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The Owned By Studs Bundle

Page 6

by Nadia Nightside

  Inside the tavern, the first sight to greet him was a beautifully busty blonde hostess. The absolute first thing he noticed about her, of course, was how low-cut her top was. The fabric skated right above the nipples, and was bound tight, exposing two beautiful semi-spheres of glorious bouncing young flesh. Every breath flirted with a wardrobe malfunction.

  Despite the open invitation to share and admire her, Jake tried to be a gentleman and did his best to look in her eyes—which were beautiful, beautiful blue.

  “I’m Britney,” the beautiful server gushed happily. “Around here, they know me as the ‘friendly tavern wench.’ Won’t you let me show you to your table?”

  She said this with an elaborate wink, holding her arm out. All part of the show. It embarrassed him a bit, being shown to his table in this fashion—there was an older couple sitting at a table just a few feet away, looking at him expectantly. Jake very nearly walked out right then.

  Ah, whatever. She was gorgeous from head to toe. Might as well enjoy holding her arm to a table.

  The inside of the tavern was layered with the mounted heads of animals—boars and deer, mostly—as well as a few shields and swords and spears and so on. It looked old-timey enough, and while he could see that the lights were electronic, they were kept behind blurred glass and remained dim and flickery enough to give the area some verisimilitude.

  The tavern was largely empty—a few couples here and there having some beers or chips and dip. They walked halfway across the range of tables before her hand brushed against his. Then, almost immediately after that, her fingers slipped between his, intertwining affectionately.

  Something...something had Happened. Something with a great deal of Significance, bearing quite a lot of Capitalization in Jake’s mind.

  Her touched had Changed something. He didn’t...he didn’t know what. He couldn't define it—he just Knew it to be True. All of sudden, her entire demeanor had changed, and the rest of the rather empty tavern faded from thought.

  That he and Britney had business to attend to was all he knew for certain.

  There were plenty of open tables. Before their hands touched, she seemed set on guiding him toward a small table near the bar. But, her flesh now rubbing against hers, and—to Jake’s great surprise—her hips intently pushing onto his, chin sliding downward onto his shoulder like they were old lovers, she led him to a dimly lit booth in the back. If no one walked directly by, they wouldn’t be able to see in.

  “Is this acceptable, Sir?”

  He could hear the capitalization in her voice. Things changing in her mind, maybe, just like in his. Sitting down at the booth, he could not help but admire her tight, gorgeously busty body. Her formerly gushy, friendly attitude now had a serious streak of seductive awareness to it. She knew that her body was on display...and more importantly, that it was displayed that way just for him to enjoy. She seemed to be a bit surprised at herself...but also didn’t seem to care all that much.

  “Yes,” he said. “Though...all I really wanted was a seat at the bar.”

  She leaned over the table, happily pawing at his arm. Her cleavage was incredibly visible. Trying to be a gentleman, still, he did his best not to stare...and largely failed.

  “Don’t worry about that at all. I’ll make sure you get everything you want. I’ll go grab you our best beer and be right back to serve you. How does that sound, Sir?”


  With a delighted giggle, she ran her fingers down his arm, squeezing it playfully. Just on reflex, he flexed—and noticed a surprising bulge in his shirt where there was a strong, dense bicep now. What the hell? He forgot his almost-fearful surprise, though, when Britney let out a soft gasp of desire, squeezing his arm even more. Finally she left, carefully strutting and swaying her ass for him to enjoy.

  Well, thought Jake. That certainly was...a bit out-of-place in his rather virginal life. At the age of twenty-one, he had never had sex before, but he was rather used to that whole situation by now. Sex was sort of like some far-off level in a video game, he just hadn't earned enough experience to get to that level yet.

  And now, to have this absolute sex-pot of a babe practically fawning all over him, and right away, with no real effort on his part...

  It was nice. It was really nice. A strong, glowing, warm sensation filled his chest.

  In fact, this affection from her didn’t feel out of place at all. No, it felt deserved.

  Wasn’t it about time that he got the affection he had so richly earned from his existence? Wasn’t he due for a little worship for being, well, just plain better than others? It was a kind of imbued right, wasn't it? A Divine Right, as a matter of fact. His cloth was the sort that Kings were cut from.


  He rubbed his eyes, leaning over at the table. Where had that thought come from? Better than others? A King?

  It was a thought that required more sorting out, but when he opened his eyes again, there was Britney with his beer. She nimbly sat down next to him in the booth, sliding forward until her long, tanned leg swung over his. Her firm, young, hot breasts pushed into his arm, and she bared her cleavage again.

  This time, he did not try to be a gentleman in the least. A tiny bead of sweat ran from her neck down into the dark shadow between her perfectly positioned tits. He watched it openly...and she adjusted her top, allowing his view to improve.

  “See something you like, Sir?”

  “Quite a bit, actually.”

  “That’s so good.”

  She was a virgin, he realized suddenly. He had no idea how he knew, but he did know it for certain, the same way that he knew her hair was blond and her eyes were bright, sparkling blue. The same way that he knew she would absolutely adore being stuffed full of his cock in every hole she had.

  Confidence flooded him, allowing him not to view her as some imposing, intimidating avatar of busty beauty as he had when he entered the tavern, but rather as a simpering, giggly, sexy little pet, eager to please him in any way possible. Just a girl. Less than that. A toy to enjoy until he tired of it, and then something to discard easily—even though her love for him would be eternal if her body allowed it.

  Adjusting his arm around her body, his hand slipped around her waist, and she cooed out her approval. His fingers dug into her soft, firm flesh of her back, fingertips sliding across her spine, and she purred with happiness, crushing her tits even harder against his chest.

  She stared up at him with happy adoration, biting her lower lip with trepidation. “Can I tell you something, Sir?”


  His voice boomed. He had never heard his voice boom before. That was cool. If he could take his eyes off her tits, he would probably notice that he was getting quite a bit taller, that his clothes were starting to shred off from all the muscle mass he was adding...but it was too much fun to stare at Britney with this feeling of perfect, complete ownership to notice all that.

  Besides—hadn't he always been this muscular and defined?

  “You’re...” Britney bit her lip, looking a bit scared. “You’re important to me. Like, really, really important. I don’t...I don’t know if I even have words. I have a boyfriend? And like...I don’t even...” she took a breath, waving air into her face. She giggled. “I just am not caring about him at all. It’s like every feeling I ever had about him is redirected onto you, but tenfold. A hundredfold. I...I love you so much and it almost hurts...” Her voice became very serious, her eyes smoldering with heat. “I want to suck your cock so fucking bad. I just want you to feel how badly I need to be yours. God...”

  She ripped at her blouse, baring her tiny lacy black bra beneath her outfit.

  “Please tell me you’ll take advantage of me? Please let me suck your monster fucking cock, oh god...Sir, please, please, ple—oh!”

  Unable to contain himself, Jake’s free hand gripped her breast through the lacy fabric of her bra. So soft, so warm. He used his strong, iron grip to tug her forward, while his hand on her
back pushed her forward. Soon, he was kissing her—and she was most definitely kissing him, moaning, her tongue immediately pressing into his. He soon found his way past the flimsy barrier of her bra, and tweaked her nipple, continuing to delve into the pleasures of her soft, beautiful flesh.

  Meanwhile, his other hand dove downward, beneath her silly period-accurate skirt, tugging at her very-period-inaccurate lacy pink panties. Her ass was tight and firm, just like the rest of her. His hand took up almost the whole of her ass-cheek. He was a hulk, now, enormous everywhere.

  His cock reflected this change. A cock fit for a king, nearly a foot long and getting thicker by the second as he enjoyed this wench's body.

  She pulled off what remained of his muscle-shredded pants, moaning with hot, forceful need as she breathed on his stiffening rod.

  Jake realized for a moment that he hadn’t remembered it being so thick. Was he getting bigger?

  Of course not. He had always been huge. That’s why he deserved the total adoration of babes like this Britney. He shoved her head down against his crotch, guiding her to lick him, love him, as was her proper place.

  He was her King. He was her fucking King, to be able to treat her like this. He was going to cover her in his cum. He was going to fill her up and breed her, make her pregnant. That’s what Kings did.

  As she gorged on his cock, stroking him with her hands to make up for what she couldn't swallow, he tilted his head back and enjoyed life, as a King would.

  * * * * *

  Hazel was so incredibly pissed with Derek. Sleeping with that stupid, slutty Estelle! How dare he!

  She walked through the muddy grounds of the Renaissance Fair, trying to avoid any visitors for the day.

  Even so, opportunistic men catcalled her, thinking she was part of the show. Of course, she technically was, but her duties extended far beyond just being a player in the Fair, and today of all days, she had no intention of partaking in pleasantries with guests for very long.

  Even so, it was easy to understand the misunderstanding with what she was wearing. In her tight, silly princess gown, she certainly looked like a posh princess. But, with Derek enraging her the way he had, she just was not very amiable to playing the part of the helpless damsel right now.

  As a point of fact, she knew she was often not any good at that role in the first place with her often cold and standoffish moods, so with as agitated as she was, it would have been an exercise in complete futility to appear flirty, vulnerable, and attractive all at once right now, even if she was a fucking knock-out in this skimpy gown. Her red hair—her pride and joy—trailed all the way down to her trim, perfect ass, and she knew she provided a lot of ammunition for horny men. She would have been lying if she said she didn't enjoy their looks, at least a little bit.

  Estelle! Once again, Hazel shook her beautiful head. God. Derek really drove her nuts.

  More than anything, Hazel was just looking for something to take her frustrations out on. So, she headed to the tavern—if she was going to work on something, it may as well be a quick shot and a beer, she thought. Just to relax a little bit.

  Derek had come clean to her earlier in the afternoon. It was important for him to be honest to her, he said—because of how he couldn’t be honest all the way with Britney, really. Whatever that meant. He was an asshole, cheating on Hazel with Estelle when he was supposed to only be cheating on Britney with Hazel.

  Of course, Hazel found it hard to find any ground to stand on. She herself was something of a homewrecker—if Britney and Derek actually lived together, anyway, which they didn’t. She had thought that, being a good five years older than Derek, she would be able to handle him easily enough. But, she was wrong, suckered in by his cute demeanor.

  God, if only they didn't all work together...

  It was a tricky business, being the manager at the Renaissance Fair. Most everyone she employed was under the age of thirty, like herself, and so all of them were high-energy, with lots of ideas. If she didn’t point them in the right directions, they got all squirrely and started taking out their frustrations in the weirdest of ways.

  Inside the tavern, she found the place weirdly empty. There were a couple of guests, but many seemed ready to leave. She walked up to the bartender, Dave.

  “Hey, what’s the deal?” she asked. “Where is everyone?”

  “I don't know. Something's...something's going on in the back. I don't know what it is, but...but I know I'm not allowed back there.”

  Hazel raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, you're not allowed?”

  “I just...I can't. It is his Law. We cannot disobey. Our lives are in his service and we must not interfere with the King's wishes, Princess Hazel.”

  “Drop the act, okay? What's really happening?”

  But Dave didn't say anything more—he merely looked toward the back, shaking his head and kneeling down in the corner.

  What in the hell was happening? Where was Britney? Even if Derek was playing her for a fool, she normally had a pretty good head on her shoulders.

  There was something to what Dave said—even if it looked like he was in the midst of some nervous breakdown. There was a kind of...a sort of presence in the back of the tavern. Something big and ominous. Hazel approached, hearing delighted moans and exaggerated sucking sounds.

  She was not prepared for what she saw. Britney, clothing in tatters, was in the middle of being showered with a thick layer of gooey white cum, jerking off the enormous cock of an even more enormous stud—the absolute most perfect, handsome man Hazel had ever seen.

  “W-wh-what’s going on here?” she asked, not nearly as confident as she would have liked. She tried again. “Britney! Get off the guest!”

  Britney, confused, turned to Hazel, licking up thick strands of cum off her hands and arms as she did.


  The man she was with—the King, Hazel supposed—smiled grimly at Hazel. His cock—it was hard. He had just cum so, so much, covering Britney...and his cock was hard.

  Fuck. The smell was overwhelming.

  “Bring her here,” he said to Britney, nodding at Hazel. “Make her mine.”

  Britney nodded. “Yes, Sire.”

  Hazel immediately started backing away, and was all so sexy, so overwhelming...and there was so much beautiful cum.

  “Princess Hazel, won't you come join me? I know I am just a lowly servant...but as the Princess, you really ought to do as the King asks. It sets an example for us all. Won't you speak to him and see what he wants while I suck his cock for you?”

  Princess Hazel—no, no, just Hazel—felt her resolve weakening. Something felt so very right about joining Britney.

  “N-no!” She said, backing away again. “This is all...this is insanity!”

  The King reached out and slapped Britney on the ass. “Try harder, wench.”

  Britney squirmed with the helplessly eager need to please. She reached out toward Hazel with her free hand, still a bit slathered with cum. “Just...come sit down, please?”

  “No!” Hazel looked disgusted, batting Britney’s hand away. “I’m not going to do anything like that. In fact, I’m going to call...I don’t know. The police or something. I think you’ve been drugged, Britney.”

  Britney looked at her King, conflicted.

  “Grab her,” boomed the King. “Bring her to me. You want me to take your friend. You want her to be mine.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Britney nodded solemnly, staring lustfully at the growing totem of cock rising up higher and higher. “Anything, Sir.”

  The King leaned forward, obviously excited. He could take Hazel anytime he wanted, she realized. He just wanted to watch Britney bring her forward—because he thought it was fun. Because women were playthings to him.

  And rightfully so. Weren't all cunts just born to serve their King and beg to hold his precious cum in their wombs, to be fucked and bred just as he had designed them for? A princess ought to serve more than any ot

  Oh god, what was happening? It was like her thoughts were turning into some eroticized, twisted version of feudal philosophy!

  She hardly had time to consider it. Britney, breasts bouncing, grabbed her by the throat and arm and tugged her over past the overturned table and pushed her to her knees before the King's might cock.

  “What the fuck?” Hazel squealed. “What are you doing? You’re fired! You’re—”

  Jake’s hand touched her cheek. Hazel calmed, instantly.

  “Please,” she said quietly. “Just let me get up”

  She got to her knees on top of the table. His cock was right there. His royal cock. His Kingly cock. A princess ought to know her King's cock very well. That was her most precious, most sacred duty, after all. Licking her lips, Hazel got closer and closer to it.

  “Just let me...let me um...let me look...”

  Unable to resist anymore, her mouth sank over his cock. Her eyes closed in luxurious pleasure, as if she were sucking some chocolate-covered lollypop.

  “You're just my little fuckprincess, aren't you? My princess pet. My princess fucktoy.”

  Princess Hazel—and she knew without a doubt that was who she was now—moaned in agreement, working her mouth up and down his disastrously perfect cock. Her whole being belonged to her King now, just like it was supposed to be. Next to her, moaning for position, Britney slid in and started to lick the long length of the King's cock where Princess Hazel could not quite reach down. He was so massive, so thick! The two beauties took turns on his cock, guided by his big, strong hands.

  “I'm going to gift you, Princess,” he grunted. “For submitting so readily. For being such a good little pet. For knowing your place.”

  Bliss ran through Princess Hazel's body at the praise—and then pulsed through her again when she could feel her King's body tensing up, preparing to unload inside of her mouth.

  He sprayed hard into Hazel’s mouth, unloading load after load of cum down her throat. But he only kept cumming, and so he pushed her off—spraying a bit on the floor all the way across the room—and pulled Britney’s mouth down. They continued like that—trading off and swallowing down all the cum he could—for two more whole trades. Their King had an unearthly expanse of the hot, white, delicious goo at his disposal, covering the faces of the two girls in it.


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