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Gabriel's Light (Doms of Chicago)

Page 14

by Trace, Dakota

  He gazed at her steadily. “Like hell you will. I’m not going to sleep in the bed while you sleep on the floor. I have a king-sized bed plenty big enough for both of us. We don’t have to touch at all…unless you want to…” His eyes smoldered with desire. “Then I’d have no objections to feeling your hands all over my body.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, when a brisk knock followed the doorbell echoed through the condo. He stood before crouching down to be eye level with her. “Saved by the bell.” He straightened. “We’ll finish this discussion later, louloúdi mou.” He tipped her chin up. “And I know you’re not her.” He leaned in, brushed a kiss across her parted lips, as the insistent doorbell rang once more. He sighed. “Definitely later.” Then he disappeared down the hall.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Something itchy made Zhenya’s nose wrinkle as she tried to struggle out of slumber’s embrace. Her mind always so fuzzy when she first awoke. She slowly took stock of what was going on around her. She was cozy, snuggled next to a warm body, even as she felt the familiar restrictive constraint of the pajamas and nursing bra. God she hated them, but it was a necessity since she’d arrived at Hark’s. Hark… then the memories of the previous day swamped her: the fire, the men shooting at her and Gabriel…and dear Lord above, going to bed with Gabriel the previous night.

  Her eyes flew open. Facing the wall, she made out the numbers on the digital clock. The glowing numbers had her groaning inwardly. It was only three thirty in the morning. What the hell had woken her up other than a feather pillow, which was aggravating her allergies? She could see the vague outline of the Pack & Play Kalinda and her men had delivered the night before. From inside she could hear the small whimper. Relief flooded through her. Sophie. That’s what had woken her. She shifted to leave the bed. Her daughter had a powerful set of lungs, and the last thing she needed was Sophie to wake up Gabriel because she was hungry. He’d already done more than necessary. When she lifted the covers to leave the bed, a sleepy voice behind her startled her.

  “Stay. I’ll get her.” Gabriel sat up, looking decidedly rumpled, his chest bare before he stood next to the bed and stretched.

  Her mouth went dry at the display of his muscles shifting under the tempting skin of his back and to her horror, thoughts of feeding her daughter flew out of her mind as she took in his lack of attire. Her body kicked into overdrive. Her milk-swollen breasts seemed to tighten further as her nipples hardened against the fabric of her bra. Her thighs clenched against her ever-present need for the man who was rounding the foot of the bed in nothing more than a pair of silk drawstring pajama pants. She pressed her hand against her mouth to keep from moaning as he bent over the portable crib to pick up Sophie, and the material tightened across one of the most delicious asses she’d ever seen. Curling her fingers around the corner of the sheet, she forced the whimper down as he cuddled Sophie to his bare chest. She shouldn’t be jealous of her own daughter but damned if she didn’t want to take her place, to feel his warm skin under her cheek.

  “Hmmm, mikró pontíki. I do believe you must have a wet bottom.” He clucked his tongue at her and enticed coos out of Sophie. A smile crossed Zhenya’s lips, even though the mention of diaper change meant she had to abandon her warm bed.

  “I can change her.” She let go of the sheet and moved to crawl out from between the sheets.

  “I believe I told you to stay put. There’s no need for you to become cold.” Gabriel glanced up at her, as he set Sophie on the end of the bed. Even in the dim light she could see the determination in them. Paired with the command of his voice, she sank back into the pillows. He gave a brief nod as if she’d done what he’d expected, before he snagged the diaper bag sitting on the chest. Rummaging around inside the bag, he found what he needed. Then before Zhenya’s astonished eyes, he efficiently changed Sophie. Once her daughter was tucked back into her little yellow sleeper, he lifted Sophia to carry her to Zhenya, tossing the neatly bundled diaper into the wastebasket next to the bed.

  Speaking softly to Sophia, he gently deposited her in Zhenya’s arms with a promise to return. Cradling her daughter close, Zhenya waited until Gabriel slipped from the room to unbutton her top. Whether it was to give her privacy or what, she wasn’t going to complain. Even as natural as it was to nurse, she wasn’t sure how comfortable she’d have been baring her breasts in front of Gabriel. He would have surely noticed her aroused state and probably commented on it. At least this way I have time to get my body under control.

  It took her a few minutes, but when she finally managed to calm her racing heart and pushed the sight of his gorgeous body from her mind, she put her daughter to her breast, bracing herself for the strong suction. As Sophie latched on and began to suckle, she shifted a bit to get more comfortable, tucking her arm under the pillow at her head while lying on her side. Cuddling Sophie close to her she’d found this position was one of the easier ones for the three a.m. feedings. Stroking her finger alongside of Sophie’s face, she smiled as her daughter’s little fists pressed against the side of her breast and dark gray eyes so similar to own stared up at her. Just like every other human, her daughter craved human contact.

  Moments later, Gabriel walked back into the bedroom carrying two bottles of water. Sitting down next to her hip, he offered her one of the bottles. “Here. I read somewhere nursing mom’s get thirsty.”

  She nodded, accepting the cold bottle. Sipping on it carefully due to her position, she took several swallows before trying to set it on the bedside table. When the bottle almost hit the floor for the second time, Gabriel took it from her. “Stubborn to the end.” He shook his head before stretching out next to her, lying on his side with one hand supporting his head. As large as the bed was, he was able to lie on the outside and pin Sophie between their bodies without crushing the babe.

  With the light spilling from the hallway, she could see the desire in his eyes as he watched her nurse the baby. His fingers, which weren’t supporting his head, were idly tracing patterns on his own hip. She suddenly had the feeling he wanted to touch her, but was refraining while she fed Sophie. Desire built in her stomach at the idea of him actually acting upon his needs.

  Dropping her eyes, she focused on Sophie instead of Gabriel, torn between the closeness of feeding her daughter and her body’s need for the man she couldn’t have - no matter what he said about his being ready to move on. This is what she’d been afraid of when he’d first suggested in Caelan’s playroom that she stay with him. Her body remembered what it felt like to be under his expert hands.

  “How long does she normally nurse for?” His voice was gruff, moments before his finger stroked over Sophie’s cheek, much like she’d done minutes before.

  “Depends. Usually twenty minutes. I normally drift in and out as she’s nursing.” She stifled a yawn behind her hand.

  When he didn’t respond, she finally peeked at him from beneath her lashes, assuming he was watching the baby nurse but found her gaze instead captured by his. The lust in his sapphire eyes was no surprise. The chemistry between them was obvious, despite the many reasons they both had for not acting upon it. What did surprise her was the tenderness she also glimpsed. She could only assume it was because of the picture she presented. There were a few men she’d found during her time in America who actually loved to witness the maternal connection between mother and child.

  As he continued to stare, her body once again responded, her skin tingled under the weight of his gaze. She was instinctively happy her other breast was still covered by her sturdy nursing bra, otherwise he’d have a direct proof of how he was affecting her. Finally it got to the point she spoke softly. “What? I know I must look a wreck but…”

  “Hardly.” He shifted closer, flicking the release on the other cup of her nursing bra. She froze as with a gentle tug, her full breast spilled out of the bra, a thin stream of milk dripping from its pebbled tip. Her eyes widened as he brushed over the nub, gathering up the droplets with his forefinger. It
took some effort on her part to keep from moaning when he popped it into his mouth and sucked off her milk. His eyes were sizzling blue as he sucked off the last of it. “Delicious, just as I remembered.”

  “I…” She wanted to jump up and run but at the same time she wanted to give into their chemistry, to find out what it would feel like to give herself to a man who affected her more easily than Ossie ever had.

  “Shhh,” he placed his finger against her lips. “There’s no hiding I want you, but in same token I don’t expect you to just jump into the sack with me because we’re in essence living together.” He shifted a bit, drawing her attention to the impressive erection tenting his pajama bottoms. “I’d never take what you don’t want to give, Zhenya, but I’m hoping you’ll trust me enough…” His chest rose and fell. “…to give you what I gave you last time.”

  “Last time…” Her mind went to the night he’d punished her. “…you mean you want to punish me again?” The memories had her dampening in response.

  “No, I don’t want to punish you. I want to give you pleasure.” He leaned in suddenly to lick at the end of her exposed nipple.

  Her breath caught in response as she tightened further under the warm lash of his tongue. “Oh….” Pleasure washed through her. It was as different from her daughter’s suckling as night was from day, and the fact he was doing it while Sophie was nursing had her body ready to revolt. She didn’t know which way to turn, when the baby whimpered.

  A low grumble escaped him as he pulled back, his free hand lightly rubbing Sophie’s back with the palm.. “Shhh, everything is fine, little one.” He gave Zhenya a crooked smile. “Seems like our little Sophie is possessive of her mamá’s milk. Not that I blame her.”

  “Ah…I guess.” Zhenya’s face flushed. “Or it could be she’s claustrophobic?”

  Gabriel shook his head slowly. “No, she knows how delicious it is and doesn’t want to share with me.” He looked down at Sophie still rubbing. “Isn’t that right, Sophie. You want all of it for yourself.” He dipped his head to press a kiss to the top of Sophie’s head. “But rest assured Mamá has more than enough for both of us.”

  Sophie cooed in response, and Zhenya felt her heart melt as he lifted the tiny hand to his mouth and blew bubbles against it. In reflex Sophie giggled. Gabriel would be a wonderful father, she decided as her daughter wrapped her hand around Gabriel’s finger. “You get her wound up, you’re staying up with her, Mr. Poulanos.”

  He lifted his head, a besotted smile on his face - another victim of Sophie’s charm. “Oh this little princess? Naw, she’s already getting sleepy, aren’t you sweetheart?”

  Looking down she saw he was right. Sophie’s eyelids were drifting shut, her little rosebud mouth parted with the lingering traces of milk at the corners. Zhenya shook her head in amazement.

  “I don’t know how you do it. Can I keep you?”

  When his eyes narrowed, Zhenya realized what she’d said. “I mean…you put her to sleep every time, not that I’m looking for a Master. You aren’t looking for a submissive any more than I am looking for a Master…I know I’d never be able to replace Sara, so I’m not even going to try….” As she continued to babble, he finally pressed a finger to her lips, effectively hushing her.

  “Shut up, Zhenya.” He searched her expression before finally rolling off the bed.

  Then he bent and lifted the sleepy baby from the bed. Cooing softly to her, Gabriel tucked Sophie back into the Pack & Play, covering her with a soft baby blanket. A loud burp as Gabriel straightened had Zhenya waiting for the following cry. A few murmured words from Gabriel seemed to stall the cry. Moments later with Sophie obviously asleep, Gabriel returned to the bed.

  As he settled down next to her, she tugged the covers over her shoulder and squeezed her eyes shut aware of every move he made, every sound as he took a drink of water before setting it back on the bedside table, before flopping onto his back. Perhaps if she laid very still like she had when she’d wanted to avoid Ossie’s attention after he’d had a rough day, Gabriel would go back to sleep without mentioning how she screwed up.

  The silence reigned, and just when she thought perhaps she’d lucked out, she found herself dragged back against a very firm, and very aroused male body. Gabriel’s voice was raspy in her ear. “You don’t have a fucking clue what I want right at this moment, Zhenya Addi.” His hand reached around to cup her breast. “I’ve been celibate for the past sixteen months, and it’s taking all my control to not drag you down to my playroom and give you the royal fucking you need.” His teeth nipped at her shoulder through her pajama top.

  She opened her mouth, whether to protest or beg him to do just that, she’d never know because a moan emerged as his palm slipped under the waistband of her pajama bottoms to cup the slight swell of her belly.

  “I want to possess this body in the worst way possible, but I promised earlier I wouldn’t take you until you’re ready, but saying things like what you just did, makes me want to forget my promise and show you exactly how right we’d be together.”

  “You can’t know….” She trembled as his hand delved deeper into her panties, searching out the embarrassingly damp curls.

  “I know a number of things, louloúdi mou.” His thumb found her clit with unerring accuracy. “Like how you respond to this.” His mouth moved up her neck, giving her several love bites along the way. “True, we haven’t discussed other limits, but somehow I have a feeling we’ll match up well.”

  She hissed as his free hand played with her nipple through her bra, his fingers tugging on the peak until it was hard and begging for his mouth, or anything else he might want to use to tease her. “You can’t know that…”

  He tugged her earlobe into his mouth. “You think I’m stupid then? Or perhaps too selfish to notice how you live to experience different textures and sensations?” He gently cupped her mound, his thumb abandoned the most sensitive spot on her body. “How you touch everything you come across, whether it’s the water in my fountain, or the way you touch Sophie. You’re a slave to your need to feel.” He rocked against her. “And I want to be the man to make you feel; to tease your body with ice, with hot wax, and even feathers.” His fingers spread her fold open as one rimmed her opening. “To watch you react to every brush of one of my ostrich feathers against your skin, or to rub a sliver of ice over your aching nipples while I slip BenWa balls inside of your aching little pussy.”

  She arched against him, his words fueling her imagination. Ossie had never brought toys to bed with her pleasure in mind. It had always been about him. The idea this man, who had only known her little over a year, was so in tune with her sent her need to come even higher. She wanted what his words were promising.

  “Please.” She squirmed helpless in his arms, as his fingers circled her opening, assuming like Ossie he’d make her beg until she was sobbing. Instead he surprised her.

  “I will.” He buried his face in the crook of her neck, before jerking her bottoms and panties down with a rough shove. “Kick them off.”

  Eagerly she obeyed, her body needing his fingers. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” He licked her neck, before hooking her leg over his hip. “Keep it there. No matter what I do. Do you understand me?”

  She nodded and cried out as his hand found her folds once again, this time his fingers thrusting deep while his thumb found her clit and pressed. Biting her lip, she fought to hold in her cry of pleasure, her body already preparing itself for him. All he had to was shove down his bottoms and cant his hips forward and he’d be in her deep.

  “Please….please…” She whispered repeatedly, as she rode his fingers - her pleasure just out of reach.

  “Shhh.” He soothed holding her tightly with his free arm. “I won’t leave you hanging, I promise.”

  “Gabriel,” she sobbed as his fingers withdrew from her sheath to press gently against her rosette. “Ahhhh….” she bucked uncontrollably as he just barely breached her tight entrance, the sli
ght pain sending her over the edge. Her body convulsed with untold pleasure, as he held her with ease while she rode out the storm in his arms, his fingers never leaving her and forcing her to continue to ripple around his invading digits. When it finally was over, she slumped back onto his chest, her eyelids growing heavy as he whispered soothing words in her ear about how he was going to treasure her and give her everything she needed; how when she was ready, she was going to be his.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Stretching across the table for the glass jar of real maple syrup just out of her reach, Zhenya tried to ignore the look Gabriel gave her over the top of the newspaper he was reading. It was just before noon, Sophie was napping and she was sitting inside of Gabriel Poulanos’s condo, eating one of the best brunches she’d ever tasted with a man she’d woken up wrapped around. And other than a brief kiss on the forehead, he rolled out of bed as if his ass was on fire. Lifting out of her seat, she finally snagged the handle of the jar.

  “You know you could’ve asked me to pass it to you, louloúdi mou.” He closed the paper, folded it and set it to the side of his plate. “I’d have been more than happy to help you.” His voice was cool, giving nothing away. She wondered if he regretted his actions in the middle of the night.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “You were reading the paper and I didn’t want to bother you…”

  He sighed. “I’m not him, Zhenya.” He drummed his fingers on the table. “I was hoping to give you time to settle in before we had to go into this, but obviously there are issues I need to address now.”

  Her heart sped up, uncertainty and need filling her. The tone of his voice was very reminiscent of how he’d whispered in her ear, before making her come apart in his arms. “Issues?”

  He nodded. “Yes. You’re worse than a scared mouse in a house full of cats.”

  She shifted in her seat. “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do or not do, Gabriel. This is your home and I’m assuming it was hers as well. It’s hard to not feel a bit like an interloper.”


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