Healing Hark (Doms of Chicago)
Page 3
The matter was taken out of his hands when the door opened. Standing in the opening, tall and slender Zhenya grinned up at him. Her dark hair was pulled up into a lopsided ponytail at the top of her head.
“So are you going to stand out there all day, or you going to come in?”
A reluctant grin crossed his face. “Caught me again. So I guess I'm coming in.”
She laughed. “Yep, according to the rules, you can't scurry inside your condo and play the hermit crab if I catch you.”
He shook his head. “I can't believe I let you talk me into this.” He followed her into the condo.
“Gabriel’s in the kitchen.” She nodded toward it. “Why don’t you go see what he’s doing while I get Sophia up?”
“Okay.” The smells drifting from the kitchen made his stomach rumble. “Smells good in here, as usual. You’re a lucky lady. Teresina could burn water.”
She smiled at him. “I know I am.” A baby’s cry came from down the hallway. “Go see if you can give Master a hand. Maybe you can set the table for me?” she teased before disappearing down the long hall.
“Sure thing.” He tossed his leather jacket on the back of the couch before wandering into the kitchen. Gabriel, Teresina's older brother, was at the island, busy chopping up some kind of green herb wearing a long apron that read: 'I'm master of the kitchen.' Hark watched as he turned and dumped a blade full of what was either parsley or oregano into a bubbling pot.
“Lost again, huh?” Gabriel glanced over his shoulder when he cleared his throat.
“Yeah.” He shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “I swear that woman of yours has ears like an owl on her. Christ, I worked with guys in the service who’d be hard pressed to catch me with the ease she does.”
Gabriel chuckled. “It's called Mommy-radar, dude.” His gray eyes twinkled. “I swear she has eyes in the back of her head and an extra pair of ears. Sophia can't get away with anything.” He stirred the pot of sauce. “Probably a good thing too, since she started crawling. I swear she's into everything.”
Hark laughed. “I remember that age. Alex was lightning fast. More than once I saved his little ass from a serious tumble when he tried to climb out of his crib or down the steps.” His grin faded. “Damn I miss him. It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly three years since they died.”
Gabriel clapped a hand over his shoulder, squeezing it gently. “I understand. I miss them too. But life goes on and they’d want you to be happy. You can’t mourn forever.”
The tense moment was interrupted when Zhenya brought Sophia back down the hall. “Look who's up, Daddy.” The little girl cooed, looking delightfully rumpled with her tousled dark curls tumbling around pink cheeks. As usual, she smelled of baby powder and was all grins and drool. His heart leapt when she spotted him.
“Unca.” Her little pudgy hands reached for him as she squirmed to get free. “Unca.”
Stepping closer, he took her from her mother. “Hello, sweetheart. Did you have a good nap?” He pressed a kiss to her forehead.
She giggled, her little fingers reaching for the long braid that had fallen forward when he'd leaned in to take her from Zhenya. He hid his wince as she pulled on it, brushing the end against her cheeks. He chuckled, lifting her high enough to set her on his shoulders. At ten months of age, she wasn't very heavy, but loved when he hoisted her high. Another round of giggles escaped her. “Unca, unca,” she chortled.
Going to her Master and lover, Zhenya wrapped her arms around Gabriel's waist. “I'm always surprised at how gentle he is with her.”
Gabriel pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Of course he is. Didn't you know he's a big old softie?”
Hark gave a mock growl and blew bubbles on Sophie’s belly as he swung her around to face him. She giggled and fisted his hair. “Don't you pay any attention to them, Sophie-mia. Just let the boys come around you with nefarious attentions and Uncle will set them straight.” She cooed at him as he attempted to free his hair from her little fists before she stuck the end of his braid in her mouth. “Got quite the grip there.”
“A big old softie who had a baby attached to his precious hair,” Gabriel retorted. “Want to wager on how long it takes him to liberate his braid?”
Zhenya seemed to contemplate the idea. “Hmmm, I say at least ten minutes, or one of us decides to rescue him.”
“You're not helping,” Hark grumbled, blowing more bubbles on the tiny girl’s belly. He could easily free his hair, but it was a game he played often with the little tyke. “Uncle needs that back. How else am I gonna ever find you another uncle or aunt?”
She laughed and tightened her grip on the braid, before drooling all over the hair tie securing the end of it. “Ew. Now that's not nice, little one. You're supposed to save all that for your daddy.”
Sophie chortled and turned to look at Gabriel. “Da-da.” She released Hark’s hair, and lifted her arms to be taken as Gabriel joined him.
“Come here, pumpkin. Want to help Daddy finish up the spaghetti while Mommy and Uncle Hark set the table?”
Sophie grinned and stuck her fist in her mouth. Gabriel spoke softly as he carried the little girl around the counter. Hark watched as the other man effortlessly put the finishing touches on the meal while holding his daughter with ease.
“He's a good father.” Hark accepted the stack of plates Zhenya handed him.
“Yes, he is.” A soft look of love crossed her face. “A very good father.”
* * * *
“So what had you looking so perplexed in the hall?” Zhenya asked as they cleared the used dishes from the table. The meal as usual had been delicious and he and Zhenya were taking care of the cleanup while Gabriel was bathing the sauce-spotted little girl after letting her try to feed herself small pieces of spaghetti.
He scraped the leftovers into the garbage disposal. “I went to the club on Friday.”
Zhenya beamed at him. “Really? I can't believe it. You actually did it.”
He shrugged. “I thought I should give it an honest shot before writing it off.” He smirked at her. “So a certain mouthy submissive would get off my back.”
She batted her eyes at him. “I wouldn't know who you’re talking about.” She took the plate from him and placed it in the dishwasher. “So how did your night at the club go?”
“Hard. There were some female subs offering themselves to me. But I'm not ready to be a Dom for anyone right now.”
She nodded her understanding. “So what about being a submissive? Are you ready for that?”
He thought about the demonstration as he scraped another plate into the sink. “Perhaps, for the right man.” He shook his head. “I saw one of my former masters.”
“Really?” She slid another plate into the rack. “And how did that make you feel?”
He sighed. “Truthfully?”
She arched her brow and put a hand on her hip. “No, lie to me. I've always wanted a six foot six Indian to tell me a 'tall tale'.” She swatted at his arm. “Of course, I want you to give me the truth.”
He groaned. “You’re incorrigible. I can't believe Gabriel hasn't bent you over and warmed your bottom more than once or twice for your smart mouth.”
She smiled. “What makes you think he hasn't?” She rinsed one of the wine glasses. “So spill it. What was it like to come in contact with your previous Dom?”
He reached for the bowl the salad had been served in. “I didn’t actually come in contact with him. He was whipping his current sub. He was demonstrating how to correctly use a single-tail. So I stood on the edge of the scene and watched.”
“Why?” She loaded the last dish before pointing to the cupboard under the sink. “Hand me the dishwasher soap, please.”
Opening the cupboard, he handed her the requested item. “Here.”
“So what stopped you from approaching him afterward?” She was like a dog with a bone.
“Olivia.” He took the bottle back from her after she poured some
into the reservoir. “She dragged me back to her office.”
“Really?” She shot him a confused look as she shut the dishwasher and started it. “You weren't doing anything wrong, were you?”
“I got a little overwhelmed. Nearly lost control” His cheeks actually flushed. “It was more than I expected. It brought back memories of our past and I nearly approached him.”
“To jump him or kick his ass?” She leaned against the counter.
He braced himself on the edge of the sink. “I honestly don't know. Christ, Diachi Rai has always been my weak spot. He's the epitome of a panther. All sleek muscles and control. It drove me wild nearly twenty years ago when I first met him. And seeing him Friday night across the room, well, I was drawn to him. Like a moth to a flame. Sad, isn't it?”
She placed her hand on his arm. “No, it's not sad. Why would you think that? I've found men don't normally change what they find attractive. So it stands to reason you'll still be drawn to him.”
He gave her rueful smile. “Well, I was drawn. If it hadn't been for Olivia stopping me, I would've approached him and more than likely asked for a scene.” He sighed. “Do you realize how long it's been since I've lost myself in a scene? Found the peace in the embrace of leather, the sting of a whip?” He scrubbed his hands over his face. “Too long.”
Her expression softened and laid her hand on his arm. “Was it before they died?”
He nodded. “I miss it. And Lord knows I've tried.” He shifted. “Three times since their deaths, I've gone out. Not to Olivia’s, but a leather bar near downtown. I wanted a man who could manhandle me. Make me submit.”
“Make you submit? Dude, have you looked in the mirror lately?” Gabriel came back into the kitchen, his t-shirt damp in places, carrying a giggling, wiggling Sophia wrapped in a terrycloth hoodie. “You're a mountain. What fool in their right mind would take you on?”
Hark laughed. “You'd be surprised. It's usually the little scrappy guys. I got half a dozen offers to top some little twink each time.”
“But that didn't give you what you wanted.” Zhenya frowned.
He shook his head. “No. Made the twinks happy, but didn't fill the hole. May I?” He held his arms out to Sophia. Gabriel nodded and handed the little girl over. Hark inhaled the familiar baby-powder scent. It reminded him of the million times he'd done the same with George and Teresina's son. Teresina would bathe Alex and then give him to Hark to dress for bed. Every night it was the same routine until the little boy got to the age where he deemed himself too old to be dressed. Then it was Hark telling him stories as he got himself ready for bed.
“Here, might as well complete it.” Gabriel tossed the little pink footie pajamas to him. “Zhenya told me about how you used to do this with Alex, and I don't think little Miss Sophia will mind her uncle getting her ready for bed.”
Pain flared at the reference, but he pushed it down. What Gabriel said was true. He'd told Zhenya during their stay at his home after offering to help with Sophia's bath one night.
“Thanks.” He pressed a kiss to Sophia's nose. “No problem. Shall we get you dressed?” Sophia patted his cheek. He walked back into the living room. Gabriel and Zhenya trailed after him. Laying the little girl down on the couch, he chuckled as she immediately rolled over, her diaper clad bottom in the air. “Whoa, not so fast, squirt.” Gently rolling her back over, he picked up the conversation. “Thankfully, Olivia dragged me into her office before I could make a total fool of myself. It was as if no time had passed. I was ready to offer myself to him. Even knowing he was in a demonstration with another submissive.”
“Whoa....back up. What did I miss?” Gabriel held up his hands. “I take it you went to the club?”
He nodded, opening the pajamas up and positioning Sophia on them. “Yeah, on Friday night.”
“And he saw one of his previous masters doing a demonstration.” Zhenya settled on the arm of the chair.
Gabriel's nodded. “Okay, so Olivia dragged you out of there?”
“Yeah...” He slipped Sophia's arms into the sleeper. “And told me I was going to be homeless for about a month while she had renovations done on the condo. So I have a choice. Either some swanky hotel until they were done, or to stay with a friend of hers.”
He stuffed Sophia's legs into the sleeper, then quickly snapped it shut. “Master Rai.”
Zhenya gasped and Gabriel leaned forward.
“Rai?” Gabriel seemed intrigued. “He's a great guy. I've had him in several shibari classes. He dotes on his sub, Bryan. They've been together for several years now. Olivia couldn't have chosen a better couple to have you stay with.”
Hark lifted the baby off the couch and leaned back, cradling her against his chest. “Great, just what I need. To watch my former master with his new submissive.”
“Master Rai? Are we talking about the same man? A slim little oriental? He was your master?”
Hark chuckled and caught Sophia's little hand. “What? You've seen him in action. What makes you think that he couldn't master me? He's not much smaller than George was.”
Gabriel shook his head. “I guess you got me there. So Olivia wants you to stay with him and Bryan? Are you a masochist?”
“Not really. Though I will admit a good flogging does center me.” He blew bubbles on Sophia's palm.
“So what are you going to do?” Zhenya asked.
“I don't honestly know. I don't relish the idea of staying in a hotel for month, even if Olivia has offered to pay for it. But at the same time, staying at Rai's, watching him with his new submissive, isn't my idea of a picnic. Even though I know Olivia's heart's in the right place.”
“Tough decision.” Gabriel agreed.
“Yeah.” He bounced Sophia lightly, making the little girl giggle again.
“Well, I say you go for it.” Zhenya took Sophia from him.
Surprise flared through him. “You do?”
“Yes.” She gave him a smile. “Think about it. Didn't you say you were tired of being alone? Of being numb?”
He nodded. “Yeah, but I wasn't thinking about moving in with my former master and lusting after him.”
“But you're feeling again, right?” She pointed out.
“True.” He sighed.
“Then do it. See where it leads. If it gets to be too much, you can always leave. Take the chance. The hotel is always there, but this chance to live with Rai probably won't be.”
She had a point, he realized. “Yeah, I know. But it still doesn't make the decision any easier.”
Chapter Four
Bryan paused as he pulled a load of laundry out of the dryer. He closed his eyes and prayed for patience as the doorbell echoed through the house a second time. He wasn't a hundred percent sure of this plan that Diachi and Olivia had come up with, but he had to trust his master. Setting the basket of laundry on top of the dryer, he left the laundry room and headed upstairs to answer the door. He'd taken the morning off at Diachi's insistence. He wanted Bryan to be the one to welcome Hark to their home.
“I can't believe I'm doing this.” But as he snagged the silk kimono off the hook next to the door and slipped it on, he knew he’d do almost anything his Master asked. Thankful the robe fell past his knees, he braced himself for the brisk wind as he opened the door. Winter in Chicago was no place for running around in a robe. But all thoughts left him as he took in the guy standing on his porch.
The huge behemoth of a man stood with his back to Bryan as he gazed out at the street. The long dark braid hanging between the man’s shoulder blades was like a thick line of black ink against the cream-colored leather jacket he wore. A pair of faded jeans cupped a spectacular ass and thick thighs before giving way to a pair of what looked to be handcrafted leather boots. He couldn’t stop the gasp that passed his lips. Of all things he'd expected, this wasn't it. Sure Diachi had told him Hark was a big man, but as the man turned at his sound, he hadn't been prepared for the reality of it. Sharp planes, a s
trong jaw, coupled with a nose that looked to have been broken in the past, and a pair of gray eyes that seemed to see everything were far from beautiful, but were captivating just the same. This was the man his lover wanted him to welcome into their home?
“Hello.” The man gazed at him steadily. “You must be Bryan? Olivia said you were expecting me?”
The deep timber of his voice stroked over Bryan and his dick stirred at the sound. What the hell? Get it together, Sterling. You are not lusting after this man. He crossed his arms over his chest, already at the defensive. Not because of the man in front of him, but his body’s reaction to him. “Yes. Mistress Olivia called the last night. You must be Harkahome?”
Hark nodded. “Hark, though, if you don’t mind. Only my mother and one previous master called me Harkahome.” Hark seemed to take in the kimono he wore. “There’s no need to fear me. I promise I have no designs on your body as attractive as it is. I may be a switch, but I don’t tread where I’m not welcome, so you can relax. I’m not going to jump you.”
Bryan’s arms dropped to his side, taken back at Hark’s bluntness. “Excuse me?”
“Well, it’s obvious you’re uncomfortable with my presence, and seeing you’re probably nude under the robe unless Master Rai has changed in the past twenty years…” He shrugged. “… I wanted to set you at ease. Believe me, I appreciate your generosity at allowing me to stay. I really wasn’t looking forward to sleeping in a hotel for a month. They frown upon the sawdust I tend to create.”
Confusion washed over Bryan. How the hell had they gone from talking about his personal safety to sawdust? “Sawdust?”
Hark smiled faintly. “I like to whittle. So I tend to leave sawdust and shavings of wood in my wake. No matter how careful I am.” He leaned down to grab the two bags Bryan hadn’t noticed at his feet. “Which is why Teresina banned all my wood working tools to the basement. But why don’t we go in before you catch your death of a cold. That damned wind is brutal today.”