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The Consumed: Virgil Series Book Two

Page 13

by Kyle J Cisco

  "Over my dead body," Virgil said, as he ignored the pain of the shapened nails clawing into his shoulder. "I will not fall to the Darkness. I will survive, and I will send you to meet your father face to face in the abyss. Do you hear me demon! I wont be broken."

  As he said the words a glimmer of light entered the room. It eminated from the pendant that still dangled from his chest. Vraxes shielded his eyes for a moment then ripped the chain from around his neck. It was then thrown to the ground and crushed under the heavy foot of the demon.

  "We shall see how strong the blood of Dvorak really is," Vraxes said as he nodded to a dark corner of the room. Where three specters emerged from the shadows with the bladed lashing whips from earlier.

  The first crack caught him off guard as small cuts opened up leaking blood down his bare chest. He felt the sting of the blades as they cut into the skin of his chest. Droplettes of blood ran down his body to the floor. Welted lined his body the irritated area of skin raised, and already brusing. The Specters were relentless with their strikes. Virgil's head began to slump, as the beating continued.

  Though he said nothing during the beating, taking in silence as long as he could before sucoming to his pain threshold. Finally after several more strikes from the three his vision fadded to black.

  Virgil's body lay motionless except for the minor flinch of his unconcious body as the beating continued. His head drooped to his chest, the only signs of life that came from him was the slow rising and falling of his chest as he drew breath.


  Blue and white banners whipped about in the strong breeze from the south. As the army crept toward the fortress of light. Evon starred in shock at the massive encrouching toward him. The banner bore the winged mace of House Novak.

  "Clear the gate," said Evon.

  The troops that crowded the gate, parted as a man on horseback, clad in a magnificent suit of armor. Rays of light glisened from each individual plate, but the most defining feature of the armor was in fact the ornate white metal helm, and the crown which sat upon it. The man himself was large, and well built. Although his face spoke of youth, and an inexperience of warfare.

  Next to him rode a man in simple blue robes, Evon took him as the kings arcane advisor. The man that rode behind the two front me sent another blast of air through the warhorn, that was attached to his chest by lanyard. The king as his me entered the rubblestrewn courtyard of the order of light where Evon had set up a temporary recieving area.

  "Welcome, King Brandon, of Novak. Glad you and your men could join us, but it seems you have missed the battle," Evon said, not able to hide the enthusiasm in his voice.

  "You, stated in your correspondence there was an iminent war, not one already in progress," said Brandon, as he lowered himself from his horse. A beautifully crafted flail hung from his waist, and a claymore, est sheathed upon his back.

  "Yes, lord, the attack came several days after the correspondence was sent to you. The armies of darkness attacked without warning."

  "Shall we talk in private, Executor," said Brandon, gesturing to the door of the fortress.

  "We, have not yet cleared the citidel. We, may talk once you have set up camp."

  A few hours passed before the two began the war council. Stoyan, and Evon stood shoulder to shoulder around the table of the council chambers. The room had been damaged slightly in the battle and siege dust from the mortar sprinkled onto the table in regular intervals.

  They looked over the maps of the shadow lands from what they had from the last war.

  "These maps are out of date, Stoyan," said Evon.

  "Yes, but it's all we have to go on."

  "This is not inspiring me with confidence, Stoyan.

  "I understand, Executor, but it is better than going in completely blind is it not?"

  As Evon was about to reply the door opened, and in came the rest of the vassal lords. Followed by the high ranking officials of the army of Novak lead by King Brandon. The Kings face wore a mix of unease and fury, as he aproached the table. The man's eyes scanned the map strewn table.

  "I thought, we, could talk in private a moment?" said Brandon.

  "Leave us," said Evon. "Stoyan stay please."

  The young Marshal stopped in place and moved to the side as others passed him to exit the room. The doors thudded shut signaling the last had left the room. Evon paused a moment more to make sure none were still in ear shot of the door.

  "Thank yo-"

  "What is the plan, Executor," Brandon said, not ackowledging cutting Evon off.

  "We, march for the Shadow Pass at first light. Then onto the spire," said Evon.

  The reaction of Brandon was that of surprise. The man's eyes seemed to glow as he thought of the combat to come from such a move. The Kingdom of Novak, was known for its renowned warriors, and the glorification of combat.

  "Yes," replied Brandon. "Yes, we, shall march together toward the shadow pass, and take the spire expelling the evil once and for all."

  "Our aim is not conquest at this time, Lord," said Evon. "We, are to create a distraction to lure the army awawy from the spire."

  "What for? Together we can take the spire, and end the corruption that has spread in those lands since the fall of the Kingdom of Scimb-"

  "Sir, I do not need a history lesson. In case you have forgotten I was once a the crowned prince of Krichen."

  "Yes, this is known. My father spoke fondly of you when I was a child."

  Much younger than I thought him to be. Explains the over confidence of the boy.

  "We, are aiding in the rescue of our High Chaplain th-"

  "This is the suppossed heir of Dvorak, this Virgil character?" The king spat the words out as if they were an abomination.

  If anyone knew the threat of betrayal to usurp the throne it was in fact Evon. Though, Virgil, had no such motivations. The man was pure of heart, and has only known the Order, and feared the vicious nature of the kingdoms of mankind.

  "I can assure you, Brandon, that Virgil has no intentions of outsting you from the throne," said Evon.

  "How can you garentee such thi-"

  "Because, Virgil is a Brother Chaplain of this Order, and my second in command. I will not stand to someone besmudging his name, not in my presence.

  "I meant not to offend."

  An awkward silence crept across the room as the tension reached its peak. Evon feared the dissolution of the alliance before it began. I have to salvage this if we are to have a chance at surviving this.

  "The Kingdom of Novak, has always been our staunches of allies, and during my riegn as Executor. I would like to see that relationship flourish. So I ask, you, to join me in this crusade against the evils in this world as allies once more? What say you?"

  The king stood silent for a moment, his features racked with contemplation. He would not have rode all the way down here if he wasnt to fight. The thought turned out correct. The King held out a hand. Evon grasped the mans forarm and brought him into his embrace. The King whispered into Evon's ear.

  "Together, Evon, we will rid this world of the deciples of Banon once and for all."

  The embrace broke, and the two men along with Stoyan looked over the maps of the Shadow Pass. As they discussed plans for the iminent campaign. For hours the three men planned and replanned. Each now seated at the table instead of standing over it. Evon's legs, and hips ached in pain from the constant standing. Along with the exaustion of the battle from earlier in the day.

  "Guard," Evon called out, and the door flew open only a second after the words were uttered.

  "Executor," The man said, snapping into the position of attention.

  "Send for the vassal lords, and the rest of the command staff for Lord Brandon, this moment."

  The man hurried through the halls leaving the door to the council chamber cracked just about a foot open. The three men didnt notice the open door and began to talk once more about the final arrangements for the march to the spire.

  A c
reak of the door, caught Evon's attention, and as his head snapped toward its direction a shodow passed the crack in the door. He srpang from the table, with almost unnatural speed as the shadow headed down the hall toward the doors, which lead out into the courtyard. The guard on the opposite side of the hall saw the thing moving fast toward him and moved to intercept. Evon say the man grasp his throat as a river of red began to leak forth from the gaps inhis fingers.

  The door burst open, as sunlight exploded into the hall temporarily blinding Evon. The seconds it took his eyes to adjust it was too late the thing was gone. He entered the courtyard to find two more dead bodies. With fresh wounds still bleeding upon the ground. Mother of Light.

  With the hunt seemingly over, he headed back toward the council chamber. Once he arrived the vassal lords all sat in positions around the large oaken table. Evon shook his head in the direction of, Stoyan, and the man hung his head in sadness at the news of the creatures escape.

  The chance of having the plan known to the enemy fueled debates between all the lords, and the command staff of Novak's army. The decision split in the middle, with Evon, Brandon, and Stoyan being the tie breakers. Brandon was the first of the three to step forward in approval of the plan continuing as is.

  "I say we fight. It was going to be rough going either way," said Brandon. "It is the only choice if we are to make in time to cause the distraction nessecary."

  "I agree with, Lord Brandon," said Stoyan, as he too stepped forward.

  This left Evon, to decide the fate of both armies, the success of the goal at hand, and quite possibly the fate of himself, his men, and mankind as a whole. No pressure, just do what you believe is the right path. He opened his mouth, as if to speak then closed it. Then began.

  "We, all know the risks we take, and this is no different. Before our two great Kingdoms fought together against evil. Now we shall do so again. The shadow pass is our only option, and I will not have, Virgil die in the hands of that evil. We, march for the Shadow pass at first light. Prepare your men, dismissed."

  Once the room had cleared leaving only Evon, Brandon, Stoyan, and Novak's lead commander Tadic Voroshelov. The men stayed in the council chambers well after nightfall, and into the early morning hours of the next day before departing to thier respective quarters.

  Evon reached his door, and pushed it open. He released himself from his cacoon of armor, and sat on the edge of his cot. There he meditated, before he flopped down, and fell into an almost instant sleep.

  The birds of predawn could be heard their song contradicting the carnage of battle that befell the fortress just the day before. Its soaring melodies, provided a soothing tone to the watchers on the southern wall. Rocks clancked together, the occasional spark flew from the connecting stones. As men continued to sure up the whole in the wall, which was being filled with the debirs from the courtyard. Beyond the mountain pass to the south, was the battle field that could be the decision point of the realm of mankind...

  The thunderous punding of thousands of feet upon the ground halted before the entrance to the shadow pass. It's jagged mountain peaks hovering over the entrance in a natural archway. Horses nayed with anxiousness, as the chill winds eminated from the entrance. Goosebumps ran up Evon's arm making the hair on them stand on end. The cool breeze felt like chilled fingers, as though a corpses hand carressed his cheeks.

  Never before have I felt such chilling presence of evil. The thought entered his mind, as he spurred his horse forward followed close behind by the clicking of hoves from Stoyan's mount riding to his left and Brandon fully adorned in his battle plate to his right.

  Once in motion again the army thundered forward through the jagged archway. The bottom of the pass was layered in a dense fog that hovered at ankle level. Wisps of the fog flew up in the wake of the horses hoofs contacting the ground. Evon glanced above him taking in the numerous outcroppings above. The fear of ambush threatened to suffocate his concious thoughts.

  The sound of pebbles tumbling down the walls of the pass drew his attention ahead of them. He held up a hand singnaling the halt of the advance. From overhead figures could be glimpsed on an outcropping nearly 20 feet off the ground ahead of them. The dark green cloaks making the scouting rangers less visible among the rocks.

  Once sure it was friendly forces the group continued forward, but instead of watching the ground level Evon's eyes were transfixed upon the rangers that followed the path of the army from above providing overwatch for the columns of men.

  The undeveloped path throught the mountains, caused problems for the carts of supplies that were in the middle of the columns of tighly packs men. The width of the pass only allowed for about 30 men across to fit through. Which made the long train of troops and supplies vulnerable to assault. This is the perfect kill box.

  The sounds of battle errupted from above as a green cloaked body fell from above, and smashed into the ground. The mans abdoment opened up as a jagged rock point emerged from the man's chest. Evon's focus shifted from the fallen man to above where he could see the rangers engaged with a force of hillmen.

  The shriek that eminated from the fog that rose before them sounded rechid and barbaric. Bodies flew out of the fog, and hurled javelins at the men in the front of the column. Evon slammed into the ground, as a javelin tore through the front of his mounts chest. Sending him over the head of the animal. Out of relfex he rolled and stood back on his feet, while he drew his blade striking down the first foe that ran at him. Blood sprayed from the man's chest as the blade tore through the man's flesh. Rivulets of blood formed on Evon's armor like water wixed with cooking grease.

  His sword moved in a flash of motion as more assailants charged from the fog, at him. The sound of boots thudded into the ground, and to his left he saw Stoyan, with his greatsword in hand. The man strode forward hacking the enemies that emerged before him. Another two men emerged from the fog to his right as three more came from infront of him. He backed up his footing, and fell into a defensive stance. As the three moved in the squeal of a dying man came from the right as the Brandon slashed the foes the right down in one swing of the greatsword he wielded. This was the chance Evon needed, for three on one he could handle if on the assault.

  His sword danced about catching blows from the primative weapons. His counters cut the men apart piece by piece. The skill in which he fought these inferior foes was no challenge to the old Weapon master. A low swing removed one man's leg and before he hit the ground Evon was already impailing the man upon his blade. He wrenched it free of the mans sternum, and ducked the incoming club spiked with the razor sharp teeth of something embedded within the wood. He chopped the mans arm free and battered the man's face with the poitnted hand gaurd of his sword.

  To his left the royal guards of Novak began to flank the King, and Evon enveloping them in a protective fromation, as a manmade howl eminated from the fog. Black figures strode froward out of the fog, they bore Blackened shields. The face of which was adorned with pointed spikes. Heads dangled from around the necks of a few of the warriors. Some looked to be dried and cracked and others still looked wet with blood.

  "Shadow guard," said Evon, to the king and Stoyan.

  Stoyan, had not heard the warning, as the Marshal was locked in prolonged combat with several hillmen. The enemies fled, at the aproach of the Shadow guard. The onyx armor in stark contrast to the flowing fur direwolf cloaks that danced in the breeze as they moved ever closer to the front ranks.

  Arrows flew over Evon's shoulder into the oncoming warriors, but before the arrows arrived at their targets. The enemy soldiers locked thier shields into an inpenatrable wall, serving to deflect all of the incoming missles. Through the fog rank upon rank of these black armored clad warriors made their way forward once more only stopping for the intermintent vollies of arrows raingin in upon them.

  The wall formed again, as Evon decided hed had enough of this wait. As the arrows fell bouncing off shields or landing short of the mark, he charged forward. H
e crashed the tip of his sword into one of the shields to deflect the spikes, and broke into the enemy formation. Followed by the Royal guard, and Stoyan close behind.

  The melee broke out once more, as Evon was enveloped into the middle of the swirling combat. He ducked and dodged blows that came in at him while counter striking to take down foe after foe. He glanced around every few seconds looking for the man with the skull helm, the man who lead this column of fierce warriors.

  The sole duty of this force is to prevent any incursion into the shadow kingdom, they kill without question, hillmen, goblins, and anything that passes through the pass without the right to do so. A strike glanced off Evon's helm knocking it from atop his head. He turned his back to enemy in time to catch the second blow upon the shield he bore on his back. He came up with a thrust that peeled through the man's black armor. The blade emerged from the man's back, as he took his last breath. Evon shoved the body from his sword, and continued forward.

  Through the corner of his vision he saw a black figure cutting through swaths of royal guardsmen to his right. He shifted his focus, as he sprinted toward where King Brandon was being overtaken by the foes. Which left him with only two guards protecting the King.

  Evon launched himself at one of the enemies at Brandon's back taking him to the ground, as the man's sword lifted for a strike to the back of the King. Both Evon and the foe hit the ground hard. He could feel blood coming from his forhead where he had fallen on a rock which stuck out from the ground. He went to reach for his sword, but a savage punch caught him in the back of the head. Which forced Evon's already brused face to bounce off the ground once more.

  Sand from the ground covered Evon's sweat drenched face, as the man rolled him over. His vision could see two men hovering above him. He shook his head, but still there was two. Both right arms raised with an onyx dagger in hand. He grabbed for the on on the left and caught only air as the dagger fell toward him. The blade tore into Evon's shoulder. The pain followed by a burning sensation from within the wound itself. Poisoned? Damnit...


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