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Bad Boy Romance: Nick (Romantic Suspense Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Rock Star Contemporary Short Stories) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 2)

Page 56

by Jade Allen

  She took the last few steps to the door and unlocked first the deadbolt, then the chain, and finally the twist lock on the knob, before opening the door. For a long moment, Chelsea stared. The man on the other side of the door was more than tall; he dwarfed her, easily a foot taller than she was, over six feet. He had dark blond hair, cut short with razor-precision, parted to the side, and bright blue-green eyes that shone intently as he looked down at her. Chelsea’s gaze took in the slightly darker stubble that roughened the man’s cheeks and jawline, contrasting sharply with the soft look of his Cupid’s bow mouth. He wasn’t just tall; the man filled up the frame of her door: broad shoulders and chest, tapering to a narrow waist and hips, and long legs. He wore fitted jeans, and a black tee shirt that clung to the lines and ridges of his torso, with a dark leather jacket over it. “Are you going to let me in?” He asked her, raising one wheat-colored eyebrow. Chelsea took a step backwards, blinking and shaking off her confusion; she felt disastrously underdressed in her pajamas, next to the man who strode quickly through her door, closing and locking it behind him.

  “This is the part where you explain what the hell is going on, right?” Chelsea threw herself onto the couch, feeling irritated at her own reaction to the man.

  “We have some time now, but not very much,” the mystery guest said, sitting down in the wingback chair nearest to her. Chelsea frowned.

  “I don’t even know what you’re talking about,” she told him, crossing her arms over her chest. She was acutely aware of the effect of the slight chill in the air when her guest had come in, of the fact that underneath the thin fabric of her top and the pajama bottoms she’d managed to pull on before she’d gone to bed the night before, she was bare.

  “Someone wants to kill you.” Chelsea stared at the man in disbelief. “They think you know something that they’d rather keep hidden.”

  “But that doesn’t make any sense,” Chelsea protested. “I don’t know anything—I can’t even think of something I know that might make someone want me dead.” The man shrugged.

  “It doesn’t matter at the end of the day whether you know it or not—the person after you thinks that you do, because you have the information.”

  “What are you talking about? I’m nobody. No one’s handed me some mysterious parcel or anything, I haven’t even gotten anything in the mail.” The man’s lips twitched in a smile. “And who the hell are you, anyway?” The man’s smile deepened.

  “My name is Johan Lindstrom,” he said. “Tell me, Chelsea; what comes to mind when I say the name Aaron Rosen?” Chelsea stared at the man blankly.

  “The CEO of the company?” Chelsea frowned. “What does he have to do with anything?” Johan raised an eyebrow, the smile not quite leaving his lips.

  “Are those really the first words that come to mind?” he asked her.

  “The first words that come to mind are ‘the scumbag I work for,’ ” Chelsea retorted, feeling the heat rising into her cheeks. Johan inclined his head slightly, his eyes glinting with amusement.

  “The scumbag you work for, that’s much more accurate. I’m sure you’re aware he’s engaged in some…less than savory practices.” Johan made the statement an almost-question and Chelsea shrugged.

  “Everyone in the office knows that,” she pointed out. “If he didn’t want that getting out he’d have to kill us all, not just me.” Johan’s lips twisted into a wry expression.

  “Drug running, profiteering…those are the common-knowledge things,” he said slowly. “But you know what happens to people who think they’re untouchable. They start taking bigger and bigger risks.” Johan shrugged. “The CEO of your company has had—dealings—with someone who’s now decided that it suits him better to roll over, give himself up—basically, to out Aaron Rosen for some very dire crimes indeed.” Chelsea swallowed at the tightness she felt in her throat. “And that man is one of the clients you’re working with right now.”

  “Why would he give that information to me?” Chelsea shook her head in disbelief. “It’s not like…I’m not anyone with any authority. I’m not even a project manager.” Johan watched her intently for a moment.

  “Have you noticed a few people going missing at the office?” he asked her. “Just…dropping off the radar? No explanation, they just aren’t there anymore?” Chelsea felt her mouth go dry as she tried to rack her tired brain for the answer to that question. Johan held his silence for a moment before speaking again. “Perhaps Sarah Johns, Micah Paxton…Cary Knowles?” Chelsea felt as if her stomach had fallen to her knees. Sarah Johns was the project manager for one of the clients that Chelsea was assigned; Micah Paxton was the account manager. Cary Knowles was one of the salesmen. “They were all involved in this particular client’s business dealings with your company, and they’re all deceased.”

  “No,” Chelsea said, shaking her head in denial. “You’re lying to me. Whatever kind of sick prank this is, it isn’t funny.” Johan exhaled, reaching into one of the many pockets on his jacket. He withdrew a folded-up bundle of papers.

  “I have proof,” he told her, almost sympathetically. Reluctantly, Chelsea took the papers from him and unfolded them, staring down at the pages. The first several she flipped through were obituaries—featuring each of the names he had mentioned, listing unknown causes of death, presumed accidents. As she continued through the stack, Chelsea’s blood began to run cooler and cooler as she saw emails, text messages. Target has been handled, one read. No information found. Confiscate their work computer.

  At the bottom of the pile, there was a picture of her—the one she had taken in the office, that was used for her email signature; it was attached to an email that read like a macabre dating profile, listing her address and phone number, the hours she worked, the fact that she typically went out to happy hour with her department on Fridays. “No,” Chelsea said, her voice little more than a breath. “This…I don’t even know anything!” She looked at Johan as her heart began beating faster in her chest, her eyes stinging.

  “We need to do a few things, and we need to do them quickly,” Johan told her, his tone level. “Can you access your work computer from home?” Chelsea nodded absently, glancing down at the papers in her hands. She felt her fingers trembling, almost unable to hold the surprisingly slippery sheets of paper. “You need to download the information the client sent to you, and we need to get the hell out of here.”

  “Where are we going?” She looked up again, meeting Johan’s level gaze.

  “Away. That’s all you need to know for right now.” He paused. “Away for several days.”

  “Do I have time to pack? Change clothes?” Johan shrugged.

  “We should be out of here in an hour; by then your boss will have probably reported you phoning in sick.” His gaze trailed over her slowly. “Pack whatever you feel you can’t live without.” There was something so final in the statement; as if to underscore the point, Johan added, “I can’t guarantee anything you leave behind will still be here at the end of the day.” Chelsea stood unsteadily, letting the papers fall from her hands and onto the coffee table. She wished—fleetingly—that she had made coffee, instead of using the time she spent waiting for Johan’s arrival to get sleep; she had the feeling that it was going to be a very, very long day.


  Chelsea paced back and forth along the length of the living room area of the suite she had checked into with Johan only a few minutes before, her arms crossed over her chest, looking at the floor beneath her feet. She knew, in the back of her mind, that she was not doing any favors to herself; but as she turned sharply and counted the steps to the other end of the room, she couldn’t help herself.

  They had driven for three hours; that was the most that Chelsea knew. She was not even certain that they were three hours away from the city she lived in. It seemed somehow as if Johan had doubled back at some point, as if she had seen the same vague landmarks—a stand of trees, or a particular unfamiliar sign—more than once, though she couldn’t
be sure. Fatigue throbbed in her bones, waging war with the adrenaline surging through her veins. Chelsea felt as if there were tiny bugs underneath her skin, making her tingle, making her nerves twitch inside of her.

  Johan had given her exactly an hour and a half before they left; he had told her to bring her laptop out, log into her work station, and then dismissed her to pack her things while he went in and downloaded whatever files she was supposed to have been given, the information that had led to the CEO of her company deciding that she needed to be eliminated. “Why didn’t he just fire me?” she asked out loud, glancing at Johan. He was seated on the other end of the room, reading a book; a perfect picture of tranquility. Who the hell is he, anyway? Chelsea wondered, frowning at the sight of the man reading. The front cover of the book gave her no clues as to what its contents might be; Chelsea couldn’t make heads or tails of the foreign words, and there was no picture to provide any context. What the hell kind of guy carries two guns, three knives, drives a sports car, and reads in his downtime? Johan glanced up from his book, his expression almost bored.

  “Because, he can’t be certain that you don’t already have the information—or didn’t already have the information. If he fired you, that wouldn’t do him any good.” Johan licked his lips, smiling slightly. “If it gives you any consolation, he’s after the criminal mastermind who decided to roll on him, too.” Chelsea felt a shiver work down her spine.

  “That doesn’t exactly make me feel great about my chances. He’s killed three people already.” Chelsea remembered—bleakly—a fortune she had gotten once at a Chinese restaurant: “Three can keep a secret, if you get rid of two.” She wondered if Rosen had received that same advice, or if as a lowlife, the epiphany came naturally to him. She started walking more quickly, feeling like a lion trapped in a cage.

  The hotel they had come to was much nicer than Chelsea would have expected; the suite was as big as her apartment, with two bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchenette. It was obvious to her that Johan had had much more lead-time than she originally thought; the room they were in was already booked when they arrived. “Who do you work for?” Chelsea asked him suddenly, stopping in mid-step.

  “That really isn’t your concern,” Johan pointed out, glancing up from his book once more.

  “I would think it is,” Chelsea countered. “I mean—as far as I know, you’re just…you might even be working for Rosen. Holding me here until someone can come and get me.” Her feet started moving again as the adrenaline flowed through Chelsea’s veins, making her heart beat faster.

  “Because Rosen would want you to be comfortable while you waited?”

  “Why not? Lull me into a false sense of security.” Johan laughed.

  “His goons could have snatched you out of your apartment at any time. They didn’t. I could have grabbed you on your way to your car this morning and drugged you to bring you here.”

  “That is probably the least comforting thing you’ve said to me all day.” Not that he’s been exactly chatty. Chelsea looked down at the floor, numbering her steps as she made her way from one end of the room to the other.

  “You should stop pacing,” Johan said, his voice perfectly level. “It’s making you more anxious.”

  “Well excuse me!” Chelsea countered, her feet coming to a stop in spite of her protest. “I just spent three hours on the road with someone I don’t even know, I have no idea where I am, and my morning started out with being told that someone wants me dead, and I have an hour and a half to pack up anything I couldn’t bear to lose, because my house might get wrecked—who knows?” She crossed her arms over her chest, pinning Johan down with a stare as brittle anger built up inside of her. Chelsea fleetingly wished that she hadn’t outgrown the kind of tantrums that had marked her toddler years; it would be so satisfying to throw herself onto the floor kicking and screaming. “Someone could come in at any moment and try to kill me. How the hell are you so calm?” Johan’s lips twitched and Chelsea’s anger deepened at his amusement.

  “Because I know that someone could come at any moment and try and kill me, or you—or anyone,” Johan said. “At any time.” He shrugged. “Or you could get hit by a car. You could get struck by lightning. Hell—people have been killed by animals falling out of the sky. The difference is that right now you know someone is out to get you. At least right now there’s someone between you and your death.”

  “I’m sorry I don’t have a fabulous, detached attitude about my entire life going to pieces around me,” Chelsea said, carefully keeping her voice low. She could feel the anger rising up inside of her, the temptation to raise her voice, to scream, to shout, making her throat tighten.

  “You should do something to relax,” Johan said matter-of-factly. “Take a bath, or get a massage. I’m fairly certain the mini-bar is well stocked.” Chelsea clenched her teeth, suppressing the shriek of indignation that threatened to rip through her throat at the dry, almost bored tone of Johan’s voice.

  “Take a bath?” she asked him finally. “When someone could bust through the door at any minute, you suggest I take a bath.”

  “You’d have ten minutes or better to get dressed before they broke in on you,” Johan pointed out. “Or if you don’t mind fighting naked, you could use that time to find a weapon.” Chelsea stared at him in utter disbelief.

  “Are you even listening to the words coming out of your mouth right now?” She bit off the rest of the words that threatened to tumble past her lips as she heard the volume of her voice rising. Johan set his book down, regarding her for a long moment. Chelsea felt a thrill of instinctive fear at the sight of him seated a few yards away, absolutely still, completely silent.

  “I’m going to need you to calm the fuck down, Chelsea,” Johan said, his voice a low almost-growl. The sound sent a shiver down Chelsea’s spine; somehow his accent was more pronounced, the rasping edge of his tone sharper. “Go take a bath. You look exhausted, and if you’re going to keep moving for the next few days, you’re going to need to sleep at some point.” Chelsea felt her mouth go dry; there was something about Johan’s absolute stillness that reminded her of a predator about to strike. “If you aren’t in the bathroom and running a bath in the next five minutes, I will pick you up and carry you there, and instead of a nice hot bath, you’ll have a cold, fully-clothed shower.”

  For just a moment, Chelsea’s brittle rage rose up, and she reveled in the thought of defying him, of telling Johan that she was not about to do what he said, that he wasn’t in charge of her and she would take a bath or not as she damned well pleased. But after the satisfying fantasy played through in her mind, she felt the fatigue of her inadequate sleep, even less adequate caffeine, and the stresses of the day come crashing down around her.

  She turned away from Johan, walking quickly in the direction of the master bedroom. “I’m not doing this because you told me to,” she shouted over her shoulder, casting a resentful glance in the direction of the back of his chair. Chelsea knew it was petty; but she couldn’t resist saying it, as she closed the door behind her and began to strip off her clothes. Irritation carried her through as she peeled off her jeans and tee shirt, as her arms tangled somehow in the straps of her bra. Chelsea flung her clothes away from her with bitter disregard for where they ended up, muttering to herself as she twisted the knobs on the taps. “I need to calm down, he says. I look exhausted he says…maybe, Johan, that’s because I am exhausted, because my entire life is falling to pieces around me and I have no idea what the hell is going on.” She plunged one foot into the water and hissed, reaching out blindly and turning the cold water on to lower the temperature.

  Chelsea climbed over the high lip of the deep tub, appreciating it almost resentfully. As she sank down into the water, the bitter words crowding their way past her lips began to ebb, and she felt her muscles slowly relaxing as the heat swirled around her. Try as she might to hold onto her resentment, the warmth and support of the water surrounding her began to lull her mind, even a
s the ache of fatigue flowed out of her body. She found a ridge in the wall of the tub and rested her head on it as drowsiness overcame her.


  For the fourth time that day, Chelsea fell out of a deep doze, her sleep interrupted by the sound of someone tapping at the bathroom door. “Are you alive in there, Chelsea?” Chelsea glanced in the direction of the door, scowling even though the person on the other side of it obviously couldn’t see her face.

  “Yes,” she said, sitting up slightly in the still-warm water.

  “I have something for you,” Johan said. “Consider it a peace offering.” Chelsea raised an eyebrow, her lips twisting into something that wasn’t quite a smile. She glanced around the room.

  “I’m naked,” she pointed out, raising her voice just enough to be heard through the door.

  “I don’t mind if you don’t,” Johan replied. Chelsea rolled her eyes, catching her bottom lip between her teeth and worrying it for a moment in thought. Curiosity won out over both spite and modesty. She reached out and pulled the shower curtain along the length of the tub, providing what little cover she could for herself.

  “Fine. The door’s unlocked.” She realized that Johan could have easily just walked in; she had been so angry and so tired when she acceded to his demand that she take a bath that she hadn’t even given thought to locking it. Chelsea’s cheeks heated up from more than the humid temperature of the room.

  A moment later, Johan came through the door, bearing a large basket full of items that Chelsea didn’t have the energy to examine in more detail. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of the shower curtain and shrugged, shifting down into a crouch only a few feet away from her. “It occurred to me that if I expect you to relax, it would make more sense to help you relax.” His tone was not quite apologetic; Johan gestured to the basket. “I ordered this from the spa downstairs off of the room service menu—it has toiletries, massage oils, candles, I think a bathrobe…” Johan shrugged again.


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