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Bad Boy Romance: Nick (Romantic Suspense Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Rock Star Contemporary Short Stories) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 2)

Page 53

by Jade Allen

“Well, I hope nothing bad’s happened to him,” said Jace. She wasn’t sure if that was genuine concern or a mocking tone in his voice, but she was suddenly very interested in the shape of his lips.

  “You and I both,” Natalia said, taking another sip of the bitter drink. His lips gave a simple quirk.

  “Feel free to say no, but would you like to get out of here?” The thrill returned with a sultry vengeance, filling her up with familiar tingles of desire and black amusement. When she realized that what remained in her hotel room was the hovering figure of Brad, Natalia couldn’t help but want to follow this guy somewhere dangerous.

  “Yeah,” she said, half-sighing with a shrug. Yet despite the disinterested tone in her voice, there was a fire in her blood that flared into fierce sparks when Jace took her hand in his and led her out of the pub. She couldn’t help but feel something like excitement in her chest, nerves writhing with giddiness and anticipation. But that was probably just the booze in her system.


  Colliding with someone had never felt as good as it did now. Sure, there had been times when she had allowed herself a night where she would take a guy, lead him to her bed and then watch him leave moments later. Her skin would always feel dirty despite how satiated she felt. When she watched those men walk out of her room just as easily as they had entered it, she tried to shake off the drag of loneliness that followed. Natalia hadn’t always been like this--she had been stronger. Once upon a time, she had even been unbelievably naïve, expecting to meet someone special and form a powerful connection with them shortly afterward. She had even gotten close…

  But life, as it would have it, had different plans for her and she found herself picking up the pieces of her heart when one of them, a man with soft blue eyes named Drake, had walked out saying he “just couldn’t keep pretending anymore.”

  Ten years since the last day she had walked out the double doors of that damn high school, and Natalia was suddenly back in the same little town she had sworn to never return to. Now, here she was, intoxication running sweet inhibitions through her bloodstream as she let this newer notch on her metaphorical bedpost kiss her with wild abandon.

  “Jace,” the name escaped past her lips in a wanton moan. A flash of humorous irony passed over her mind in a moment of short-lived sobriety. Ten years ago, she had turned her nose up at this man because he was nothing short of a juvenile delinquent. She had primed herself for success while he had been busy punching people out. Sure, Nathan probably wasn’t any better, but her brother never bothered staining his hands like Jace did. He was notorious, with his black hair mussed around and leather jackets far too big for him then. Girls swooned when he walked down the hallways with his devil-may-care attitude and his penchant for easy pleasures. Not Natalia.

  No, she had seen him. Heard of him. Sure, he was good-looking, but he was an idiot, and she had a future to prepare for and a brother to watch out for. Ironically, now he was the only one who could make her feel anything.

  “Listen to you,” he spoke against the crook of her neck, tongue flicking over a sweet spot near her throat, making her shiver as he pressed her against the wall of his apartment. “It’s like you’ve never had a guy between your legs or something.”

  The alcohol in her system did nothing to hold her back from letting go in this moment where his fingers trailed fire down her skin, rubbing against the slickness between her legs. She wanted him inside her—now. With a surge of violence—inhibition also made it easy for her to react so brashly—Natalia met his lips with a vicious bite of teeth against teeth.

  “You wanna talk, or do you want to fuck me--which is it going to be?” She snarled against his mouth and she felt him smirk widely, felt him buck his hips a little harder against hers.

  “Ice Queen’s got a bite,” Jace chuckled, digging his fingers hard into the curve of her rear. They both let out a hiss at the friction; he began to pull her away from the wall and deeper into his apartment. Each step left them both more naked than the last, and when she felt Jace’s fingers reach up her shirt to grab her breasts, a sharp noise of pleasure escaped her, making him meet her whiskey-stained mouth with his own.

  Suddenly, the world was spinning and Natalia felt something rough but soft meet her back, her pants sliding off her legs and making her shiver. When she looked back up, she saw Jace kneeling behind her legs, his hands caressing the skin of her hips as he pumped a fist rapidly over himself. “Do…you have a condom?”

  “Already on, doll,” he replied, and in the dark it was hard to see, but Natalia wasn’t exactly too mindful of the details. She just wanted him in, right now.

  “Then hurry it up,” she snapped, pushing herself up to reach over to his neck and yank him forward. He met her kisses eagerly, tongues lashing together and making bitter tasting bows with every connection and tremble of flesh. She felt his fingers trace away from her hip to plunge into the depths of her entrance, making her gasp at the intrusion, but moan when he began to shift.

  “Holy shit,” she heard him gasp, “You’re so tight.”

  She could only whimper in response, bucking her hips to match the thrust of his fingers, but it wasn’t enough. It was never enough. She had been wanting for much more since she was a student in a sad little high school. With a growl, Natalia pushed him off of her before nearly tackling him to the bed. Jace gave her a look of surprise, watching her with wide green eyes as she settled on his lap. She had never been on top before, but she hardly cared. Alcohol was something else.

  “Never would’ve pegged you for a dom,” Jace said, his voice coming out half-groaning half-chuckling as she rubbed herself against his hardness. He felt large, he felt thick, and she just wanted him to make the drag of loneliness fade away. Natalia reached down and grasped him in her hands just as she felt him reach up to fiddle electric touches over her hardened nipples.

  “Shut up,” she muttered before lifting herself up and sinking back down. The head of his cock met her entrance and with a swift drop, Natalia let Jace’s erection pierce her hard. The hasty connection made him arch his back and let out a slew of profanity that sounded like music to her ears.

  “Shit—you feel—you’re so tight—” Jace said, but Natalia was already grinding, forcing moans of pleasure out of their lips before she felt his hands reach around her hips. His hips rose to meet her undulations with powerful thrusts, making Natalia feel her body respond with heightened whimpers and harder grinds. Her kiss-stung lips parted, dropping to expose a pink tongue and white teeth that clattered gently with every shove. It was amazing.

  “So good,” she moaned, repeating the words over and over again in a mantra as she shifted her hips harder and harder against his pubic bone. “Just like that...oh—oh, so good!”

  Before she knew it, the tables turned and she was flipped over on her back as Jace worked his hips against hers in ways that made her moans rise to high pitched keens and wails. She could feel it, the beginnings of a climax that threatened to shoot her off an edge and leave her screaming. Then he hooked one of her legs over his shoulder; the new angle precipitating an orgasm that slammed into her with the force of a freight train. He moved harder, faster, and deeper, making her writhe and twitch viciously against the bed. Her lips could hardly wrap around the words “So good” and “faster,” so she clung to a single syllable that made him buck against her like an animal.

  “Yes—YES! YES!!”

  And then he was groaning; twitching before she felt the heat between their legs erupt, sending them into a bliss she had been aching for—a bliss she never believed in her entire life that she could attain with Jace fucking Dillinger.


  Natalia woke up to a shifting between her legs that nearly made her shoot off the bed. The alarm only succeeded in jamming a violent headache right between her eyes. With a groan, she collapsed back onto a floppy pillow. “Ugh, what the hell…?” she began, but stopped when she heard a soft chuckle. “What time is it?” she muttered, gasping when she felt
that shift rub nicely against her folds, making her sigh out gently.

  “Five AM,” she heard, and when she peeked out from under her arm, she noticed that the daylight entering the dank and unfamiliar room was dim and soft. Her eyes landed on a single hand, tracing around between her legs and working her up. “Relax, Nat. Just helping you with that hangover.”

  “What a gentleman,” she murmured, but found that he had a point. Orgasms supposedly were a pretty sweet cure for nasty headaches. She blinked once before dropping a hand to stop his ministrations. “Did you just call me Nat?” she asked, and when she turned around, she was faced by curious green eyes.

  And it all hit her like a ton of bricks.

  She had slept with a guy not twenty four hours since her arrival, and now she was in the idiot’s bed. When the hell did she get so careless? Thoroughly put off, she shoved him off of her, turning her body away from his gaze as she stood in search of her clothes.

  “What’s the matter?” Jace purred, voice raspy and alluring. Natalia wasn’t going to fall for it now that she had a killer headache and her common sense back in place.

  “I’m leaving,” was her stout reply, tossing him a glare over her shoulder, black locks hanging down her face like a ragged curtain. “Where’s my underwear?”

  Jace gave her a shrug, lifting his arms to rest behind his head. His naked torso was like sculpted marble, draped almost artfully with the pale gray sheets around him. Natalia nearly felt nauseous after staring at him for so long. With a grunt of irritation, the woman continued her search on her own, throwing Jace icy glares every time their gazes met.

  “You know, I might be able to tell you where I last saw them, but for a price,” Jace smirked up at her teasingly as she scoured the bedroom. It was—unsurprisingly—covered in strewn pieces of laundry and the occasional bag of garbage. Ugh, gross.

  “You can jerk off on your own,” Natalia retorted, not sparing him another glance. “I’m sure I can find them.”

  “Whatever,” Jace replied, clearly at ease to let her continue searching without his assistance. Her irritability nearly made her want to turn around and chuck the nearest garbage at his face, but she refrained, knowing full well it’ll only make things worse. The sooner she got out, the better. “You know, you weren’t half bad.”

  “You weren’t half good,” Natalia snarked back, feeling some relief when she found her shorts.

  “That’s not what you were screaming last night,” Jace teased; she could practically hear the grin over his mouth. “If I recall, it sounded something like ‘Yes, yes, just like that—oh God!’ but then again, I could be wrong.”

  Natalia finally straightened up from tugging her shorts over her hips. She fixed him an unamused stare, “That did not sound like me at all.”

  “Close enough,” he said and gave her a little beckoning with his chin. Natalia almost paused, somewhat entranced by the way his figure was so open to her with a sultry promise of more pleasure. She remembered how her fingers had gripped hard on his back, dragging bright red welts over his spine as he pounded into her. Yeah—she would admit—it had been a pretty great lay, but she wasn’t the kind to shoot for seconds, sloppy or otherwise. With a snort, Natalia turned around and headed out the room, “If you find my underwear, I expect you to throw them away.”

  “I will make no such promises!” he called back as she sauntered out the door and down the hallway of the apartment. She was able to find her bra and shirt easily enough, tugging them on as she made her escape.

  She never considered herself as one to take part in what women called ‘The Walk Of Shame,’ thinking the entire idea was completely idiotic since there was nothing shameful about having a great lay. Besides, it’s not like she had had any romantic expectations between her and Jace. It was just a single one night stand. That was all.

  Heading back to the hotel proved to be another issue entirely since Natalia couldn’t remember where she was. This early in the morning, there were few people up and about and since she was fairly certain she could orient herself, she continued on her merry way without wanting to run back to Jace’s arms. After some time, Natalia felt her back pocket buzz against her skin; when she pulled her phone out curiously, her irritation only skyrocketed further.

  See you at the reunion, princess. ;)

  With a curl of her lip, Natalia quickly typed a response before deleting the message and Jace’s contact information from her phone.

  Fuck off.

  She could practically hear him laughing at her response, and she tugged her phone back in her pocket before she continued on her not-so-merry way.


  Keeping to herself had been a bit of a long-shot wish. She had hoped to avoid meeting with her family for as long as possible. She probably should have asked Arty to keep her appearance a secret, but two days after her little rendezvous with Jace Dillinger, her phone suddenly buzzed with the excited call of her mother’s desire to meet.

  “How long ago did you arrive, and how come you haven’t told me? I had to hear from Archibald that you got here, and he said you disappeared with some strange man? Please tell me it wasn’t Jace Dillinger.”


  “It wasn’t Jace Dillinger,” Natalia replied evenly, taking a sip of her morning coffee and staring at one of the hotel’s newspapers. “And I’ve been busy, so sorry I haven’t visited yet.”

  “Busy doing what, Natalia?” her mother sounded exasperated.

  “Catching up with old friends.” Ha, that was laughable. Natalia Hyde was never known to be the type to harbor friends. The closest thing she had to friends were Nathan’s old lackeys, but they were more like bits of amusement rather than friends. What friends Natalia had during her first years of high school had disappeared with Nathan’s rise in notoriety, and soon, all of her time was spent making sure her brother didn’t do anything extremely stupid.

  “Really?” her mother sounded dubious. Natalia had a feeling the woman was aware of her daughter’s reputation as the school’s Ice Queen. “Well, that’s nice, I suppose.”

  “Any sign of Nathan?” Natalia asked, but kicked herself once the words came out. If she hadn’t contacted her parents when she arrived, it was even less likely that her brother would have.

  “Nothing,” was the response and Natalia sunk into her chair, spreading the remains of her breakfast over her plate. “I wish you’d come and visit soon. Your father would love that.”

  “I’m sure he would, Mom,” Natalia said, humoring the woman before ending the call. The reminder of Jace was no help to her already frazzled nerves, and while Natalia had been successful in steering clear of the dark-haired temptation, her body didn’t do her any favors. The following nights that she had spent in her hotel room were spent in restless sleep and frustrating dreams. Brad had come knocking one of those nights, hoping for a nightcap, and Natalia nearly ripped his head off in aggravation after refusing him twice. He managed to get the hint after that and gave Natalia plenty of space whenever they bumped into each other.

  Exhaling, the dark-haired woman slid a palm down her cheek, ignoring the slickness between her legs as she tapped a rapid rhythm with her fork against the plate. She lifted an arm and waited for a server to arrive with the check, silently damning Jace for the intimate frustrations she’d been dealing with.

  As expected, Natalia furtively avoided heading home, dodging every single phone call from her mother with the excuse that she was busy with other things—which earned her a huge guilt-tripping text message—until she could find some peace. The rest of the day passed by with Natalia’s focus on her work, and when she visited the pub one last time, she was both relieved and disappointed that Jace remained absent throughout the end of the night.


  The dreaded day of the reunion finally came around, and Natalia was in the middle of getting ready when she heard a knock at her door. A groan built its way through her throat as she approached the door, “For the last time, Brad. I don’t n
eed a fucking date to the reunion.”

  When she opened the door, to her surprise, a pair of green eyes and a natural smirk met her gaze. The moment her eyes found the rest of Jace’s figure, her expression had flattened considerably, even if her heart was now thrumming hard. “Oh. You. What do you want?”

  Jace’s smirk widened, “Wow, and here I thought you reserved that attitude for when you’re hungover. You look nice, by the way.”

  “If this is your idea of a proposition, you can beat it,” Natalia grunted. “I’m not interested.”

  Jace gave her a shrug and she took that moment to appraise him. He was dressed rather sharply. A black button-down shirt hugged his figure like a loose glove; a simple gray tie hung around his neck where the collar was unbuttoned, exposing his collarbone. A silver belt buckle accentuated the narrow dip of his hips, and black slacks slipped down his legs. Even his sleeves were rolled up to expose the corded muscles of his forearms. She couldn’t deny that he looked incredibly delectable right now.

  “If you must know,” Jace spoke, “I wanted to give you a bit of news.”

  “Oh?” Natalia asked, leaning against the doorframe. “What of?”

  “It has to do with your brother, Nathan.”

  That got her attention. Straightening up, Natalia felt her fingers itch for a whole new reason and her heart gave a little jump in her chest. Jace noticed her change in demeanor with a smile and he turned his chin slightly to fix her an amused stare. “Have you seen him? Did he show up?”

  Jace chuckled, “Easy there, tiger. I’ll tell you everything I know,” he paused to lift up a finger. “But, on one condition.”

  She was already dreading his reply. “And that is?”

  Then his smile rose half-way, making his lips twist in a charming smile that almost seemed boyish. “Be my date to the reunion?”

  With a disgusted snort, Natalia tried to slam the door in his face, but he stopped her by pressing a hand over the door. “Aw, come on; humor me a little.”


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