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Full Moon Secrets: The Complete Collection

Page 4

by Sophia Wilde

  His movements kept getting harder and faster, and she could barely take it anymore. And yet, she wanted more. And more. And more of this incredible feeling that was spreading from his body to hers. She was in heaven once again. Screaming from the top of her voice while she was holding on to the carpet that was underneath her as if she were holding on to dear life. She was almost breaking her nails at the force with which she was trying to relieve the shaking of her body as she was in the middle of having what was quite probably the strongest orgasm in her life.

  She couldn't move anymore, and Robert kept ramming himself into her with great force. Her screams turned into whispers, and her body relaxed as Robert's started shaking and he was frantically pulling out just in time to come on her back.

  You idiot, Cindy thought to herself as she let her body relax in a bundled up position on the soft carpet that covered one part of the library floor. If you were to get pregnant, it would most certainly be a male child. And it would most certainly carry the curse. The poor thing. And you keep having unprotected sex with this man. You bloody stupid fucking idiot!

  For some reason, it was difficult to restrain herself in his presence. Such thing as protection was the last thing on her mind as his puppy eyes were looking at her. She hated herself for it. She knew better than that. Or did she? Stupid woman. Letting her passions get the best of her.

  Robert brought some paper towels to wipe her off. Here it was again. The gentle touch he started with before he would turn into an animal. It was all a part of a beautiful game. The game Cindy would not be able to play for a long time. That realization made her very sad. It would be time to leave soon. And she wasn't sure if she would ever be ready for it.

  Robert came back and collapsed exhausted on the carpet next to her. Tonight would be the first night of the full moon. He kept talking. It would be best if she weren't near him when he turned. He was afraid of what he might do. That is exactly the reason for why he hid from everyone in this little town, so far away from everyone he knew. For the entire week he was here, he would not leave the mansion unless he had to. And when the moon came out, he would be well locked away from everyone he might bring any harm to.

  Cindy wouldn't hear of it. There was nothing he needed to hide from her now. He didn't have to be alone in this anymore. She would be here with him. No matter what happened. He laughed. Oh, honey. You really do think you can make things better. Turn the beats into a prince with a single kiss. Fairy tales gave little innocent girls a wrong impression of life. Sooner or later, they have to learn that not everyone lives happily ever after. Some stories don't end with the hero riding away merrily into the sunset. Sometimes, the hero gets swallowed by the dark. And no princess in the world could kiss the pain away, no matter how many stars she wished upon that she could.

  Cindy felt that she should be offended by this. How dare he call her a spoiled little princess, and stuff like that. But she had no energy to argue. After all, he said nothing wrong. She might not have been a princess, but she was a woman. Somewhere at the bottom of their souls, we do all want the bad boy just for ourselves, she thought. We want him to turn good for us. Turn the beast into a prince with a single kiss, he had said. And Cindy had to admit that she did like the idea. Somewhere deep down she did hope that she would be the one who can save him. Break the curse. Do the impossible. Help him find his own happy ending. She refused to stop believing that there was indeed a happy ending even for his story somewhere out there. Even if it made her the most gullible little princess on the face of the earth.

  Robert was still lying next to her. Looking her affectionately straight in the eyes. It was as if he could read her thoughts. He leaned in and kissed her gently on the forehead. It was a kiss that said "You can't fix everything, you adorable little fool. But thank you for trying."

  Cindy saw no exit out of this situation, and it made her angry and sad, all at the same time. Fine. He didn't want her there, and she could understand. It was when he was at his most vulnerable, and it took time for him to be able to share it with her. But that didn't mean she had to sit around with her arms crossed. Even though she had absolutely no idea what she might possibly do.

  After lunch, she left the mansion to go for a walk in the town. She needed to clear her mind. He had made her promise not to be out after dark, just in case he got out, but she still had a good couple of hours before sundown. This must be just another one of those weird dreams. She tried pinching herself to wake herself up. It didn't work. Damn.

  She was walking the almost empty streets just staring at her feet, when she heard a familiar little voice happily say:

  "Hello, dear! You look like you could use a nice cup of tea."

  Cindy looked up and saw the old lady from the train standing in front of her. Smiling. It was uncanny, how glad Cindy was to see her. A familiar face in the sea of so many new things was always welcome. Even if it was a face of a weird little old lady.

  As they were sitting in the old lady's living room, Cindy felt good. It was as if she had wandered away to a whole different era. Here, the old lady didn't seem so old. She was so full of life, and her voice made Cindy feel like a child again. Along came a child's honesty, and in no time, she had told the old lady everything, and was sitting there, crying in the old lady's warm embrace. It felt good. It was like a confession. Her soul needed to be cleansed, and this was doing the trick.

  Yes, the old lady was right. Young Bobby Gray was, in fact, a werewolf. And Cindy, the idiot, had fallen madly in love with him after knowing him for just a couple of days.

  The old lady was silent for a while. When she spoke again, there was no judgement in her voice. No fear. Just compassion and understanding.

  She never feared the werewolf, she said, and took a long pause. Her tone was somehow different. It was filed with a seriousness Cindy was not used to. It was scary. Cindy realized that now it was the old lady's turn to confess. And it felt as if it would be a big one.

  A long, long time ago, she met a gorgeous young man. He was tall, dark and handsome. A regular prince in shining armor. Every girl in town wanted him, but none of them could have him. No, sir. He was all hers. There was a wonderful twinkle in her eye as she recounted the details of the secret meetings she had with young master William Gray that took place late at night. Every night, for a long long time.

  Until there came a night when he didn't show up. She waited for him in their secret place, and he was nowhere to be seen. The full moon illuminated the fields as she kept waiting for him. She waited the next night too, refusing to believe that something might have happened to him. She waited every night for a long long time. He never showed up again.

  She had heard stories about him. That is how she knew he was okay. But what she didn't understand is why he had left her without saying a word. After a few years, she heard that he was back in town.

  The next time she saw him, there was a beautiful city girl walking by his side, carrying baby Thomas, who would later grow up to be Robert's father. It broke her heart to pieces, she said, seeing him like that. The look in his eyes told her that he did not stop loving her. But she didn't believe his eyes anymore. They had tricked her so many times before. It didn't matter anymore. He was a married man. And she was history.

  That evening, she went out to what used to be their secret meeting place. She wanted to be alone. She wanted to say the final goodbye to the love of her life without anyone seeing her cry. Without anyone feeling sorry for the gullible little girl who fell prey to the big bad rich boy.

  She didn't expect to see William there, waiting for her. Her heart skipped a beat and her feet turned to stone. She couldn't move a muscle. She had spent so many nights waiting for him. Hoping against all hope to see him there. Waiting for her. And now... Now he was the last person she wanted to talk to. That is, if she could speak at all. There were no words left to express her sadness. There was nothing he could have done to make things right again. So they stood there just looking at each other for a lo
ng time. She had no strength to walk away. He had no strength to come closer.

  It felt as if she were looking back through time. What she saw was the happiest time of her life. It was falling apart right in front of her eyes. None of it was real. He had only been using her all that time. Right then and there, she was looking at a complete stranger. And the pain was unbearable. Tears started streaming down her face. This must have melted the chains that were holding him down and gave him courage to do something. To step closer. To wipe them away. Just the way he used to.

  Her skin was burning underneath his fingers. She wanted to die right there. With his soft fingers fighting to keep the pain away. Just like they did such a long time ago. When she was so happy. With him.

  "Please, forgive me." – he whispered, as he gently stroked her hair into place.

  As it turns out, his parents took him away just before the full moon. Something strange was happening to him, and he had no idea how to explain it. He just had to try. He had to make her understand. He had to make her forgive him. None of it was his fault. He met his wife while he was away. The beast that was inside of him got her pregnant, and there was nothing left to do but to marry her. But not a day passes by that he doesn't regret letting them do this to him. Letting them make him lose the love of his life.

  She couldn't hold it in anymore. How dare he lie like this? She was sobbing by now, as he was desperately pulling her closer into his arms, constantly whispering "I am so sorry, my love.", but she wasn't listening anymore. No more lies, she begged of him, and he swore on his son's life that he was telling the truth.

  He couldn't leave it at this. She had to know that he would never have left her if it were up to him. The moon would be coming out soon. They would come looking for him then, but it didn't matter. He would show her. Then she would know that he was telling the truth.

  The tone of his voice was strange. She had never seen him like this, and was beginning to fear him. The look he gave her drove the fear away. He did love her after all. Nothing else mattered, she thought as he started changing right in front of her eyes, yelling for her to hide. He turned into a half-wolf, half-human being as she watched lovingly from the shadows.

  It was the first time she saw a werewolf running across the fields, howling at the moon. It would remain such a beautiful memory for her. The time she found out the love of her life never really abandoned her.

  From that moment on, he would leave his wife and child behind, in the big city, to spend one week a month in the mansion. They would meet on the night before the first full moon. Just to look at each other. They would do this for years. He was never late again. Until he died, old and tired. Right there in her arms. Just before another full moon showed its silver face.

  Yes, that is why she had never gotten married. Just so that she could look at him once a month for the rest of his life. Knowing that, in a strange little way, he would forever remain hers and hers alone. No matter what. It was all that mattered. The other woman could keep his wealth. She could have the whole world for all that the old lady cared. What really mattered was right there. In the little town in the middle of nowhere. Far away in the fields. Under a moon that was almost full. But not quite.

  Cindy just sat there, in shock, watching tears fill the old woman's eyes. Suddenly she looked so old and frail. Falling apart in front of her eyes. Suddenly Cindy saw her own destiny reflected in hers. Fall in love with a werewolf. Chase someone you couldn't possibly catch. And this is how you end up.

  The old lady knew the story about the curse. She knew everything. She spent her life watching Robert and his father grow up, dreaming of a life in which she could have been their mother and grandmother. It was torture, Cindy thought, knowing damn well that she could so easily end up just like that.

  She shouldn't feel bad for the old lady. It was a life well spent. An entire lifetime with another man couldn't have brought her half the happiness that one night a month did. It was all worth it, the old lady said.

  "And quit trying to save him, dear. I've read every single book in that library of theirs. I've talked to the Gypsies. Nothing can lift the curse."

  It was already getting dark when Cindy started slowly making her way to the hotel. Her mind was scattered all around the vast fields, chasing werewolves, that she didn't even notice how her feet took her all the way back to the Gray mansion. The same old butler let her in, and, she was surprised to find, Robert was really glad to see her. Of course, she couldn't stay with him after he had changed, but there was still some time until the moon came up, and having her here, knowing that she would be here with him in the morning, made the whole thing a lot easier to bare.

  Yay, she was being helpful! Happy as a child, Cindy ran into his arms. His firm, strong arms. There was something so irresistible about this man. She couldn't stop touching him. They kissed, and she couldn't take it anymore. She wanted him to take her again. With all of her body, she wanted him to show her what he was capable of.

  With a smile on his face, Robert took her by the hand and led her towards the sofa. The expectation was killing her, and it made everything so much better. He pushed her down on the sofa, as he stood tall above her, slowly unzipping his pants, exposing his erect penis. She was looking at him with a big smile on her face. Now she understood the point of striptease. Watching him as he was slowly, confidently taking his clothes off was driving her crazy. Except, this one lasted a very short time, and Cindy was grateful, because she wasn't able to wait very long.

  Her breasts longed for his touch. Her breathing got heavier. She needed him. Right now. In an instant, he had ripped all of her clothes off. It was as if the world was ending and they only had a short amount of time to enjoy each other. The were all over each other, like animals. Set on making the best out of every second.

  The pain she felt as his large member was entering her made her shout out for him to go slower. Ease into it. Gently. So he did exactly that. His strong arms pushing her down, pinning her hands against the leather surface of the sofa, making her unable to move. His hips moving back and forth, as he was pushing himself into her with all his might.

  Once again, she was loving the power this man had over her, as she was looking at his strong, hairy chest move up and down in the heavy rhythm of his breathing. It was getting really dark outside, and she thought she saw his chest get somehow hairier. Bigger. Fuck. He was turning. Right in the middle of fucking her. Oh, please, make it last just a little bit longer!

  His entire body was changing slightly, but he kept going. Through grunts and moans, she could feel him get stronger. Bigger. It felt so damn good, and she moaned for him not to stop now. It didn't matter. Let him turn. Let him rip her to shreds. Just don't let him stop. Not yet. Not now. Not when she was so damn close to exploding.

  He didn't want to stop anyway. The full moon wasn't completely out yet and he was fighting the change as hard as he could, so that he can keep ramming himself into her. Apparently, he was embarrassed about what he was turning into, so he picked her up and turned her away, pushing her down against the sofa into a bent down position.

  His strong arms took hold of her hips as he was entering her harder and harder. Oh, dear God, this felt good! His hands were gripping harder and she could suddenly feel one of them spank her. Hard. The blow sent chills all over her body.

  Yes. She had been a very, very bad girl, and she deserved to be punished much more than this. So much more. He kept doing it, and she was discovering a whole new universe of pleasure while listening to the wonderful sound of his palm striking her behind. She could feel his nails growing and digging into her skin.

  No, please, not yet! He grabbed her by the hair and pulled as she was moaning in ecstasy. Pulling her close against his body, letting her feel him, he seemed to enjoy the way her body was shaking under his hands. As she was experiencing this amazing orgasm, she pulled her legs closer together, squeezing him tightly. Trying to keep him inside of her for as long as possible.

  It mu
st have felt good for him too, because he let out a loud growl, and then his warm liquids spilled themselves all over her skin. Worn out, he was standing over her, panting. Growling softly for her to get as far away from as she could, while she still could. So she ran away, into a room he gave her earlier. She would be safe there, he had said. As she was locking the door, she could hear that wonderful beast of a man howling at the full moon.

  She slept like a baby that night. The werewolf was no longer a monster as far as she was concerned. Damn it. From now on, she was going to get wet every time she heard a dog howling. That was a bit sick, probably. Definitely. But, whatever. At least for now, life was good. There was no point in thinking about how it was all going to be over soon.

  The sound of her phone ringing stopped her from going any further into that mess. Thank God. Wait. It was Helen. What did she want at this hour? They had only spoken yesterday. Oh, come on! She really didn't want to do this right now! Ah, well. You gotta do what you gotta do. Or not. No. She refused to do this right now. After everything that had happened last night, she really needed a peaceful morning. Fuck it. Who cares, let her leave a message.

  After relaxing for a while and having her coffee with Bobby, Cindy finally mustered some courage to listen to it. There was a lot of noise around where Helen was. People talking loudly. Engines running. Oh, no.

  "Hey, honey!" – Helen's perky voice shouted above the noise – "We missed you, so I decided to fly in and give you a hand. Talk to you in a few hours, hun!"

  Cindy could practically see all of her plans fall through. She didn't want her boss here. She didn't want to be discovered.

  She panicked.


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