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Little Lords (The Dragon Demigods Book 3)

Page 10

by Charlene Hartnady

  “What would that be?” Trident asks when Lyre isn’t forthcoming.

  “Tell us,” Jarrod urges. “We can’t help if we don’t know.”

  Bolt gives a soft snore as he readjusts his position on the floor. He’s curled up in a fetal position. Serves the prick right.

  “Please, someone remind me to get a video of him before we leave,” Tri chuckles, pointing at Bolt. Then he clears his throat. “You were saying, Lyre?”

  “I brought a woman home last Saturday. We spent the night together. She was gone in the morning. I didn’t catch her last name. I have no idea who she is. All I know is that my power is gone. It must have something to do with her.” He looks like he’s deep in thought. “I can’t think of anything else.”

  “What do you know about her?” Rage asks.

  “Her name is Gabrielle. Gabby for short. She can dance. Has a wicked sense of humor. She’s gorgeous. I enjoyed chatting with her. We talked a lot. I enjoyed having a drink and a laugh. I enjoyed—”

  “Fucking her,” Trident says bluntly. For once, he sounds serious.

  “Yeah, I’m not going to lie.” Lyre shrugs. “That too.” His jaw clenches for a moment.

  “So, you think this Gabby woman somehow stole your power?” Jarrod asks.

  “Looks that way.” Lyre nods.

  “And you don’t know much about her?” Stephan asks. “You said you talked to her for a long time.”

  “In hindsight, she never actually said much about herself. She told me she’s an admin assistant but didn’t say for which company. She gave me no indication of the type of dealings they have. She told me she enjoys jogging instead of going to an actual gym but never said where she likes to jog. She gave me no real facts about herself.”

  “What now?” I ask.

  “I’ve thought it through,” Lyre continues. “I want to hire a private investigator to try to find her. It’s going to be tough, otherwise, with the limited information I have on her. The good news is that I have a CCTV camera at my front door. I have a side picture of her from when we arrived at my place. It’s a little grainy, but it’s something.” He goes to a desk on the far side of the room and pulls out a couple of black and white photographs, which he hands out to all of us.

  “I can see why you brought her home.” Tri whistles.

  “This woman more than likely sucked out my powers, this is no time to joke around.” Lyre looks less than impressed.

  “I’m sure that’s not the only thing she sucked,” Trident throws back, a smirk on his face.

  “You could be next, asshole.” Lyre is frowning. “Especially with the number of women you take through your revolving bedroom door.”

  “It is bad luck you got hit. You hardly ever take a woman home. You don’t date much either,” Jarrod remarked. “I feel for you.”

  “It is what it is.” Lyre looks exhausted even though it’s still morning. “I’ve found a PI I plan on hiring. Let’s see if he can find out who she is.”

  “What do we do in the meantime?” Night asks.

  “In the meantime, we wait.” Lyre looks apologetic. “I don’t know what else there is to do.”

  “What about Shannon and Ava?” Night asks before I can. “You said there could be complications.”

  “Could be. We’re not certain of anything. Rest assured that I’m a fantastic doctor and a good surgeon in my own right. So far, everything is progressing well with both of them. I’ve always maintained that we’re being cautious just to be on the safe side. There is no cause for concern at this time.” He pulls in a breath. “I’m hoping I can sort this whole thing out long before Ava is due. We have at least six weeks, probably more. That’s plenty of time. Shannon has months.” He looks at the others around the table. “We need to be careful, gents. This is serious. Bolt played it down, but this affects all of us. Chances are good that I was targeted. What kind of being can steal power? I had no idea it was happening. The bigger question is, who’s next on her hitlist?”

  “Maybe it wasn’t even this mystery woman,” Rage points out. “Maybe there is no hitlist.”

  “Chances are good it was her,” Lyre disagrees. “Be vigilant. That’s all I ask.”

  “You’re right,” Trident acknowledges. “I like my powers. That probably means no messing around for a while.” He looks crestfallen.

  “I wouldn’t,” Lyre says.

  “We’ll be careful,” Jarrod says.

  Stephan nods.

  Rage grunts. “Keep us informed,” he says as he stands. “Later,” he adds as he walks out.

  “Shall I wake up sleeping beauty?” Samuel asks, looking down at Bolt.

  Night shakes his head. “I’d leave him to sleep for a day or two. It would serve him right.” He’s frowning, and his jaw is tense. “You ready to head out?” he asks me.

  I nod. “You don’t want to wait…?” I point at Bolt.

  “What for?” Night sneers. “So that he can be a dick some more? Fuck that! I’m done trying to find new ground.” Night turns to Lyre. “Let us know if anything changes.”

  “I will.”

  We leave. We’re both tense. I start the car and pull away. “This is a fuck-up,” I finally say.

  “You’re telling me. Lyre was supposed to be our safety net. What if—?”

  “Don’t!” I shake my head. “Going down that road isn’t going to help anything.”

  “What do I tell Shannon?”

  “The truth. I’m sure the PI will come up with something. In the meanwhile, we still have Lyre. We have a hospital full of staff. We weren’t worried until Lyre started talking about everything that could go wrong. Ava and Shannon are healthy. Everything is going well with both their pregnancies. There is no reason to doubt they won’t keep doing well.”

  Night’s phone beeps with an incoming message. He pulls it out of his pocket and checks the device. Then he makes a noise of disgust and shakes his head. “Bolt just sent an apology. He didn’t even have the decency to call me.”

  “He should have called, but at least it’s something. He was being a dick.” I feel my phone vibrate and a double-beep sounds.

  “Looks like you may have gotten one too,” Night says.

  “What are you going to do about him?” I ask.

  “I’m done with trying. I’m going to move on with my life. If he wants to be a part of it, then he needs to make a real effort. Until then, it’s his fucking loss.”

  “I think you’re right. He’s out of line.”

  “I’ll chat with Shannon, but I’d like to go ahead and set a date for the wedding.” I can see it pains him to say it. His eyes are clouded.



  The next morning…

  I carry the tray into the bedroom. Shannon is reading a book called Taking Care of Your Newborn. She smiles when she sees me, making my chest ache. “What’s all that?” She looks at the tray in my hands.

  “Breakfast.” I put the tray down next to her. “Herb tea. A croissant and some scrambled eggs. There’s fruit and yogurt. Not to forget freshly squeezed orange juice. Did I miss anything?”

  “Nope.” She licks her lips. “Looks yum. What brought this on?”

  “What do you mean? I love spoiling you.”

  She smiles. “I know. Everything is going to be okay.” She touches her belly. “It’s funny, I was so worried earlier on in the pregnancy, but as things progress, I feel better and better about it. Blobby is strong. We’re doing well.” She rubs her growing belly some more.

  “I know.” I’m so glad she’s feeling positive. Stress would not be good for the baby.

  She narrows her eyes. “What’s up?”

  She knows me well. I sit down on the edge of the bed next to her. “I think we should set a date for the wedding. I don’t want to wait. How’s three weeks from this Saturday?”

  She laughs. “Whoa, what brought this on?” Then she cocks her head. “Although I think I can guess.”

  “Nothing brought anything on
. I’m happy Ava agreed to be your maid of honor. Death will be my best man. We’re all set. There’s no reason to delay.”

  “Except that Ava will be a few weeks from giving birth by then. I’m thinking we should wait until after she has her baby.”

  “By then, you’ll be just about ready to give birth…” I quickly put my hand up. “Not that I would mind. I’ve heard you mention a few times that you don’t want to walk down the aisle heavily pregnant. I happen to think you look amazing, and I’m willing to bet that won’t change, no matter how big you get…while carrying our child.” I’m trying hard to say all the right things. I happen to mean them as well.

  She laughs and shakes her head. “You just earned yourself a whole lot of brownie points.” She grows serious. “You’re right, I don’t want to walk down the aisle heavily pregnant. In fact, I was thinking it would be kind of nice if our child could be at the ceremony.”

  “Walking and talking or crying and pooping?” I raise my brows. “I don’t want to wait too long.”

  “We can get married soon after Blobby is born. A couple of weeks at the most. How does that sound?”

  “How about we elope? You and me…today?” I raise my brows.

  She laughs and shakes her head. I can see that she thinks I am joking.

  “I’m serious.” I take her hands. “Let’s just go and get hitched.”

  She sobers up, narrowing her eyes on mine. “What about your family? Your friends?”

  “Our family and our friends.”

  “Exactly.” She smiles. “I’ve grown so close to everyone. I loved Forge and Ava’s wedding. That’s what I want, only, with our beautiful baby in my arms. It’ll be amazing…and special.”

  I get the feeling that she is still stalling in the hopes that Bolt and I will get our shit together. I love her more for it, even though she is wrong. “Okay, smarty-pants…you win.” I lean forward and kiss my girl. My mind is whirling with emotion. On the one hand, I want Shannon to be happy. If this will make her happy, then so be it. But on the other hand, a sense of urgency is growing inside me. I want to make it official. I want Shannon to be my wife. My mate. I was waiting for all the wrong reasons, and I don’t want to wait anymore. What if— I push the thought away.



  Three weeks later…

  We’re all looking at the screen, which is all baby at this stage. In fact, our son is so big that we have to look at parts of him individually. His head. His abdomen. His legs. From this angle, we can see the bottom of one of his feet. I giggle. Forge is beaming. He squeezes my hand.

  The sonographer takes another picture for us.

  “Your son still measures slightly bigger than thirty-six weeks,” Lyre says.

  “I would put you at around thirty-seven weeks. Thirty-seven and a half,” the sonographer says. “It’s not uncommon to have a bigger baby, or to be further along than you thought you were.”

  “I’m happy.” Lyre nods. “Everything is on track.”

  I push out a breath I didn’t know I was holding in and smile so broadly my face might crack. Our baby moves inside me. It’s getting cramped in there. He’s very strong now. His kicks can pack impressive power. I can’t wait to meet our little boy.

  “Not long now.” Lucy smiles as she hands me a wad of paper towels. My belly is coated in gloopy gel.

  “The baby has descended nicely into your pelvis, but that doesn’t mean anything,” Lyre explains. “I predict your labor is at least a week out. More than likely, two or three weeks.”

  “Or more…” Lucy laughs.

  “Don’t say that!” I wag my finger at her. “I can’t imagine getting any bigger than I am right now.”

  “This is the time when the baby has rapid weight-gain,” Lyre continues. “You’re definitely going to get bigger, I’m afraid.”

  “Nooooo!” I pretend to be upset, but I’m not. A growing baby means a healthy baby. I fix my clothing and sit up.

  Lucy finishes packing up. She hands me the strip of pictures. “I’ll see you next week.”

  “Next week?” I lift my brows.

  “Yes,” Lyre says. “It’s the final countdown from here. I’ll be seeing you every week until the baby comes.”

  “Goodbye!” Lucy waves, heading out. We all say our goodbyes.

  “How do we know if the baby is coming?” Forge looks distinctly uncomfortable. “I mean, despite the obvious, which would be when you’re in established labor. That means contractions that are consistently five minutes apart or if the waters break.”

  “Very good.” Lyre nods. “I’m impressed. You should call me if you have a show, Ava. It’s normally a sign that the mucus plug closing your cervix has come away, or is about to. Let me know if you’re experiencing bad lower back pain or persistent pain that feels like period cramps. All of these are signs of impending labor.” Then he gets a wry look. “Or not.”

  “What kind of help is that?” Forge sounds disgruntled.

  “Trust me,” Lyre smiles, “you’ll know when the time comes.”

  “Okay.” Forge pulls in a big breath. “We’re ready. The nursery is all set.”

  “Forge made a crib,” I join the conversation. “It’s beautiful. I’m almost inclined to say that you’re in the wrong business. Custom cribs are the way forward.” I smile at my husband.

  Forge chuckles and puts his arm around me. “I don’t think so, Oreo. That was a one-time thing.” Then he turns serious, eyes on Lyre. “Any luck with that other thing?”

  Lyre shakes his head. “No…I’m afraid not.” His gaze moves to me and then back to Forge. “The person I hired has all but exhausted all of the avenues. We need to call another meeting to brainstorm.”

  “Absolutely. We can put our heads together.”

  I roll my eyes. “You guys can stop being cryptic. I know you’re talking about the woman who stole your powers. I think it’s terrible, Lyre. I hope you find her and figure out how she did it.”

  “Me too,” he says. “I was sure we would have found her by now. There have been a few leads, but they’re all dead ends.” His whole demeanor softens. “I don’t want you to worry. You’re in good hands.”

  “I know that.” I won’t lie, I’m nervous about the imminent birth, but I think that’s normal for any woman. “How are things between Bolt and Night? I saw Shannon last week, and she said that Night is distancing himself.”

  “I don’t blame him,” Lyre responds. “It sounds like Bolt has texted a few times, but he won’t get off his arrogant, egotistical ass and apologize to his so-called best friend in person.”

  “I’m not sure what’s going on with him,” I say. “I don’t blame Night for being pissed off.” I know that Shannon is mad too. She had been so sure that Bolt would come around. She told Night that she wanted to delay the wedding until after the baby was born in the hopes that it would happen. It hasn’t.

  “Okay, then,” Lyre changes the subject. “You’ll call if you experience any of the symptoms. Head straight to the hospital if you’re in active labor or your water breaks.”

  “Will do,” Forge says.

  “And then make sure you’re ready to be sworn at. To have your hand broken. Be ready to rub Ava’s back. Make sure you have a bag packed, and plenty of frozen dinners in the freezer.”

  Forge’s throat works. “I’d better get on that.”

  “Bags are packed, and there are frozen dinners all ready,” I pipe up.

  “I don’t mind a few swear words, and I’m tough as nails.” Forge kisses me on the cheek. “Anything to make it easier.”

  “Thanks, babe.” I’m nervous, but I can’t wait. I have a feeling this baby is coming sooner rather than later. I just know it.



  Six weeks later…

  I ease myself onto the sofa. “I love what you’re doing with the place.” I look around. “It’s gorgeous.” The transformation is unbelievable. “From bachelor pad to comfortable home. Well done.�

  “Thanks.” Shannon holds her much smaller belly as she sits across from me. Her face is radiant. She still has ankles. It’s not fair how tiny she still is. Then again, I went from burgeoning belly to huge in the space of the last couple of weeks. Now it’s Shannon’s turn. “It’s amazing what a few pieces of new furniture, a couple of rugs, and some artwork will do.”

  I give Shannon a hard stare. “It’s more than that. You’re too modest. It’s the small touches as well. The things that take more time and consideration. That vase of flowers, the throws, and the cushions. Are those new curtains?”

  She smiles and nods. “They are. I thought they worked well with the new sofa.” She looks at the sofa on which I’m sitting.

  I run my hand over the fabric. “It’s lovely. And the nursery? Are you all set? Are your bags packed?”

  She widens her eyes. “We’re getting there. At least the room has been painted. We still need to pick out a changing table. We have the crib and the stroller. We have most of the clothes we need for the first few months. One last shopping trip, and we’ll be ready.” Then she smiles. “I packed my bag yesterday, even though it’s still a bit early. Rather safe than sorry.”

  “Agreed! I put my bag in the trunk just in case.”

  We both laugh.

  “I don’t blame you.” Shannon looks at my belly. “You’re two weeks overdue. How are you doing?”

  I shake my head and reach for my juice. I can’t get to it. I groan in frustration and fall back against the back of the sofa. “This is how it’s been. To think I was so sure weeks ago that I didn’t have long to wait.”

  I was wrong.

  Completely wrong.

  Being pregnant is now uncomfortable. Our son is sitting tight. I have the odd Braxton Hicks contraction, but that’s it. There is no sign he’s coming any time soon. “The thing is, we don’t really know when my actual due date is. I have demigod blood in me too.” I shrug. “Demigod pregnancies last longer I guess.”


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