while black blood sprayed the ground around him. How was this demon able to stand there with a smile after that type of injury?

  “This isn’t over, cambion,” Azazel sneered before disappearing.

  The remaining skirm kept fighting, despite the fact their leaders were gone.

  Zander gathered Elsie into his chest and she stilled in his strong arms. She loved the feel of his strength surrounding her. She’d never felt safer.

  “Form a line and retreat. The Fae is gone. Killian, you, Jace, and Gerrick re-establish those protections the moment we have two feet of space between us and them. Everyone, get your arses into the club. Now!” Zander barked.

  He let go of her waist and grabbed her hand before he ran towards the door of the club. Elsie struggled to keep up with his pace as she searched for her sister. Moments later, she saw that Breslin and a black man had picked up Bhric. She winced at the sight of Bhric’s arm dangling from his body. It looked horridly painful and she wondered if it would heal. If not, the vampire would be severely handicapped.

  Relief swamped Elsie when she spotted Cailyn. He sister appeared uninjured as she scrambled to the club. The moment they reached safety, Elsie ran to her sister and threw her arms around Cailyn while Zander and Jace assessed Bhric’s injury.

  “We canna remain here. The Fae could come back any moment. We need an exit ASAP. Can you three create a portal to Zeum, or do you need more power?” Zander asked.

  “Gerrick wasn’t injured too badly, and Jace and I are in good shape. I think we may have enough power between the three of us,” replied a man Elsie hadn’t met.

  He was good-looking, with golden-blond hair and jade-green eyes. She wasn’t sure who created such attractive creatures. She had yet to meet an ugly one.

  “Do it now, Kill.” Zander ordered. “Kyran and I will stay with Bhric while you work.”

  She was mesmerized by the three men as they began chanting in an unfamiliar language. Their deep voices echoed in unison and threads of power permeated the air around them. The hair on her arms stood on end from the electric current.

  Breslin walked over to stand beside her and Cailyn. “They are verra powerful sorcerers. We’ll be back to Zeum, safe and sound, soon enough,” she reassured.

  Elsie nodded but her focus remained on the sorcerers. The air shimmered with lights of the Aurora Borealis as their chant rose to a crescendo. The power was thick and tangible.

  Within seconds, cool winds blew her hair across her face. She expected warmth to follow such beauty, but the temperature dropped significantly. Goosebumps skirted across her arms as the colors mixed and swirled until they coalesced into a m
ystical doorway.

  It was breathtaking. Elsie gaped as the crystal chandelier in the foyer of Zeum became visible through the portal. It swayed and tinkled with the breeze created by the magic.

  “Everyone, through the portal. Now!” Zander barked as he handed Bhric over to Jace and put his arm around Elsie’s shoulders, guiding her and her sister through the opening.

  She couldn’t help but look back over her shoulder at the desolate club, belatedly wondering what happened to the patrons. Jace and Kyran walked through the portal carrying Bhric and they immediately made their way through the kitchen and down a hallway. When they opened a door at the end of the hall, Elsie peered around Zander and saw stairs leading to a lower level. She remembered someone mentioning a medical clinic on the property, and figured it must be in the basement.

  She glanced up at Zander as he pulled her closer to his side. She could see the tension around his eyes lessen as the rest of the warriors hobbled through the portal. As her adrenaline receded, fear took its place, and she started to shake. Her muscles were ready to give way, but she refused to crumble now. Leaning on Zander’s strength, she prepared to assist the others.


  Zander saw the fatigue in Elsie’s eyes and felt the tremble in her body. She was frightened but she didn’t dissolve in the wake of the battle. The strength and determination in her thoughts and actions left him in awe. The Goddess picked well for him, but he feared that this experience would only create a greater distance between them.

  Elsie was aware of skirm, but had no knowledge of demons, and she had just come face to face with the evil that encompassed his world. He worked tirelessly to protect all humans from demons and their minions, but the one that mattered most to him was thrown into the middle of his war.

  He held Elsie close, unable to give her space. The mating compulsion wouldn’t allow it. Holding her was his reassurance she escaped unharmed. Zander’s heart had yet to settle back into a normal rhythm after seeing her thrown into battle.

  His hands roamed her body, checking her over. Her shoulder was bruised and she had a cut marring her perfect flesh. He held the small of her back and gathered her close. In his very long life, he’d never been more terrified than during the fight. He knew Kadir didn’t miss the way he protected Elsie. No doubt, she would now be targeted by the archdemon. He was an idiot for not considering how his actions would bring his Fated Mate more danger.

  “Elsie, take your sister upstairs. There is a guest bedroom to the right of the stairs. Go and rest while I help with Bhric. I’ll be up in a wee bit to check on you,” he said as he leaned over and kissed her cheek softly.

  She looked up and met his gaze. An electric zing raced through his blood.

  “No, Mr. Bossy Pants.” Elsie held his gaze but her usual playfulness was gone. “Rhys, can you take Cailyn upstairs, please? I’m staying with you, Zander. And, you can’t stop me, so don’t even try,” she said, raising her hand to halt his reply. “I’m not one of your warriors, and I don’t follow your orders. I’m staying.”

  “Damn, she put you in your place, Liege. You have a feisty one. I like her,” Nikko said with a laugh.

  “I’m not arguing with her. She’s scary. Let’s go, Cailyn,” Rhys chuckled, leading Elsie’s sister upstairs. The poor female was in shock and followed the warrior with no complaint or argument.

  Zander knew when he was beat. “Alright, a ghra,” he said with a sigh.

  The guys were absolutely correct, and he loved her spirit, as well. She was a natural queen. Consciously, or not, she was embracing her new role with open arms. Now, he just needed to get her to mate him.

  Zander led her to the medical room. Bhric lay on one of the two gurneys. Breslin and Killian were assisting Jace, while Kyran was busy patching up Gerrick.

  “How are you, brathair?” Zander asked Bhric.

  “Good. Nothing a little vodka can’t cure. Grab me that bottle, Ky,” Bhric told Kyran.

  Zander was hyperaware of Elsie at his side as he kept a firm grip on her waist. He loved the feel of her beneath his fingertips. She belonged at his side. Now, and always.

  Shedding the distraction, he scanned the room. “How bad is it, Jace?” he asked.

  Jace answered without looking up from his task. “Most of us have minor injuries that will heal by morning. But, Bhric will be out of commission a little longer. I cannot heal his arm. He’s going to have to mend the old-fashioned way.”

  Elsie tilted her head with a puzzled look. “What do you mean you can’t heal Bhric’s arm?” she asked curiously.

  Jace raised his head, and addressed Elsie. “As you know, I am a sorcerer, which means I have the ability to cast many types of spells, but there are no spells to heal injuries. Every Dark Warriors has an extra power. Mine is the ability to heal. I cannot heal mortal injuries or skirm bites because of the venom they leave behind,” he glanced back down to Bhric’s arm. “Killian, hand me the dissolvable stitches. You see, his arm was bitten and the tissue is filled with that venom.”

  “My,the venom is why my arm wouldn’t heal, right? Does that mean his wound is going to take months to heal, too?” she asked.

  Zander placed his hands on her bare shoulders, loving how soft and silky her skin felt, and peered into her lovely, blue eyes. “A ghra, Bhric is no’ human. He heals much quicker than mortals. His arm will have a scar, but otherwise, he’ll be back to normal in a few days. The rest of us doona need to treat our injuries, since they will be gone by morning.”

  “That’s unbelievable! That…” Elsie gestured wildly toward Bhric’s mangled arm, “will be healed in a few days’ time? I mean, it was nearly ripped off! And, your back will be like new by morning?” she asked incredulously.


  “What about the brand on your back. Will you have a scar through it?”

  “Nay. The weapon wasna silver and no venom entered the wound,” Zander explained.

  “Well, I’m glad you will be fine by morning, but I’m going to clean the wound anyway. Lord only knows what kind of bacteria was on that weapon.”

  His lips twitched in amusement. Her worry for him was a victory. He loved that she wanted to tend to his wounds.

  “Will you wear leather for me, and be my Dr. McYummy?” he husked and pulled her into an embrace.

  Her bark of laughter spurned more teasing as she led him to the counter. Zander watched her unbutton his shirt with shaking hands. He was shaking as badly as she was. He had longed for her hands on his skin again.

  When her fingertips caressed his flesh, his body tensed. His erection was instantaneous and only the pain in his back was a greater distraction. The wound was worse than he realized. When her fingers glided over his mate mark, electricity zinged through his body. The pleasure far exceeded the pain when she placed her palm over the intricate design, and he hissed in a breath. Zander was torn between asking her to stop and begging her for more.

  Orlando’s voice intruded, giving him something else to focus on. “Can we discuss what the hell happened back at the club? Speaking of which, I’m sorry about the loss of Confetti, Killian. I’ll help you in any way I can to get it up and running again.”

  He didn’t know if he wanted to hit, or kiss, Orlando for interrupting his moment with Elsie. He was one step away from letting his beast loose and feasting on her body before claiming her completely. The loss he saw in Killian’s jade-green depths doused some of his ardor, allowing him to maintain control.

  “Thanks, O. The loss of Confetti will hit the realm hard,” Killian replied. “No fears. I’ll find another location, and be up and running again in no time. If I’m lucky, the bastards didn’t destroy the interior. I’d love to salvage my bars and tables. Goddess only knows what they might be doing to the place.”

  Killian was right. The realm needed a place supernaturals could congregate safely to let off steam and connect. Supernaturals were highly social creatures. In fact, several generations, or groups of friends,
typically lived together. Zander didn’t understand the single-family home of humans.

  Zander considered their options. There was Bite but that was a brothel, not a gathering place. Every now and then, other realm bars opened only to be shut down because they didn’t have the atmosphere and safeguards Killian provided. It was easy to see why Killian’s club dominated the Tehrex Realm.

  Santiago interjected, quickly changing the subject. “How do you think they found us? And, how did they convince the Fae to break your protections? Fae usually stay out of shit because they don’t want to take sides.” Admittedly, those were the exact questions Zander needed answers to.

  “When we walked oot of Confetti, I saw Azazel cozying up to that Fae bastard. I’m guessing he gave the Fae what they can’t resist,” Zander replied. “Sex. It’s the only thing he could offer. Fae don’t need money.”

  Zander looked over his shoulder to watch Elsie trace his brand with her finger. If she didn’t stop touching him like that, he was going to throw her down on the table and fuck her, right there in front of everyone. She drove him crazy and was oblivious to the effect she had on him. A rumble escaped Zander’s throat, startling her, and Elsie looked up with wide eyes.

  Kyran leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. “Shite, with as many skirm as he had there tonight, you’d think we’d been on holiday, rather than killing those buggers every night for the past few months. I havena seen so many in one place before.”

  Zander glanced back at the room, his mind in a daze from the contact with Elsie. It was difficult to concentrate and he chastised himself. This was important. The demons and their skirm posed a threat to the realm and his mate, and he needed to focus.

  Gerrick shrugged on his ripped shirt, and responded, “After Dalton’s death, we suspected a new archdemon had stepped in and was leading the skirm differently. Clearly, he has increased his recruitment. Their numbers tonight confirm that. I guarantee that he didn’t send all of his forces after us. I wouldn’t. Goddess only knows how many more were back at his lair. This Kadir seems more strategic than other archdemons we’ve faced.”


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