Colton Farms

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Colton Farms Page 7

by M. E. Parker

  Her back arched and she tossed her head back and closed her eyes. “Jack.” She whispered my name several times like her life depended on it as her body continued to shutter. Her breathing began to slow, and I continued to gently touch her as she came down. I continued to stare into her eyes. I’d never felt this close to a woman in my life and yet I hadn’t even been inside her. My mind was racing and not in a good way. She was beautiful and sexy, and her body responded to my touch in a way that had me losing my mind. Every single thing about her screamed that she should be mine, but she wasn’t, and I couldn’t have her. I knew it. But it didn’t matter.

  “Oh my god Jack, I have never—that’s never happened to me before.”

  I swallowed hard as she looked up at me. I didn’t answer immediately, finding my lips on hers. I kissed her gently. “It’s the most beautiful and sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” I was telling the truth. It was. I pushed my arm underneath her. She turned on her side, backing up against me, folding her body into mine. Where it belonged. After what had seemed forever, her breathing slowed and steadied out as she drifted off to sleep.

  I laid beside her wanting to fall asleep but not wanting to miss a second of touching her at the same time. What had she done to me? All I knew is that I couldn’t ever get enough of her. How could I just watch her walk away? I felt like she’s was a part of me that I never knew was missing. My mind started frantically searching for ways to keep her. I could fly to her, wherever she was…New York, Boston---it didn’t matter, this couldn’t be our only night together.

  I must have finally drifted asleep because I woke up to her lush ass nestled against me. My arm was wrapped around her pressing her back against my chest. It was as if we couldn’t get close enough to each other. The sunlight was streaming through the bedroom door and I opened my eyes to confirm that she was real, that I wasn’t dreaming. I laid there for a while staring at her, memorizing every freckle, mesmerized by the way her dark lashes rested gently on cheeks and the way her honey hair fanned out across the pillow, wishing I could see her like this every morning. Forever.

  I had the overwhelming urge to touch her again. I wanted to watch her come apart like she had last night. My hardness throbbed and twitched against her ass. I wanted to strip away the rest of our clothes and leave nothing between us. I wanted to feel all her skin against mine. I wanted to be deep inside her. I wanted everything. I had to stop myself from cursing out loud in frustration. Fuck! I needed to get control of myself. I leaned in and softly kissed the back of her head, breathing in her scent—something soft and sweet, I wasn’t sure what the scent was, pears, maybe.

  I gently untwined my body from hers and tucked her back into the bed, quietly making my way to the bathroom. I reached for the faucet in the shower and turned the water on cold. I peeled off my underwear and stepped in, feeling the cold water run down my body, hoping to get some relief. It never came. I gave up and turned on the hot water and began to soap up my body thinking about the way her tight little pussy felt on my fingers, how wet she was, how her body responded to my every touch. I reached down and grabbed my dick, it was rock hard, as I pumped my fist over it, thinking about how it would feel to be inside her. I had to get relief. I needed to get her out of my system. I cupped my balls with my other hand as I continued to pump until I finally lost it, coating the shower wall with my come. I propped my hand against the shower breathing hard, finally feeling a small amount of relief. “Fuck,” I whispered under my breath as I rinsed off and stepped out of the shower.

  I dried off and slipped on a clean pair of boxer briefs and opened the door into the bedroom. The bed was empty. I walked out into the cabin and she was standing in front the wall of windows looking out towards the lake, with my mama’s quilt wrapped around her shoulders. I walked silently towards the chair and grabbed my jeans and slipped them on and walked towards her, “Mornin’ Freckles.”

  She looked back at me with a heart-stopping smile, “Good morning.” Her cheeks flushed as our eyes met.

  “It’s early. I didn’t mean to wake you. You should go back to bed—sleep for a couple more hours.” She didn’t respond and looked back out towards the lake.

  “I meant it last night, you’re lucky Jack, this is the most beautiful view I’ve ever seen. I can’t imagine being able to watch a sunrise like this every morning.”

  I came closer and stood behind her and gently moved aside the soft blond curls that were hiding her neck and the creamy patch of soft skin just below her ear that I had no choice but to touch with my lips. I leaned down and softly brushed my lips against the place on her neck, the place my mouth needed to be, and my dick hardened again. “I’ve seen a more beautiful view. I’m looking at one right now.” I peppered her neck with soft kisses.

  She finally turned towards me. “Jack last night was…I’ve never felt that way before.” Her breathing had increased.

  I took her face in my hands and leaned in, brushing my lips against hers, “Me neither Claire. I don’t know what it is, but you bring me to my knees.”

  She turned around to look at the lake again and nestled against my back. “What are we going to do?”

  I had no clue, but somehow it mattered to me that she was feeling what I was feeling. She wanted more too, but like me, she didn’t know how to make that happen. “We’ll figure it out. Why don’t you go back to bed? I need to go make sure there was no damage from the storm, there was a lot of wind last night. After, I’ll run into town and grab us some breakfast. I should be back in a couple of hours and we can figure out what to do from there.”

  She turned around and burrowed her head into my chest. “Ok.” I wrapped her up in my arms and held her until she finally raised herself on her toes and brushed a soft kiss against my jaw.

  “Come on Freckles,” I said as I scooped her up in my arms, “Back to bed.” She let out a little yelp as I threw her onto the bed. God help me, it was all I could do to not climb back in with her as she giggled and looked up at me with those big round eyes, the color of the ocean, the ones I had lost myself in the night before.

  I tucked her in and grabbed an old t-shirt from the old chest in the corner and pulled it over my head and pulled a work shirt out of the small closet. I went over and closed the curtains to darken the room and I couldn’t help but stop to kiss her one more time. Kneeling on the floor beside the bed, I brushed her hair from her face and kissed her once gently on her soft lips. “I’ll be back soon. Sleep.” I moved out of the room quickly, knowing if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to leave. I closed the bedroom door to keep out the light and left with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  Chapter Six—Jack

  As I turned down the dirt road leading back to the cabin, my heart was pounding. Should I just ask her to stay for a few days? Would she even want to? If I did, could I even keep my hands off her? I knew that the longer I had her, the more I touched her, the harder it would be to let her go. I had to let her go. I couldn’t just take what I wanted and then watch her walk away. It wasn’t fair to her and somehow, I knew it would break me.

  I quietly unlocked the front door and wondered if she was still sleeping. As soon as I opened it, I saw her, sitting at the kitchen table. The sun shining through the cabin made her appear as if she was shrouded in light, like the angel that she was. She had the put on the sweater she was wearing from last night, but her silky ivory legs were still bare, and she had them pulled up to her chest, her feet resting in the old wooden chair as she sipped a cup of coffee. Her hair was twisted up in a knot on the top of her head and she looked like she belonged there, like there was no other place she was meant to be.

  “Hi.” She smiled at me.

  “Hey. Did you get back to sleep?”

  “For a little while. Is everything okay?”


  “The storm. Was there any damage?”

  I had completely forgotten about it. She consumed my every thought.

  “A few trees down. Nothing major
though. A couple will have to be cleared this week.”

  She cleared her throat, “I made coffee. I hope that’s okay?”

  “Of course,” I said as I poured a cup for myself and started pulling the tin foil covered packages out of the brown paper bag Suzie had given me at the diner. I smiled when I got to the bottom of the bag. Two slices of apple pie. No doubt Suzie had sent them to Claire. Suzie gloated this morning as she took my order, ‘So I take it you never made it over to the hotel last night.’ I told her to mind her own business but that didn’t stop her from laughing at me as she wrapped up the warm biscuits and cinnamon rolls.

  “Biscuits and cinnamon rolls, I wasn’t sure which you’d want.”

  “They look great.”

  “Suzie makes the best homemade biscuits in town and the cinnamon rolls are a close second,” I said as I grabbed a jar of Sarah’s strawberry jam and some butter out of the fridge. I watched her spread some butter and jam on the warm biscuit and take a bite, wishing I had the courage to beg her to stay. I cleared my throat, “Well, I guess you should try to get in touch with your dad, you think?”

  She moaned a little sexy moan that made my dick twitch. “Oh my god, why does everything here taste so delicious?” I chuckled and shrugged still waiting for her to answer my question.

  She looked up at me. “I already tried this morning.” Her answer felt like a punch to the gut. She was ready to go—she wanted out of here. “He’s in a board meeting—can’t be interrupted. It will be a few more hours.”

  “Okay. What do you want to do while you wait?”

  She grinned at me. A sexy grin, full of innuendo. I didn’t think she had a clue—she didn’t understand the power she had over me. “Don’t you have to work? It’s Tuesday morning.”

  “There’s work to be done, but it can wait. I’m not going to just leave you here alone.”

  “And I’m not going to let you miss work. I’ve caused enough trouble. I’m not going to keep you from your job.”

  I smiled at her. “Claire, you’re trouble alright, but not the kind you’re thinking of.”

  Her cheeks reddened. “Seriously, I want you to go to work. I’ll be fine here. I need to think about what I’m going to say to my father anyway. I can read a book, enjoy the gorgeous view.”

  “Are you sure Claire? I don’t want you to feel trapped here. You’re not, okay. I have money. I can buy you a ticket to wherever you want to go. I can give you some cash. You’re not stuck here, okay?”

  “Jack, that’s sweet of you to offer, but I don’t want to take money from you. Besides, I’m kind of liking being stuck here.”

  I love you being stuck here. “Then call it a loan. You can pay me back once you figure things out.”

  “I’d rather wait. Is it okay Jack, for me to stay a few more hours? I need to think.”

  “Of course, it’s okay Freckles, stay as long as you like. I just wanted you to know you have a choice.” I smiled at her. I wanted more than anything to scoop her up in my arms and take to the bedroom to show her how much I wanted her to stay.

  “I appreciate that.”

  I took a little notepad off the kitchen counter and wrote down my cell phone number. I didn’t want to leave her, but she seemed to want to be alone. Sure, there was some work to be done, but not the kind she was thinking. I decided to give her what she was asking for. “This is my cell number. Call me if you need anything or when you’re ready to leave, I can come right away.”

  She lifted an eyebrow, “So your cell works here, but mine won’t?” I just then realized I hadn’t given her the password for the cell tower.

  I chuckled, “I guess my phone works better than yours.” I should have just given her the password right then, I don’t know why I didn’t. “So, how’d you call your dad earlier?” She glanced over at the old heavy rotary dial phone hanging on the wall in the kitchen. Dad and I had taken it out of my grandparents’ old place and installed it in here. My mama thought it was nostalgic. “I’m surprised you figured out how to work it, princess.”

  She frowned at me. When I looked at her face, I realized I’d struck a nerve. “Don’t call me that Jack. And for the record, I’m not completely ignorant. I can work a phone.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh, “I’m sorry. It’s just the thing is practically an antique. I didn’t figure you had ever seen one before.”

  She shook her head, “Shouldn’t you be working right now?”

  Laughing, I said, “On my way out the door now,” as wondered over to where she was sitting. I put my hands on her shoulders and bent down to kiss her on the cheek. She turned her head to face me. Her cheeks turned red and she smiled, letting me know I was forgiven. “Call me when you need me Freckles. If you get hungry, help yourself to anything. There is stuff for sandwiches, but you’re welcome to have anything you can find.”

  “Have a nice day at work, dear.” She said with a smirk.

  I shook my head as I walked out the door of the little cabin, locking it behind me, as emptiness filled me, wishing I could be back by her side. I got in the truck and drove over to the main house. I went up to my office started to make some calls and return emails. I made arrangements for a crew to come out to clear the trees that had fallen in the storm. I called to check in with Ted and Sarah. I kept checking my cell to make sure I hadn’t missed any calls. Several hours passed and I still hadn’t heard from her.

  I paced back in forth in my office trying to decide if I should get back in the truck and go to her. I sat down and opened my laptop. I checked flights from Nashville to New York and then Nashville to Boston. If I waited much longer, there would be no way to get her to Nashville in time to get her on a flight tonight. I had never been so torn about the right thing to do. Part of me wanted to rip off the Band-Aid, get her out of here and on a plane, so I could get her off my mind. The other part of me wanted to wait, desperately wanting another night with her. That’s the part that won out.

  I picked up the phone to call a supplier to check on a seed order. Then I couldn’t help myself as I started to research her on the internet. I found several articles, most about Hawkins’ Industries, listing her as one of the majority shareholders. I found another in the Boston Globe—society section, she was pictured with her escort, Ronald Maclanahan, Jr., attending a charity dinner to benefit a children’s hospital. She looked beautiful. I immediately realized it must be R.J., the asshole her father wanted her to marry. For some reason, seeing her with him made me want to punch something, preferably him. I tried to come to terms with why she affected so much. I told myself I was just lonely. It was offseason. I wasn’t busy, and Ted and Sarah were gone. I hadn’t been with a woman for a while. That was all it was, I told myself. Deep down I knew it was a lie though. There was something about her.

  Minutes ticked by slowly turning to hours and I looked down at my watch, it was past 4:30. I got in my truck and headed back towards the cabin. Dread filled me up as I pictured her there waiting with her suitcase packed, ready to leave. Nothing would have ever prepared me for what I found when I opened the front door of the cabin.

  The first thing I saw was my mama’s old tin recipe box sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch, index cards scattered all around it. I had forgotten it was here. The scent of spices, onion, and beef wafted through the air and my stomach growled. I realized I hadn’t eaten since this morning. Patsy Cline blared through the old radio plugged in the corner of the kitchen.

  I stood there completely frozen, looking at the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. She was barefoot, standing in the kitchen, wearing a faded blue denim dress. The dress was off the shoulders and it was short, with little slits on the sides. Her legs were bare and blonde curls fell down her back. I watched her concentrate on mixing some batter in a big bowl. She stopped for a second and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand.

  I took a step towards the kitchen. Claire hadn’t heard me come in. I looked down at the counter and saw the little recipe card. Seei
ng my Mama’s handwriting made me smile. ‘Grandma Colton’s Chili (Jack’s favorite)’ I felt as if my heart was completely full and being ripped out of my chest at the same time if that’s even possible.

  I looked around the kitchen and saw the big pot of chili simmering on the stove. The sink was filled with dishes and there were splashes of tomato sauce all over the stove. It was a complete disaster, but I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt that happy.

  I crossed my arms in front of me and cleared my throat. “Umm, Claire, what ya’ makin’?” I asked trying, but failing miserably, not to smile.

  She screamed as soon as I spoke and turned towards me, “Oh shit Jack, you scared me to death. I didn’t expect you home so soon.”

  Still smiling, I asked again, “So, are you gonna tell me what you’re makin’, or not?”

  A slow smile spread across her face, “Uh…cornbread.”

  I couldn’t hold back the chuckle that escaped involuntarily from my throat. “Oh yeah? And what’s that cookin’ on the stove?” I asked as I walked towards her.

  She smiled even wider, “Umm…Chili?”

  I was standing too close to her not to touch her, so I took the spoon out of her hand and spun her around, so she was facing me and pulled her in close, with my arms around her waist. I let go with one hand and reached up to wipe a smudge of corn meal off her forehead. Then I pressed my forehead against hers as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Our lips were almost touching as I smiled and asked, “Have you ever made cornbread before?”

  “No.” She smiled


  “No. But I found recipes. And I tasted the chili a little while ago and I’m still alive, so that’s something, right?”

  “No Claire. You’re something. How do you keep surprising me?”

  She didn’t answer as she propped herself up on her toes and kissed me. It was soft and slow at first, our tongues exploring but also working against each other as if we had been kissing for years. Her teeth scraped across my bottom lip and I reached up and grabbed a fistful of her blonde curls gently tugging her head back as I devoured her neck with my tongue and lips. I whispered bit down lightly on her earlobe, breathing heavily in her ear, “What are you doing to me, Claire Hawkins?”


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