Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset

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Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset Page 21

by Jeana E. Mann

  Zander prayed Elsie missed the mention of her husband but suddenly he felt her tense. He wanted to knock Gerrick’s head from his shoulders for hurting his mate. He turned, wrapped his arms around her and eased her in front of him, offering comfort. It was natural for him, holding her close.

  “Why did that devil want my husband dead? He had nothing to do with this world. He was a good man,” Elsie declared.

  “A ghra, Dalton was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We suspected there was a new demon recruiting in these homes for kids when Dalton was killed. That has been confirmed now. From what we saw tonight, Kadir is obviously targeting large groups of vulnerable young men.”

  Zander replayed the events of the battle while holding Elsie close. “It seemed that most of his numbers were added recently. They lacked skills and were careless. We easily took oot half his numbers, or more, with the eleven of us. We need to find his lair and develop a counter-attack while his numbers are doon.”

  His hands gravitated from Elsie’s waist to rub circles on her back. The bond calmed them both. She relaxed slightly but when his mind touched hers, he winced at her anger over Dalton’s death. Every time she encountered skirm, it brought her loss to the surface again, and hardened the shell around her heart a little more.

  “I havena any doubt that he has more than what he brought tonight. They need to be eliminated, before they gain better skills. But doona think him desperate. He cares little for humans and is willing to go further than what we’ve seen before,” Kyran observed.

  Orlando tossed bloodied towels into a nearby laundry basket and cleaned one of the rolling tables. “The hole that piece of shit calls home has to be fairly close to Confetti. Otherwise, there is no way he could’ve gotten that many skirm there during the few hours we were in the club. We should start looking in areas around Capitol Hill.”

  “I want to know how that arsehole knew about the club. For the past seventy-five years, skirm have never come within blocks of the location,” Bhric said through gritted teeth. “Goddess, that fucking hurts. Are you no’ done?” he asked Jace, glancing at his arm.

  “Sorry, bro. Almost there. I wish our scientists had developed an antidote. It would make this so much easier on you,” Jace confessed.

  Jace continued his suturing, but it seemed to Zander that he was preoccupied by more than his task. Clearly, it was a rough night for everyone.

  “Do you think this means the Seelie Queen and Fae have joined with the demons? If they have, we’re facing a whole new mess of problems,” Santiago stated as he paced the room like a caged animal, rubbing his bald head as his chocolate-brown eyes glittered with his barely leashed anger.

  Zander knew the warrior hated that the demons managed to get the drop on them. That was the understatement of a lifetime, he thought as rage boiled over how close he came to losing Elsie.

  “I will be contacting Zanahia to ask aboot that issue. ‘Tis likely it was only this one Fae that chose to help Kadir. They are thorny buggers,” he sighed as he rested his hands on Elsie’s slightly rounded abdomen.

  He loved her feminine curves. Immediately, his thoughts went to how he wanted to kiss the skin around her belly button then dip lower for another taste. His mouth watered as he recalled her sweet juices filling his mouth.

  “I think you’re right, Zander. I recognized some of the kids from the group home at the fight,” Elsie murmured. Zander tightened his hold at his mate’s soft-spoken words. “I think this may all be my fault. They must’ve followed me. Could these kids have hated us that much?” she asked as she stared helplessly at him, unaware of the violent history between the archdemons and the realm.

  “I doona know how they found the club. They’ve been searching for us from the time the war began, over seven hundred years ago. You canna blame yourself,” he said, meeting her worried gaze.

  “Wait. That ugly-ass-demon said he wanted you captured, Zander. Why?” she demanded and he saw sheer terror fill her beautiful blue eyes.

  All that Zander wanted was to take Elsie to his bed, and give her indescribable pleasures. Instead, he had to explain the ugly realities of his world.


  Elsie squared off with Zander, but he didn’t say a word. He wasn’t going to answer her. Yeah, that didn’t fly with her. She was getting the answers she deserved. Her nerves steeled as she had a stare-down with a seven hundred and sixty-five-year-old vampire king who could squash her like a bug. Good thing she knew he would never hurt her.

  “Doona fash over the demon and his minions. My warriors and I will keep you safe,” Zander replied as he twined their fingers. Placating her wasn’t going to work, either.

  “I have a right to know, Zander,” she retorted and waited patiently for him to answer her.

  Several times he opened his mouth, only to close it again. The connection she felt to him told her he was worried about her and wanted to protect her. That mollified her somewhat, but didn’t stop her need for answers.

  “Zander, you’re too late to protect me. I know all too well how much cruelty and bloodshed is in your world. It took my husband, injured me, and that’s not including what happened tonight. I was drug into this against my will. Don’t dismiss me outright. I’m stronger than you think. I killed my share of skirm tonight, didn’t I?”

  He dropped her hand, appearing stung by her words. “’Tis my duty to protect you, and I will do so until the day I die.” She saw the torment etched into his face and ignored the strong urge she had to comfort him.

  Zander turned and paced the room. She silently watched him until finally he began talking.

  “Aye, you do have a right to be told. I’ll explain what I can. You are familiar with skirm, and know that they are made by archdemons. The reason these demons turn humans is because they want something from me. They are after me because, as the Vampire King, I have possession of an item. The Triskele Amulet. There has been a war over the amulet for nearly my entire life. Kadir wants it so he can free Lucifer from the Ninth Circle of Hell,” he explained.

  “What, exactly, is this amulet? And, what is the Ninth Circle of Hell? And Lucifer? Is he like all the stories and myth say? The Lord of the Underworld?” she asked, once again shocked at the conversation she was having with a vampire.

  He crossed back to her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re correct. Lucifer is the devil, or Satan, or Lord of the Underworld. He created demons, and set them free to wreak havoc on the world. He was cursed for this act. The Goddess Morrigan created the creatures of the Tehrex Realm to combat his evil and protect humans.” Zander paused, rubbing up and down her arms. Elsie found that it calmed her frayed nerves.

  “She gave the first Vampire King the Triskele Amulet many millennia ago. It has been passed down through my family, to me. The amulet has many powers and uses, good and bad, depending on the bearer. Kadir can use this amulet to free Lucifer from where he is frozen in Loch Cocytus,” Zander explained.

  There was so much for Elsie to try and understand. “So, your family has been ruling the vampires forever. This is all so unbelievable. Although, it does explain why you’re so bossy. You come by your domineering personality naturally,” she said with a smile.

  Elsie missed the warmth and comfort of his arms around her waist. He ran his warm hands to her bare shoulders. The tension in her neck and shoulders eased with his heat and nearness.

  “Aye, lass, I come by it naturally. I come by a great many things naturally. I also inherited keen intellect, superior strength, incredibly good looks, and a huge…fortune.” He winked at her, tracing the blush she felt staining her cheeks with one of his fingers.

  She was positive he wasn’t talking about his fortune, although he certainly had an excess of money.

  This man was the most arrogant being she’d ever met. Yet, she found him sexy and alluring. “You’re incorrigible. I have no doubt you come by a lot naturally, like your,” she scanned the growing bulge in his pants, “big ego.”
  Laughing, he pulled her back into his arms and meshed his lips against hers. His tongue traced the outline of her mouth before he nibbled her lower lip. She gasped into his mouth and he took advantage, stroking his tongue against hers in a sensual dance Elsie was coming to savor.

  Against her mouth, Zander murmured, “You’re sassy, lass. I love it. We’re no’ alone or I would show you my enormous…ego.”

  Her inner-sex-fiend screamed out, Show me! Show me! Show me! Her sane, rational mind was glad they weren’t alone or she’d be embarrassing herself by ripping his clothes off his body.

  “Alright, you two. Let’s simmer it down in here. Can we get back to the matter at hand and begin planning our counterattack, please?” Santiago’s full lips twitched as he held back his smirk.

  Orlando slapped Santiago on the back. “Let’s move this discussion to the war room. I don’t like how the demons were watching Zander and Elsie. We need to find that lair ASAP. I have a feeling they may target her.”

  She wanted to be a part of this discussion and started walking out of the medical clinic behind Zander. “I’ve been in the same danger for several months. Why is it worse now?”

  Orlando followed closely behind and answered her. “El, the demons have seen you, and you said there were kids there who can identify you. Kadir and that Sidhe bastard will now have no problem finding you. Not to mention, they saw Zander protecting you. They will assume you mean something to him and might try to use you as leverage to obtain the amulet.”

  Immediately, Elsie fumed. She glared at Orlando over her shoulder. “I’m no wilting flower who needs to be locked away and protected. I can help.”

  “El, you may have some skill with a blade, which I admit is impressive as hell, but you can do nothing against the demon. You’re just a little female, after all,” Orlando teased, but she sensed his worry for her safety.

  “Haha. Very funny. That’s like me saying you’re just a pussy-cat,” she countered.

  “You know you love my kitty. Well, maybe not. You never did get me a litterbox. Just threw my ass out in the cold every time I had to go. That’s just cruel,” he joked and ruffled her hair. She reached out and smacked him on the shoulder.

  “I swear you’re still a stripling. Can you stay focused on the matter at hand?” Gerrick said as he rolled his eyes at their exchange.

  Elsie smiled at the surly warrior. “You were a stripper?” she asked Orlando. “Is that what he means?”

  Zander barked out a laugh. “Nay, lass. He was no’ a stripper. A stripling is what we call a supernatural who hasna reached sexual maturity. At age twenty-five, we all go through what you mortals call puberty. At maturity, we can engage in sexual activity and we come into our preternatural abilities,” he explained.

  Zander nudged her in the direction of the stairs. “At that time, some develop unique powers. Breslin is the only one in the history of the realm to receive her powers before maturation, and I canna tell you the problems she had after gaining her power over fire at such a young age. As you know, we’re immortal. We doona physically age after we transition from a stripling.”

  She began climbing the stairs, more overwhelmed with this new information. “I swear you guys need a handbook for the newly-initiated. You could call it Tehrex Realm for Dummies,” she joked.

  “‘Tis a lot to absorb, a ghra. Right now, the most important thing is that we keep you safe. I’m no good to the realm if I think you’re in danger.”

  When they reached the landing, Zander turned to face her. She could see the seriousness in his expression and her heart sped up, wondering what he would say next.

  “Lass, you must remain here with me at Zeum. ‘Tis the only way I can keep you safe from Kadir. Besides, it will be a shorter commute for your new job, as well,” he stated matter-of-factly.

  Elsie gaped at the man’s audacity. “Whoa buddy, wait a minute. I can’t live here. We aren’t in a relationship, and, even if we were, I wouldn’t be moving in with you so soon. I’ve told you a hundred times that I don’t take orders from you, Mr. Bossy Pants.”

  Elsie wanted to strangle her inner-sex-fiend as she started packing a suitcase. Shaking off her body’s desire, she continued, “You all have done so much for me. I’m already indebted to you up to my eyeballs, and I refuse to be a charity case any longer.”

  Elsie saw hurt cross his face, and felt terrible for causing it. She was trying to thank him and say she was going to take care of herself now, but it came out all wrong.

  “You havena been a charity case. What I have done has been an honor. For me, there is no’ another choice. I doona think you understand that I need to take care of you, and ensure your safety. And, Breslin needs your help with Elsie’s Hope. We have an office downtown, but she hasna been able to meet any applicants before sundown. We need someone with your degree in Psychology to help these clients,” Zander insisted.

  His fingers sifted through her hair and continued, “We canna keep you safe at your apartment. Kadir has enlisted the help of the Fae, which makes securing you in that wee apartment verra dangerous for everyone, especially your neighbors. If the demon decides to attack, he will think nothing of harming innocent humans. Of course, you can have your own suite of rooms upstairs…if you’d like.”

  She closed her eyes and slapped duct tape across her inner-sex-fiend’s mouth before she shouted they’d be sharing his bed. Moving into this mansion was a bad idea. Her vampire drove her insane and pushed every button. Yet, she wanted him beyond reason. And, it wasn’t simply a desire for his body. Emotions battled and churned in her gut whenever she was near him.

  “Chiquita, Zander is right. You have to stay here.” Santiago’s soft words brought her head around to look at the wolf shifter. “We can move your furniture into your rooms upstairs. In fact, I think it can all fit into the closet. I know you don’t want to put anyone else in danger. That’s why you do what you do with Mack and SOVA. You may be scared right now, but you know this is the right thing to do.”

  Elsie narrowed eyes at Santiago. He knew she would never knowingly place others in danger, and was manipulating her. It chapped her ass that they were ganging up on her. Still, she appreciated that they accepted her for who she was, without judgment or recrimination.

  “You are a bunch of overbearing men. I’m not completely helpless. As Santi pointed out, I’ve fought these creatures for over a year. However, I get your point that my neighbors would be in danger.” She hated the dilemma this posed for her. “If I do stay here a couple of days, and, I’m not saying that I will, I would leave my furniture in my apartment. The move wouldn’t be permanent, and I have no desire to bring my stuff here only to turn right around and move it back.”

  “A ghra, you’re staying more than a couple days. End of discussion. You doona fully comprehend the danger,” Zander gritted through clenched teeth.

  She stared at the vampire. How dare he say she didn’t understand the dangers. She was attacked, and her husband brutally murdered. She understood better than anyone.

  Elsie opened her mouth to spat her retort when suddenly Zander hefted her over his shoulder. Her stomach hit a wall of muscle as he pounded up the stairs with her in tow.

  “What the hell? Put me down! Damn it, Zander! You can’t treat me like this. I’m not staying,” she huffed and pounded his back.

  Her fists hit steel. Nausea struck as her stomach banged his shoulder, jostling the margaritas she consumed earlier. Ugh, it would serve him right if she threw up all over his designer clothes.

  “You’re staying, a ghra.” He took the stairs two at a time with a steady pace.

  Surprisingly, he wasn’t out of breath, despite the fact he fought an epic battle and had a large wound across his back. He was in better shape than she realized. Regardless of his sigh-worthy physique, Elsie refused to be treated like a child.

  “Stop it! Put me down!” she shouted but Zander ignored her as he made his way down through several halls.

  “You’re s
uch a caveman!” she screeched, and was briefly airborne before her backside hit a mattress.

  “Stay here. I’ll be back later,” he ordered before turning and left the room.

  Elsie heard the latch of the lock turn, sealing her fate.

  “You will regret this, your Highness!” she screamed at the wooden door.

  How dare he? She’d never been treated in such a high-handed manner. Zander needed to join the twenty-first century. Women were not weak-minded possessions in need of direction and protection. He had another thing coming if he thought this would work with her.

  And, how are you going to protect yourself from demons? her rational mind chimed in. That thing had fangs the size of swords. You need him.

  Elsie sighed her defeat. She knew she couldn’t take the demon. That creature would take her life, easy as swatting a fly. Exhausted, she sunk into the luxurious mattress.

  She knew she couldn’t ignore the danger, but was it too much to ask that he discuss this issue? She refused to be manhandled by him, or anyone.

  Stupid, sexy, Neanderthal vampire.


  Three bottles of Jameson’s Rarest were sitting in front of Bhric when Zander walked into the war room. It took a larger quantity of alcohol to intoxicate supernaturals, and apparently, his brother was working his way toward oblivion. Zander debated having a drink himself.

  He’d probably ruined his chance at claiming his mate, but no way in hell was he allowing Elsie to go back to her apartment. It was too fucking dangerous.

  “Brathair, what are you doing here? You need your rest,” Zander barked.

  “Och, it hurts like hell, but I need to be here. We have to find that bastard. He almost got your mate,” Bhric slurred, raising his bottle to the group. “Besides, Jameson is taking care of the pain.” His brother tilted the bottle back and finished it off.


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