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The Sinful 7 of Delite, Texas 3: Her Double Delite Warriors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “It makes sense, Chad. The missions I went on went a little deeper into the field if you know what I mean. My informants say that Santos wants greater power and dealings in the United States. They claim he needs pull, power, and connections. I think that is why Nate was called into the field. He’s been dealing with things in New York and around Dallas. Mason has been doing a bunch of operations with a group of men in LA and Chicago. I have a feeling it may all be connected to Santos and this guy Solandro.”

  “I guess we need to decide if we go to the commanders with this guess of ours or we sit tight and wait for more concrete evidence.”

  “I just don’t want that concrete evidence to be a captive or dead US soldier.”

  Chapter 3

  Alexa stared at herself in the mirror in her bedroom. The room was beautiful and it was all hers. She didn’t have to share with Sally or anyone else. That gave her privacy and alone time she looked forward to and embraced. However, times like these, when the wind was blowing outside and the threat of a passing thunderstorm in the night slowly approached, she felt the trepidation deep within her. No subconscious pep talk would help her get through it. She shivered now, just thinking about the fear that would overtake her later in the night. Sally’s words today at Stella’s Boutique stuck with her. So, Sally was putting on a front of confidence and happiness when really she was scared and on guard?

  Why can’t I be like that? Alexa wondered as she ran the brush through her wavy, long dirty-blonde hair. With the fall and winter months coming, her hair would get darker. Not quite brown, but not that sun-kissed, summer look she always had. She put down the brush and lifted her hair slightly off her shoulders, turning side to side slowly as she wondered what she might look like with a new hairstyle.

  Back in Georgia, she had Sally help her cut it to shoulder length, hoping she would appear less appealing to the workers and her uncles. It also stopped them from grabbing a handful of her long locks before shoving her into a wall or down a flight of stairs.

  She squeezed her eyes tight and released her hair. Shaking her head she tried to think of better things. She had learned a lot about the drug dealing business. Not that she wanted to go that route, but there were certain aspects to take from what she observed.

  The uncles were ruthless and always knew their men’s and their business associates’ weaknesses. Everyone had one and some had more.

  Like Conseco’s fear of snakes. When the uncles found out that Conseco, a drug dealer and operator from the Dominican Republic, was double-crossing them by asking dealers for a higher percentage of interest on loans that the uncles were supplying in both drugs and money, he suffered the consequences of ripping them off. Conseco had a fear of snakes. When his men found him, he was covered with hundreds of poisonous rattlesnakes and the uncles’ message was clear.

  She walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers. Glancing around the room, she saw how bare it was. No pictures, no items that meant anything to her. Her past ruled her life even now when she was safe.

  She thought about Dixie Chix and the other women. They were all so strong and confident. They were also her family and she wanted to start making better memories.

  Tomorrow morning I’m going to buy a camera.

  With thoughts of taking photographs of the town, her family, and Dixie Chix, Alexa began planning some positive activities and hoped that this would lead her to a more confident and happier life.

  * * * *

  “Where are you headed off to?” Sally asked Alexa as she pulled on a sweater and grabbed the keys to her beat up Mazda.

  “I’m taking some of your advice and I’m going to start living my life with a bit less fear and a more positive outlook on the future.”

  “Oh really, and how are you doing that?” Sally asked just as Juliet entered the kitchen.

  “What are you all dolled up for?” Juliet asked with a half smile before she yawned.

  “I am going to Bart’s Surplus Store. I have been eyeing some cameras there for a while and I’ve been saving up.”

  “Why not just drive into Cellar County and hit the RadioShack or Walmart?” Juliet asked.

  “Oh, no I wouldn’t want to take the chance with Mel. He might go and quit on me.” She didn’t really like her Mazda, which she called Mel. She just couldn’t go and buy a new car off a lot because she didn’t have a line of credit and she didn’t want to spend all her cash outright and buy a new car.

  “That’s true. Mel’s been giving you shit lately,” Sally teased and Juliet laughed.

  “She talks about that car like it’s a guy,” Juliet added.

  “Yeah, it’s about the same, too. Unreliable, smelly, and she can’t get out from underneath it,” Sally teased.

  “Ha, ha, ha. I just hope to get through the winter and maybe in the springtime I’ll start looking for something better.”

  “Sounds like a plan. So how is buying a camera going to make a better future for ya?” Sally asked.

  “Are you thinking about getting into photography? I hear that the community college in Cellar County is offering some different night classes. You should check them out,” Juliet said.

  “I think buying the camera and fooling around a bit will be a great start, and then I’ll consider looking into the classes. I’d better get going. I want to get there when the store opens and then maybe take some pictures in town. I’ll see you ladies tonight at Dixie’s.”

  They waved to her as she headed out the door.

  She was glad that she wore her brown skinny jeans, a long-sleeve black shirt, and a thick brown sweater. The calf-high brown boots matched the sweater, and she would be warm enough if the temperature dropped.

  As she started up Mel, she heard a little stutter in its sound and hoped the beat-up car didn’t fail her any time soon. She was really looking forward to starting the new hobby.

  Fifteen minutes later Alexa walked into Bart’s Surplus Store. It was very large with two floors of everything from hunting gear to exercise clothes. There were sneakers, boots, fishing supplies, and even swimming gear. As she looked at the different types of cameras and what they offered, she felt a little confused. Did she want one that did video, too, or simply still shots? Did she want single shots or rapid? As Bart’s nephew, Tanner, explained about the differences and what she may need the camera for, she began to get a lot of ideas. Being able to take a series of action shots by holding the button down appealed to her.

  As she narrowed her choices to three cameras, she stared at their prices. They were costly, and with the bag, the extra supplies, and battery they were definitely an investment and beyond just a hobby. She was excited and nervous about the purchase. She’d never had the opportunity until recently to really do anything like this for herself. Decisions were made for her. She was constantly told what to do and when to do it. If she questioned or even hesitated, she was struck or ordered to her room. Her hands were shaking as she stared at the cameras.

  “Tough decision, huh?”

  Alexa turned toward the deep, masculine voice and had to look up and up until she locked gazes with Michael Phillips. His piercing dark blue eyes held hers, and he smiled. The man was at least six feet four inches and totally filled with muscles. Even his jaw and cheekbones were defined just like the rest of him.

  “Uh, yes, I guess.” She shyly turned back toward the counter of cameras.

  “Ya know, Chad and I know a bit about photography.”

  She looked back at him and nibbled her bottom lip. She didn’t know anything.

  “I’m just getting started. A hobby really.”

  He raised his eyebrows at her and her selection of the expensive cameras.

  “What kind of camera did you have before?”

  She looked away from him as she felt the twang of sadness inside.

  “I never owned a camera.”

  “Well, darling, I think ya better consider something less intimidating,” he suggested, and she felt as if he were insulting her capabi

  “I can handle it. Thanks.” She turned away from him and stared at the cameras. She didn’t want to make a financial decision like this based on getting pissed off by Michael Phillips, Marine and secret whatever. So what? He and his brother were known around the town? What made him an expert on cameras anyway?

  He touched her sleeve and she stepped back immediately. He narrowed his gaze on her and looked taken back. Way to go, Alexa, now he’ll think you’re a freak.

  Instead of pointing out her anxiety of being touched by him, he pointed to another camera, seemingly less intimidating as he tried to explain its potential as a starter camera.

  “You see, it does a lot of the same things these two do, but it is two hundred dollars cheaper. You don’t need all those extra lens covers or that additional lens. It can only be used in direct sunlight. This one is versatile.”

  He continued to explain so much about the camera, the lenses and capabilities, and she realized that Michael did know his stuff.

  “Thanks,” she whispered as Bart’s nephew reappeared, giving a handshake and a hello to Michael.

  Alexa paid for the camera, and then Bart’s nephew helped her to get it ready for immediate use.

  As she carried her items out of the store, she couldn’t help but search for Michael. It wasn’t difficult to spot him way across the store, standing above even the higher racks as he spoke to Bart, the owner.

  Michael was very attractive just like Chad. He had brown hair but the same blue eyes. Michael really made her nervous, and both men kind of gave orders when they spoke. They were both mysterious looking and also powerful. Those were two qualities she’d had enough of from her past.

  The way they walked, the way they dressed, and the way people responded to them had to do with their military backgrounds, so they were most likely used to order and respect.

  She was staring at him when he looked up and caught her eye. He smiled at her, and she gave a little nod in acknowledgment but nothing more. She didn’t want him to think that she was flirting. God knew she wouldn’t want him to approach her again or she would make a total fool of herself. Men like him and his brother wanted experienced women. She wasn’t experienced at all.

  Today was a big step already. She sure didn’t need to throw in a quiet conversation, alone with one of the town’s hottest bachelors. No thanks. She wasn’t too thrilled that she was attracted to both Michael and Chad. She saw the women who flaunted themselves at them. She saw how often they disappeared out of town, and she also saw them on their motorcycles. They were bad boys, and she was a virgin.

  * * * *

  Alexa was in her glory three hours later. She had taken so many pictures and was able to look back at the camera to see if she got the shots she was hoping for. It was as if something deep inside of her was let free. She didn’t care about anything, including eating as she continued on her adventure. She took pictures of the town, the many storefronts like Stella’s Boutique, and the gorgeous violet flowers that continued to bloom despite the cold fall temperatures. She took pictures of Main Street, the Delite diner, Halligan’s Household Supplies that was done up in green with shamrocks decorating most of the storefront. She also took pictures of a fancy Mustang parked right outside of Delite Salon and an old-fashioned fire truck that the fire station pulled out in front, prepared to wash it down. Next weekend was the Delite Fall Festival. The local farmers like Dudley Farms, Sherlock Farms, and Manchester Farms were providing hayrides, pumpkin-carving contests, homemade pies, and other goodies, plus events for the kids of Delite. It was going to be a great time.

  Then she made her way to the pavilion in the center of town, smack in the middle where all the traffic moved around the circle to get to the nearby parking in the three commuter parking areas. It made shopping safer and nicer for the patrons.

  She climbed the white steps of the pavilion and snapped pictures of the statues and historic monument established for Delite’s founder, Dwight D’Lite. The story on the plaque indicated that Mr. D’Lite did not want to name the town after himself but after his loving wife Sylvia. But the townspeople insisted that it be named after him, and so he compromised, coming up with a near-identical name.

  It was getting late, and the clouds were moving in, and she was pushing the limit on giving herself enough time to get changed before work tonight. She did still have the new skirts and tops that her sister picked out for her in the car, but they were short and sexy. Nothing like Alexa’s style. She cringed just thinking about wearing them, especially with the boots she had on. The short skirt, low-cut blouse, and high boots would make her look too sexy and stand out. She didn’t want to stand out. She wanted to blend in.

  She pulled all her stuff together and saw the dark clouds moving in. The wind was picking up, sending leaves tumbling along the grass and roadways as the trees shuffled together. Another storm. She was hoping to be inside Dixie Chix by the time it hit. With all the loud music and bar action, she really wouldn’t hear the rumbling of the thunder. She wished she could get over her fear of the storms. The thought as to why she was so affected by them gave her the chills. Especially with the wind churning like this, she practically heard their deep voices in the wind and their demands for her to show herself or suffer the consequences. She shook at the memory of her uncles and their men. They beat her anyway, nearly sending her into a coma.

  She started the car and heard that extra little hiccup from the engine. Yeah, poor Mel was on his way out. Would he make it through the winter?

  As she headed out of town and along Farmer’s Pass, she heard a loud noise and then the car began to jerk. Holding the steering wheel, she eased it onto the shoulder as it stopped. She tried turning the key, but the ignition wouldn’t start.


  Just then a bolt of lightning illuminated the sky. She looked for her cell phone, hoping to be able to call her sister or someone for help. Her purse was in the backseat, and she got out of the car to reach into her bag. The sound of an approaching vehicle concerned her. Farmer’s Pass was a long stretch of road that led to farmland, developments, Dixie Chix, and then Cellar County. The large black SUV pulled right behind her vehicle. She couldn’t see through the tinted windows, and immediately she began to shake. She jumped back into her car and locked the doors as she searched through her pocketbook for her damn cell phone.

  The knock on her window made her gasp, and she looked up to see Michael Phillips.

  * * * *

  Michael was surprised to see the car on the side of the road. He immediately recognized it as Alexa’s and he saw her standing there appearing helpless. His gut clenched with concern. Anyone could come down Farmer’s Pass. They could try to hurt her. She was petite, shy, and very young. Too young and gorgeous to be alone on a side road. He was shocked at how possessive and angry he felt. Didn’t the woman know better? Even as he spoke to her back inside Bart’s store, she was shy and timid. Anyone with bad intentions could harm her. He watched as she jumped into her car, probably locking the doors as he approached. He shook his head. Like that would do her any good.

  He cautiously approached the window and knocked, as she seemed to rummage through her purse.

  When she looked up, her light blue eyes looked wild. She was scared and he was the culprit. The thought bothered him. He didn’t want her to be scared of him. He wanted her to notice him, to possibly like him. Her perfume had lingered in the air back at the store after she walked away.

  Once she recognized him, she seemed to be contemplating whether or not she should roll down the window. Obviously with the car not started she couldn’t. She opened the door only allowing enough space to speak.

  “Do you need something?” she asked him, and he had to hide his chuckle. Was she or was she not stuck on the side of the road with car trouble.

  “Is something wrong with your car? I saw you pulled over and no one in their right mind would risk pulling over on the shoulder of Farmer’s Pass unless they had to. Especially not
with a storm like this one brewing.” He looked up toward the dark sky just as light drops of rain began to fall. He was once again annoyed at her naiveté. Hadn’t anyone taught this woman how to be cautious?

  “Oh, it’s okay, I was just looking for my phone to call my sister.”

  “Why don’t you pop the hood and let me take a look.”


  He raised one eyebrow at her and she shyly looked down. Her submissive reaction stirred his cock big-time. He licked his bottom lip and cleared his throat. “Darlin’, pop the hood and let me see if I can help you.”

  She reached down and pulled the lever. He strode around the front of the car as lightning struck in the far distance. A storm was heading in, and he was thankful that he was the one driving down Farmer’s Pass.

  He heard her car door creak open. This car was a piece of shit. Why the hell didn’t she drive a better vehicle? He was filled with concern for her safety.

  “Do you know a lot about cars?” she asked, her arms folded in front of her chest as a means of protection, not that she was cold. He knew it immediately.

  “I know a bit.” He looked around and saw that the engine was very old. There was rust everywhere, and he wondered how the hell this thing even ran. The alternator belt looked about to rip apart.

  “I was hoping that Mel would pull through for me. At least until the spring. He’s taken good care of me for over a year’s time. I’ve grown to love him. I know it’s silly after such a short time, but giving him up doesn’t seem right.”

  Who the hell is Mel? He was surprised at the spike of jealousy he felt. So this guy Mel had something to do with the car?

  “He supposed to do some work on the car?” he asked.


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