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Running From the Vampire Into the Arms of the Wolf:

Page 8

by E A Price

  It was 6pm. She’d managed to get through almost a full day’s work. Thankfully Ilse had been in the kitchen in the morning, Hans being inexplicably absent. He had only started work at 5pm, so there hadn’t really been time for things to become too awkward.

  Ilse had noted that she was looking a bit pale. Melody had assured her she was fine and Ilse hadn’t pressed her.

  Hans couldn’t even stand the sight of her. He completely avoided looking at her when she came to the kitchen counter to drop off orders and pick up food. She didn’t think it was possible to feel any worse and yet she did.

  She took out her order pad and plastered a fake smile on her face, and walked over to a couple of new diners with as much fake confidence as she could muster.

  “Hi, can I get you guys some drinks?”


  Melody stilled. No, no, no, no no! This wasn’t happening! Dios! She recognised that voice. She’d know it anywhere. It belonged to Stan Marsden.

  The handsome older brother of her childhood best friend Stephanie. She’d grown up with a massive crush on him, she’d spied on him going on dates, religiously attended all of his football games and generally just worshipped him. He on the other hand had teased her and Stephanie mercilessly. She was always the fat little Latina girl desperately running after him. But at least she always had Stephanie.

  Stephanie. She felt a pang. She hadn’t even talked to Stephanie in two years. Feeling lonely she’d tried calling Stephanie after a year of running. Stephanie had been cold and distant, she couldn’t understand why Melanie had run away. And Melanie hadn’t dared tell her the truth. No, not Melanie, it was Melody now. She can’t forget that.

  The smile was frozen on her face. She studied the man in front of her. He was a little paunchy, and had deep bags under his eyes, not to mention his hair was a lot thinner, but yep that was definitely Stan Marsden. A seedier, older version of Stan Marsden alright.

  “Close, it’s actually Melody.” She smiled again, pretending to be politely confused.

  He stared at her dumbfounded. “Melanie Ramirez?”

  “No, Melody James.” Her cheeks were starting to ache.

  He snorted. “You look just like Melanie Ramirez... although a lot skinnier.”

  Her eye twitched at that comment. He had always made fun of her weight.

  “Well I don’t know what to tell you.” Honestly she didn’t.

  He chewed his cheek. “Melanie, if that’s you, you can tell me...”

  “She said her name’s Melody!” The brunette he was sat with snapped impatiently. “We need a few more minutes to decide, go away and come back.” She clicked her fingers and Melody was dismissed.

  Melody realised who she was then, it was Jane Fogel. The prom queen, the homecoming queen, the head cheerleader... every average girl’s worst nightmare. She had certainly kept both high school figure, unlike Stan she looked amazing. Although her skin was a little tight... ah botox. Jane barely registered that Melody was alive back when she was in School, there was no way she would recognise her now. Melody was grateful for that.

  Stan looked at her thoughtfully. It was the same look that Stephanie would give her when she did something silly, like sending a Valentine card to Stan. Feeling the heat rise to her cheeks she mumbled that she would come back.

  Spinning around she saw Hans glaring at her angrily. No, please not now.

  Memories of Stephanie, memories of her life before... Him assaulted her. She felt all her pent up sadness and loneliness welling up. She needed to cool down, she needed a few moments alone.

  Head down Melody retreated to the store room. The damn store room again. She’d spent more time in there in the last few days that she cared to think about.

  She rubbed at her eyes, trying to suppress the tears threatening to spill.

  She heard soft footsteps behind her. Her body suddenly trembled with need. She knew who it was.

  “Who was that man?” Hans demanded.

  She sniffled. “No one, he thought he knew me but he didn’t.”

  His wolf snarled. She was lying to him again. Fuck, he’d fallen in love with a dishonest witch. But maybe, just maybe if he could get her to tell him the truth... then they could be together. He winced. He felt like a love-sick puppy, was he really so desperate that he would be willing to tie himself to a false-hearted witch?

  He stood behind her, only inches away. Her short curls were pulled back with a band, soft wisps of hair danced over her graceful neck. His beast mewled in appreciation, both man and wolf wanted nothing more than to press their fangs into her, make her theirs. And yet...

  Hans tempered his tone slightly. “He said your name was Melanie...”

  “Well my name is Melody.” She hated lying to him, but it was for his protection as well as hers. She had to stay hidden, she just had to. If that meant deceiving the wolf she loved then so be it.

  He moved even closer to her, she felt the heat radiating from him. In spite of herself heat pooled in her womb, if he chose to take her that moment she knew she couldn’t possibly resist.

  Hans stared at her. He growled lowly. “Why won’t you tell me the truth?”

  Her slender shoulders shook. “I just... can’t...” She sobbed.

  “Can’t or won’t?!” He yelled at her, he felt his claws lengthen. He’d been so angry after last night that he’d tossed and turned all night. He’d driven to Darlington and sparred with a friend of his, a bear shifter called Cain who was a cage fighter. They sparred until every part of him felt exhausted and bruised.

  Hans himself had been a cage fighter for a few years, after he got out of military prison. He’d won every fight he’d been in. But he’d given it up when his mother pleaded with him to come home and help with the restaurant. He was never happy anywhere, so what did it matter if he was unhappy in Rose?

  He’d never really cared about feeling content or love before Melody. He’d always been an angry man with an angrier wolf. But now that he’d met Melody both he and his beast were reluctant to just let her go, even though his head told him he should.

  She shivered and rubbed her arms. He wanted to hug her, to nestle his head in her neck, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Her nearness practically set him on fire, he wanted her in his arms so badly but what about her? Did she want the same things?

  “What do you want Melody?” His voice was quiet and a little sad.

  You, I want you. “I... I don’t want anything... I’ve decided to leave Rose... there’s no reason to stay.” Her own words stabbed at her heart.

  Hans saw red, his wolf snarled at the woman. She had to be made to be submissive, she wasn’t allowed to leave. “Fuck Melody... you come to my town and make me fall in love with you and then you just decide to skip out like it’s nothing?”

  She whirled round and stared at him. He loved her? She was taken aback by the look of longing in his eyes. She raised a hand to his cheek to try and soothe him. He recoiled at her touch, like he’d been burnt.

  She dropped her arm sadly. Maybe she deserved that. Maybe she deserved all the bad things that had happened to her.

  He looked at her with loathing. “You cast a spell didn’t you? You made me feel this way didn’t you?”

  She sighed, resigned to her fate. “Whatever makes you feel better Hans.”

  He ground his jaw. He wanted her to deny it, so say it wasn’t true. To say that what they had was real, that she loved him and needed him. He opened his mouth as if to say something but changed his mind. What was the point? He shook his head and quickly walked out the room.

  She sobbed a few more times into the empty room before wiping away her tears and getting back to work.


  Melody had finished the last two hours of her shift as if in a dream. Her mind and her heart were both so heavy, she couldn’t think of anything else but Hans. She had practically completed her shift on autopilot.

  She was walking home slowly. Normally she rushed the whole way, but she
was enjoying the cool breeze on her flushed skin.

  Hans had said he in love with her. True he had marred that by accusing her of casting a spell to do it, but still...

  Maybe she should stay in Rose? But he wouldn’t be satisfied until she told him everything, and she couldn’t... could she?

  She was too wrapped up in her thoughts to even notice anything was wrong. To notice the warning tingles racing through her body.

  But the moment she heard the coldly sensual voice her heart almost stopped beating.

  “Melanie... I’ve missed you princess...”

  Chapter Ten


  Ice cold fear flooded through her body. Please. Dios. No.

  “Melanie...” His sing song voice taunted her.

  She closed her eyes. This wasn’t happening. 31st October, Halloween. How fitting she thought a little hysterically.

  She stood stock still, there really was no point in running. He circled her slowly before standing in front of her. His cruelly handsome face smiling at her. He opened his mouth to show her his fangs. She shivered. She always did when she saw them. He chuckled. He always did.

  “Three long fucking months you have kept me waiting Melanie. You will not keep me waiting a moment longer.” His silken voice belied the fury he felt at that moment.

  He traced ice cold fingers down her cheek, wandering down to her breasts. She whimpered at the familiar yet strange touch.

  She licked her dry lips. “Please don’t.”

  He put one hand on her hip, the fingers pressing into her. He flicked out a nail with his other hand and tore away the shoulder of her jacket and t-shirt, exposing her shivering skin. She tried to squirm but he increased the pressure on her hip, tightly digging into her. She cried out and he laughed lightly. “My poor little Melanie, you always know how this will turn out and yet you always try to struggle.”

  He licked his velvet tongue across her exposed shoulder and neck, her body was rigid at the unwelcome touch. She let out a sob.

  “Sshhhh, just relax, you always enjoy it more when you relax.”

  “The only comfort I get is that I can never remember most of the things you do to me.” She said venomously.

  He stilled his mouth against her shoulder. He spun her and pulled her back to him, his arms locking round her.

  His mouth was inches from her ear. “Perhaps this time you should remember. You’re mine Melanie, you belong to me and you always will. This time I will make sure you never forget...”

  He snarled and clamped his fangs into her neck. She screamed as searing agony shot through her. Her body went limp in his arms, she couldn’t control her arms or legs. Couldn’t will them to struggle and get away. Her mind shouted at her body to move, to hit him, to kick him but she was lost to his bite. She tried to reach for her magic but to no avail.

  He ferociously leeched the life force from her. Her mind succumbed to the onslaught and a haze settled over her.

  His hands sought her clothes, tearing at them. His excitement growing with every drop of blood he stole from her. Instinctively she shuddered as he pressed he arousal against her.

  He pulled his fangs from her and groaned his pleasure.

  Distantly she heard roaring. The arms holding her up let her go and she fell to the ground. She felt herself being pulled into darkness, she held on as long as she could before surrendering and allowing the darkness to take over.


  Fifteen minutes ago

  Hans watched as Melody left the restaurant. She waved a half-hearted goodbye to his family and walked out. Was he really the only one who could see that her smile was fake? Did nobody else see the pain she was trying to hide.

  His sisters were giggling and chatting excitedly about the party, whilst his mother and brother looked on indulgently. They were all going to the Halloween party. His mother was a witch, his brother had gone slapped on some fake blood and gore to make himself look like a murder victim, whilst his sisters were dressed at fairytale princesses... except with really short skirts and lots of make-up. If he hadn’t been agonising about Melody he would have made his feelings felt about their slutty outfits.

  He grabbed his jacket moving his sisters out the way. As usual they yelled at him. As usual he took no notice of them.

  Acksel caught his shoulder. “Hey bro’ you coming to the party?”

  Hans shrugged out of his grip making for the door. “No.”

  Acksel looked at him blankly. “Is Melody?”

  Hans spun back glaring at him. His wolf roared within him. Why the hell did he want to know? “How the fuck should I know?”

  “Hans...” His mother admonished him weakly. Hans was 31, there really wasn’t much point anymore.

  Hans ignored them and stomped out the door.

  He needed to catch up with Melody. He didn’t want to talk to her. He was still too angry, too unhappy with her... But he didn’t want her to walk home alone. He had to be there to protect her. Even if she didn’t know it.

  He’d followed her home every night she’d worked since the day he met her. He’d even made sure she got home safely the night she had thrown beer all over him in Bar Luna.

  He hadn’t known why he had first started following her, he’d just been driven by instinct. An instinctual need to protect her, to provide for her. His wolf had been smitten with her from the moment he scented her and he finally admitted the truth he had been ignoring for more than a month now. She was his mate.

  She was his whole world. The woman who was made for him. He’d never felt this way about anyone before. Hell he could barely stand to be apart from her. He just didn’t know if he could trust her...

  He sensed affection from her, surprisingly. He hadn’t exactly done anything to warrant it. He didn’t think she would actually reject him as her mate. Everything about the way she reacted to his behaviour surprised him. Where other women would run for the hills she was teasing and playful or downright livid with him. She wasn’t scared of him.

  Since he was a child he’d been prone to violent rages, only made worse by his father’s death. The scar down his cheek was from a particularly vicious fight between himself and two older hyena shifters when he was 13. He had come out of it with the scar, them with broken arms.

  He had barely been able to control himself which is why when he was 18 he joined the army. Yeah, it was a miracle he passed the psych evaluation. Army recruiters saw the benefit of having shifters in their ranks, stronger, faster and quicker at healing, what wasn’t there to like?

  He’d done okay for a few years, his quick temper and foul mouth meant that he didn’t rise very high in the ranks. But he calmed somewhat over the years. Until the incident...

  One of the human commanders at his barracks hated shifters. He thought they were animals and treated them even worse than that. After he had made a new recruit, a mountain lion shifter, literally lick his boots clean Hans had seen red.

  He had confronted the commander and harangued him for his treatment of the young boy. The human had laughed in his face calling him a low dirty dog. Hans had wanted to kill him on the spot, but given how much more reasonable he had become whilst in the army he tried a different approach.

  He goaded the human, calling him inferior to shifters, telling him his wife preferred shifters... the commander had attacked him. Quite viciously too. Hans had of course defended himself, even more viciously. A little too viciously...

  The commander had died of internal injuries. He apparently was already quite ill, his organs had been failing due to excessive drinking, and his body had not been able to cope with the brutal punishment bestowed by Hans.

  Everybody agreed that the commander had attacked first. There was no doubt. However, Hans had fought back aggressively. He was sentenced to two years in military prison, followed by a dishonourable discharge.

  After that he had drifted for a while until he started cage fighting. Beating people up for money, it had been ideal for him. He got to wor
k out all his rage on a random guy without the worry of getting arrested. Thank god for waivers.

  He had however come home when his mother asked. She was the only woman he had ever listened to, until Melody of course...

  The only people he could really stand to be around were his mother, his brother, Carly because she was the Omega, his friend Cain and Don Cross, a pack member who was reserved and didn’t talk much. Occasionally they got together for a drink and sat there not talking to one another. Either punching each other’s head in, or quietly drinking were the only forms of friendship he tolerated.

  His sisters... whilst he would never physically hurt them, he couldn’t stand to be around them. They acted like vapid, silly little wolves. He could only really stand his brother because he was able to take a punch and not get mad.

  Did Melody really want to be bonded to him forever? It was a bit like asking someone to handcuff themselves to a drowning lunatic.

  Hans stopped and grimaced as the smell of death permeated his nose, it was tempered by the sweetest smell of cherry blossoms... and blood. Melody.

  His wolf howled and he set off running. He saw two figures struggling. His legs pumped faster toward her.

  She was crying in agony, being held up by a dark figure. The creature was ripping at her clothes and biting her neck. Vampire.

  He roared powerfully and he hurled himself towards them, willing himself to move faster. The creature raised its head and curled its lips, licking her blood of its sharpened teeth. It laughed at him before throwing Melody to the ground and disappearing into the woods with supernatural speed.

  He finally reached his mate. He knelt down beside her gingerly picking up her tiny frame.

  Hans cradled his mate in his arms. His wolf whimpered for her. She was bloody and bruised, her breaths shallow. Her heart beat slowly and unevenly. A vampire had attacked his mate, tried to feed from her, tried to rape her...

  She was so small and helpless. He wanted to scream, cry and hit something. Most of all her wanted to reach out and heal her, he needed her to be okay. Losing her would be unbearable.


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