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Exotic: Billionaire Alpha Male Romance (The Pleasure Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Ryli Jordan

  Okay. You got five minutes.

  And he knew exactly what that look meant. Because he sent me back the dumbest and most scandalized face I had ever seen him make. He looked around the room and slowly stood up.

  And his eyes lit up, heavily communicating our unspeakable thoughts.

  Right now? Here? You know I’m ready.

  And I smiled back, but not a polite smile…almost an embarrassed smile.

  I’m going this way.

  He clumsily strolled along, following me from a distance and trying not to be conspicuous. He smiled at the people he passed along the way and tried really hard to pretend he wasn’t hard.

  I’m following!

  My heart was racing as I escaped to the kitchen of the rented facility. I leaned against the wall and second guessed everything. I was about to do something reckless. Something insane!

  But for the moment I couldn’t say no. Maybe I would regret it tomorrow. But today…all I wanted was some goddamned passion in my life again!

  I gave him a wild-eyed look as he followed me inside the kitchen and shut the door behind him. My whole body was shuddering. I don’t think I anticipated that my first rebound would be with him…and be as crazy as this.

  “What are we doing?” I whispered, one note too low, knowing full well that I had already decided—if he was going to kiss me, I would let him. I stared at him in silent awe, surprised that we had come this far…and yet in such a small period of time. I had hardly known him, always knew of him, but now I was kissing his lips so familiarly. I was letting him take me, letting him do anything.

  I closed my eyes, a little ashamed of myself for letting my guard down. But as he continued kissing me softly and oblivious to the scene—lost in my lips—I couldn’t help but open them again. I looked up into his blue eyes, as he touched my face, pushing my curls away so that he could have a clear view of my face. I almost blushed because he was looking at me so strongly and yet without a word. He knew what he wanted and I desired to give him everything. I started slipping out of my heels and immediately he bent his six-foot stature down to meet my lower lip with a slow and sensual bite.

  We kissed again, this time faster and more intensely. I wanted him on my lips, but also on my cheek and on my chin. His kisses spilled over my face and down to my neck, sending my heart aflutter.

  “You won’t regret this Staci. I’m going to go slow and taste you, then I’m going to fuck you like I know you want. Hold on baby.” He whispered into my neck.

  My clit throbbed when his breath met my skin. There was so much I wanted to give him and yet here we were, obscured by the room and our less than perfect setting.

  But dammit the moment was here and I couldn’t stop the flames from rising. I had to have him now and he, of course, couldn’t comprehend why he would ever want to stop once I gave him the look. He necked me against the wall and I sighed, loving the feeling of his warm humming. He did go slow at first, rolling down the shoulder of my dress and kissed my shoulders hungrily. I was getting a bit impatient but focusing on the moment that may never come again. He tasted me like a fine meal, nibbling every pore and finessing me with his touch.

  I tensed up and sighed, not quite sure what I was doing—not here!—but I couldn’t think of a single reason to say no. I quietly sighed again, watching him in weakness as he pulled my other shoulder side down, bringing out my chest and the tip of my cleavage—which he tasted with his hot massaging lips. I held him close to my breasts, desiring him more than ever, but all too aware that at any moment we could get caught.

  We didn’t have the time to do this properly, but God I just wanted to feel him…yes…to suck my nipples…to ravage me like he had no more control over himself! I wanted to feel desired…I wanted to feel a man’s hunger.

  No, not just any man…him. His power. His fame. His importance. His name…the more I thought about it, how shameful it all really was, the hotter my blood boiled.

  I held him close to my breasts, my dress a black puddle on the floor. I pushed him down further and he put his hands on my tits, squeezing and caressing them, greedily taking what I could no longer resist giving him. In a rage, he rubbed his face all over my breasts until he sucked left nipple and grabbed my wrists holding them in the air, then firmly pressed me against a wall.

  A fiery sensation glowed inside of me. I put my hands back down to caress his gorgeous blond strands. His head was level with my bare breast. The idea that I wanted this and yet couldn’t afford to do this easy to shake off. I was losing all semblance of reality, just wanting him to fuck me and do it now—fast.

  “Staci, use my tie.” He rose and wrapped his tie around my mouth and tied it at the back of my hair. I didn’t even resist. He was right, either gag me or I’d be screaming so loud that people would hear me.

  He went back to kissing my breasts, one hand roamed under my panty line circling around to cup my ass. He put his other hand up my thigh until he felt my moistened panties.

  He lowered his lips down and traced a path of fiery kisses down my stomach and then pulled my panties down admiring my waxed pubic mound and biting his lower lip. Shit he was so sexy. I nearly came watching his expression. He was following the scent of my intimacy, eager to taste me—but scarcely with any time remaining.

  I knew someone could come inside…I knew it was bound to happen. But I wanted his tongue inside me so bad. He raised my leg and rested it on his broad shoulder to get a better angle on my pussy. While he kneeled on the floor I barely noticed him unbuckling his trousers and sheathing himself with a condom. I guess he came prepared too.

  When he finally put his lips on my clit I shuddered. I moaned louder as he licked my clit firmly, then slid it down into my pussy lips. His tongue was amazing. He didn’t come up for air, just meticulously licked back and forth from my clit to my cunt. The flat part of his tongue lapped my clit over and over then he sucked my clit and I could feel the saliva drip down into my arousal. My pussy hole was contracting and I could feel my orgasm rising. His tie in my mouth felt tight but was thin enough where I could breathe short breaths. By now I was gasping and panting. I look down to view him licking my wetness and I couldn’t hold it in. My orgasm rushed out my mouth as a muffled scream and my legs started to get weak. I could feel my orgasm flooding all over his mouth and tongue. It felt so good, so dirty.

  I groaned again, this time pounding the wall behind me with my fists. I bit down on my lower lip, feeling a rush of emotion flood my brain and then throb in my clit which was totally wet and sensitive. Knox stood, towering over me. Fully naked now, I had full view of his bare chest sans tattoos. What was even more delightful was looking at the trail leading to his massive sized cock. Knox moved closer and bent down to kiss my frontal lobe. Looking up, I silently begged him to enter me.

  I had to hurry him, to get us through this without getting arrested. “Fuck me…” I whispered.

  “Fucking right. I knew your sexy ass would come for me one day.”

  I watched with my mouth gaping open, all too aware I was moments away from a scandal. His hard cock had the biggest head on it. I fantasized having it in my mouth. Maybe another time. I was amazed at how long and thick he was, and all I could do was frantically nod at him to put it in me!

  I grunted as he roughly took his dick in his hand and guided it to my wetness while lifting me. “Yes, please.” I moaned feeling the cold, steel wall on the other side of my back. Then I whimpered in passion as I felt him enter me. His length and fullness were overwhelming as he lowered me on his dick. While I was in the air, he slid in deeper and held me up by my butt cheeks. My neck and legs held on for dear life.

  Filling me wasn’t enough—he needed to whisk me away, to throttle me with his tidal wave of angst. His slow, loving behavior was over. He had never wanted anyone as bad as me and needed to mark his territory by fucking me harder than anyone ever had.

  I grinned as Knox supported me, carrying most of the weight in a display of raw power. He was pumping aw
ay hard and I was dropping my mouth open in a sex-crazed stupor. I couldn’t say no and was on the verge of screaming and alerting everybody in the goddamn building.

  But what would I say if someone caught us?

  When he stopped for a second to steady his balance, I grinded against him and clenched down on my pelvis throttling his hard cock so that he gave me more—more and faster, dammit! I wanted him to come inside of me. I shook and grinded as he pushed harder, his inked forearms where holding me strong and unwavering. I yelled into his ear as his cock pushed in deeper. He pounded my pussy against the wall. He shoved his lips back to my breasts, reaching for my exposed nipples in the midst of our rough fucking.

  God, he was so deep inside me I could barely breathe—and the kinetic, furious energy was so hard and violent I was on the edge, ready to come with him.

  Just as I was getting ready to quake, my eyes shot open and my head shook in a panic.

  There, the hired chef, Mister Ben (I think his name was), entered the kitchen and eyed me in wonder. His jaw dropped when he realized I was getting the fucking of my life right in the kitchen—and nobody was supposed to see this.

  I shook my head again, the tie still muffling my words, signaling him to please leave—to please don’t tell anybody—and please just let me finish this fucker off so we can get out of here.

  The poor bastard nodded and quickly left, even doing the polite thing, by averting his eyes.

  I took the opportunity to clench down harder on Knox’s cock. I took his face from my neck and shoved him into my breasts, forcing my nipples into his mouth. I groaned loudly, while he shoved his weight forward, dumping me on the table so he could fuck me with all he had left in him. The blood rushed to his tremoring cock after his worn out legs took a rest. He kissed me passionately, then we looked each other in the eyes. That was all it took for me to climax, my body hot all over, glowing in delight.

  I came hard—Knox grabbing me by the hair and holding my knee while he jammed it deep inside, letting off steam and setting off a geyser of his love. I bellowed right onto his face, our tongues and our mouths undulating all over each other, even as our genitals tensed and our bodies wet with sweat. We were connected…we were fused together in a moment of reluctant, accidental and reckless passion.

  I let him go with a smile and a deep inhale. He withdrew his still throbbing emptied dick. He pulled up his boxers and stuffed it back into its cozy home. I handed him a towel and his black tie that had been dangling from my neck.

  “Whew. Shit!” He shook off the rush of danger, chuckling while he wiped his face and his hair. “Can I help you get dressed darling?” He winked.

  Such a devil. He knew he had just rocked my world. I had never felt an orgasm like that. Not once but twice.

  “Knox, I’m fine, just need to put on my dress and heels. I’ll straighten up in the ladies room.”

  “Ok gorgeous, I’ll see you outside.”

  Not missing a beat, he threw the condom in a waste basket and went back to the gala to make a public showing just in case anyone was getting suspicious about our whereabouts.

  And here I was, sweaty, still short of breath with my tits popping out of this mashed dress. I quickly regarded myself in front and back and below, repairing the duress and fastening up like a proper woman. I pulled my panties up and took another deep sigh.

  He was quite amazingly able to keep a straight face even after all that had happened. I saw him when I rejoined the crowd and he seemed perfectly at ease, even if he was a little out of breath. I, on the other hand, couldn’t wipe the sneer off my face. I was smiling big and red-faced for the rest of the night, and only that poor chef—who I caught staring at me a few times—understood why.

  I tried to go back to pretending but it was far too late for any civility. I looked at Knox in red-faced shame. But it was a tingling shame. Like I was proud of what I did…proud of my lapse in judgment. Maybe even a little turned on at the idea that I just let myself get taken by a celebrity. It felt naughty…

  And sure, he loved it too, of that I had no doubt. He was smiling ear to ear, and couldn’t help but stare at me, very self-conscious of the fact that he now knew everything about me, down to the most intimate detail. How tight I was…what my orgasm face looked like…how I tasted and how my voice gets so high and frantic when I come.

  I was getting aroused again, just from watching his adoring face.

  Oh God, this was a mistake, wasn’t it? No action is ever without serious consequences. Which one of us will fall in love first, efficiently destroying our friendship and making all this good sex smell sour?

  It won’t be me. I will not let you hurt me, Ken. No matter what. I won’t let anyone hurt me.

  But as I eyed him from a distance, still feeling his hardness inside of me, I could only smile back. We weren’t done here. Deny it all I want…there was too much more to say.

  Chapter 8


  I hadn’t the foggiest notion what Staci was thinking. She didn’t answer my call the day after we fucked our brains out in a public place. After that, I resisted calling her again, since our talk of “leaving her alone” was still fresh in mind.

  The next Wednesday, she came by my office, as always, ready to talk business. I gave her the eye but she gave me nothing back. I spoke softly but this time she didn’t even flirt a little.

  At one point she did stare into my eyes too long, realizing no doubt that yes…this man had indeed tasted my pussy. How awkward to be discussing cash flow and investment theory with him now.

  But that’s the unpredictability of life, isn’t it, Staci?

  Well the truth is, I had no idea what she was really thinking because she was blocking me out. She was all business. Maybe she wanted to forget what happened between us…but she also had to know that I couldn’t live with that.

  I meant what I told her. I didn’t just think of her as a score. If I wanted an easy score I could have taken home another bimbo. I really enjoyed being with her…someone of equal intelligence. Someone with a heart. Someone who even shared some of their pain. That couldn’t all have been just a booty call, could it? That’s not how booty calls work!

  We’re not supposed to know anything about each other if it’s all just sex. She made it personal. Now she wants to close up the vault and pretend it’s locked?

  No ma’am. Not this time.

  I decided to take a chance and drove to her house. I knew the address from her business contact information. Of course, she wouldn’t appreciate me just popping in without an invitation…but then again, she kind of brought the foolish romantic out of me, didn’t she? Not to mention bringing everything else out of me that one hot, erotic night.

  I tapped on her door lightly. I waited a good four minutes, suffering through taps and grumbles from the floor inside. She was eying me through the peephole. She knew it was me. She was waiting to see if she even wanted to play this game. Staci had every right to leave me waiting all night and to never answer. It’s not like I deserved her attention.

  But finally she opened the door and stared at me.

  “Hey,” I said with a smile.

  “What is it?” she said.

  “Well fuck me… I just wanted to talk about what happened. I realized that sharing something about myself…”

  “Just shut up,” she replied.


  “The more I think about it, the more I’m sure it’s a mistake. Okay?”

  “I know and I share the same fears but…”

  “But nothing. It’s a mistake.”

  She sighed loudly, but couldn’t pry her eyes away from mine. We were still hot for each other, still breathing hard and remembering how good it felt to be reckless. To be engorged with each other’s bodies without restraint.

  “I just want to make a mistake. So don’t talk about…whatever this is. Just humor me. Keep this as shallow as possible…I’m the pretty girl and you’re the celebrity chef.”

  I entere
d her home eagerly, slamming the door behind me.

  “I’m a sneak. A shallow, creepy man. And I’ve wanted to fuck you since the first time I saw you.”

  “Oh God,” she said, a bit mocking in tone. “I’ve hit a new low, haven’t I?”

  “Yes. We’re animals.”

  And so we surrendered to our jungle lust. She was wearing two-piece pajamas with a fox on the t-shirt and little fox tails on the shorts. I tore into those poor fabrics with such manic intensity, they might as well have been yoga pants. Everything about Staci was turning me on and sounding sirens in my head. I kissed her hungrily, first on the lips, but then all over her chin, her lips…her tongue. I was drunk on her taste, desiring the texture of her skin almost as much as her pouty lips.

  We kissed longingly as we moved to the bedroom. What an odd feeling to not even know what the house layout is like. I just assumed she had a bonking room, and like she ordered me to do, I just removed all emotion from the experience. I allowed myself to see Staci as a sexual object, a woman I’d have bedded in a day if I was being sleazy. She was so beautiful.

  I couldn’t even stop kissing and tasting her even when I pulled her shirt off or yanked down her pants. Her naked body was scintillating for me. I looked at her in wordless dominance right before pulling my shirt buttons apart and tossing it to the ground.

  It delighted my body and my soul to feel Staci surrendering to her own lust. As soon as I was bare-chested she began nibbling my muscles with her lips. Tasting my stomach, my pectorals, my shoulder…helping herself to the feast that she had resisted for so long.

  She shoved me on the bed before I could even get my pants off. The look on her face was so mean-spirited, so cold…so selfish.

  And like I gave a fuck either way. Who was I kidding? This was heaven, whether she called it love or lust, it’s what I wanted—to Hell with consequences!

  She pulled my pants down and pulled out my hardening penis. I groaned when she began softly kissing the shaft and tugging it softly, feeling the sensation of me growing in her mouth. I grabbed a fistful of her brunette hair and caressed her scalp, the side of her face…


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