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Elemental Dragons Book 1: Blood and Water

Page 20

by Jessica Turnbull

  “So... We have nothing to worry about?”

  He chuckles. “I don’t think we’re in the clear as long as that thing is alive. It might re-discover its instincts and fight back. Who knows?”

  The worst part is that it hatched.

  It’s alive.

  But I thought no dragons but the Avian species could connect with a partner, unless they genetically modified it in a way so that it does.

  Maybe it won’t be like Draca. Maybe it will be okay.

  That’s a big, fat maybe.

  “What did you want to tell me?” He smiles at the waitress when she brings our water.

  Take a deep breath, and then tell him.

  Here goes nothing.

  “Look, you have to promise not to freak out, okay?” I reach forward and grab one of his hands, squeezing it softly. It’s more for my benefit than his.

  His eyes widen in terror. “You’re not...pregnant, are you? Tell me who the father is; I’ll kill him!”

  “No, Rocky! I’m not pregnant!”

  Relaxing a bit, he whines: “Don’t scare me like that!”

  “You scared yourself!” I snap.

  “Is Marco bothering you? I’ll get rid of him for you.”

  Through gritted teeth, I mutter: “Would you let me speak?”

  Stroking my hand, he finally nods. “Sorry.”

  “I’ve been... I mean, I am seeing someone.”

  “I thought you didn’t like Braith?”

  “Not Braith! He’s called Tyson, and he’s sweet. We’ve been dating for a few weeks now, and I really like him.”

  He goes scarily silent, staring emptily at the vase of colourful flowers on the table.

  Is he okay?

  “Rocky?” I shake his hand softly. “Rocky...?”

  After a few more moments his head snaps up, scaring me out of my skin. “Tyson Howard? The guy from my cabin?”


  “That’s... Great. I’m happy for you.” He smiles slightly.


  No panicking? No anger? No cursing?

  He’s happy for me?


  “Yeah, really. If you’re happy with him, then I can’t argue. Let’s enjoy dinner, okay?”

  “Yeah, I’d love to.”

  Thank fuck that went well.


  Chapter Twenty-Five

  That cheeky little fuck. Sneaking past me to steal my baby sister!

  Rocky had just walked Hazel home. She had talked to him about school and Aqueous, but he hadn’t really listened. He was too busy devising a plan in his head. He needed to get rid of Tyson, before it was too late.

  His little sister was his world. He didn’t want to see her broken, like Mum.

  It constantly haunted him. The memory of his father leaving them when Hazel was just a year old. It wasn’t her fault she cried a lot; she had stomach problems. It wasn’t his fault either that he was a bit rough with the other kids; he hadn’t meant to push Marco down the stairs. But his father didn’t care; he’d had enough. Mum was devastated when he came around with his new girlfriend. A pregnant girlfriend to boot.. His parents had argued and argued while his father packed his bags. Then, he was gone. He didn’t look twice at him or Hazel, just left with his girlfriend in tow.

  They never saw him again.

  Rocky always wondered why his father left in such a hurry, and why his suitcase was filled to the brim with money the family never had.

  He and Mum always told Hazel her father had left shortly after she was born. He didn’t want her to know she’d played a part in why he left.

  Mum moped for weeks, caring for him and Hazel like a robot, and crying when she thought neither of them could hear her. Shortly after the government announced their scheme to seize all children and take them away from their parents. Mum didn’t seem surprised, it was like she knew it was going to happen, despite the protests from parents across the country.

  “Look after your sister,” she’d always told him. “This will be hard for you two, but as long as you have each other you will be fine. You’re both special, always remember that. You don’t need a father, not one like yours anyway. Look after her, she’s younger than you are.”

  For months she made him promise, over and over. And now, he’d broken it. Hazel had already started to become attached, so he needed to cut the bond before it could get any stronger. It would be for her own good, to save her from future heartbreak.

  I’m sorry, Hazel. But this will be for your own good, I swear.

  The cabin was bustling as he walked in. Marco and Braith were chatting on her bed, constantly glancing at Tyson, who was sat up on his bed and laughing with his friends.

  It would break his heart to see his sister as upset as his mother was, so he had to do something quickly, something to drive Tyson away.

  “Hey, Rocky! Did Hazel tell you about...?” Braith pats an empty space on the bed, wanting him to sit down.

  “Yeah, she did.” He slowly sat down on the bed, stealing one last glare at Tyson.


  “And what? I’m fine with it.”

  Marco and Braith swap a disbelieving glance. For a few moments, they don’t know what to say, but then Marco finds his voice.

  “Are you ill?”


  “When you thought she was going out with Braith, you flipped.”

  “I know. But I’ve seen how happy she is.”

  “Aww!” Braith puts her arm around his shoulders. “That’s so sweet! I wish I had a brother now!”

  Get off me.

  “Have you talked to him yet?” Marco asks.

  “No. Why, what’s he like?”

  He shrugs, his face scrunching up in distaste. “He’s alright. Nothing special.”

  “Ignore him. He’s just jealous.” Braith hits Marco in the face as he tries to retort. “I think he’s really nice. I wasn’t fond of him at first because Hazy is mine, but, now that I’ve got to know him, he’s a sweet guy.”

  “Looks like he’s going to the bathroom if you want to talk to him,” Marco points out, watching the brown-haired boy leave his friends and enter the bathroom.

  “Yeah, I will, thanks.”

  They make no comment as he leaves, one hand balled into a tight fist. Tyson turns to look at him as he enters, a wide smile on his face.

  “You’re Rocky, right? Hazel’s brother? I’m Tyson, I don’t think we’ve formally met yet.”

  I’ll protect you, Hazel.

  I’ll always protect you.

  * * *

  “Uh, should we have let him go?” Braith watches him leave, her mind coming up with all the bad scenarios that could spring out of this.

  Marco shrugs. “I think so. For once he’s being very mature; give him the benefit of the doubt.”

  Braith sighs and falls back onto her pillow, her eyes locked on the bathroom door.

  Give him the benefit of the doubt.

  “How do you feel getting eighty quid a day?” She starts a new conversation purposely to distract her thoughts.

  Squirming uncomfortably, he shrugs once more. “I dunno. I don’t think it’s fair on the other dragons.”

  “It isn’t. Poor Damayanti will be cleaning for hours on end. Ray conveniently didn’t mention breaks, so I’m expecting her to get none.”

  “I think it’s good for the commoners, like Rocky and Hazel. They don’t have much money as it is; they can’t treat themselves. Hazel felt really bad when she couldn’t afford to buy me a birthday present. She still doesn’t believe I don’t want one from her.”

  “Oh, did you like mine, by the way?” she smiles teasingly.

  “Very much so. It was awkward when Sadie found the magazine, though. Now every guy is squabbling over it.”

  “I try to please everyone,” she laughs. “Oh, did Rocky tell you about the Primordial Dragon?”

  “Yeah. Is it true?”

  With a sigh, she nods solemnly. “Unfo
rtunately. Guess what they named the damned thing too.”

  “I dunno. Dragon?”

  Slapping his arm, she says: “Draca. The cheek of those people!”

  “So... You think everything will play out as it went for the Original Elementals?”

  “God no, we’ve lived separate lives. History can’t repeat itself exactly the same. The markings are here for a different reason.”

  Marco plays with his thumbs awkwardly. “Do you think the situation is better or worse than the Original Elementals’?”

  “I dunno. At the moment, definitely worse.”

  “I don’t want Hazel to get hurt.” He bows his head, but Braith could already see his face reddening.

  “I appreciate the concern for everyone else,” she teases, shuffling closer to him and leaning her head against his shoulder. “We’re all fine, by the way.”

  “You know what I mean,” he mutters, not meeting her gaze.

  “I do... So, when are you going to tell her?”

  His head snaps up. “Tell her what?”

  “Oh, you know... That you dream about her every night, constantly stare at her whenever she’s around and not looking, absolutely hating Tyson for no reason...” She wiggles her eyebrows knowingly.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he answers a little too quickly and defensively.

  Feeling his heartbeat quickening and his face heat up more, Braith giggles and pushes him playfully. “You’re a huge pussy, ya know that?”


  Chapter Twenty-Six

  First day of work for Aqueous.

  I got up to see him at quarter to eight. He didn’t look impressed at having to get up to go to work. I wasn’t the only person up; two others had met their dragons on the way out as well.

  “Here; I want you to be warm.” Gently I wrap my blue scarf around his neck.

  At first, he looks annoyed, but then his gaze softens upon seeing my sad expression. He’s a heavy builder, so he’ll most likely be working on the building itself. I hope it isn’t too taxing for him. So far, we haven’t heard anything about breaks or meals, so we have no idea what to do. If I give him food to take, they might take it away.

  “Be good and don’t hurt yourself. Drink lots of water, and if gets too cold just-”

  He cuts me off by nosing my cheek softly. I’m nervous, and I’m not even the one working.

  “Do you want me to walk you over?”

  Shaking his head softly, he licks my hand before joining the other dragons as they leave. He casts one last glance at me and waves his tail in goodbye before disappearing around the corner.

  Don’t work yourself sick.

  Once he leaves I remember that I’m stood outside in nothing but my pyjamas, so I quickly hurry back inside to the warm. Most people are still asleep; alarms are usually set for eight to get up for school.

  I can’t go back to sleep now.

  I decide to get a head start on everyone else and get ready. Once I’m done in my stall, alarms go off and people stir.

  He’ll be working now.

  Wes stretches and rolls out of bed as I return to get Normie his breakfast.

  “Is Aqueous gone?” he asks.

  “Yes. I waved him off.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be fine. He’s quite stubborn; he won’t allow other dragons to boss him around.”

  “That’s not necessarily a good thing.” I pour the food in Normie’s bowl and stand by the door to the stables, holding it open slightly with my foot.

  At the sound of food, a furry ball comes bounding over the few sleeping bodies left and sits on my foot expectantly.

  “Better than nothing.”

  “I suppose. Asteroid doesn’t start until ten, does she?”

  He laughs and shakes his head. “Nope. She was quite excited about being able to sleep in.”

  Normie meows impatiently so I put his food bowl on the floor by the bed. He looks down at it, then at me, to show his distaste at another day of dry kibble.

  “It’s that or nothing,” I sigh, sifting through my drawer for today’s textbooks.

  When it’s time to leave, I’m pleasantly surprised to see Tyson waiting outside for me. He must want to walk to school with me.

  “Hey.” Once he turns towards me, I freeze. His face is covered in bruises, and his eyes are wide and unfocused. “What happened?”

  “I-I got into a fight...” He ducks away when I go to hug him.

  It looks nasty. Who did he fight? A bear?

  “Are you okay?” Wes comes up behind me, his mouth open in shock.

  “We can’t see each other anymore,” he blurts out, backing away slowly. “It’s not you, it’s me. I’m just... I’m sorry.”

  “What do you mean?” I cry out as he starts running down the street.

  Wes holds me back as I got to follow. “Leave him alone. He might change his mind.”

  It’s not you, it’s me.

  It is definitely me then. Did I do something wrong? It wasn’t like we were officially ‘together’ or anything. He looked happy enough yesterday...

  I must have done something.

  Maybe I was too clingy? Maybe I embarrassed him in front of his friends?

  “Hazel, we need to go to school now.” Wes tugs my arm, pulling me forward in a slow walk.

  The walk to school is silent. My mind is buzzing as to what I could have done to upset him, and Wes has no idea how to console me. Once we reach the playground he quickly scans the area, trying to spot a friendly face to help him. He looks even more panicked when he can’t find anyone. All morning he still can’t find the right words to say.

  I try hard to concentrate on my schoolwork, but my mind keeps flicking back to Tyson, and how upset he looked. It’s just seems too convenient that he got into a fight the day after I told Rocky about him.

  It has to be him.

  As much as I don’t want to believe it.

  I should have known that he wouldn’t be okay with it.

  Why can’t he treat me like a sister rather than a daughter?

  * * *

  I watch the dragons work from a safe distance, trying to spot my companion. It doesn’t take long. A black dragon with a blue scarf appears on the roof of the building, holding a large wooden beam in his mouth.


  Even though I’m quite far away I can see he’s tired. The wooden beam is at least three times his length, and he’s carrying it on his own. He holds it in place while two other dragons nail it down, pushing a black and white dragon back with his tail when it gets too close.

  Damayanti is with him.

  She’s holding a mop in her mouth, cleaning the one part of the roof that’s already been built. My partner’s legs wobble as he starts to weaken, but then the two other dragons step back, and he drops it, the beam staying solidly in place.

  I’m proud of him.

  He’s working hard even though I don’t agree with his ten-hour shift.

  “Haze, are you just gonna sit there all day?” Marco plonks himself on the bench next to me, looking up at the dragons who are hard at work.

  “Dragon training isn’t for an hour. How am I supposed to do it without him?”

  My friend smiles slightly. “We’ll concentrate on you for the next few weeks, until this stupid expansion is done.”

  This is stupid. I don’t see why Ray can’t just hire extra builders to expand the building.

  Probably because dragons will work longer hours for less pay. Asshole.

  “Have they had a break yet?” I wince as my companion carries another wooden beam, only to get it wedged in the roof and bang his jaw.

  “I... I don’t think they’re getting one,” he admits, playing with his fingers. “Ray wants this done as soon as possible. I don’t think breaks are part of the agenda.”

  I hadn’t realized I had jumped to my feet until Marco pulls me back, his hand clamped around my wrist. We share the same expression. Both of us hate this. We hate what we
’ve dragged ourselves into. But, because of my markings, Ray has a hold on us. It’s my fault Marco’s involved. I should never have dragged him into this mess. He’s more expendable than I am. If he loses his use, Ray won’t be kind to him.

  How could I have been so selfish?

  My best friend would jump in front of a bus if I told him to. Why didn’t I tell him no? Why didn’t I shoo him away when he first saw my markings?

  Why did I tell Ray that Marco knew?

  And now all of us are already on his radar thanks to hitting dead end after dead end trying to find out about the markings. He’s already hurt me; Aqueous or Marco or Rocky could be next, and I have no idea what to do to prevent that.


  “I’m sorry,” I bury my face into his chest, clinging to him as if he might disappear before my eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

  “What for?” My friend chuckles softly. “You haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “I dragged you into the whole markings thing...”

  With an eye roll, he pulls away, holding my face up to his. “I dragged myself. I offered to help. Stop worrying about it. You always worry yourself sick over the tiniest of things. It doesn’t matter. We’re both in the same position, and I’m planning on sticking with you, okay? Now, stop crying. It isn’t a good look for you.”

  “What can we do? Ray’s got a firm grasp on us, he won’t let go willingly.”

  Wiping tears off my cheek, his eyes narrow in determination. “Maybe so. But as long as I have you, and you have me, he can’t control us.”


  “No, he can’t. He can’t control what we think or do, so what does he have? Yes, he has leverage over the whole markings situation but he doesn’t know the full story on the Primordial Dragon.”

  Mulling this over, I realize he’s right. Ray can’t control everything, no matter how hard he tries. I’ll always have my friends beside me; he can’t take them away.

  “Okay.” I whisper.

  Grinning, he says: “Good.”


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