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Dark Widow’s Blessing (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series Book 25)

Page 12

by I. T. Lucas

  “Provided we are Dormants.”

  “I’m sure you are.” Magnus squeezed her hand. “Anyway, Yamanu is going to create the illusion of fire. Ella, being still human, is going to be as affected by it as everyone else on the estate. That’s why we asked you to warn her, but before I spilled the beans about us, we couldn’t tell you about the illusion. That’s why we said we were going to use pyrotechnics.”

  “So there isn’t going to be any fire whatsoever.”


  Bridget cleared her throat. “I don’t want to worry you unnecessarily, but Turner thinks that many Russians are immune to thralling. It’s probably genetic. So it’s not going to be an easy in and out. They will have to stage a real fire, and there will be some fighting. But humans don’t stand a chance against our Guardians. I’m sure they are going to get Ella out without a problem.”

  Vivian lost her appetite.

  Real fire was dangerous, it could spread out of control, and fighting meant bullets flying. The immortals would be wearing protective suiting, and even if they got hurt, their bodies would repair the damage. Ella didn’t have any protection. She was a vulnerable human girl.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We know what we’re doing, and Turner is the best in the field in hostage retrieval, which is how he is handling Ella’s situation. It’s no longer a simple trafficking rescue mission.”

  Bridget put down her knife and fork. “Let’s take care of at least one variable. Parker, are you ready?”

  He stuffed the last piece of steak into his mouth and pushed to his feet. “I’m going to brush my teeth, and I’ll be right back.”

  “Good idea,” Vivian said. “And don’t forget to floss.”

  Bridget walked over to the coffee table where she’d left her doctor’s bag and pulled a tongue depressor and a slim flashlight out. “I’m ready.”

  “I’ll start the coffee.” Vivian got up and got busy with the coffeemaker.

  Her entire life and that of her family depended on the result of Bridget’s checkup. The next several minutes were going to be nerve-wracking.

  When Parker came back, Bridget motioned for him to sit on the couch. “Open wide.”

  He let out a breath. “I’m glad you’re not going to cut me.”

  Bridget turned to look at Magnus. “You told him that?”

  “It’s an option. So why not?”

  “Never mind.” Shaking her head, Bridget turned back to Parker. “Open wide and stick your tongue out.” She used the tongue depressor and shone the flashlight down his throat. “I see them. They are still tiny, but those are definitely venom glands.” She offered Parker her hand. “Congratulations, young man.”

  Her head spinning, Vivian collapsed into a chair. “Thank God.”

  A split second later she found herself in Magnus’s strong arms. He crushed her against his chest. “Thank the merciful Fates.” He kissed her in front of Bridget and Parker.

  Vivian didn't care.

  A new chapter in her life was beginning. There would be no more hiding who she was or what she could do, not for her and not for Ella.

  Suddenly, she felt confident that everything was going to work out. The Guardians were going to get Ella out, and her daughter would have the life she always wanted.

  “Is it normal that they are so small?” Parker asked.

  Bridget ruffled his hair. “What did you expect? That they would magically appear fully grown? Nature takes time to build things.”

  He still wasn’t convinced. “Are they the same size as the other transitioning boys’?”

  The doctor pretended to ponder his question, then leaned to whisper in his ear, “I think yours are bigger. But don’t tell anyone I told you that. I don’t want the other guys to feel bad.”

  “You’re messing with me.”

  She grinned. “Yes, I am. Your glands are the exact size they should be one day into your transition.”

  “Thank you, doctor.” He remembered his manners.

  “I’m so happy,” Vivian said. “I wish I could tell Ella. In fact, I don’t see why not. She won’t tell anyone.”

  Magnus shook his head. “She’ll think that you’ve lost your mind. It’s better to wait for her to be rescued first and then show her proof.”

  Vivian didn’t agree, but after all that the clan had done for her, she wasn’t going to betray their confidence. The good news could wait.

  “When can we move to the village?” Parker asked.

  Magnus pulled out his phone. “I need to call Kian.”

  Vivian wanted to suggest that he should text first, but maybe this time a phone call was preferable. As she’d realized lately, Parker’s transition was big news not only for her and her family, but for the entire clan.

  “Good evening Kian, I'm putting you on speaker. Bridget is here, and she’s just confirmed that Parker is transitioning.”

  “Congratulations, Parker. Welcome to immortality.”

  “Thank you. I can’t wait for my fangs to come out.”

  “Patience, young man. I still remember how much that hurts, and I’m almost two thousand years old. I was born immortal, but they didn’t come out until I was thirteen.”

  Parker’s jaw was hanging so low, his chin was touching his chest. He looked at Vivian and mouthed, “Two thousand years old?”

  She shrugged. “What did you think being immortal meant?”

  “When can we move into the village?” Magnus asked.

  “As soon as you want. I can send Okidu to pick you up tomorrow.”

  “Awesome.” Parker pumped his fist in the air.



  Dimitri put the porcelain cup down and lifted a folded newspaper. “Will it bother you if I read, Ella?”

  So polite. If she cared for him, it most certainly would have. Someday in the distant future, when she was having breakfast with someone she loved, she would want his attention on her.

  In the present, however, it would be a relief to drop the cheerful expression and eat breakfast in peace.

  “Not at all. Go ahead.”

  He reached over the table and clasped her hand. “I’m a lucky man.” He brought it to his lips and kissed the back of it.

  Ella forced a smile, holding it until he opened the newspaper and disappeared behind it.

  With a stifled sigh, she picked up another piece of toast and buttered it.

  Hopefully, Dimitri would be gone all day on meetings.

  Having sex with him last night had been unavoidable, but despite the effort he’d put into pleasing her, she’d remained unaffected and remote. Ella was good at finding ways to cope, but she’d reached her limit when a possible result was an unwanted pregnancy.

  At least he didn’t repulse her as she’d feared in the beginning.

  Dimitri was reasonably fit, and he always smelled good, mainly because of the super duper expensive colognes he used, but also because he always showered before coming to bed. Still, he wasn’t a young man, and the skin on his face and on his body was sagging.

  Unbidden, Logan’s handsome face popped into her head, and a strange, unwanted yearning tightened her stomach.

  Ella shook her head. She was really losing her mind. If Dimitri and Logan were the only men left on earth, she would’ve chosen Dimitri or jumped off a cliff. Both options were better than Logan.

  She didn’t want Logan. He scared her. And yet, there was an undeniable pull. Like a magnet, or rather a black hole, she couldn’t help but feel the draw even though she knew it was a death trap.

  The Sith Lord was calling to her.

  Stifling a chuckle, Ella lifted her small coffee cup and took a sip. It all made sense in a twisted way. Her dark energy was drawn to the dark side.

  Yeah, she was officially losing it. She should choose to study psychology. Maybe it would help her understand what was going on in her messed-up head.

  Dimitri folded his newspaper and put it down on the table. “I have a surprise for you.”
  Instinctively, she glanced at his jacket pocket. He wasn’t wearing a suit, which was unlike him. Not that he’d gone as far as putting on jeans, she doubted he even owned any, but he was wearing casual slacks with a brown turtleneck. A plaid jacket was draped over the back of the chair.

  Ella had a feeling that Dimitri’s surprise wasn’t another gift.

  “I took the rest of the day off to be with you.”

  Damn. She plastered a smile on her face. “Dimitri, you’re spoiling me. A day with me on the estate and then another one sightseeing in Dubai? What will your business empire do without you?”

  He took her hand. “It will survive. What’s the point of having all this money if I can’t enjoy it?”

  “Don’t you enjoy the wheeling and dealing?”

  He smirked. “Oh, I do. But I have a beautiful, young fiancée, and I want to spend time with her.”

  Right. Fiancée. He hadn’t even asked her if she wanted to marry him. Not that it was going to happen. In a few days, she would be free. In the meantime, though, she needed to play the part she’d set out to play.

  “I’m so excited. What are we going to do?”

  “Let me surprise you.”

  “I need to know what to wear.”

  He looked her over. “What you have on is fine. Wear either flats or your riding boots and take a jacket. It might be chilly by the lake.”

  “Ah, now I know where you’re taking me.”

  He lifted her hand and kissed it. “You don’t know the whole plan.”

  He had a plan. He’d actually spent time thinking and preparing a fun day for her.

  Damn. Sometimes the guy made it difficult to hate him. She needed to remind herself that none of it was her choice. He’d decided he wanted to marry her and get her pregnant, not necessarily in that order, and she had no say in any of it.

  She pulled her hand out of his. “I’ll put my boots on and grab a jacket. Do I need anything else?”

  “No, lyubimaya.” He gave her a thorough once-over. “You’re perfect.”



  “Is Parker asleep?” Magnus asked hopefully as Vivian walked into his room.

  “Finally. He was so excited that it was hard for him to relax. I told him that the more sleep he got, the faster his body would make the transition. That convinced him to turn the television off and close his eyes.”

  “Come here.” He patted the spot next to him on the couch. “Are you in the mood to celebrate?”

  She sauntered toward him, but instead of sitting next to him, she sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. “What do you have in mind?”

  “I’m open to suggestions.”

  “Oh, so it’s my choice?”

  He nodded.

  “Hmmm. What should we do? How about playing cards?”

  “Strip poker?”

  “You naughty boy. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to play.”

  “And I don’t have cards.”

  “Then we have to come up with another game. I wish I hadn’t left the wig in the other room.”

  “Why? What would you have done with it?”

  “Pretended to be someone else. Maybe a spy?”

  He cupped the back of her neck and brought her mouth to his. “I don’t want anyone else. I want you.” He kissed her until she ran out of breath and pushed on his chest.

  “Vivian the dental hygienist is not very exciting,” she said.

  “I beg to differ.” Magnus lifted her and carried her to his bed. “Let me show you how exciting you are.” He took her hand and put it over the hard bulge in his pants. “Any more excitement than that and the zipper will give out.”

  “I would like to see that.” She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head. “How is it doing now?”

  “I think I hear ripping sounds.”

  Vivian lifted her bottom and pulled her leggings down. “How about now?”

  “Barely holding. I should take my pants off before they are destroyed.”

  Crooking a finger, she beckoned him to her. “Let me.” She unbuckled his belt and slowly lowered the zipper. “Oh, my. What do we have here.”

  When she leaned forward and kissed his straining shaft over his cotton briefs, the smooth head popped over the elastic band.

  “Well, hello there.” She kissed the exposed tip. “Someone is happy to see me.”

  This playful side of her was new, and Magnus loved it. He had a feeling that this was the real Vivian. The one he’d gotten to know up until now was the worried and stressed-out version of her.

  He was looking forward to discovering all of her different facets.

  Rubbing her thumb over the tip, Vivian pulled down his briefs with her other hand. “Your eyes are glowing. Do you know why I love it when they do that?”

  “Because you can see better in the dark when they do?”

  She laughed. “That too. But it’s another indication that you desire me.”

  “I always desire you.” He swept the hair away from her shoulder and kissed it. Her skin was so soft there, so smooth.

  “Take your clothes off. I want my hands all over those incredible muscles of yours.”

  Popping the top button of his shirt, he chuckled. “You’re in a bossy mood today.” He popped another one and pulled the shirt over his head, then kicked off his shoes.

  Something about his comment must have bothered her. Vivian let her arms drop by her sides and leaned back to sit on her haunches.

  He hooked a finger under her chin. “What’s the matter, lass?”

  She hesitated for a moment, then let out a breath. “I wanted to show you that I desire you just as much as you desire me, but I like it better when you’re the one being bossy. It turns me on.”

  Her blush matched the slight scent of embarrassment she was emitting.

  Magnus leaned and took her lips in a quick kiss. “I’m glad you like it because being bossy comes naturally to me. I was trying to be all progressive and let you lead. I thought you were enjoying yourself.”

  “I was, but it is not easy for me to act assertive and to initiate. It doesn’t come naturally to me.”

  “Then we are perfectly matched.”

  Vivian smiled. “I’m glad we have it all straightened out.” She wiped away imaginary sweat from her forehead.

  As Magnus pushed his pants and briefs all the way down and stepped out of them, he was glad he hadn’t bothered with socks. Those were the most awkward items of clothing to remove while stripping for a lady.

  His lady, who was eating him with her eyes as if he was her favorite treat.

  Zeroing in on his straining shaft, Vivian lifted up on her knees and licked her lips, sending a bolt of fire straight to his groin.

  But as much as he craved those lush lips of hers around it, he had a different game in mind, and she was still wearing too many clothes.

  When he reached behind her and unclasped her bra, and then pulled the straps down her shoulders, she didn’t shy away or try to cover her small breasts as she usually did.

  Magnus’s heart swelled. It meant the world to him that she was finally confident in his desire for her.

  Hooking his fingers in the elastic of her panties, he pulled down. “Lift your knee.” He pulled the panties further down. “And now the other one.”

  When she was nude in front of him, he reached for her nipples and clasped them gently between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. As he rolled and tugged, Vivian arched her back and let her head drop back. He pinched them lightly, eliciting a strangled moan.

  “No need to keep quiet, love. No one can hear you but me.”

  She lifted her head and opened her eyes. “Kiss me.”

  He did, cupping a breast with one hand and her hot center with the other.

  “Spread your legs a little wider, love.”

  When she inched her knees apart, he ran a finger along her wet folds. “You’re mine.”

  It was a cavema
n thing to say, but Magnus couldn't help the powerful possessiveness that had washed over him. This incredible woman was his, and he would have her for eternity. It was almost too good to be true.

  What had he done to earn such a boon?

  “I’m yours, and you’re mine,” she whispered. “Forever.”

  “Yes.” He hooked his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him as he pushed a finger inside her, and then another.

  Throwing her arms around his neck, she pulled him down to her parted lips.

  He slid his tongue inside her mouth, his fingers thrusting in and out of her in sync with his plundering.

  Her juices pouring over his fingers and whetting his appetite for a taste of her, Vivian moaned into his mouth.

  Tightening his arm around her waist, he lifted her, put her down on her back, and dove between her spread thighs.



  A few flicks of Magnus’s expert tongue were enough to catapult Vivian over the edge. As she arched her back and cried out, he covered her with his body and effortlessly slid into her.

  She orgasmed again.

  He rode her slowly, waiting for her to come down from her high.

  Orgasming had been something Vivian had only enjoyed sporadically, even with Josh. She’d loved sex regardless. For her, it had been more about intimacy than explosive climaxes. She hadn’t minded not coming every time she had sex.

  Now she was orgasming more than once every single time. The chemistry between her and Magnus was off the charts.

  Was it because he was such a skillful lover? Or was it her being more comfortable in her own skin with him?

  Probably both.

  Without a doubt, though, Magnus knew precisely which buttons to push and how to beautifully balance tenderness and care with dominance.

  When she opened her eyes and smiled at him, he kissed her softly and pulled out. Wrapping his arms around her, he flipped them around.

  That was unexpected.

  “I didn’t put a condom on.” He reached for the nightstand drawer, opened it, and pulled a packet out. “Do you want to put it on me?”


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