The Seal_An Urban Fantasy Romance

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The Seal_An Urban Fantasy Romance Page 21

by Elise Marion

  “Finally!” she said with an exaggerated huff. “I get you away from those boys for some girl time.”

  Addison arched an eyebrow at her. “Are we going to braid each other’s hair and trade secrets?”

  Lilith laughed, a sound as sharp as her red fingernails. “See, if you hadn’t just killed hundreds of my offspring, I might be inclined to like you, Addison Monroe. A sense of humor, along with good looks … and I’ve seen you working the stripper pole. Impressive stuff.”

  “I would offer to teach you, but it doesn’t seem like you have any trouble getting a man. I’m sure there are plenty more where those little demonlings came from.”

  Lilith paused just in front of Addison, bracing her hands on her hips. “Careful, girl,” she crooned. “Don’t make the mistake of underestimating me just because those other imbeciles were so easy for you to kill.”

  “Oh, I’d never make the mistake of underestimating you. Which is why the second you make one false move, I’m going to use this ring to obliterate you from here to … well, you know.”

  Lilith smiled. “Oh, you’re good. I do love a girl with some backbone. Of course, I had a feeling you’d say something like that, which is why I took a few precautions before coming here.”

  She frowned. “Precautions?”

  Lilith lifted one hand and waved it in front of her, causing a gaping black hole to open up in thin air between them.

  An oppressive heat reached out to Addison, seeming to grasp at her with invisible fingers. The gut-wrenching odor of sulfur stung her nostrils. Irrational fear slid down her spine, while another part of her reveled in the sensations staring down into the endless black tunnel caused her.

  She realized then that she must have gazed into the very depths of Hell.

  “You will come with me, or your friends will suffer.”

  Thinking of Jack and Micah, her heart dropped down into her stomach. “My friends?”

  Lilith laughed, throwing her head back and cackling like a cartoon witch. “Oh, you are so predictable. You think your two pieces of man meat are in trouble, and you almost immediately piss yourself with terror!”

  Addison clenched her jaw and resisted the urge to get physical with the demon. No matter how much like Marilyn Monroe she might look in human form, Addison hadn’t forgotten how terrifying she could be in her other guises.

  “Oh, relax,” Lilith scoffed. “I haven’t touched your boyfriends … though that Micah looks like he’d make for some fun. I’ll have to visit him sometime and finish where my daughter left off.”

  “If you touch him—”

  “You’ll do nothing,” she snapped. “Except for what I tell you. Now, unless you come with me, Antoine, Derek, and Alice—remember them?—will stay trapped down there. I may never decide to let them go, and these days with demons doing as they please, no one’s going to make me.”

  Addison’s eyes grew wide as she gazed back into the dark chasm. “You took them down there?”

  “I wouldn’t be the first demon to do it, and I certainly won’t be the last. Now, are you coming or not? I don’t have all day, and the longer you make me wait, the shorter my patience gets, and the more likely I am to start taking it out on your friends.”

  Addison took a step toward the portal, then hesitated. She was alone out here, without even Reniel for help. If she went with Lilith, no one would know what had happened to her, which meant they wouldn’t have a clue where or how to find her.

  If she didn’t, three people could be in danger—three people who had done nothing to deserve Lilith’s wrath.

  Weighing her options swiftly, she decided to take a chance. She didn’t know what Lilith wanted with her, or what she would find once she entered this portal that would surely drag her down into the bowels of Hell. She did know that she was strong enough to face this alone. She had grown into her power and learned how to use the light. Now, she would take it with her into the darkest of places. Micah and Jack had given her that.

  Clutching the heavy ring resting against her chest, she took one step, and then another.

  Lilith trailed behind her as the swirling dark hole enveloped, and then closed behind them.

  Micah’s Ragin’ Cajun Slang Dictionary

  Podna – friend, or partner

  Neg – term of endearment for another person (male).

  Cher/cherie – “darling”, “sweetie”, or “honey”

  My foot! or My eye! – no way!

  Mamere – grandmother

  Papere - grandfather

  Mais – Well … usually used to start a sentence.

  Peekon – thorn

  Bebelle- doll

  Makin’ the misere- making trouble

  Where y’at? – A New Orleans greeting that basically means ‘how’s it going?’

  Weh- Yes

  Cho! Cho! – Wow!

  Qui c’est q’ça? – Who’s that?

  Skinny mullet- A skinny person

  Boug- little boy

  Texian- Anyone who isn’t from Louisiana

  Boudin- sausage made with cooked rice, pork, onions, green peppers, and seasonings

  Cracklin- fried, crispy pork skins

  Pistaches- peanuts

  Patates- potatoes

  Laissez les bons temps rouler- Let the good times roll!

  Enjoy this Sneak Peek of The Nephilim, book 3 of The Guardians series!

  Chapter One: Broken Brotherhood

  The smooth, glassy surface of the river became disrupted by the little airboat slicing across it like a knife through butter. The spinning blades kicked up geysers of water at its rear, creating a mist that rained down over Jack Bennett’s head in a shower of tiny droplets. Running a hand over his face, he blinked the moisture away, his gaze focused on the old house looming on the approaching bank.

  Surrounded by open, grassy field and moss-covered weeping willows, the old Boudreaux family home held a sense of nostalgia for him. At the moment, the sensation of arriving at one of the places he called home held a twinge of bitterness along with the sweet. There had been a time he would arrive to this house to be greeted by the little old woman who lived here, along with the aroma of beignets and gumbo. Memories of Sunday dinners alongside his battle brother and family made him wistfully long for the days when his Guardian assignment had first brought him to New Orleans, and a Yankee kid had been taken under a country boy’s wing.

  Just now, however, the sight of said country boy caused his gut to churn and his throat to grow hot from acidic bile.

  Sprawled at the bottom of his own airboat—which sat tethered to the dock jutting out from the grassy bank—Micah Boudreaux lay surrounded by empty pizza boxes and beer cans. With his cowboy hat pulled low over his face, the coarse rumble of his snores echoed in the quiet of the morning, his massive chest rising and falling with each breath. Clutched in one beefy hand, a half-empty mason jar contained moonshine distilled in the bayou—the strongest stuff Jack had ever tasted.

  “Of course,” he muttered, not the least bit surprised to find his partner in such a state.

  The driver of his airboat, a big man named Abel—who would take you anywhere you wanted along the river for twenty bucks and a pack of cigarettes—killed their vessel’s engine, floating right alongside Micah’s.

  “Thanks, Abe,” Jack murmured, reaching into his back pocket for the pack of Marlboro 100s and the bill he’d reserved for his airboat captain. “No need to wait. I’ll make my own way back.”

  Abel muttered a response in a barely intelligible mixture of English and Cajun French, his voice a deep, gravelly wheeze. He took the money and the cigarettes, putting one between his lips and lighting it as Jack stepped off the boat and onto Micah’s.

  The engine started up with a loud sputter, hitting Jack with a light spray as it turned and made its way back up the bayou.

  Left alone with Micah, his snores, and the river, Jack nudged aside the pizza boxes and approached. Scowling, he drew one leg back and kicked the bottom of Mi
cah’s foot, not bothering to hold back.

  One of his snores choked off on a snort, but the big Cajun slept on, one hand over his belly, the other maintaining a death grip on his mason jar.

  “Micah!” he bellowed, giving him another nudge. “We don’t have time to screw around. Get up!”

  The snores grew louder, and if he wasn’t mistaken, it was almost as if Micah did it on purpose just to get a rise out of him. Huffing in annoyance, Jack searched the boat until he struck gold. A metal bucket hanging from a nail jammed into a pole jutting up from the side of the vessel. He took it up, then knelt and hung it over the side. After he’d pulled it back up, heavy and brimming with swamp water, he stood and turned, flinging every drop in Micah’s direction.

  The boat rocked, tossing him off-balance as Micah came awake, thrashing and bellowing slurred profanities. Finding his footing once more, Jack folded his arms across his chest, waiting for Micah to come fully awake and discover him.

  “Merde! Files-putain!”

  Jack raised his eyebrows while Micah flung his wet hat aside and stared up at him through a tumble of soaked blond curls.

  “Damn,” he said, not bothering to temper the sarcasm tinging his voice. “That wasn’t very nice. ‘Son of a bitch’ … a bit harsh, don’t you think?”

  Micah glared daggers at him, staggering to his feet and causing the boat to rock and sway. “You just doused me in alligator toilet water … I don’t think I was harsh enough.”

  Swiping the sleeve of his plaid shirt over his face, he turned his head and spat, grimacing at the taste of the water.

  “Why are you here? Ain’t this place a bit beneath you, city boy? Didn’t think you’d wanna come back down here with us rednecks.”

  He followed when Micah stepped from the boat up onto the little dock. Jack supposed he wanted an apology for having called him a good-for-nothing redneck during their recent fight, words spoken in the heat of the moment. No way in hell that was happening. Micah had called him a self-absorbed prick, and the exchange had led to a brawl he hadn’t quite recovered from. Neither had Micah. The shiner Jack had given him had begun to fade, but now, ugly yellow and purple tones mottled his tanned skin.

  Jack still had a bruise on his cheekbone, a ring of angry purple contrasting against his dark skin. His knuckles had almost returned to normal, the tenderness a distant memory though the scabs remained.

  “Reniel sent me. Time to strap on a pair and get back to work. It’s important.”

  “You can tell that big fairy the same thing I’m about to tell you. I ain’t goin’ nowhere with you. Either you’re off this team, or I am. End of story.”

  Jack ground his teeth, heedless of the pain it caused in his tense jaw. “You think I want to be within spitting distance of you? Think again. But this isn’t about us. Get your head out of your ass, and let’s go.”

  Micah swiveled on him abruptly, hands clenched into fists at his sides. For a moment, Jack thought they might get physical again, and without anyone here to stop them, it could much uglier than last time. But Micah simply glared at him.

  “You made it pretty clear what you think of me. I’m useless, and your high-and-mighty ass could do much better. Right? So, why don’t you go out there and prove what you’ve thought all along … that you don’t need me.”

  “You’re right,” Jack replied. “I don’t … but Addison does.”

  His stony expression faltered at that, giving in to worry. “Addison? What happened to her?”

  Jack shrugged. “Nothing, as far as I can tell. She’s just … gone. I got a phone call from my dad last night. Apparently, some Naphil kid showed up at his house with a gun looking for Elian. The recruitment of the Nephilim is beginning, and it’s time for us to go on the offensive. I went to the trailer to find her and tell her what’s going on, and she wasn’t there. No one at Temptations has seen her—she even missed her shift last night.”

  Micah shoved his hands in his pockets, avoiding Jack’s gaze. “Maybe she doesn’t want to be found. She needed space … from both of us.”

  Jack shook his head. “Without her journals? Without feeding her mom’s cats? I went by the trailer, and she wasn’t there, either, but all her stuff was left behind. Something’s not right.”

  Jaw working back and forth, Micah seemed to wrestle with indecision.

  Jack scoffed. “Whatever, man. Stay here and drink yourself to death. I see now that I was right about you and her. You got what you wanted from her, and now you get to go back to being a selfish idiot. I think I’ll take your advice and go after her on my own.”

  Micah’s heavy hand came down on his shoulder when he turned to walk away, catching him up by the back of his jacket.

  “Like hell you will,” he growled. “Come up to the house so I can change clothes, then we’ll go.”

  He released Jack, turning to trudge up the sloping lawn, leaving him with no choice but to follow.

  “Oh, and by the way,” Micah called out over his shoulder. “You ever accuse me of not carin’ about her again, I’ll break every bone in your body.”

  As Micah stood in the doorway of the dilapidated trailer where Addison had grown up with her drugged-up mother and abusive stepfather, he realized Jack had been right. In the living room, her shoulder bag lay in front of the couch, open and spilling her textbooks out onto the floor. Her journals—where she scribbled her most private thoughts—remained on the small coffee table, a few of her favored blue, ball-point pens strewn beside them. Gabriel, an orange tabby cat, sat curled up on the sofa, staring at them over his fluffy tail. About three more cats had lived here with Elizabeth, but at the moment, they seemed to be hidden out of sight. The odor of the litterbox couldn’t be ignored, nor the empty food and water bowls.

  “She was about to eat,” he observed, striding into the kitchen. “There’s a frozen pizza out on the counter, unboxed but still in the plastic.”

  Jack nodded. “When I came last night, it was a sauna in here. The oven was left on.”

  Furrowing his brow, Micah walked back into the living room, taking the time to soak in every detail. “So … Addison leaves the apartment and comes here. Maybe she sits and writes in her journal or somethin’.”

  He sat on the couch, catching sight of the urn containing Elizabeth Monroe’s ashes beside Addison’s journals. The woman’s death shouldn’t have come as a surprise given her history of drug abuse, yet Micah had seen Addison’s face when the news had been delivered. He’d held her in his arms to comfort her as the shock had given way to grief. He’d kissed away her tears, and for a moment, forgotten his own pain, as well.

  Grunting, he pushed the thoughts aside. Dwelling on them wouldn’t help Addison if she was in trouble.

  “She slept,” Jack murmured, kneeling beside the couch and lifting a blanket. “Maybe something woke her up?”

  “There’s no sign of forced entry or a struggle,” Micah said, standing again and rounding the coffee table. “Maybe she hears something and goes outside.”

  His throat constricting, he glanced up and met Jack’s gaze. “Somethin’ took her.”

  “What … who?”

  Micah shrugged. “I don’t know, and we ain’t gonna figure it out standin’ around with our thumbs up our asses.”

  Striding back toward the door, he threw it open. The flimsy thing flew against the side of the trailer with a loud clang, and his heavy footsteps rattled the porch stairs as he descended.

  “Where are you going?” Jack asked from the doorway.

  Micah retrieved his phone from his pocket. “Nowhere. Just lookin’ for better reception. We have need of an Oracle, I’m thinkin’.”

  The first number he called yielded no answer. The abilities of Antoine, the Oracle who had been part of the four-man team Reniel had put together to help train Addison, would have come in handy. Dialing Alice, the second member of the team, he was stunned when answered by yet another automated voice telling him the person he called was unavailable. While Jack looked
on, he dialed Derek, their resident Guardian brainiac. Almost annoyingly responsible, Derek would never miss a call from another Guardian. He took his duties seriously.

  “Something is definitely up,” he muttered when Derek failed to answer. “None of Addison’s goon squad is answerin’ their phone. I was hopin’ Antoine could get here. He’s one of the most powerful Oracles in the city.”

  Jack reached for his own phone. “I’ll call Reniel. He’ll have someone over here in five minutes.”

  While Jack made the call, Micah went back inside to feed the cats. Three more of them appeared from somewhere in the trailer, joining Gabriel once they realized their bowls had been filled.

  Once that had been done, he re-emerged from the trailer and stomped back toward his truck, parked a few feet away. Opening the bed, he hoisted himself up on it and sat, left with nothing else to do but wait. Being a man who could smash through brick walls, he wasn’t very patient, nor was he good at standing back and letting other people take the lead in any situation. Every minute that ticked by, he became more and more aware that he had no idea where Addison could be. Not knowing meant he couldn’t help her, couldn’t knock down whatever stood between him and her. For all the strength he possessed, he’d never felt weaker.

  Closing his eyes, he tried to refocus his thoughts, but could dwell on little else. His last encounter with Addison stood foremost in his mind, her words echoing through his memory with startling clarity.

  You deserve to be loved …

  He’d been foolish enough to hope that maybe the person who loved him could be her … had even gone so far as to confess that he loved her, knowing she didn’t feel the same way.

  Micah couldn’t help the bitterness he experienced as he realized that, wherever she was, he would fight to bring her home so she could go back to Jack. It was inevitable, no matter how much he might wish for things to be different.

  “Reniel is on his way with someone,” Jack informed him.


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