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Gabriel's Light (Doms of Chicago)

Page 18

by Trace, Dakota

  He played her body like no other man before him. As if he was a hungry man and she was the last piece of bread on earth. It seemed as if finding her in his playroom three days before had a tripped a trigger inside of Gabriel. He was constantly touching her, pinning her against various surfaces around his condo, hell even cuddling with her on the couch while watching television. It seemed as if he couldn’t keep his hands off her, unless of course, he was holding Sophie. More often than not she’d look up from reading the paper, or doing dishes to find him either playing with her daughter on the floor, or cradling Sophie against his wide chest.

  The particularly deep thrust jerked her out of her thoughts. She bit down even harder on the corner of her pillow, when his fingers found one of her distended nipples and gently squeezed, sending shards of pleasure down to her womb. His grunt barely filtered through the pillow as she tried to hold off her orgasm. Squeezing it tighter, she thought of disgusting things, dirty diapers, sweaty gym socks, anything to keep from losing her mind to the pleasure. She had to wait for his order. She’d agreed to his stipulation, never dreaming it would be this hard to control herself. When a finger brushed over her clit, she lost it, her body overruling her mind. She muffled her cry of pleasure as her sheath convulsed around him. His low groan proceeded the hard snap of his body and swelling of his cock. She sobbed as he came inside her, even as she mourned the lack of heat she’d experienced in the playroom. Get over it, Zhenya. Without being on the pill, the condom he’s worn every time since is necessary, unless you want another child already. Even as much as she loved Sophie, she wasn’t ready for another kid quite yet, even one who’d have Gabriel’s gorgeous eyes.

  “Damn.” His voice was rueful as he pulled the pillow away from her face to kiss her lips. Looking up in the darkness, she could barely make him out. But as he straightened she could see the outline of his sexy body, his wide shoulders, narrow hips and long legs before he fell to the side of her. Flopping over to face him, she tentatively placed her hand over his sternum, monitoring his still racing heart-beat. It amazed her Gabriel allowed such intimacies between them. Unlike Ossie, who didn’t want my touch unless it was sexual. It would take some getting used to, but she found she truly enjoyed the afterglow nearly as much as their actual lovemaking. And all because of this man.

  “Yeah…that was intense.” She whispered back, still reeling from how her Master had gently handled Sophie’s three in the morning feeding: changing and then watching her nurse Sophie, before pouncing on her after Sophie had drifted back off to sleep. She’d never expected it. He had even held her until her daughter had her fill, before tucking Sophie back into her Pack & Play. Then turning all dominant on her, and fucking her senseless, while not waking the baby. Yep, her Master was a very talented man.

  He lifted her hand off his sternum and pressed a kiss against her fingertips. “Be right back, louloúdi mou, gotta to deal with the condom. You thirsty?” He asked as he rolled off the bed.

  “A bottle of water would be nice.” She tugged the covers up around her, suddenly cold without his body heat.

  “Sure thing.” He walked into the master bath. A moment later the light came on, and she was treated to a spectacular view of his bare ass. It was truly a piece of art, she decided, as he disappeared from view. Drawing his pillow close, she inhaled his scent before allowing her eyes to drift shut for a moment, figuring she’d rest until he returned.

  The next thing she knew a grumbled protest made its way free of her, as he gently spread her legs and washed her sex with a warm wash cloth, wiping away the extra lubrication he’d used ever since he’d found out she was allergic to the spermicide they used on most condoms. “Shhh, I know you’re tired, but I don’t want you to sleep with this mess.” He pressed a kiss against her temple before finishing. “Do you still want your water, sweetheart?”

  “Hmmm.” she mumbled, still drifting in and out of sleep. All she wanted was to sleep before her daughter woke up again. She was sooo tired.

  “Poor baby.” He slipped between the sheets and pulled her close to his body. A sigh of contentment escaped both of them as their bodies pressed together. “I wore you out. I’m sorry I’ve been such an insatiable beast.”

  “Mmmm..zits…ok…” She let sleep claim her once more.

  * * * *

  When Zhenya awoke later in the morning, a shaft of sunlight was streaming through the window, and she wasn’t sure quite what had woken her. Stretching, she yawned feeling better than she had in quite some time. Looking at the clock on the bedside table she realized it was nearly ten! She hadn’t slept this late in ages. Her breasts were aching, telling her it had been too long since she’d fed Sophie. Why didn’t Sophie wake me to nurse? Panic had her scrambling out of bed. Rushing to the Pack & Play, she noticed it was empty. Glancing wildly around the room, she realized Gabriel wasn’t in the room either. She tried to calm herself as she rationalized the situation.

  “Sophie’s with Gabriel. I just pumped yesterday, there’s extra milk in the refrigerator. Calm down, Zhenya. He won’t let anything happen to her.” That’s when she heard the voices in the living room. It sounded like her Master was talking to someone else. But surely it wasn’t her daughter. She’d never heard such a hard tone coming from him when he dealt with Sophie. Grabbing the robe from the end of the bed, she shoved her arms into it, uncaring that Gabriel’s robe swam on her. She just rolled up the arms a couple of times and tied the belt around her waist before darting down the hall.

  When she burst into the living room, she wasn’t sure who was more shocked: Gabriel, Hark or herself. The last thing she’d expected was to see Hark and Gabriel in the same room together, with her daughter sitting in her bouncy seat between them, as they discussed Lord knew what. Hark was dressed in his usual jeans and t-shirt with his long hair braided, while Gabriel was the epitome of a restaurant owner, his slacks and silk dress shirt a common sight. He was wearing a slim belt at his waist and cuff links. The dissimilarities between the men were quite obvious.

  “Hark? Is it really you?” The words came out tumbled before she launched herself at him, hugging him around the neck, relieved to see he looked no worse for the wear. It was the first time she’d seen him since the fateful day of the attack. It was one thing for everyone to tell her he was fine, and another to actually see him. Then he stiffened, just before Gabriel wrenched her free of the other man. Confused at Gabriel’s actions, her smile died, and any joy she’d felt at seeing the man who’d cared for her and Sophie faltered. She could only assume his actions were because of whatever issue the men had going on.

  “Don’t do that again, Zhenya.” Gabriel’s voice was harsh, his hand tight around her upper arm. She froze, his cold tone shocking her. Even when he punished her, he’d never spoken to her in such a tone. Gone was the lover from earlier, or even the Master she’d given herself to over the past week. It was very sobering and a shock. Not again. She couldn’t believe she’d allowed herself to not see him as he truly was. However she could handle it differently this time. She didn’t have to tuck her tail between her legs because the man she’d offered her submission to wasn’t what she’d thought. Straightening to her full height, she met his cold eyes head on. The old Zhenya would’ve begged her Master’s forgiveness, but that Zhenya was gone and the new one was pissed. She’d done nothing to warrant this type of treatment. Her days of being a doormat were over.

  Ignoring the sting of tears and the burn of her nose, she stiffened. “Please let go of me. You’re hurting my arm.” True his hand was tight, but she doubted his grip left bruises. He released her abruptly. Pulling away, she rubbed the tender flesh.

  “Here, let me see. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He moved closer.

  Folding her arms over her chest she backed away. “No, thank you.” She bent to retrieve Sophie from her bouncer. “I need to feed Sophie.”

  “Wait…” He held his hand out, she ignored it, gathering her daughter closer in her arms.

  “No.” She
gazed at him. “I did nothing to deserve that, Gabriel. I was merely greeting a friend, who the last time I saw him he was fighting with several men on his front lawn, while his house burned to the ground behind him. Which I might add gave us time to get away. I was happy to see him safe and sound. I don’t know what happened between you two, but I will not let you take it out on me.” Her piece said, she turned to leave. “You only get the submission I willingly offer, I will not allow you to take more than that.” Then she moved down the hall, leaving a stunned Gabriel behind her.

  * * * *

  “Well, that certainly didn’t go very well, Gabriel.” Hark commented as Gabriel watched Zhenya disappear into the master bedroom with Sophie.

  Rounding on the man, he glared at him. “You could’ve helped here. For fucks sake, you had a loaded gun at your hip. How the hell could you’ve let her jump at you like that? She could’ve been hurt!”

  Hark smirked at him. “I’ve always had a loaded gun at my hip since Zhenya has known me. She knows it’s there. She has always been aware the safety is on, and there’s no danger of it misfiring. Sorry if you were looking for some skittish response from her. You’re about three and half weeks too late.” He cupped his hand over Gabriel’s shoulder. “Let’s face it, bud, you overreacted. Not that I think she’s going to be too forgiving. Especially when she finds out you’re keeping her in the dark about the fact she’s being used for bait.”

  “It’s not only my job to protect her but also make sure she’s happy. Unlike others in this room…”

  Hark’s jovial mood changed as if someone had dumped ice water on him. His jaw clenched as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Don’t even go there, Poulanos. I took care of the men who killed my family. They won’t be hurting another human being again.”

  “But they wouldn’t be dead if…”

  “I know if I hadn’t gone out to drink with my old army buddies.” Hark sounded bored. “Same old song and dance.” His eyes narrowed. “Let me ask you this, pretty boy. Should I have driven home drunk? Perhaps killed a few innocents? Or maybe I should’ve killed those bastards at the bar who took exception to my hair earlier in the night? Hmmm or maybe I should’ve cloned myself, so I could’ve taken on eight guys by myself and still protected my submissive, Master and child?”

  “You could’ve called me. I was less than twenty minutes from the bar where it happened.”

  “And interrupted your date night with Sara?” Hark shook his head. “And possibly ended up with your death and perhaps Sara’s on my conscience instead of my family’s?” Hark shook head. “It wouldn’t have mattered who picked me up, Gabriel. Those men were looking for a victim that night, and didn’t care who they hurt. I’m sorry beyond any words I can ever say that it was your sister, her husband, and our child. You can’t beat me up any more than I’ve already beaten myself, but if it makes you feel better, hit me. I won’t mess up your pretty face too much, since you’re going to need everything you have to get back into Zhenya’s good graces.”

  Hark’s attempt at humor fell flat, but Gabriel understood where he was coming from, and finally realized it was petty to keep lashing out at the other man. He’d placed the blame on the wrong man, because without a target to focus his anger on, Hark was the perfect scapegoat. Which isn’t fair, he’s suffered more than even me. He lost not only his family, but the other half of his sexuality as well. I really should let it go. They’ve been gone for nearly five years. It’s time move on. He opened his mouth to apologize, but Hark was on a roll obviously.

  “In fact if I were you, I’d be groveling for her forgiveness, and telling her about the details of the plan to capture her stalker when she takes Sophie in for her checkup.” He reached down to grab the report he’d brought over to share with Gabriel. “Jackson worked some magic and managed to dig up some more things on Sebastene, but up-to-date information on Karas is being elusive. He’s got a reputation from being ruthless, and while both Ethan and I are good, we need Zhenya to understand the danger she’s going to be in when she leaves the condo tomorrow. Either prepare her or I will - and let me tell you if it ends up being me, you’ll have done more than bruise your submissive’s pride, you’ll have broken her trust as well. Do you honestly want to chance that? Because once it’s lost, there’s usually no getting it back.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Zhenya looked up at the light knock on the bedroom door. She’d been playing with Sophie on Gabriel’s bed while trying to ignore his scent, which clung to the very sheets and pillows she was surrounded by. She sighed. She was honestly surprised it’d taken this long for him to come after her. If she’d pulled the stunt with Ossie as she had with him, she’d have found herself over the nearest flat object having her ass warmed for being disobedient. Well that’s because you were wearing his collar and had already agreed to obey his every request. I should be thanking God he hadn’t demanded more than blow-jobs on cue. In fact they had been such a part of their life together, it had totally surprised her when Gabriel as her new Dom hadn’t even brought them up, let alone allowed her mouth anywhere south of the border. And if Nisey was right, he truly enjoyed them. But perhaps he doesn’t want them from me. It was something special with Sara. So like a good little submissive, she hadn’t instigated the act she was dying to try. She wanted to worship the part of him which gave her such pleasure. But after your little explosion in the living room don’t expect that to ever happen, Zhenya.

  “Zhenya?” His voice bled through the door. “Can I come in?”

  She felt like asking him if he was able to, but bit her tongue. She’d pushed him pretty far this morning, and had a feeling pushing any harder would end up in consequences she wasn’t prepare to accept. “It’s your bedroom, Gabriel.” She kept her tone even as she tickled Sophie’s toes. Giggling, her daughter kicked her legs, having a good time, not caring about the tension, which rose inside her mother, as Gabriel stepped inside. A quick glance assured her, he was unharmed and looking no worse for wear than he had when she’d left the living room. So he and Hark didn’t come to blows. I suppose that would be considered a good thing.

  “We need to talk.” He didn’t bother moving from the open doorway, looking very stiff and unforgiving.

  “Okay.” She waited patiently for him to begin, not about to prod a sleeping tiger.

  He gripped the doorframe with one hand. “An issue with your situation has come up. Your former father-in-law has hired a man to kidnap Sophie and you.” His knuckles turned white as he clenched his hand around the door jam.

  “We assumed as much, Gabriel. I’ve already discussed this with Jude and Caelan. Sebastene Sikkenga has never been the type to get his hands dirty by doing such a vile deed himself. He’ll find the cheapest thug he can and send him after me - which is why I’m under lock and key in your condo instead of my apartment.”

  His lips thinned. “Unfortunately these aren’t just some desperate junkies he found on the street, Zhenya. The man he hired - well let’s just say the information Jude has pulled up on him, isn’t good. He’s worse than a junkyard dog with a bone. He won’t rest until his customer gets what he paid for…”

  Suddenly feeling tired, Zhenya picked up Sophie to cuddle her close. “And in this case it’s Sophie he’s after.”

  “Yes, ultimately. And he’s so ruthless he won’t care what collateral damage occurs in the process. Even if it means killing you. For Christ’s sakes, he ordered Hark’s home to be burned to the ground just to flush you out.” Finally moving away from the door, Gabriel sank down to the bed. The mere inches between his hip and her thigh seemed like miles to her, the closeness from the previous night gone. “I talked to Jude and we have a few options. The first - we could move you to another location until we catch Cyrille Karas in the act; or two we can use you and Sophie as bait to draw out Cyrille which might eventually led to Sebastene’s arrest. It would probably be the best if we moved you.”

  Her heart stilled as she bit her lower lip to quell the tea
rs building at the back of her eyes. “So when are you moving me? Do I have time to pack up Sophie’s stuff?” Keeping a hand on her daughter’s back, she leaned over to snag the diaper bag on the floor. God, she was so sick of this. At that moment she wished she had a gun because she’d have shot Sebastene directly in the face. In fact, she should’ve asked Hark for his gun. She was angry enough at the moment to hop a plane, go back to Greece, and take care of the issue in a permanent way. But that wouldn’t do much good with the snake here in Chicago!

  “Stop.” His hand, so gentle when it had earlier been rough, surprised her. Straightening, she met his eyes. There was something there but what it was she wasn’t sure. “I didn’t say we were going to do that. The choice is yours. We can try to try to locate another safe place that we can only hope Karas can’t find, or we go on as planned.”

  Confusion swamped her, as she pulled her arm away from him slowly. Somehow she didn’t think she was going to like where this conversation was headed. “Planned?”

  He tugged on his ear, confirming her suspicions. He always seem to do that when he was hiding something bad. “Jude and Jackson think the best opportunity to catch these asses is to allow them to try and grab Sophie at the doctor’s office. When the office called your cell last night to confirm your appointment for her, we’re pretty sure if they were listening and…”

  “…and you want me to put my daughter at risk to stop them?” She kept her voice even, though every part of her was protesting the idea of allowing the men to place her daughter in danger, especially when she’d turned her life upside down to protect her.

  He shifted. “It’s a calculated risk. If we do this, you will be covered and protected at all times. You will have a guard with you at all times on your trip to and from the doctor’s office. Do you know how to drive?”


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