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Elemental Dragons Book 1: Blood and Water

Page 12

by Jessica Turnbull

  I’ve never seen him like this.

  I hope to never again.

  “She’ll be fine,” I whisper. “She’s strong; she won’t let go so easily.”

  Marco nods slowly, but his worried gaze doesn’t move from Drea’s body. Sweat covers his face and I can feel him shaking violently.

  It kills me to see him like this.

  No-one wants to see their best friend cry.

  The vets rush around, carrying various tools and bandages to save Drea. Most of the crowd have dispersed to give the vets room to work or feel too awkward to stick around. Marco stays rooted to the spot with his arm practically glued to my waist, but I make no attempt to move it. We must have stood there for an hour before the vets stopped and approached us. I can’t read their expressions, so I have no idea what they’re thinking.

  “She’ll be fine. We’ll transfer her to the emergency ward to keep an eye on her until she’s well enough to leave,” one says, a tall man with fuzzy brown hair.

  Marco nods wordlessly, his gaze unmoving. The three vets nod and start calling their dragons over. Between them, the three dragons carry a white stretcher in their mouths, placing it on the ground next to Drea before slowly picking her up by the feet. The white dragon roars in pain as she’s lowered onto the stretcher, lying limply on the white material.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” I murmur, squeezing his hand softly.

  He shakes his head slowly. “No.”


  Gently I step out of his grip, letting his arms drop to his side. For a few seconds, I stand there watching him, before Aqueous starts yanking at my towel. Reluctantly I leave him alone. As I trudge across the field, I feel bad for leaving him. What if he changes his mind? What if Drea’s condition worsens in the night, and he has no-one to support him?

  What if she never recovers?


  Chapter Fourteen

  Ray shouts for silence above the chatter, his gaze cold and stony. When we arrived we realized he isn’t in a good mood, but no-one has dared to ask him why. Yes, he’s friendly to people he likes, but get on his wrong side and you’ll wish you never had. .

  “Tonight, we are meeting because of an incident that has occurred among our members,” he booms, pacing up and down the aisle, meeting the gaze of anyone who makes eye contact. “As you may have heard, there have been Krystalan spies in our group.”

  Boos and hisses erupt from the crowd, but I’m reluctant to join in. I’m just hoping he doesn’t harm anyone else.

  He puts his hands up for silence. “These spies have been dealt with. However, we are sure that there are still spies lurking in our ranks.” He pauses to sweep his gaze around the room slowly, studying everyone’s faces. “We have no choice but to investigate everyone. We cannot allow the Krystalans to know about Cindaraan plans. Investigations will begin tomorrow. Do not fret about them; we will just ask a few questions.”

  Questions? Maya said Rayna was interrogated. If that happens, I’ll panic and won’t be able to talk, guilty or not.

  Aqueous wriggles under my chair, struggling to fit his growing form under the seat. He’s one of the smallest dragons I’ve seen, but he’s still too big to fit in the places he used to. He’s as big as a medium-sized dog now, so I can’t carry him around like I used to. His horns how stand out straight before curving in the middle back to his forehead.

  “Meeting dismissed.” Ray waves his hand for everyone to go, and relaxes as the crowd starts to leave.

  I choose to stay in my seat as people push and shove to leave. Large and small dragons try to squeeze through the exit all at once. The impatient people aren’t helping either. I’m glad I’m not part of that crowd tonight. Returning my gaze to the front, I see Rocky sitting near the podium. Cerberus is standing in the aisle growling at him, pawing at the air.

  “Ah, you stayed!”

  My heart thumps wildly as Ray steps off the stage at the front. A pale blue and white dragon with dazzling icy-blue eyes steps off with him. It has twirling horns that curve back towards its forehead. Emerald-green markings in the shape of vines cover its back, cheeks and chest. Aqueous emerges from the chair upon seeing it, his head cocked to the side in awe.

  “Come with me; we will chat in private.” He waves me over, smiling warmly.

  He leads Rocky and me into a room behind the black curtains on the stage. It’s a large grey room with a long wooden table in the middle surrounded by at least twenty plastic chairs. Ray motions for us to sit down, before taking a seat opposite us. His dragon sits behind him, its tail curved around its feet.

  “This is Winter,” he explains. “She is quite friendly, so do not fear her.”

  Cerberus paws Rocky again, chirping and yanking at his shirt sleeve.

  “It won’t be long, Cerberus,” he murmurs, patting her neck softly.

  “Is she okay?” Ray tilts his head to one side quizzically.

  “Yeah, she’s just hungry.”

  The blond boy chuckles before continuing. “And you, Hazel? Where is your dragon?”

  Aqueous hops onto the chair next to me, peering at Ray suspiciously. The blond boy doesn’t react, just stares at my companion in awe.

  “This is Aqueous. He’s a little impatient.” I shrug sheepishly.

  “A black common dragon,” he mutters. “I never thought I would see one of these.” He taps the table for my companion to hop up, and Aqueous obeys. He relaxes when Ray strokes his back softly.

  “Where’s Marco?” Rocky nudges my shoulder.

  “I think he’s still with Drea. He didn’t feel like coming tonight.”

  Ray sighs. “I heard what happened with Eruption. It was best for him not to come.” He clears his throat and allows Aqueous to sit back down again. “Anyway, I just want to talk to you about your ‘markings’, as Wes calls them.”

  “I presumed Hazel would get them because I did,” my brother shrugs. “But hers have spread in a different way to mine.”

  The blond boy nods slowly. “Can I see them?”

  “Uh, yeah, sure.”

  My brother stands up, takes his shirt off and turns around. Ray shoots to his feet and walks around to study them carefully. “Interesting. They reflect your element?”

  “Yeah. We don’t know what caused them, though.”

  Ray bites his lip in thought. “And they appeared when?”

  “After I discovered my element, when Cerberus got her first mark.”

  “And they have spread ever since?”

  “Yeah. They stopped spreading when I started Year Two.”

  “Yes, I see,” Ray mumbles. “You can sit down now.”

  The two boys return to their seats, and Rocky puts his shirt back on. Ray is quiet for a few seconds, still biting his lip. “Hazel, can I see yours?”

  His eyes watch me carefully as I pull my shirt up to my chest. I can’t see his expression, but the fact that he is staring at me makes me horrendously uncomfortable.

  “Okay, this is what we will do.” He leans forward in his seat, resting his hands on the table. I take this as a sign to pull my shirt down and sink into my seat. “You two and Wes keep researching this. I will get him to report to me each week with your findings. Any books or articles you may need, come and find me and I will get them for you. But, do not tell anyone else about this, okay? Keep it secret for now. I will bar you two from the interrogations. I want you focused on these markings, understood?”

  “Marco knows as well,” I murmur, uncomfortable under his gaze. “He’s been helping too.”

  He nods slowly. “Okay, be sure to inform him about what I have told you tonight. He will also be excused from interrogation.” I nod reluctantly and he continues. “Be careful. If anyone else finds out about this, it could be disastrous.”

  “We will be.” Rocky promises.

  “One last thing before you go.” My heart thumps as his expression darkens and the atmosphere thickens. “If I ever find out that you two have helped a Krystala
n spy again, I will have no choice but to put you in your place.”

  “I couldn’t leave her.” I blurt out.

  His eyes narrow and he sighs irritably. “You are too soft. You need to toughen up if you want to be a Cindaraan.”

  “She’s young,” Rocky snaps. “Give her time.”

  “This meeting is over. You can go.”

  I grab Rocky’s arm and drag him out of there before he can start an argument.


  Chapter Fifteen

  A month passes with little excitement. Today is Rocky’s birthday, however, December twenty-first. He’s asked me not to get him a present for Christmas, as my gift can be for both occasions. Seeing as Christmas is coming up I’ve been busy buying presents for everyone. I got my gifts quite early, while all the good sales were on.

  My companion has been learning fast. He has perfected his defensive moves while I’m still struggling with some of them. I’m proud of the little guy; he doesn’t care when Mr Knight gives him no attention because he’s only a common dragon. However, I can see that he’s dying to join in on the higher classes. The higher dragons are learning how to shoot through the air like a dart, and how to perfect their Elemental breathing. He tries to join in, but Mr Knight’s companion, Shark, always shoos him away. Instead, Cerberus is teaching him these moves, which is making him much happier. Since Drea is recovering quickly from her injuries, she sits on the sidelines and offers chirps of encouragement every now and again, but at least she feels well enough to go out and about. Mr Reedman and Eruption were never punished for what they did as they hold quite high positions in the school. Even though they attacked a child and nearly killed a dragon there were no repercussions.

  “Okay, your homework is for your dragon to perform a little display on how the mythological dragons behaved,” my Dragon Mythology teacher, Miss Dean, says. “Class dismissed.”

  Everyone practically throws their stuff in their bags, ready to go home for two weeks off school and dragon training. I welcome the break; we’ve been working hard for the past couple of months. The only time we get off is at Christmas and the end of the academic year in summer. Both breaks last for two weeks.

  Aqueous sticks to my side as we pass through the crowded hallway. He looks up at me often, his gaze excited and quizzical at the same time. Royal blue swirl markings now snake up his legs completely, and most of his face is covered. He’s been developing markings less often now, which indicates that he doesn’t have much left to learn in mastering his element.

  I approach my locker with caution. Even though the notes stopped coming through months ago, I’m still anxious to open my locker sometimes. Hesitantly, I swing the door open. A small yellow note floats to the floor.

  Not again, please.

  Aqueous sniffs the note curiously and looks up at me, his gaze concerned at my stiff body language. Slowly I bend down and pick up the note, wracking my brain as to why someone wrote it. It smells flowery, as if someone sprayed perfume on it before posting it.


  Meet me at the square at eight o’clock tonight. Come alone; tell no-one.

  What the hell?

  Is this some kind of joke? Am I going to get pranked?

  I look around but see no-one who might have posted the note into my locker.

  Should I go? What if it’s a trap?

  * * *

  “Happy birthday!” I squeal, presenting my gift to my brother.

  “Aww, thanks!” He takes the box of colourful paints from me, studying them closely. “Are these the limited offer ones?”

  “Yeah, I was lucky I got there early; the queue was massive.”

  “Thank you.” He pulls me into a quick hug, not letting go of the paints.

  “Don’t forget to blow out your candles!” Ciara coos, wriggling onto his lap.

  Unfortunately, Rocky wanted Ciara to be invited to his birthday dinner. She’s been insulting me behind his back all night and even openly flirted with Marco at one point. Rocky didn’t notice, but Marco ignored her.. But I can’t cause an argument on his birthday. Plus, I don’t want to give him an ultimatum. He’d be upset if he has to pick between his sister and his girlfriend.

  A gust of wind blows out the seventeen candles on the chocolate cake. Cerberus sits behind Rocky with her tail curved innocently around her paws. She’s been dying to blow out the candles since she first heard there was going to be a cake. Her little escapade earns a few chuckles from around the room, except from Marco, who just rolls his eyes irritably. Rocky said I could bring a friend to keep me company at dinner, so naturally I chose Marco. Who else would I bring?

  “Well, that works, I guess,” Rocky chuckles.

  Ciara looks far from impressed, but says nothing. “Okay, who wants a piece?”

  Cerberus’ pleading barks are ignored by the rude girl, so she cuts herself a small slice and a larger one for Rocky. Afterwards, she places a small plate of food on the floor for her companion, Angel. After taking a bite, he stands up and stretches, showing off his snowy white scales. He then curls his tail around his feet and continues his meal, growling when Aqueous gets too close.

  “Can I go yet?” Marco mutters, slumping in his chair.

  “No. We’re staying a little longer,” I hiss back.

  “Rocky keeps glaring at me though.”

  “It’s his birthday. He can beat you up if he wants.”

  My friend mulls this over. “He doesn’t know that, does he?”

  “Keep complaining and he will.”

  He mutters something under his breath and crosses his arms sulkily. One of Rocky’s friends – I think his name is Kyle – glares at Marco and taps the table impatiently.

  “Dude, why are you even here? Rocky doesn’t like you, and you don’t like him. It makes no sense to come to his birthday.” Kyle brushes back his shaggy dark brown hair, so his fringe doesn’t fall over his eyes. He’s been doing that a lot, I’ve noticed.

  “Haze wanted me here,” Marco snaps sulkily.

  Kyle looks between the two of us irritably, his eyes narrowing. The room is dead silent. Everyone is staring between Marco and Kyle with a mixture of concern and excitement. Some want them to fight; some want them to shut up and not talk to each other for the rest of the night.

  I’m in the latter category.

  “C! Can I have some cake, please?” Naomi cuts through the tense atmosphere.

  “But you’ve done so well on your diet!” Ciara reluctantly cuts a small slice for her friend.

  Naomi rolls her eyes. “It’s my treat day, silly!”

  With one last second of hesitation, Ciara hands the plate over. Concern is written all over her face, which is a rare look for her.

  Chatter rises once more, and everyone relaxes. Although I’m enjoying myself I’m still thinking about the note. I’ve been counting down the minutes until I have to leave ever since I arrived.

  My gaze turns to the clock on the wall. Ten minutes left.

  My friend fidgets in his seat and sighs quietly. Maybe it was a bad idea to bring him. I didn’t think Rocky’s friends would be so hostile. Drea is obviously uncomfortable being surrounded by dragons that are not happy with her there. She sits close behind Marco, resting her chin on his shoulder. It’s adorable how close they are.

  “So, you and Hazel are full siblings?” Another of Rocky’s friends, Luke, starts a new conversation.

  “Yeah, why?” A defensive edge creeps into my brother’s tone.

  Luke shrugs. “You two don’t look alike.”

  Kyle rolls his eyes. “Not all siblings are twins, fuckface.”

  “Language,” Rocky warns, glancing at me.

  This makes the two boys snicker.

  Marco tugs my arm roughly, sending a sharp pain up my shoulder. “Can we go now?”

  I know Rocky will be disappointed, but there is no point in us staying if Marco’s stroppy and I have to go to the Square. I’ll make it up to him some other time.

br />   Before I can say anything else, Marco is out of his seat and out the door. This raises a few eyebrows around the table, but people quickly return to eating as Drea lumbers out after him.

  “Are you leaving? You’ve barely touched your dinner.” Rocky’s face falls sadly.

  “Yeah, I don’t feel well,” I lie.

  I hate lying to him, but it’s the only way he’ll consider letting me go.

  “Do you want me to walk you home?”

  “No, no. You stay here and have fun. I’ll catch up with Marco and walk most of the way with him. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Before he can argue, I hurry away. Aqueous is hot on my heels, glancing back every few steps to growl at Angel, who pays no attention to my companion’s empty threats.

  The cool evening breeze buffets my face as I close the door behind me. It feels nice to cool down after staying in that stuffy restaurant. Down the road, I can see Drea and Marco walking back to their cabin. At least I don’t have to explain where I’m going.

  Aqueous looks frazzled as I walk in the opposite direction to my friend. He looks between the two of us before trotting after me, glancing backwards every now and again. He yanks at my socks every so often and tries to pull me in the opposite direction. He throws me accusing glares, as if to say: home is the other way, stupid! You’re going somewhere we’re not supposed to! The others will be angry!

  It’s scary wandering around at night. The streets are empty, the shops are closed, and the only light source comes from the dim grey street lamps that are dotted around the roads. The only sounds come from owls, hooting continuously.

  As I turn a corner, a sharp feeling of foreboding makes my stomach roll. I’m starting to doubt whether I should be doing this.

  Maybe I should have told Marco where I’m going.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have come at all.

  I should have thrown the note away and forgotten about it.

  As I turn another corner, the Square comes into view. To my surprise, candles dot the floor, each a different colour. They are arranged in a tight circle, with the largest candle in the middle. The middle candle is snowy white, and the flame is a little more orange than the others.


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