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Mating the Llama

Page 20

by Oliver, Marina

  They had three hours till dinner, so they tried out the gym equipment, swam, steamed in the sauna, and Doc took a brief plunge into a cold pool. Flick and Lucy declined, opting for the warm showers in their rooms.

  Lucy offered to blow dry Flick's hair, but she said her curls would never obey any hairdresser's commands, so she just let it dry by itself and do what it wanted. She did her own, decided to wear her red trouser suit, and at seven went down to the bar where they'd agreed to meet.

  There were several bars, and neither Flick nor Doc were in any of them. She began to patrol the bars, so as not to risk missing them. By the second round she was getting a few odd looks from several men, and one, fat, middle aged and coarse featured, actually caught her hand as she passed and asked how much she charged.

  She didn't understand at first what he meant, then when she did she flushed as red as her clothes and tried to pull away.

  'You – you – ' She was incapable of saying anything else.

  Suddenly the man let go of her hand and began to gurgle. Doc was there, and had hauled him to his feet, grasping the back of his collar and almost choking him.

  'If you are not staying here, I suggest you go before I get nasty. If you have a room here, you'd be wise to use room service tonight, until my temper cools.'

  The man goggled at him, managed to nod, and when Doc released him scuttled away. Doc put his arm round her waist and led her to one of the other bars. She was trembling and trying to keep back the tears.

  She'd been propositioned on many occasions when Karl had been alive, especially when he was paying attentions to other women, and some of his friends thought she needed consolation. But they had never offered to pay her, and she'd been able to laugh off their approaches. This was different, nastier, and she hadn't been prepared.

  'Take a few deep breaths while I get you a drink. Gin and tonic? With lemon but no ice?'

  By the time he came back she'd recovered, and was able to laugh at the terrified look on the man's face.

  'Thanks. He'll keep out of your way, nasty little man.'

  Flick arrived then, and they said no more about it, talking about the various events at the show, and the classes Rosa and the alpacas were entered for. Then they went into dinner, which was good, and at ten went back up to their rooms. Doc stopped outside Flick's door first, and with a knowing grin at Lucy she said goodnight and went inside.

  'Well?' he asked, and his arm slid round her waist and he urged her along the corridor. 'Your room or mine?'


  Chapter 16

  It was better than she had ever expected. Karl had been a vigorous, but innately selfish lover. Doc, by contrast, concentrated on giving her pleasure, and was wonderfully successful.

  She was fired up with longing, and gave no more thought to his relationship with Alice, past, present or future. To be in his arms, his hands and lips tantalising all her body, sent every other thought out of her head.

  First he took off her clothes. There was no tearing at them, with him wild to get at her naked flesh. He undid the fastenings slowly, and this was far more sensuous than the sort of eager rush she'd read about so often in books. It gave so many opportunities for his fingers to stroke tiny portions of her body, her wrists, her neck, her waist. Then the touching escalated as he pulled the trousers down and let his hands trail down her legs, and followed this up with a million tiny kisses, carefully tracing round the waist and legs' edges of her lacy black panties, but leaving them in place.

  She tried to pull off her top, she was so frantic to be free of all her clothes, but he held her hands and stopped her. He pushed it up so slowly she was nearly fainting with anticipation. When he uncovered her breasts, she could feel the tight nipples straining against the silk of her minuscule black bra. He cupped both breasts in his hands, and gently nibbled at them, taking each nipple in turn into his mouth. She writhed against him, moaning and willing him to go faster.

  Finally she was free of her top and Doc was undoing the bra. He dragged the front down over her breasts, teasing her flesh. He threw the bra aside, and before she was aware of what he was doing had dragged her panties off too. At some time, she hadn't been in a state to notice when or how, he had discarded his own clothes, and they were both naked. She'd been clutching his shoulders, stroking him, kissing him whenever he brought his face or body close enough. His arousal was plain, but instead of coming straight to her he lay down on the bed alongside, and let his fingers play again over her body, agonisingly slowly, as they moved lower, then higher, until she was ready to howl with longing.

  Finally, he moved closer, slid on top of her, and entered her. She had never before experienced such an exquisite and prolonged climaxing, and wonderful release.

  Doc held her close, kissing and whispering endearments, for a long time before he rolled over, pulling her towards him so that they lay side by side. As her heart beat slowed he smiled into her eyes.

  'I've waited a long time for that, my darling,' he said. 'And I was quite sure there would be something to interrupt, the hotel catching fire, the roof falling in, a burst water pipe bringing the ceiling down on top of us. Was it good for you too?'

  She nodded, incapable of speech, and he kissed her.

  'Don't move,' he said, and let her go as he slipped out of the bed.

  She felt cold, bereft, but he was back within seconds holding a bottle of champagne and two flutes. Sitting cross legged beside her he twisted off the cork and filled the flutes.

  Handing her one, he smiled. 'To us.'

  She'd recovered her voice by now.

  'Aren't you going to dribble it on my stomach and lick it off? Or do you want me to do the licking?' she asked.

  'A dreadful waste of good champagne,' he said. 'We can get the same pleasure with this inside us.'

  'How did you know we'd end up in my room, not yours?'

  'I didn't, so I had the hotel put a bottle in both rooms. We can drink the other one tomorrow.'

  They talked, she told him things about her life she'd never before told anyone, even Kate, and when they had drunk the champagne they made love again, slowly, sensuously, and it was as good as before. Finally they fell asleep in one another's arms, and it was utter bliss to wake up beside him the following morning.


  The llamas were not on show on Friday, so they had a leisurely breakfast before going to the show ground. When Doc and Lucy went down to the restaurant they found Flick already there. She gave them a knowing smile as they filled their plates from the buffet and joined her. Lucy was uncommonly hungry.

  'I phoned your room, Cas, to let you know I was coming down, but I suspect you were in the shower and didn't hear.'

  He grinned, unconcerned. 'You know damn well I wasn't.'

  She smiled suddenly, leaned over and patted Lucy's hand.

  'I hope you know what you're letting yourself in for, Lucy. My brother can be a real pain to live with.'

  'Hey, Flick, wait a minute!' she protested.

  Doc had said nothing about the future apart from mentioning the champagne in his room, which promised another night of passion, but nothing more permanent. He merely grinned at Flick, and did not look at Lucy.

  'Don't make assumptions,' he said. 'And don't try to put Lucy off.'

  She didn't know what to make of this. On the one hand, if he didn't want to put her off, it looked promising. But was it? He hadn't suggested they lived together. This could just be making the most of an opportunity, while they were at the same hotel. She mustn't make any assumptions about the future of the relationship, if indeed it was a relationship and not a one night stand. Two nights, she reminded herself, with a shiver of anticipation. He wouldn't want to waste that champagne.

  The show ground was heaving with people already. First they went to check on Rosa and the alpacas, who had settled down in their new quarters with complete aplomb. They gave them extra feed, since there was too little grazing for them, and groomed them. Then they went to inspect the va
rious stalls and see what was for sale.

  There were all sorts of accessories for animals, books on their care, ceramic, plastic, wooden and fabric souvenirs. Then while Doc watched some of the classes of cattle Flick took Lucy to see the stalls where the llama products were displayed. The fibre had been spun and knitted into wraps, sweaters, and other garments. They were in natural colours, but the range was large. All were so soft Lucy was tempted into buying a fabulous cream-coloured wrap.

  'When my llama is clipped I'm going to have her fibre made into a sweater,' Flick said. 'The first year, that is. Afterwards I'll have a wrap like this, and who knows what next. If I get tired of black I'll do a swap, her fibre in exchange for fawn, or cream.'

  They had lunch in the special marquee set aside for exhibitors, and after they'd collected their food, as they sat down, Flick gave a start and pointed.

  'Isn't that the Thorpe twins? Just leaving. What on earth are they doing here?'

  'Their father is showing some cows, I saw his name in the catalogue,' Doc said. 'They may be young tearaways but he's quite a good farmer. He won a cup last year.'

  They spent the afternoon wandering round, but went back to the hotel early. There was a dinner organised for the breeders of llamas and alpacas, and the other people connected to the animals, such as the spinners and knitters and shopkeepers who sold the products. It was at another hotel several miles away, and Doc had ordered a taxi, as he wanted to be able to drink.

  Lucy wore one of her new dresses, a long, slinky affair in a subtle shade of sea-green. Her new wrap went with it perfectly.

  Apart from the food, which was good, and the fact she was sitting next to Doc, the dinner was boring. There were several speakers, all of whom went on at too great length about rather specialist concerns like the parasites llamas attracted, and how to get rid of them. This was not, she considered, a suitable topic immediately after they had eaten, since some of the descriptions were rather too graphic for comfort. She was more interested in methods of training, but almost went to sleep when someone began on trimming toenails and gelding.

  It was another wonderful night with Doc. She had expected it to be a letdown, after that first one, but if anything it was even better. They made love three times, and had difficulty in getting up when the alarm clock buzzed at them. But they had to be at the show ground early, to get the animals ready for their classes, which were in the afternoon, soon after lunch.

  As Flick had two to cope with Lucy helped her groom the alpacas. Smaller than Rosa, they were shorn every year, and the fibre was just as soft. They went off to get lunch at different times, as one of them was needed to stay with the animals all the time, then it was time for Flick's first class.

  She didn't know what qualities the judges were looking for, and couldn't see a lot of difference, but Flick's first alpaca won a third place, and she was thrilled, as it was her first time showing them. The second one didn't do as well. She seemed to take a dislike to the crowds and the noise, and Flick couldn't stop her pulling. Then it was Rosa's class.

  Doc led her to the ring, and they were waiting their turn when Lucy happened to look at the judge, who was considering an earlier entrant.

  'Doc, look! It's that man who propositioned me in the bar the other night.'

  They both knew Rosa was fated not to win. The judge recognised Doc at once, and didn't stop smirking all the time he and Rosa were in the ring. The wretched man didn't even make a pretence of looking properly at her, and gestured to Doc to remove her before she had shown all her paces.

  'Why don't you complain to the stewards?' she asked when Doc, his expression furious, came out with Rosa and they were walking back to the stables.

  'It would do no good. The judges are king.'

  'I'm so sorry! It was my fault for walking about and making him think I was a hooker looking for custom.'

  Doc laughed, and his frown lightened.

  'Don't be silly, Lucy. It would make no difference if I made a fuss now, but don't worry, the appropriate authorities will be hearing from me about the kind of man they allow to be a judge.'

  Flick had been watching from the far side of the ring, and she hurried up to ask what had gone wrong. They had to explain, and she was full of indignation for Lucy and fury at the unfairness of it.

  'Never mind, we have one cup, a start to our collection. Let's put Rosa back in her paddock and go to the hotel.'

  'Do you want to go home tonight?' Lucy asked. 'It's not very far.'

  She knew it would mean she didn't get to sleep with Doc this one last night, but fortunately he shook his head.

  'I want to forget it. Let's have a swim before dinner.'


  On the following morning, after another mind-blowing night with Doc, they went to load up the animals and head for home.

  The show ground was being dismantled. It looked like chaos, but actually was being well-controlled. Most of the stall holders had packed up and left on the previous evening, and now the big marquees were being dismantled. A whole fleet of horse boxes and cattle trucks were being loaded with their animals, and it took them some time to negotiate the crowd until they were able to park the Range Rover next to the horse box.

  Flick went off to collect the alpacas, while Doc manoeuvred the Range Rover to hitch up to the horse box. Lucy was standing behind it when she suddenly noticed the tyres on the horse box were flat.

  'Doc, stop!'

  She went to the driver's window and asked him to come and look. All of the tyres were flat, and on closer inspection they discovered knife slashes in every one. This was deliberate and malicious. Who could it have been?

  'Was it that judge?' she asked, but Doc shook his head.

  'He's had his revenge, and this sort of prank would be beneath him. My bet's on the Thorpe twins. They have passes, they resent our suspicion that it was their car which ran Miss Brown down, and didn't enjoy the tongue-lashing they got at the fête. I'll bet they saw a chance to get some revenge.'

  'But it wasn't you accusing them. Why do this to you?'

  'It all started when, as we suspect, they first let Rosa out of her paddock. Since we've put strong padlocks on all the gates they can't get at the llamas any more.'

  'They can't let them out, but they could get in, and you hear of people harming horses. Would they do that?

  'They could climb over, true, but I don't think they are wicked enough to harm them. They are the sons of a farmer, after all. They are sure we can't prove it was their car which knocked Miss Brown down, but boys like them need to show they are tough, and be able to boast about it to their mates. I wonder if their father has gone home yet? Stay here and tell Flick, will you, while I go and hunt for him. Best put the alpacas back in the stables until we can get new tyres.'

  He came back twenty minutes later to say Mr Thorpe and the boys had left the previous evening. Then they had a frustrating wait until a garage could bring out new tyres. Eventually, late in the morning, they were able to set off back home.

  They were all silent, and when Doc asked if they wanted to stop somewhere for lunch both Flick and Lucy said no. Neither of them had any appetite.

  'There are some curled-up sandwiches left,' Lucy offered. 'We can eat those as we go along.'

  They tried, but were not very hungry. They reached Shorter's Green mid-afternoon, and Doc dropped Lucy off at the cottage, despite her offer to come and help unload the animals.

  Had he finished with her? His manner was abrupt, with none of the affectionate raillery she'd become used to. He made no suggestions of when they might meet again, and she was fully prepared for the brief affair to be over. It had been wonderful while it lasted, but she had become used to life dealing her one blow after another. She had been foolish to hope this was the beginning of something permanent and more wonderful than anything else life had thrown at her.

  Kate was in the kitchen, painting her picture of Rosa. She jumped up and asked if Lucy wanted coffee, filling the machine as she spoke.
  'Well, how was it? Did Rosa win?'

  Suddenly the utter unfairness of the judging overwhelmed Lucy, and she told Kate all about it, including the nights spent with Doc.

  'And he said nothing, when he dropped me off,' she wailed. 'What if he and Alice get together again?'

  'Somehow I don't think that's likely,' Kate said, and there was something in her voice that made Lucy look at her more carefully.

  'What do you mean?'

  'Well, she and Edward were taking the dogs for a walk in the woods yesterday, and they got lost. The dogs, that is. Alice has been going everywhere in the village trying to find out if anyone has seen them. Edward, I'm afraid, found he had pressing business elsewhere and had to leave her to it.'

  'Did she find them?' Lucy asked, appalled.

  Doc loved those dogs, and if they were lost, or had been stolen, or even worse, kidnapped – dognapped? – or killed, either run over or shot by some over-conscientious gamekeeper, he would be heartbroken. He'd be more devastated by their loss than the loss of Alice. Or her, she reminded herself.

  Suddenly she became aware of some snuffling noises coming from the sitting room, and looked hard at Kate as she went to investigate. Doc's collies greeted her joyfully, trying to lick her face and hands.



  'How long have they been here? And how did you get them here?'

  'They turned up,' she said, 'and I thought I'd better keep them here until Doc came home. You'd better walk them up to the farm before he goes off searching for them.'

  'When did they turn up?'

  'Oh, not long ago,' her sister said, and refused to be more specific.

  She left her to it and began to walk up to the farm, the dogs gambolling about with such energy she suspected they had not had a lot of exercise recently.


  Alice was standing in the yard, looking miserable, as she arrived. She wasn't her normal immaculate self, her clothes looked as though she'd slept in them, and her hair was uncombed. Without makeup she was pale and somehow insignificant.


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