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Gavin's Curse (Brotherhood of Bandits (Mating Fever) Book 3)

Page 4

by Minx Malone

Gavin laughed softly. Even when she gave him a quelling look he couldn’t stop it. There were so many other dirty comments he could have made in that moment but she took his arm again and her soft touch against his bare skin drove all other thoughts from his brain. She helped him down the hall and then stood back as he climbed in bed.

  “Okay, now talk.”

  chapter five

  If anyone had told her a few months ago that she’d be more interested in playing nurse than finding out about her formative years, she wouldn’t have believed it. But it honestly wasn’t hard to push her questions to the back burner when Gavin looked like he was on the verge of death.

  As eager as Kia was for answers, she needed Gavin to be okay more. It was a shock to find that his well-being trumped her lifelong search for answers.

  She watched nervously as Gavin moved gingerly beneath the sheets, trying to get comfortable. He must have finally found a position he liked because he let out a groan that sent goosebumps across her skin.

  She shook her head. “You said we should start at the beginning. How long have you known you were a dragon?”

  He chuckled. “All my life. I can’t imagine not knowing. I shifted for the first time as a toddler. It would have been hard not to know what I was.”

  Kia marveled at the image of a baby Gavin sprouting wings. “That sounds so unbelievable. Could you fly?”

  “Not well. At least not at first. But my father showed me. And of course, I had my older brothers to look up to as well. Ian used to chase me through the forest and then laugh at me when I couldn’t keep up.”

  His face fell suddenly. “Of course, all of that was before the war started. My parents were accused of treason and killed. My uncle took the throne and we were cast out.”

  “The throne?”

  He looked up then. “Yes. Rivenell is governed by a monarchy. My cousin Avan is the current king. He took over after my bloodthirsty uncle died.”

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “There was no way you could have known that. But the war affected you, too. It was chaos and people were fighting in the streets. You were injured in the midst of it all and your father was mad with grief. It didn’t look good, we all thought you were dead. He blamed us for not protecting you. I blamed myself for not protecting you.”

  “But, weren’t you a child when this happened?” Had she gotten it wrong? From her dreams she’d always had the impression that Gavin wasn’t that much older than she was.

  “I was about nine years old.”

  “Gavin! You were just a baby yourself. How could you have possibly protected me?”

  “You’re forgetting that dragons age to maturity much faster than humans. I was significantly stronger than an adult human male even at that age.”

  “Still. It doesn’t make sense to think that you could have kept me safe. I don’t blame you for anything, Gavin.”

  He made a face and she knew nothing would change his view of the past. However, her interest in the past was more about the events that had led to her current situation.

  “So have you lived here all your life?”

  “No. I was born in Rivenell, a dragon territory deep in the mountains. It’s a beautiful place.”

  Instantly her mind conjured images of rolling green fields and flowers as big as her hands. Kia couldn’t bring up anything concrete, more like an impression, which was frustrating.

  “We used to run for miles and no one bothered us. You wouldn’t let me fly on your back though.”

  Gavin glanced over at her sharply. “You remember?”

  “Not exactly. Just bits and pieces. For years, I thought it was a dream. But when my father mentioned your name one day, that changed everything. But I was so scared to believe.”

  “Scared to believe what, love?”

  The endearment melted the last bit of her resistance. Even though they were disjointed, her remembrances told her that he had loved her then. Based on how he treated her, he loved her now. As scary and intense as he was, Gavin was the only person who could understand the crazy jumble of her memories. She desperately needed to trust someone.

  “Have you ever wanted something with all your heart and then it happens and you’re scared to believe it’s real?”

  “Every day,” he whispered.

  She looked up. When their eyes met, she moved forward, feeling like they were connected by some invisible tie. She sat on the edge of the bed next to him, feeling his warmth even through the sheet. Her eyes closed at the contact. Another one of those little shivers raced down her spine.

  “It’s getting late and I know you have so many questions. So let me ask you what I should have before. Will you stay with me tonight? No funny business. I just want to know that you’ll be here when I wake up.”

  Kia gulped and sneaked another look at him. It hadn’t occurred to her when she was helping him in the house but now… it was hard to ignore how intimate this situation really was. He was naked under that sheet. For someone who’d only seen guys who looked like that online, it was more than a little overwhelming. But it was Gavaanik. Her dream friend and the center of all of her teenage crushes. He was just so damn big and muscular. Her dream man was hot.

  As she moved a little closer, she realized that he actually was hot. Burning up. She placed a hand on his thigh. He was throwing off so much heat that she could feel it even through the sheet. No matter what he said, he was sick and she wasn’t going to leave him like this. She would stay, not just to find out more about her past but to make sure he was taken care of.

  Or at least that was how she was justifying it to herself. But truly she was staying just because she wanted to. For years, she had followed every rule and where had that gotten her? From now on she was making her own rules. She wanted to stay with her… mate.

  She blushed even thinking the word.

  “Yes, I’ll stay. I’ll be right back.”

  She climbed off the bed and walked back in to the bathroom. The t-shirt and toothbrush were right where she’d left them. Ripping the toothbrush out of the plastic, she brushed her teeth using the toothpaste on the counter. She tried to imagine Gavin in here brushing his teeth before bed and doing normal, everyday things. It seemed silly to imagine a man who could turn into a dragon being a regular guy. But that was part of why she wanted to stay.

  In her mind she’d built up dragons to be these mystical, unbelievable things that were to be feared and idolized when in reality, they were just people. She needed to discover their humanity in order to embrace the idea of actually being a dragon herself.

  Gavin could help her with that.

  “The fact that he’s gorgeous and makes you want to rub up against him naked has nothing to do with it, huh?”

  She spat in the sink and then rinsed out the bowl. The two sections of her hair where the blue grew in were twisted back and pinned in place to hide the streaks. She pulled the pins out and fluffed her hair around her face. After a moment of hesitation, she pulled off her clothes and changed into his t-shirt.

  “Okay, let’s do this.”

  When she opened the door and emerged into the bedroom, Gavin clenched his jaw at the first sight of her in nothing but his shirt. Stripped down, she looked much younger. That was the only thing that broke through to his libido and convinced him to calm down. Kia was sheltered and easily spooked.

  After being locked up by her father for so long, there was zero chance that she’d dealt with the demands of a man before. If she had any idea of his dirty thoughts she’d be terrified and that was the last thing he wanted. So he forced himself to keep his eyes on the sheets as she climbed on the other side of the bed. There was a soft rustle of the fabric as she got comfortable. Unable to take it anymore, he glanced over. The shirt had molded to her form lovingly, pulling tight to highlight the rounded curves of her breasts.

  “Gavin! You’re staring.”

  Caught, he closed his eyes. “Sorry. It’s hard not to react when my mate is in bed next
to me. You are so beautiful.”

  Kia cleared her throat. “Thank you. Um, so where were we?”

  His fingers fisted the sheets between them. “I honestly have no idea.”

  He searched desperately for something to distract himself. Why hadn’t he noticed before how good she smelled? And how perfect her dainty features were?

  “We were talking about your childhood with your brothers. What about me? Was I born in Rivenell, too?”

  Grateful for the diversion, Gavin latched onto the topic with gusto. Anything was better than launching himself across the mattress and pinning her beneath him.

  “You were born in the neighboring clan of Cavenair. There weren’t many dragon-human pairings in our clan but in Cavenair it was more common. Especially if the human in question had information that was helpful to the dragon community.”

  “Like my father,” Kia supplied. “That explains a lot.”

  “From what I understand, your father first encountered dragons when one of the human women from the clan asked him for help treating her half-dragon daughter. He was fascinated with the differences between the two species. He was one of the only human researchers ever allowed to study us. I was too young to study under him then but his notes are quite detailed. Your father was a brilliant man.”

  “He was. There were very few things that my father wasn’t able to achieve.” Kia tensed next to him.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this. I don’t want to upset you.”

  Her hand landed on his. A throb of desire beat right in the pit of his stomach at the soft touch.

  “No, I wanted to understand. This is part of it.”

  “Do you know a lot about the drugs he used on you? Usually mates can sense each other, even if they’re separated. But I didn’t even sense that you were alive.”

  Gavin hated to even discuss it. The thought of her at someone’s mercy for so long made his blood boil. But he wondered how much the drugs that had been used on her had in common with the formula he’d developed.

  “The suppression drugs work by blocking the hormones that control the dragon instincts. It deadens them completely. So in a way, that side of me was in a coma.”

  Gavin propped his head on his hand. “The notes your father left behind didn’t have a complete formula. He must have made those discoveries after he left.”

  “Probably. Fixing me was his life’s work.” Her face fell.

  Gavin traced the edge of her face with his finger, pausing when she took in a sudden breath. She was so beautiful and it wasn’t just because she was his mate. Her delicate features and the multicolored hair gave her the appearance of some kind of sea nymph.

  “Kia, you realize that you don’t need fixing, right? You are perfect. Perfect. Exactly the way you are.”

  The smile that crossed her face made him feel about ten feet tall. If it made her this happy, he’d tell her how beautiful she was every day.

  “So if we’re from different clans, how did we even meet?”

  “Our parents were allies so they visited not long after you were born. As soon as I saw you, I knew. Of course, I was only four at the time so it just felt like an intense need to protect you.”

  “And now?” She moved slightly closer, the sheets twisting and bunching around her legs as she slid across the bed. “What does it feel like now?”

  Of course his dick took that as an invitation to introduce itself. Gavin cursed softly as his erection instantly went rock hard. If she got any closer, she’d be able to feel it. He angled his lower body in the other direction hoping she wouldn’t notice the bulge in the sheets at his waist.

  “It still feels like that now but there’s a lot of other stuff, too. Things that we probably shouldn’t talk about right now. I think I’ve scared you enough for one day.”

  “I’m starting to think I haven’t been scared enough.” Then her lips were on his and the world slid away.

  Gavin grabbed the sheet and squeezed to keep himself in check. Her mouth brushed against his, just soft feather-light passes back and forth, but it was enough to tell him that she’d never kissed anyone before. Then her tongue touched his bottom lip tentatively and he forgot about being careful. His instincts just took over.

  He angled his body over hers until his weight pressed her into the mattress. With one hand under her head anchoring her in place, he took her mouth. There was no other way to describe it other than total possession, his lips slanted over hers to force her to accept the thrust of his tongue. Her feminine taste exploded through him, the taste and scent of her everything he’d been missing. As he coaxed her tongue to parry with his, his lower body rubbed a seductive rhythm between her thighs.

  She whimpered into his mouth but then her legs wrapped around his waist, holding him against her. Gavin wanted to roar with triumph. She was so soft and warm and all his. His fingers pushed the t-shirt up and out of the way so the only thing separating them was the flimsy fabric of her panties. When he ground against her this time, his cock nudged right into her core.

  Kia cried out, her nails digging into his back as she bucked beneath him.

  “Yes, that’s it. Take what you need from me. Don’t you know I’d give you anything? Anything at all.”

  He barely knew what he was saying as he circled his hips, just that she was breathing faster and making those soft, helpless little sounds that drove him crazy. She was right there with him, arching her hips and urging him on with her heels in the small of his back.

  “Gavin! I want it. Make love to me.“

  She sat up slightly and pulled the shirt over her head, letting it fall to the floor next to the bed. Her breasts rose and fell with the force of her breaths, the dusky pink tips taunting him through the ends of her hair. She crossed her arms over her chest.

  He stopped. Seeing her like that, her arms crossed protectively to hide her from his view, only reinforced what he already knew.

  This was moving way too fast.

  “I think we should go to sleep now. A lot has happened today and this would throw anyone off track. Even me.”

  At first she looked disbelieving, then pissed, then hurt. “You don’t want to?”

  “Of course I want you. I’d have to be dead and six feet under not to want you. But I want more than just your body. If there’s even the chance that you might regret this tomorrow, then I can’t take that chance.”

  Kia buried her head against his chest. “I’m tired of waiting to live my life. Everyone else always got to decide when I would do things or what I experienced. I want to make those decisions for myself.”

  “And you will. But everything doesn’t have to happen in one night. We have time.”

  “Do we?”

  Then he understood. If he’d never been in control of anything, he’d be reluctant to let it go either. He’d want to grab on with both hands and consume it all before it was taken away. For his sweet mate, contact with others had been like a mirage. Something she’d seen from afar but hadn’t been allowed to have for herself.

  “You’ve never had anyone. All this time, you were alone.”

  Kia clutched him tighter. “I’m used to being alone.”

  “Not anymore. You’ll never be alone again. Now sleep. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

  Then Gavin pulled his mate into the cradle of his arms where she belonged and held her tight. After a few moments, she relaxed and rested her head on his chest. He drifted to sleep lulled by the rhythm of her heart beating against his.

  chapter six

  When Kia woke the next day, she was alone.

  She was also naked.

  That’s when it all came back. She cringed remembering how Gavin had turned her down and put her to bed like a good little girl. Humiliating didn’t even begin to describe how she’d felt to offer herself naked to someone for the first time only to be turned down.

  Not that she could complain since it turned out he’d been right. If they’d made love she would have regretted it. Things
had seemed so intense and immediate in the moment but in the bright light of day, she wasn’t sure how she’d feel about getting naked less than twenty-four hours after meeting him again. She suddenly appreciated his kindness in leaving the room before she woke up. It would have been awkward to wake next to him without clothes.

  After dressing in the same clothes she’d worn the prior day, she walked down the hallway and emerged into the living room.

  It was a beautiful day if the light streaming through the front windows was any indication and the sight gave Kia a boost of optimism. She was amongst her own kind for the first time and all the things she normally had to hide were on display with no issue. Her hair was still hanging free and Gavin had actually seemed to like the strange color last night. She didn’t feel like she couldn’t smile or laugh around him for fear of flashing her fangs.

  It was the most free she’d ever felt in her life.

  Gavin appeared in the doorway leading to the kitchen. “I hope you like eggs. That’s one of the only human foods I can make.”

  “That’s fine. I’m not picky.”

  He made scrambled eggs for her and what looked like a small mountain of sausage for him but turned out to be deer meat he’d hunted himself. She shuddered at the thought but couldn’t keep from being curious. When he said hunted, she doubted he meant that in the traditional sense. Her research had told her that most dragons captured small game and ate the meat raw.

  Gavin looked over at her as if he sensed her questions. “What would you like to do today? You can ask me more about how we grew up if you want. Or maybe you have other questions about dragon life? I could even take you to Rivenell if you want.”

  Kia clutched her fork. She had tons of questions and she definitely wanted see where she’d lived as a child but those weren’t her main concern right now. What she really wanted was to get to the most important thing.

  “Can you teach me to shift?”

  The edges of his lips turned up slightly. “I would love to do that, baby.”


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