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Fairy Tales Revisited on Silvery Earth

Page 7

by Barbara G. Tarn

  Heartened at the thought of finally having real sex, Nerian threw away the blankets and got out of bed. Servants started pouring in as soon as he opened the blinds of his room, helping him to dress and comb his long black hair.

  He still didn't need to shave, but he didn't care. Thank the Gods the fashion was clean-shaven for noblemen, so he wouldn't have to grow a beard to be a respected king. Belfi came into the room as the servants left, having prepared him for the ceremony.

  "Lord Ulric is ready to crown you," the half-blood announced. "As the eldest member of your council and a close friend of your late father, he looks forward to bestowing your inheritance on you. And then he'll probably have a long list of suitable maidens for you to choose from."

  "You mean I must choose a bride as soon as I'm king?" Nerian asked, puzzled.

  Belfi chuckled. "According to them, yes. But you can do like Riander and wait."

  Nerian sighed.

  "I wish I could talk to Riander... I'm sure his advice would be welcome!"

  "I was instructed to give you this." Belfi offered him a crystal. "It's a magic crystal. It transmits images and words. I believe Riander has one too." He smiled impishly. "Wild Rose gave him one during her last visit."

  Awed, Nerian took the crystal. "How does it work?"

  "Think hard about Riander. It will tune to his crystal."

  Nerian closed his eyes, holding the crystal tight in one hand.

  "Hey, Nerian!" Riander's cheerful voice startled him. He stared amazed at the crystal that showed the king's smiling face. "You look great. Ready for your coronation, are you?"

  "Yes!" Nerian gulped his excitement and his anxiety. "Can I talk to you when I'm done? I think my council will want me married as soon as possible!"

  "Ah, yes, they probably will." Riander chuckled. "I need to go now, but we can talk tonight – unless you have company, that is."

  "What about you?" Nerian felt his cheeks on fire. "Will I disturb you if I call you when I retire to sleep?"

  "No, tonight I shall blissfully sleep alone," Riander answered with a smile. "Don't worry. Call me when you retire to bed, if you retire alone."

  "Thank you!" Nerian watched the king's face fade away. He looked at Belfi. "Where should I keep this?"


  Riander left the council room with a huff. Another full morning of suggestions of possible brides. His trip to Ker Daragon had scared his dignitaries and they really wanted him to tie the knot. Except after the night with Viona he was even less willing to have someone in his bed.

  True that he could keep separate bedrooms. Some royal couples didn't sleep together constantly. Especially when there were children, which would be the only reason to get married. Provide the castle with an heir.

  His stomach grumbled and he headed for the great hall. Time for a midday meal, then more administrative matters. At least for those he could retire to his office. He didn't need a secretary and could have some time off. Maybe he could even finish reading that history book he had taken from the castle library before going on the hunt that had taken him to Ker Daragon.

  The bodyguard assigned to him followed him like a shadow everywhere, but not into his office or his private apartment. And since they guarded him day and night now, he wasn't going to befriend any of them like he had done with Danhin. He didn't even know all their names yet, but he knew they had long shifts to keep him safe.

  During the meal Viona kept smiling at him, in spite of everything. Maybe she wanted another chance. Maybe she hadn't given up yet. Maybe she hoped he'd choose her and make her queen. Lady Viona was rumored to be quite ambitious and have turned down many suitors, as if she were waiting for someone in particular...

  Riander ignored her obvious offer and left the table as soon as he could. He was finishing some accounting when a knock on his door distracted him. Lord Arias came in and bowed.

  "Your majesty, may I have a word with you?"

  "Please, take a seat." Riander put down the quill and pointed at the stool in front of his desk. Maybe Viona had talked her brother into asking him to marry her.

  Arias cleared his throat, staring at his feet as he sat. He hadn't spoken much that morning, since he was the youngest member of the council, but maybe he had something to say – something he'd rather not tell Riander in front of the other counselors.

  "I've been wondering... What are your feelings for my sister?" Arias finally looked Riander in the eyes, serious. "She's been quite taken with you for years now, so... where do you stand in this matter? I'm sure you are aware she refused to marry in the hopes of... well... being chosen by you."

  Riander smiled and nodded.

  "Yes, I'm aware that Viona has had a crush on me since we were teens," he answered. "I was hoping she would find someone else, but she's obviously set on me."

  "She mentioned awkward meetings in your younger years, but also that you made up for them lately," Arias said with a half-smile.

  "I did?" Riander raised his eyebrows, surprised. He didn't think he'd done great last night. "Arias, I don't love her, if that's what you're asking. I don't see myself spending my life with her either."

  "I understand," Arias said gravely. "Is there anyone else, then?"

  "Ah, no." Riander looked away. It was his turn to feel uncomfortable. "I... I don't think I'm made to be a family man."

  "Why?" Arias asked, puzzled. "You don't feel attracted to women?"

  "I don't feel attracted at all. To anyone. I don't see anything interesting in sex. I don't understand why people are so obsessed with it. And I don't think I'd be a good father. I'm a loner, Arias, I don't want the hassle of a family."

  "You'd be a great father if you let anyone near you," Arias replied with a smile. "But I understand how you feel. It shows. Whenever you're in a room full of people you look lost, as if you wanted to be anywhere else but there. Which doesn't go very well with your kingly duties, but you keep showing up. You should be commended for this. And that's why we still want you as a king. We love you because you're so quiet but strong, and your father raised you well. You can handle anything and anyone. Except this marriage thing."

  Riander sighed.

  "Sometimes I think I'm not really fit to be king and I wonder if I should name someone else in my place." He stared at Arias who looked surprised at the thought. Arias would be a great king. He had a wife, and children, and he wasn't a loner. He was calm and wise and totally different from his fiery sister. "Would you like the throne?"

  "Your majesty!" Arias protested. "I wasn't born to be king!"

  "No, but you could run this castle and its lands better than I ever would..."

  "No, your majesty, you're doing a fine job at that. If you do not wish to marry, don't. But please, don't let us down. You still have plenty of years ahead of you."

  "If I don't get killed in a hunting accident or some other stupid way," Riander muttered. "Maybe I should write down that in case I die before my time, you should inherit everything."

  "I still think a wife would be a better way to leave your father's legacy to someone else," Arias said. "My sister adores you. Think about it."

  Arias rose and bowed stiffly before leaving. Riander pursed his lips and sighed. Marrying Viona might be a little too much to handle, though...


  The coronation went well and Nerian was so busy rekindling the relationships with the castle inhabitants that a few days went by before he remembered the crystal. After ten years of loneliness, he finally had people to talk to, and everybody seemed eager to please him in any way.

  After the few days with the dwarves, who had introduced him to community life again, he naturally fitted in the castle life, busy with kingly duties and lessons from his council members.

  A teacher completed his education in bookkeeping and accounting. Belfi trained him with his sword. Roddyn taught him to use a bow. And the girls giggled when he entered the room, which made him feel elated and excited.

  One bolder than the others kissed h
im on the lips, another, slightly older, went even further, visiting him in his royal bedroom and taking his virginity. Nerian enjoyed every moment of it. His body was starved for attention and he soon found his way around women.

  "Maybe I went too fast," he confided to Riander on the night he remembered the other king. "Today Lord Woram scolded me, but apparently Kariel did the same with young men."

  "So you enjoy sex?" Riander asked from the magic crystal.

  "Yes, very much! So much so that I can't decide who I want to marry! And you? Have you found someone?"

  "I'm still pondering the choices. There is a childhood friend who has a crush on me, but... I don't love her, so..."

  "I love them all! And they love me!"

  "Maybe because you're young, dumb and full of cum. Not to mention king."

  "Aw, come on, Riander, don't shatter my dreams! I haven't had so much fun in years!"

  Riander chuckled. "I'm happy for you. As a young king, your council must be on your neck even more than mine, just to make sure you don't make mistakes..."

  "And there's so much to learn! If only I didn't have to learn it all at the same time!" Nerian complained. "I wish there was a magic spell that could make me know everything I need to know!"

  "I'm afraid not even my faery godmother could do that," Riander commented. "Glad to hear everything is going fine. If you need advice, you know where to find me."

  That night Nerian dreamed of Riander and Kariel fighting in the clearing. The duel was in slow motion and he kept seeing Riander's face and body. He woke up aroused but alone and wondered what the dream meant.

  He remembered the rumors about Kariel, how he had used and abused young men... and wondered. Maybe Riander didn't want to get married because he preferred men too? He couldn't really ask, though, could he? He didn't want to piss off his neighbor.

  Belfi found him particularly distracted during his morning lesson. "And Sir Eneck said you couldn't concentrate on books either," the half-blood said with an amused look on his androgynous face.

  Nerian put away the sword and sat near Belfi on a bench in the castle courtyard. "I'm thinking... about Kariel and Riander. And their sexual tastes."

  "That's not something one discusses in the open," Belfi replied. "I mean, you can't go ask Riander who he likes to sleep with. But there's enough about Kariel to confirm that he preferred his own sex. So? Are you confused, overdosed with women and want to try men?"

  "I don't know." Nerian frowned. "I think I've tried everything with women..."

  "Nerian, you're nineteen and you've just discovered sex. There are millions of other things to try. Both with men and women."

  "Have you done it with men?" Nerian looked at Belfi who smiled and shook his head.

  "No, but I know people who do. Explore your desire, Nerian, eventually you'll fall in love."

  "How will I know that I'm in love?" Nerian worried he would confuse the act with the feeling.

  "Trust me, you'll know," Belfi assured him. "Shall we go back to the training now?"

  Nerian sighed. But he was aware he needed to learn to defend himself, and Belfi was a good teacher. He rose and unsheathed his sword, taking position.


  Riander was happy for Nerian. The young man had sounded excited by his new life. Riander was sure he'd soon settle and fall in love and live happily ever after. Nerian wasn't an introvert like him and his youth made him rash, but also sweet. Riander hadn't seen him for long, but he compared Nerian to a puppy – playful, cuddly, happy-go-lucky.

  Nerian was the younger brother he never had. When they talked through the crystal, he smiled at how Nerian was rediscovering life and enjoying it fully. He had never been like this, not even in his younger years. He had never been attracted to anyone.

  Sometimes he envied Nerian's love for life and for people. Sometimes he felt like a grumpy old man, even though he was only thirty. He already wanted to retire and be a hermit somewhere. Except they wouldn't allow him to abandon his post.

  Viona kept coming to his bed – not every night, but she kept coming. They didn't speak much, though. She never asked him when he'd marry her. It was plain on her face, but she never mentioned it.

  Viona loved him but he preferred sleeping alone. His people loved him, but he wanted to leave them. He knew they didn't really need him to make the castle and its lands prosper. Such a small kingdom didn't really need him to go on.

  But any other form of government was unheard of, so he had to sit on that throne every day, administer justice, make sure everybody had food and shelter and paid taxes to pay the guards to keep everybody safe.

  Maybe with time he could convince them that Lord Arias would be as good as him. Or maybe he'd end up marrying Viona. If she got pregnant... but then, if it was a baby girl, he didn't want to keep having sex with her until a boy came.

  Sometimes he still remembered the night with Kariel. Which didn't mean he wanted to try another male lover, but he kept wondering. Nerian's boyish face also often appeared in his dreams. He sort of missed him.

  They hadn't had time to know each other properly. Which was good, after all. A relationship between the two of them would have ruined two kingdoms...

  5. Blue as the Sky

  One month had gone by since Kariel's death and Nerian's coronation and Belfi was still at Ker Daragon. Nerian's sword skills had improved, his administrative skills were almost as good as Riander's and his sexual adventures as varied as he could have them. Being aware of his youth, he listened carefully to his counselors before making any decision and sometimes consulted with Riander or Belfi when he had really no idea of what to do.

  "We told King Kariel that some people were sick, but he couldn't care less," Lord Serin told him one morning. One of the older members of the king's council, he had large ears and ruddy skin. He was funny and not very stubborn. One of his hobbies was experimenting with pyrotechnics and he had made a wondrous show the night of Nerian's coronation. "Maybe your sword teacher can help us figure out how to stop this? It's contagious and deadly..." He stared hopeful at Belfi, whose pointed ears were hidden, but whose true nature hadn't escaped the castle inhabitants. Nobody dared ask him anything, but Lord Serin was bold enough to suggest something during a council session.

  Nerian had asked Belfi to take part in those sessions even though the half-blood wasn't accustomed with royal councils because he thought the immortal being had the wisdom to advice him anyway. Belfi had been to many courts in his long life, and maybe something he'd seen somewhere else might represent itself in Ker Daragon.

  "I am not a healer," Belfi answered while Nerian looked puzzled at him. "I can call upon a healer, though. If it's the plague, though, there isn't much either of us can do. It is indeed contagious and deadly, and all she could do is figure out who is not sick yet and keep them away from the sick."

  "Has the plague come from Ker Eziel?" Lord Uriel asked, frowning.

  "Ker Eziel was abandoned because of the magic involved," Belfi replied. "There was no plague over there. It probably comes from the plains – or maybe from rats. I haven't seen many cats around the castle."

  "Since the Sorcerer King came, many small animals vanished," Lord Serin said. "The hounds are still here, and they're still used in hunts, but cats are gone. Mice were also gone, but they're back now."

  "Where are the sick people?" Nerian asked, frowning with worry. "In the castle?"

  "It started in the village by the watermill," Lord Serin answered. "But it's spreading. It has reached the castle now."

  Nerian gasped and looked at Belfi, ready to panic. What could he do against the plague? What could anyone do, besides letting the sick people die unattended to avoid contagion?

  Belfi pondered then looked at him.

  "I can call Wild Rose. She's a healer. But, like I said, she can only determine who is sick and who isn't. She can't heal the dozens of people in the castle and the kingdom. She's a pure-blooded Genn, but she can't do miracles."

  "So what c
an we do?" Nerian asked.

  "Leave the sick ones behind and move away. Burn everything that entered in contact with the plague."

  "Burn Ker Daragon?" In spite of his love for pyrotechnics, Lord Serin's eyes widened in shock.

  "If the plague has reached the castle, it's the only way to stop it." Belfi replied.

  "But where would we go?" Lord Uriel wrung his hands in desperation. "We were born here and..."

  "And here you shall die if you stay," Belfi replied gravely.

  "I will ask Riander if he can accommodate us," Nerian said. "But first we must be sure we don't bring the plague to Ker Garenn. Please summon Wild Rose, Belfi, and let's do as you suggest."


  "Wild Rose!" Riander was startled by the sudden appearance of his faery godmother. He was preparing for bed and the night wrapped the towers of Ker Garenn. In the pale light of his single oil lamp, Wild Rose's face looked tired.

  "I come on behalf of Nerian," she said. "I spent the day at Ker Daragon, checking the people of the kingdom."

  "Why, what happened?" Riander asked. "Nerian didn't mention anything..."

  "It was brought to his attention this morning. The plague, Riander. It has reached the castle now. Kariel had gotten rid of all the cats, rats and mice, but now that he's gone, they're back, and rats are carriers of the plague..."

  "How did Kariel...? Wait, I don't think I want to know."

  "He ate some and the others ran away." Wild Rose smiled tiredly. "He was a half-Fajrulo, after all. Yes, he did eat raw meat when nobody was watching."

  Riander felt his stomach in his throat. He had kissed someone who ate raw meat. Cats or mice or other animals... it was disgusting. Kariel kept his inhuman habits well hidden.

  "Now, I've checked everyone and they put the sick people in the great hall in some kind of quarantine," Wild Rose continued. "There are still a little less than a hundred people in the whole kingdom that are not affected. Some villages are completely depopulated already, and soldiers have been sent to burn the huts to purify the places. Others are untouched and people can just stay there. But the castle..." She looked Riander in the eyes. "They can't stay at the castle. Nerian would like to know if people can move to Ker Garenn. Whoever doesn't have relatives in the unaffected villages, that is. He is willing to give you his father's lands. You would rule over everyone."


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