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Bad Boy Romance: Nick (Romantic Suspense Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Rock Star Contemporary Short Stories) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Jade Allen

  He shoved the door, stepped inside and promptly collapsed, his long legs sprawling half-way out of the doorway.

  Leila stared, her mind working in circles. She could not scream; she had never been the screaming type. She rushed towards the big man who had helped her escape Slick and saw that he was out cold. It was only then she noticed the egg-size bump on his head. He probably had a concussion.

  She looked around wildly, she would never be able to lift him!

  As though on cue, the elevator bell dinged and two porters stepped off.

  Leila rushed towards them, “Please, please help. My...husband fainted in our doorway.”

  “We have a doctor in residence. We’ll get him,” one of them said immediately.

  “We probably shouldn’t move him,” the other one echoed kneeling down to check for a pulse.

  An elderly man appeared almost immediately, right on the heels of the other porter. He checked Jason, did some poking and listening she didn’t understand.

  Then he looked up with a relieved sigh and said, “He took a nasty blow to the head. Nothing he can’t sleep off, ma’am. But you should probably have some aspirin on hand because he’s going to have a devil of a headache when he wakes.”

  Leila nodded, her eyes wide with relief. He was going to be okay. As annoying as he was, she didn’t want anything bad to happen to the handsome cowboy. She had seen him earlier at the rodeo and had been impressed at how he seemed to move as one with his horse. The man was a natural and a fine cowboy, in more ways than one.

  Her thoughts snapped back to the present as the three men hefted Jason to an upright position and proceeded to drag him towards the room. She ran inside ahead of them and pulled down the covers.

  Then they lowered him gently onto the bed and all three of them stepped back, panting heavily. Then the doctor motioned for her to undress Jason. With shaking hands, she did as she was told, trying not to gasp when she peeled off his shirt and revealed a hard, masculine chest. This man could easily grace magazine covers or win Cosmo’s hottest bachelor of the year. She absolutely refused to touch his pants!

  “Thank you all so much. I don’t know what I would have done!”

  They all grinned at her.

  Then the doctor bent a stern eye on her and said, “I would advise you let him sleep before you return to your...normal activities.”

  His knowing look confused Leila until her eyes alighted on a pair of feathered handcuffs and a whip lying on the drawer beside the bed. Her cheeks heated even as the two porters wore identical smirks on their faces. Lordy! What they must think of her and Jason!

  She didn’t thank them again as she hustled them out the door and shut it in their faces.


  Jason didn’t wake up until sometime around three a.m. and even then, he couldn’t tell what woke him up. He dimly remembered soft hands stroking his brow and forcing some pills down his throat with a cool glass of water; he looked around and saw her curled up on the far side of the bed.

  His vision blurred as he stared at her and he blinked. Fiona?

  He must have made some sort of sound because she startled and turned to look at him. He thought she murmured something, but he couldn’t tell what. Her soft palm felt his forehead for a fever and then she nodded approvingly, as she leaned down to whisper something in his ear.

  Her sweet, feminine scent of jasmine hit his nose and he moaned, low and long as he buried his nose in her hair. His hands clutched her hair and he pulled her closer as he sought her lips with his. The smooth silk of her nightgown brushed tantalizingly against his chest and he groaned.

  She gasped and pushed weakly against his chest even as her mouth opened under the gentle onslaught of his.

  Jason groaned in her ear; Leila frowned. She thought she had heard him say something like ‘Fiona’ but in the next breath, his lips trailed to her neck and she forgot her misgivings. Her hands wound about his neck as he tumbled her onto her back on the bed.

  She gasped and he immediately plunged his tongue into her mouth, assaulting her senses with his tender kisses. Leila’s hands wound about his neck as he deepened the kiss. His hand urgently trailed down the smooth material of her silk nightgown, driving her wild as he shaped her figure with his hands.

  Impatience quickened his fingers and Leila gasped. The small sound penetrated the haze of drug and alcohol and he lifted his head to stare blearily at her.

  “Relax,” he ordered hoarsely. “It will just be like before.”

  Before? Leila wondered dazedly.

  His hands squeezed the plump, ripe fullness of her breasts and he lowered his head and took her nipple in his mouth through the material of her night gown. All rational thought fled. His other hand raised her nightgown, revealing her sweet pussy covered by a small thatch of hair.

  A groan of purely masculine triumph escaped his lips as he immediately rubbed the pad of his thumb against her sensitive nub. Leila moaned, unused to such sensations as she leaned harder against his fingers.

  “Like it, huh?” Jason growled in her ear, enjoying her soft wetness even as his tongue and teeth continued to feast on her nipple.

  Leila was moaning disjointedly now, unable to make sense of the sensations he was awakening in her as she spread her legs wider for him. He tried to insert one finger into her entrance, but she was so tight, he couldn’t. He looked down in surprise; when had Fiona gotten so fucking tight?

  Lust roared in his veins as he rubbed repeatedly at her entrance and she whimpered and opened wider for him. Unable to wait any longer, he pulled his hard, thrusting dick out of his pants and positioned the wet, glistening, velvety tip at her entrance, rubbing and rubbing as he mingled his juices with hers.

  Slowly, he began to enter her, instinctively trapping her upper body under the strength of his to still her movement. He buried his face in her neck, groaning as her unconscious movements created delicious undulations that pushed him deeper and deeper until he was sheathed in her to the hilt.

  All thoughts fled as his hips began to rock back and forth in a mating dance as old as man himself. Leila clung to his hard, powerful shoulders, moaning his name repeatedly as he fucked her hard.

  He was huge, filling her so completely that she could feel him in every inch of her pussy, including her G-spot. His masculine scent assailed her senses, driving her wild even as his arms wrapped possessively around her like steel bands. Leila moaned and gasped, her hands twining about his neck as she offered him her body.

  “Baby,” Jason moaned in her ear, “You’re so fucking tight, it’s incredible. I love your pussy!”

  His words shoved her even closer to the edge of fulfilment and before she knew it, she was gasping and clenching and unclenching around his thick, hard length.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned helplessly as he fucked her harder and drove her ruthlessly over the edge.

  When she had drifted slowly back to Earth, his white teeth gleamed in the dark as he said, “My turn.”

  Then he began to pick up speed, fucking her at an increased tempo that amazingly awakened the flush of desire in her again. He thrusted his member higher and deeper repeatedly until she was gasping and groaning against his throat.

  Jason could not believe the sensations and sheer pleasure coursing through him as he made love to the soft, welcoming woman in his arms. He lifted onto his arms, his hips driving harder and faster as he rode furiously towards orgasm.

  She clung to him, matching his rhythm instinctively, until, with a mighty groan, he threw back his head and poured his hot seed straight into her pussy. The sensation of his hot release pouring into her was so erotic that she came apart in his arms again, her pussy spewing juices to mingle with his deep inside of her.

  Within seconds, Jason was asleep, his eyes shutting as he drifted off into dreamland. His left hand was flung possessively around her waist. Leila’s green eyes caressed his face as he slept and then her eyes widened with alarm as she realized one irrefutable truth; she loved him.<
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  She was so shocked by the realization that she sat up immediately. It could only be a temporary aberration. How could she love a man she had only met that night?

  But even as she tried to deny it, her entire being absorbed the knowledge that she had well and truly fallen for the silent, chivalrous cowboy; she wouldn’t have slept with him otherwise. He had never seemed put off by her weight; he made her feel sexy with the way his eyes roved lustily over her generous curves; and yet he was such a perfect gentleman that she could never pick offense at his obvious interest.

  She leaned down and kissed his brow, giggling at how boyish he looked in his sleep as she caressed his forehead lovingly.

  Her tender smile slowly faded away and then died completely as Jason shifted in his sleep and murmured one name:



  Jason came awake slowly. He took stock as he did so, noting that his tongue felt cottony in his mouth and his head pounded. He looked around the room, his eyes alighting on a packet of aspirin and glass of water on the bedside table. He grimaced. No wonder he couldn’t remember half of what had happened last night; he had mixed aspirin with booze. He searched the recesses of his memory, trying to remember how he had gotten into bed; all he could recall was a bar-room brawl and a lady bending over him and later shoving his hat into his hands. He frowned as he tried to remember something else about how he had ended up in his own bed, but nothing came to mind.

  He sat up gingerly, his eyes squinting against the bright daylight sun streaming through the windows. He slowly rose to his feet, his body weaving in place as he dragged himself to the bathroom.

  The cold shower pelted down onto his head and shoulders and Jason arched beneath the fine spray, feeling his energy return. His stomach growled the minute he got out of the shower and he ruefully tugged on a fresh set of clothes. Thank heavens I don’t have any rodeo activities scheduled for today, he thought. His blue eyes alighted on his rumpled bed; he had never been a quiet sleeper, he was always tossing and turning.

  With a shrug, he headed out of the room and strode downstairs to the restaurant for a meal. A quick glance at his watch confirmed that he was still within the breakfast hour. He quickly ordered a meal of toast, scrambled eggs and coffee and drummed his fingers impatiently as the waiter hurriedly put his order together.

  The meal arrived with gratifying speed and Jason dug in immediately. He sighed with satisfaction as he took his first sip of hot coffee, feeling the warmth spread through his body even as the perfect taste made his taste buds weep with joy.

  He slowed as he started on the last bit of toast, feeling eyes on him. He looked up in confusion and met a pair of green eyes glaring at him from across the room. A flash of recognition hit him in the belly and he grinned; she was the woman from the Bar H.

  Jason raised his coffee cup towards her in a mock toast and then gaped as he saw her face turn an interesting shade of red right before she literally swelled to the size of a beach ball from sheer indignation.

  “Jeez, someone needs to loosen up,” Jason muttered under his breath as he returned his gaze to his empty plate.

  He remembered now that she had had a hard time thanking him for saving her derriere last night. What was her name?

  Leila, his subconscious supplied, even as he dimly recollected rolling her name around on his tongue.

  The woman rose to her feet and slowly crossed the room, her eyes trained on Jason’s face as though she were searching for something there.

  He hesitantly let go of his coffee cup, and rose to his feet politely. He was a lot of things, but his mother had raised him right.

  “J-Jason,” she said, her voice catching slightly on the word.

  He nodded in greeting, eager to get back to his coffee.

  She searched his eyes with hers as though looking for something. She didn’t find whatever it was if the sudden pinched set of her lips was any indication.

  “Why are you looking at me as though you don’t remember me?” she demanded.

  He shrugged. What was she going to tell him? Had Slick come after her?

  “D-Do you remember me?” she asked hesitantly, confusion and fear making her voice quaver as she stared up at the dark forbidding man.

  “I remember enough to regret last night,” he tossed out carelessly, her less than enthusiastic behavior after he had damn near gotten beaten to a pulp, foremost in his mind.

  She gasped and paled, swaying on her feet so suddenly that he reached out immediately to grab her hand to steady her.

  How could she have been so wrong about this man? At twenty-eight years of age, one would think she would be a better judge of character, but no, one boyish grin and she had fallen for him like a ton of bricks! Then as if that wasn’t enough, he had moaned someone else’s name while she was still wet from their lovemaking!

  Leila’s small palms balled into fists as tears welled in her eyes and then, before she quite knew what she was going to do, she swung in a wide arc. Her fist connected with his cheek with a satisfying thump.

  “I hope you rot in hell for this Jason Fielding! I hope you suffer eternal damnation!” she yelled, startling the restaurant staff with the sheer volume of her shouts.

  Then she whirled around and ran sobbing from the room.

  Jason stared at her in confusion. What was she blathering on about now? Seemingly of their own accord, his legs started after her. But after one quick panicked look over her shoulder, she dashed into an elevator and the doors slid shut before he could reach the banks.

  Impatiently, he waited for the next one to arrive, all the while thinking about what she had said. Eternal damnation? For what, saving her?

  It didn’t add up. Had he done or said something that made her feel he had wronged her? He searched his memory and came up blank. Unbidden, images of himself entwined in naked splendor with Leila flashed through his mind. It was a dream, he assured himself firmly. There was no way he would have forgotten making love with anyone! Besides, he hadn’t been drunk when he left the bar.

  But you did take a lot of booze plus a blow to the head and aspirin, a snide inner voice reminded him.

  “Shut up,” he snarled angrily earning a fearful glance from two elderly ladies also waiting for the elevator.

  The women moved back perceptibly, their eyes watching him carefully.

  Great! Now he was talking to himself!

  He rushed into the elevator as soon as it arrived and noted that the two ladies hung back, staring at him out of beady little eyes as though he were a crazy man. With a mental shrug, he pressed the buttons for his floor and then raced straight into his room as soon as it got to his floor. The room was empty.

  Well, what had he expected; that she would be in his room? He didn’t sleep with her; why would she be in here?

  He turned to leave, but his toe kicked against something on the floor and he stopped cold. It was a woman’s hat! Instant recognition flooded him; that was the hat Leila had worn in that accursed bar last night! How had it gotten here?


  In a sudden flurry of movement, Jason leaped towards the large bed in the middle of the room, searching for something, anything. Just proof that he had actually lain with Leila. Perhaps a condom? He hoped he had enough sense to use one if he had actually slept with her. He was an extremely wealthy man by any standards and women had been forever trying to trick him into commitment. Besides, if she was the sort who ‘performed’ at night as she had promised to do for the bar guys last night, he sure hoped he had remembered to protect himself.

  He yanked the duvet away in one angry frustrated motion as he searched in vain for incontrovertible proof of their joining.

  Then his blood froze in his veins when he found a lacy bra tangled with the duvet. He had made love to her last night and forgotten; no wonder she had slugged him!

  He was a monster!


  Jason rubbed against the stubble of his five o’clock shadow as he staggered
off the field, nursing a few more bruises from his bull-riding show. He could feel the amazement of the crowd at his horrible performance. He would have been shocked, too, but he happened to know exactly what was eating him.

  He couldn’t sleep, eat or think since the last time he had seen Leila Wright three days ago.

  He kicked a clump of dirt as he walked, his body radiating angry energy that had nothing to do with the fact that he had just lost another level of the rodeo competition. It had everything to do with a pair of twinkling green eyes and soft red lips.

  He was suffering! He needed to see her and try to make amends. He had gone a little crazy after he found the bra. No matter how jaded he might personally be, he hated hurting a woman—any woman. He had raced down the stairs to the reception, so upset that he had not even remembered to use the elevator. When he had asked for her room number, they had politely but firmly refused to give it to him. He had staked out the hotel and even the Bar H as much as he could but he had seen no sign of her whatsoever.

  From where she sat in the crowd, Leila watched the tall, powerful figure of the man she had come to detest and she shivered. She had changed hotels just to avoid running into him, but every time she shut her eyes these days, there he was!

  Something inside of her tightened as she watched Jason stride off the field with slow measured steps, his head turning this way and that as though searching for someone. With a sudden flash of certainty, she knew he was looking for her! Her stomach quivered as she slouched lower in her seat. The last thing she needed was for him to let her know some more just how distasteful he found her. She could only hope he was surly enough to avoid the fair coming up tonight, she thought angrily.


  Later that night, Leila climbed onto the stage at the fair organized for cowboys in the rodeo and sang her heart out. She was wearing a sheath leopard skin gown that accentuated her curves and clung to her so tightly it seemed she had been poured into it. She also had a very large sunhat perched atop her head that added to her air of mystery and made her feel even sexier than ever.


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