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Dark Widow’s Blessing (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series Book 25)

Page 17

by I. T. Lucas

  More than happy to oblige, Magnus let go of her wrists and reached for her knees, gripping the backs and bringing them up against her chest.

  Spread out before him like she’d never been spread out before, Vivian panted in anticipation.

  He plunged into her, getting so deep it must’ve hurt, but she didn’t protest. Instead, as he did that again, Vivian moaned in ecstasy.

  Moving faster and faster, all games and teasing forgotten, he was aware of the lewd sounds his balls were making each time they slapped against her beautiful ass, but that only added to the ambiance of the taking.

  This was a possession, primitive, uncivilized, and more satisfying than all the sex he’d had throughout his life put together.

  This was his mate, his one and only, and she wanted to be taken just as much as he wanted to do the taking.

  Her head thrashing from side to side as the pressure built up inside her, she was wild in her abandon. He was right there with her, climbing toward his peak with an inferno roaring in his ears and blurring his eyesight.

  Hips rolling faster, his shaft pistoning in and out of her, Magnus heard himself growling. And yet, he wasn’t giving in to the animal inside him.

  Not yet.

  As long as Vivian was still human, she could take only so much, and he couldn’t allow himself to let loose.

  As his shaft swelled inside her, his muscles started shaking from the effort to hold himself in check.

  Vivian was going to climax again, and it was going to happen before he bit her and before his own completion robbed him of his senses.

  Rubbing against her most sensitive spot with each twisting thrust, he drove into her again and again until she screamed.

  Gripped by the orgasm exploding over her, her body shaking and convulsing, Vivian clung to him, her nails biting into the straining muscles of his back and triggering the inevitable.

  He roared as his seed rose up like a hot geyser in his shaft and shot out, filling the condom to overflowing.

  It was epic. It was all-consuming. It was the way it was meant to be between true-love mates.

  The only thing he would have changed was eliminating the rubber barrier between them.

  With a loud hiss, he bit her not too gently, but in her state of arousal, the pain didn’t even register. She moaned as his fangs sank into her neck, her nails digging so deep she was drawing blood.

  He relished the pain.

  Hell, he wished she could do more and mark him permanently, proclaiming him as hers for everyone to see.

  As another powerful climax rocked Vivian’s body, and then another, he licked the small punctures closed and kissed her neck, waiting until the last of the shudders subsided.

  “I love you,” he whispered into the crook of her neck.

  “I love you too,” she murmured. “So much.”



  Dimitri had arranged for a traditional Russian wedding, and nothing was going the way Ella had expected.

  First of all, she’d thought he would be waiting for her at the altar. Instead he came to escort her, looking very sharp in a white tuxedo, not black.

  “You are breathtaking, my Ella.” He leaned and lightly kissed her cheek, careful not to smear her makeup, and then took her hand.

  Pavel, who’d changed into his tux, and Misha who’d put on his ill-fitting suit, took position behind them as they walked out of the master bedroom and descended the stairs.

  Up front, a horse-drawn carriage that was decorated with hundreds of white flowers and ribbons awaited them.

  Dimitri put his hands on her waist, lifted her, and put her down on the bench.

  Despite her gloomy mood, Ella chuckled. “It’s not a good idea to show off on your wedding day. What if you throw your back?”

  It was a slight jibe reminding him that he was too old for pulling stunts like that.

  He smirked. “Then I’ll give myself a muscle relaxant shot. I’m only getting married once. I’m going to do it right.”

  Poor, delusional man. The main ingredient in his dream wedding was not the right one. He had the wrong bride.

  “Who is going to walk me down the aisle? I think Pavel should do it since he’s wearing an awesome tux, but I don’t want to offend Misha. So maybe both of them can walk with me?”

  Dimitri laughed. “This is a Russian wedding. Not American. But if you want, I can have the two of them hold the crowns.”


  “You’ll see.”

  Damn him and his surprises. But whatever. She didn’t care what kind of ceremony it was going to be. As far as she was concerned, they could be sitting on toilets as thrones and wear shower caps on their heads as crowns.

  The carriage stopped in front of the chapel, where a priest was waiting for them at the entrance.

  He blessed them in Russian and gave each of them a lighted candle to hold. Another man in plain clothing came forward and said what sounded like another blessing. When he was done, the priest continued with some more mumbling that sounded like prayers.

  No one bothered to translate anything for her. But then, it didn’t matter. Not to her and not to Dimitri, but for different reasons. Ella viewed the wedding as a theatrical performance that meant nothing to her, and Dimitri didn’t think she needed to know what was being said.

  As a little boy came forward, holding a velvet cushion with the two wedding rings on top of it, the priest lifted the rings, said another prayer or blessing over them and then placed them on their fingers.

  More prayers and blessing were said, but no one asked either of them if they wanted to marry the other, and they were still standing at the entry.

  What a weird ceremony.

  When the priest was finally done, he turned around and walked into the church in measured steps, obviously expecting them to follow.

  Holding her hand, Dimitri led her in. “This was just the betrothal ceremony,” he whispered in her ear. “The crowning is the actual wedding.”

  That explained why no one had asked them anything.

  She could still say no.


  The priest stopped in the center of the church. There was a piece of rose-colored fabric under his feet, and Ella wondered what it symbolized. A rosy future? A virgin bride?

  Neither applied.

  When they joined the priest and stood facing each other, Dimitri said something that sounded like a pledge in Russian and then repeated it in English. “I, Dimitri Gorchenco, have never been promised to another, and I am marrying Ella Takala of my own free will.”

  The priest looked at her, expecting her to repeat Dimitri’s words.

  Ella swallowed, the candle she was holding in her left hand flickering as her hand started trembling. There was no way out of this. She had to say it.

  Besides, everyone in the chapel was on Dimitri’s payroll and under his control. She could say that the sky was blue, and the priest would marry them anyway, and every person witnessing the ceremony would swear that she’d said the right words.

  “I, Ella Takala, have never been promised to another, and I am marrying Dimitri Gorchenco of my free will.”

  Dimitri grinned.

  Was he going to kiss her now?

  Apparently not.

  The priest continued with his droning for several long moments, and then Pavel and Misha approached, each carrying a pillow with a crown on top.

  Lifting the crowns off the pillows, they held them over her and Dimitri’s heads as the priest read some more from his prayer book.

  The plain-clothed guy from before handed Dimitri a wine cup. He took a sip and then handed it to her. After Ella drank from it, the guy took the cup, and Dimitri took her hand.

  She was hoping someone would take the candles away because holding hers up was becoming a struggle, but that didn’t happen.

  Instead, the priest wrapped his stole around their conjoined hands and led them around the Bible stand three times, with Pavel and Misha walking behi
nd them and holding the crowns over their heads.

  Weird. Why didn’t they just put them on?

  More prayers were said, and then it was done, which she knew because the so-called guests got up and started clapping and cheering.

  Finally, the crowns were placed on their heads, and Dimitri led her out of the chapel and into the waiting carriage.

  “What now?” Ella asked as the thing started moving.

  Dimitri grinned. “Now, Mrs. Gorchenco, we leave for our honeymoon.”

  She arched a brow. “Dubai?”

  Hopefully, he hadn’t changed his plans and decided to take her to Paris for their honeymoon.

  “Yes. We change clothes, eat lunch and head out to the airport.”

  She lifted the crown off her head and brought it to her lap. “Is this real gold?”

  The design was simple, and it wasn’t studded with precious gems. It didn’t look like something Dimitri would have commissioned. Then again, she doubted he would’ve used commercially made crowns or fakes.

  “Of course.”

  “When did you have it made?”

  “I didn’t. It is a family heirloom. They both are.”

  “Oh.” She handed the crown to him. “Then you should put it somewhere safe.”

  He took it from her hands and put it back on her head. “I will. But keep it on until we get back to our room.” He clasped her hand and lifted it to his lips. “My queen.” He kissed the back of it.



  “I need to get up.” Vivian stretched her arms over her head.

  Magnus wrapped his arm around her middle and pulled her back against his warm body. “Why?”

  Indeed. She would’ve loved to stay in bed with him and spoon some more. Maybe even have a quick romp before starting her day. One of the side effects of the venom was enhanced vigor. Vivian wasn’t tired, and she wasn’t sore. In fact, she felt perfect.

  But she was still a mother with a son who needed to be fed. “Because I need to make breakfast for Parker.” She chuckled. “He’s a growing boy in more ways than one.”

  “There are plenty of leftovers in the fridge. He can grab something. At his age, I hunted and fished to get food.”

  “Right. Now I understand all those outdated outdoorsy references. Did the other kids hunt and fish?”

  “Some did. Most human kids tended to sheep, though.”

  She turned around in his arms and lifted her head. “So you were always special.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that. We just didn’t raise sheep, and I needed to keep busy. I wasn’t particularly studious, which was very disappointing to my mother.”

  “I would like to meet her.”

  “I haven’t told her about you yet.”

  Vivian hoped that it wasn’t because he was embarrassed by her. Maybe his mother had a problem with him choosing a woman with kids?

  Magnus kissed the top of her head. “I’m waiting for us to get Ella back and for you to transition. I’d rather deliver only good news and not give her any reasons for worry.”

  “Why? Is she the emotional type?”

  He chuckled. “She’s the glass-half-empty type. A pessimist.”

  “The opposite of you.”

  “In this regard yes. I’m an optimist.”

  “What’s her name?”


  “It’s a pretty name.” Vivian untangled herself from his arms. “Come on. I need coffee.”

  Magnus sighed. “So I guess a morning romp is out of the question?”

  She eyed his muscular chest. It looked so tempting, but it was late, and she had a son to feed. “I wish we could, but we overslept, and we really can’t stay in bed any longer.”

  “Tomorrow, I’m waking you up at five in the morning.”

  “Deal.” She blew him a kiss before ducking into the bathroom.

  It was such a nice one, with a tub and a separate shower and a double vanity. Vivian loved everything about the house, but mostly she loved the location. They were less than an hour’s drive away from the city, and yet it felt like living in the country.

  The only noises outside the bathroom windows were the rustle of leaves and the chirping of birds. No car engine noises, no horns honking, but also no kids yelling or dogs barking.

  Which reminded her of Scarlet. With the two of them oversleeping, the dog had probably peed in the house.

  Toothbrush in hand, she cracked the door to the bedroom open. “Magnus, you need to get up. I’m sure Scarlet left you a present in the house. No one’s taken her out since last night.”

  The way he leaped out of bed was a reminder that her man wasn’t human. Except, she was no longer startled by his fits of athleticism. It was just who he was.

  Sharing a shower without touching each other was an exercise in self-restraint, but they needed to be done quickly, and one little touch or kiss was sure to lead to another. Less than ten minutes after getting out of bed, they were both ready to start their day.

  As Magnus opened the bedroom door, they were hit by the smell of something cooking.

  They either had guests, or Parker was making himself breakfast.

  Waving a spatula, her son grinned. “Good morning. I’m making eggs. Do you want some?”

  Vivian gaped. Parker never expressed the slightest inclination toward cooking. A bowl of cereal or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich was the extent of his culinary skills.

  “Where did you find eggs? And since when do you know how to make them?”

  He shrugged. “There was a whole carton in the fridge, and I watched a YouTube video on how to make them. It’s easy.”

  “I’ll have some,” Magnus said, nudging Vivian with his elbow.

  “Yeah, me too. I can’t wait to eat your first culinary creation.”

  Perhaps she shouldn’t have said that. Now he would feel pressured.

  But Parker seemed unperturbed. In fact, he looked smug. “By the way, I already took Scarlet out. She actually woke me up and whined by the door to be let out.”

  Vivian released a relieved breath. “Good. I was afraid we were going to find a puddle or two.” She walked over to the coffeemaker. “There is only enough coffee left for two more rounds. We need to go grocery shopping.”

  “We can go after breakfast.” Magnus pulled several containers with leftovers out of the fridge and put them on the kitchen counter.

  “Mom, can you get the plates? The eggs are ready.”

  “Sure thing.” She opened the top cabinet and pulled out three. “Here you go, sweetie.”

  They’d gotten the house fully equipped with everything a family of four needed. There were pots and pans and food storage containers, bath towels and kitchen towels, and even cleaning supplies and detergents. The interior designer hadn’t omitted anything. According to Magnus, every house was delivered like this.

  Nevertheless, Ingrid was added to Vivian’s growing list of people she felt indebted to. Now she only needed to think of a way to repay their kindness.

  Leaning against the counter, Vivian looked at her guys preparing breakfast, and her heart swelled with gratitude. The only one missing from this sweet, homey picture was Ella.

  Hopefully, not for long.

  When the coffee was ready, she poured it into two cups and joined the guys at the table.

  “Try the eggs, Mom.”

  Magnus rolled his eyes in mock delight. “Best eggs I ever had.”

  What a sweet guy he was.

  Lifting the fork, she scooped a small amount and put it in her mouth, bracing to chew and swallow even if it tasted horrible. But it didn’t. The eggs were a bit too buttery but tasty nonetheless.

  “Excellent. From now on you’re in charge of making eggs.”

  Parker loved the compliment but not the assignment. “Maybe only on the weekends?”

  Vivian laughed. “Good enough.”

  When they were done with breakfast, and the dishes were cleared, Magnus poured them another cup of
coffee from the carafe. “Would you like to join me on the front porch?”

  “I would love to. It reminds me of the cabin. It’s almost as isolated here as it was there.” She turned to Parker. “Vacation is over, sweetie. You need to unpack the laptop and do some school work.”

  Parker sighed. “But what if I’m not feeling well?”

  “Are you?”

  He hung his head. “Doctor Bridget said that my teeth are going to start bothering me. But nothing is happening yet.”

  “It takes time.” Magnus ruffled his hair. “In a day or two, you’ll be begging for painkillers.”

  When he headed to his room, her son seemed more excited than scared.

  “There is a porch swing waiting for us outside.” Magnus wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “It’s so peaceful here,” she said as they sat on the swing. “Nothing but birds chirping.”

  “I hope Merlin keeps his windows closed.”


  “He likes to sing opera. Loudly.”

  “Does he have a good voice?”

  “He does, but he only knows four songs. Sometimes he sings the same one over and over. I think it was the main reason that Sari didn’t mind him living on his own outside the keep.”

  “Maybe he did it on purpose so she’d let him go?”

  He glanced at her. “I never thought of that. But yeah, that might be it.”

  “I guess we are going to find out soon. If he still sings the same four songs here, then it’s because he just knows those four.”

  “Right.” Magnus grimaced. “I can’t wait to find out.”



  Vivian leaned her head against Magnus’s bicep and sighed. “I just thought of something. Now that we are here in the village, you don’t need to babysit Parker and me. You can go back to your regular duties.”

  “Are you tired of me already?”

  She leaned away and slapped his arm playfully. “Don’t be silly. Of course I want to be with you, spending all of our days and nights together. But that would be selfish of me. Besides, I’m sure your boss is going to realize that too.”


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