The Divorce Diet
Page 16
“Fuck, superstar, what would no have felt like?”
Kissing the cheek that was now swelling, she said, “Lucky for you, I’m a sucker for cops.”
“Gonna give you the world,” I said with emotion clogging my throat. “A real wedding, reception, and honeymoon, all of it.”
Bracing herself above me, she said, “Just give me your big dick, and we’ll call it even.”
Ever had re-engagement sex on a boat?
Well, I highly recommend it.
Since coming to Miami, our favorite time of day was sunset.
Lounging on the bow with a cocktail in one hand and Eddie holding the other, life was pretty perfect.
While we’d forever be Detroiter’s at heart, we settled in seamlessly.
As if Miami had been patiently waiting for us to get our shit together while offering us a place to start over.
It was beautiful here, full of diversity, sun, and new opportunities.
And flip-flops year-round, a definite bonus.
So, it only made sense that we re-new our vows on the dock where our boat floats.
By the way, I said yes only three days ago. Three. Eddie wanted this and he wanted it now before, and I quote, “You wise up and change your mind.”
Hours later, I was sliding my spaghetti strap, silk shift dress over my head, enjoying the material gliding over my skin, clinging perfectly in all the right places. Pinning my hair up and off my neck, I applied a light dusting of makeup and gloss before checking my reflection in the mirror.
Turning this way and that, I was stunned at how ethereal I looked.
I was...glowing.
Back were some of my curves I had lost during my divorce diet, fuller hips and breasts now adding to my healthy aura. My cheeks were no longer hollow, the skin under my eyes was no longer dark. Running my hands over my stomach and sides, my ribs were no longer prominent, my ass had even fluffed up a bit too. Thanks to Eddie’s culinary skills I was just a few pounds shy of my original weight, and I felt good in my skin. Though I enjoyed being thinner, I wasn’t meant to stay that way. So, I figured if I was going to work out anyway I may as well eat all his food without guilt too.
Shit, you only live once, right?
With ten minutes until go time, I left the condo to meet Eddie and the officiate we hired to marry us down below.
As I probably always would, I took to the stairs instead of the elevator.
Even with the progress I’d made with therapy I found safety and comfort in open spaces.
And hell, it was a great for my legs. Considering we lived on the ninth floor...
The moment I cleared the double doors and stepped into the humid night air, I saw twinkling lights, heard a cello playing and was greeted by two men I loved very much. Speechless, I stared at Griff extending his hand toward me.
Launching myself into his arms, I cried into his neck so fucking glad to see him.
Even though I saw him daily, the fact that he was here...
Kissing me on the temple, he whispered, “Gotta give my best girl away.”
Years ago, two kids ran to Las Vegas to get married on a whim and neither set of parents understood or agreed. And it’s not like Eddie didn’t try, because he did. However, they didn’t. I lost my parents not too long after we married, and they hadn’t gotten to know and love their son in law.
To this very day, Eddie’s parents didn’t recognize our relationship, and while it hurts it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as it used to.
So, having Griff here now was... perfect. After all, since losing my dad he stepped in and filled that void.
He filled it for Eddie too.
God, I loved him very much.
In my ear, he said, “Glad to see you listened to me, superstar.”
And I had too. I didn’t let hate win. Instead, I let love in.
“Shall we?” he said leading the way.
Arm in arm, we took our time, small steps, each one bringing me closer to Eddie.
When we turned the corner, and I saw the dock filled with everyone I loved most in my life, I almost broke free to tackle every single soul here. Score one for Eddie and his ability to constantly surprise me. I was so alive in my skin, my heart was so full, I yanked Griff along, eager to get to my husband.
Just a few steps shy of my goal, I sailed at Eddie and distantly heard Griff say, “She never has been patient.” And Brenda answered, “Love isn’t fond of waiting, I suppose.”
Both were right.
Our vows were simple with a lot of kisses and smiles shared between us.
There was no pronouncing us man and wife because we’d already ran that play.
But Eddie, like always, surprised me with his own vows.
Cupping my cheek, he said just for me to hear, “Eleven years ago, I promised to love you for as long as we both shall live. I never imagined that I would face losing you or the depths of despair I would feel when I did. Until the day I die, I will make loving me worth it, superstar.”
Sealing his mouth over mine, the clapping and cheers barely registered.
Because in that moment, it was just us.
Eddie with his black eye and me in my white dress with sweat running down my crack.
Thanks to Connie and Bridget, our renewal ceremony and reception was absolutely perfect.
Standing here with my two best friends and Griff, I watched as my bride gushed over the people she loves.
Oddly enough, each time I asked to fill her glass, she asked for sparkling champagne. According to my wife, she wanted to remember every moment. As if I would deny her anything...
The surprise and joy I saw on her face when she caught sight of our family waiting on the dock will never leave me.
Fleetingly, I thought of my parents and how their damn stubbornness had them missing out on their only son’s happiness and the fucking beautiful daughter-in-law they never bothered to know.
But I let the thought go.
My family was here.
My wife, my life, was here.
It was happening now.
“Nice boat,” Butch said in awe of the vessel I demanded we call ‘Superstar’. “How in the hell did she manage that?”
“Bought it online,” I said proud of my wife.
“Pharis just... ordered a boat online?” Aaron asked. “Without seeing it?”
“She might have had some help,” Griff grinned then shrugged. “What? I like boats.”
“What did that sucker cost?” Aaron asked.
Then it hit me, “She won’t spill.” Facing Griff, I asked, “So how much?”
“Couldn’t say,” he muttered, pushing off the makeshift bar Bridget ordered and had set up.
I was about to pry further when he slapped my shoulder and confessed, “She’s the daughter I never had, and she’s worth every penny.”
“Wait, you bought the boat?”
Smirking he extended his hand and I took it. With a firm grip he simply said, “Thanks for taking care of our superstar.”
Many hours later, after Griff and the guys exhausted themselves dancing with my bride, the men took their women back to the hotel, and I went in search of my bride. It should come as no surprise that I found her staring out at the ocean from the bow of our boat.
Coming up behind her, I wrapped myself around Pharis, resting my chin on her shoulder.
“Hell of a night, Mrs. Ellis.”
“Hell of a night, Mr. Ellis,” she replied softly.
“I’ve never been happier. You are always full of surprises,” she smiled up at me. “Are you happy?”
“I live to surprise you, baby,” I promised her then thrust forward a bit. “What do you think? Do I feel happy to you?”
Laughing, she said, “You’re perpetually happy, Eddie.”
This was totally true. “You never mentioned Griff buying you a boat.”
“I said we got a boat, and he didn’t buy me a boat, he bought us a boat. He loves you too
, you know.”
“Fuck,” I chuckled. “He’s deserves more than a bottle of whisky for Christmas this year.”
“I think he’ll like finding out he’s going to be a grandpa more, baby.”
As if time sped up and then came crashing to a halt, I watched Pharis turn around and immediately my eyes went to her stomach followed by my hands. There was a baby in there? My baby? Our baby?
I was going to be a father?
Letting that sink in, I realized she was talking, but I’ll be damned if I heard a word she said.
Because emotions I didn’t even know I had were surfacing.
Christ, as if I wasn’t protective of her before...
The only thing missing from this moment was a club carved from wood and a loin cloth.
Hello inner caveman!
I wanted, no needed to fuck her, claim here again just to make sure no one got near what was mine.
Hell, if she’d allow it I’d piss on her leg, but I thought that’s a firm no. Pharis was into all kinds of dirty but not that kind of dirty.
So, overwhelmed and ready to explode, I knew I needed an outlet, and I needed it now.
I was so out of my mind in joy that I didn’t notice how close I was to the boat’s edge until I went over it.
“Oh my God, Eddie!” I looked up to see my wife staring down at me with wide panicked eyes.
And what did I do from the water but blurt, “I get to cook for two!”
Throwing her head back, Pharis roared with laughter and headed to the rear of the boat to wait for me.
I swam her way, she lowered the steps and sank down in her dress to take a seat on the top wrung.
Moving between her legs, I rested my cheek on her belly whispering, “I love both of my babies.”
Cradling my body against hers, my superstar said, “And we love you, daddy.”
My wife was right, sometimes it does take everything falling apart before it can fall into place.
For us, it took divorce.
I Never Told You by Colbie Caillat
How Would You Feel by Ed Sheeran
Beautiful Trauma by P!nk
Let’s Never Be Exes by Jeremy Tyler
Good for Me by Above & Beyond
Obsession by Golden State
C-R-E-A-M by Wu-Tang Clan
Warm and Tender Love by Percy Sledge
Take Me Home by Jess Glynne
U+Me by Mary J. Blige
6,8,12 by Brian McKnight
If You Let Me by Sinead Harnett
My Fault by Imagine Dragons
Jealous by Labrinth
Laid by James
The Last Goodbye by The Kills
Bang Bang by Nico Vega
K.S. Adkins is a full-time everything. When I'm not wifing, mothering or being bossy, I'm reading, writing or shooting. A full-time realtor, lifelong Michigander and all-around lover of all things guns and Detroit, I believe in freedom of foul language, gratuitous nudity, tattoos and mosh pits. I've recently taken up drinking wine and feel like I'm really making progress with it. I think my chances at finding a place within the Romance genre is 50/50, but I suck at numbers so what do I know?
My stories are written with heavy dialogue and are Detroit-based. If you don't like heavy dialogue or Detroit, don't read my stories. My characters are typically dark and fairly fucked up so if you want sappy characters without issues, don't read my stories.
I love violence, guns, blood, naughty words, awkward sex, rap, metal, and untraditional people. Every fight scene was tried and tested by me. I have the bruises to prove it too.
I write romance, but my characters are not always romantic. Each is a work in progress. My stories are about strong women and the alphas who try to tame them but never do.
At the end of the day, you may not like my stories, you may also think I suck as an author and that's okay, but I have to tell you, I had the best fucking time writing them and for me, that's what it's all about.
I love new likes so hit me up on Facebook @ K.S. Adkins or Twitter @ Hoodwrites and let me know if you loved it or hated it. ♥
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Other Works by KS Adkins
Music that Inspired
About KS Adkins