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Dark Universe & Forbidden Love

Page 47

by Hao Yang

  When Mark heard the name Aron, he thought of his old friend. But he knew there could be thousands of men named after Aron.

  Several minutes later, a man in uniform walked leisurely to those soldiers. He checked their harvest: a big pile of money and hundreds of watches, necklaces and other jewels and said, “You guys did well this time.”

  All those soldiers smiled subserviently.

  “Where is the Human?”

  “This way.”

  Aron walked down the corridor and saw Mark. Both of them were shocked, their eyes widening, their jaws dropping. It took several seconds for them to get back their postures. Aron turned to those soldiers and shouted, “You guys, take the money and get out.”

  Once the soldiers were gone, Aron gave Mark a big hug and said, “Man, good to see you.”

  “Nice to see you. Man!” Mark said emotionally.

  “Man, I heard some rumors about you. Not good. What is going on right now? You are on the run?” Aron asked in confusion.

  “I am looking for my son Jason.”

  “I see. Man, you just won yourself a sweepstake. I know where he is and he is fine.” Aron said in a cheerful mood.


  “Yea, he is a pilot on a carrier of the Second fleet.”

  “Take me to see him.”

  “Man, that is not safe for you.” Aron said in a worried tone.

  “I need to see him for the last time.” Mark said in a heavy tone.

  “What do you mean last time?”

  Mark went ahead and told him how he ended in Kalan’s hands.

  Aron shook his head and sighed, “Man, I wish I can tell you something different.”

  Chapter 163

  After a long and bumpy ride in an ammo container, Mark was now in a weapon stockroom on Carrier Michael Stonan. Aron handed Mark a set of grey uniform and said, “Jason is in room D2642. He might be out for patrol right now.”

  “Thanks.” Mark said as he put on the uniform.

  “Man, you are right about your own fate. Those Glycans, they will kill you no matter what.” Aron sighed.

  “I know. But if I have to give them my life, I will give them hell before I do.” Mark said firmly.

  “What about your other son John?” Aron asked caringly.

  “I transferred him to another hospital. Now his treatment was all paid for, so he should be alright.”

  “I guess this is it. After you see your son, I will get you out of here.” Aron said sadly.

  “Man, thank you so much.” Mark nodded at Aron.

  They hugged each other and then parted different ways. Mark went to D deck and found the room. But Jason was on patrol duty right now, so he went to the hangar and waited there.

  An hour later, Jason’s fighter jet pulled in and he jumped out of the cockpit like usual. Mark watched Jason in the distance. He wanted to run to Jason right now, but there were so many people around. He followed behind Jason on the way to the D deck. When there was nobody around, Mark caught up with him.

  “Jason.” Mark called emotionally.

  Jason turned around and looked at Mark, his eyes widening in surprise. He hugged Mark and shouted, “Dad. Dad!”

  “My son!” Mark held Jason tightly in his arms.

  “I know you will make it. I know it.” Jason said excitedly.

  “I am here. I am here with you.” Mark said happily.

  “Dad. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too, Jason.”

  They held each other for several seconds. No word could express this feeling: the joy and relief to see family again.

  “So what happened out there? I heard the Dolanz fleet was missing.”

  “Well, you know, you know, I managed to escape. That is the point.” Mark said easily. He knew if he told Jason the Glycan thing, Jason wouldn’t let him go.

  “It’s always easy for you.” Jason said happily.

  “Come on. Let’s talk something else. I am hungry, by the way.”

  The two went to the dining hall and picked a table in a corner. As they had their meals, they talked about Gloria. Jason told his father everything including how they met and the adventures they went through. Mark could tell that his son really loved Gloria and he couldn’t just tell Jason to give up. They also talked about the daily life on the carrier and all sorts of things.

  Mark knew he couldn’t stay long, so he said, “Jason, I need to tell you one last thing. You need to find a place to hide until the Hylocan thing slips people’s minds. It will be long, but there is no better option. I was thinking getting you out of here before I saw you, but now I kind of feel you have grown up and you can make the call.”

  “Dad, is everything OK?” Jason asked in a worried tone.

  “Yea, everything is fine. Jason, you know I love you and John more than anything. Whatever I do is for the well-being of you two. If I am not around, you take care of yourself and John. OK?” Mark said sadly.

  Jason held his father’s hand and nodded.

  “Now, I have to go.” Mark said decisively.

  “Dad, let me go with you. Please.” Jason said in a begging voice. He still held Mark’s hand.

  “Jason, I know this is hard for you, but you are strong and I know you can take it.” Mark said emotionally.

  “I will see you again, right?” Jason asked slowly.

  “Of course. You will see me.” Mark said confidently as he patted Jason’s shoulder.

  “Dad. Can I call you?”

  “Jason, you know how it is.”

  “Yea, you take care!”

  “Sure. You too.”

  The two stood up and hugged each other for several seconds.

  “I love you, son.” Mark said as he held back his tears.

  “I love you, dad.” Jason said emotionally.

  Mark walked away from the table, heading to the doorway. He forced himself not to look back. But before he exited the dining room, he turned around and waved at Jason. Jason waved back. Mark then left. He knew this was it. Now he could finish what he started.

  Chapter 164

  It was a piece of cake for those well trained Glycans like Klaycon to rob a bank, even if it was the Dolanz central bank which was the government bank. There wasn’t a real fight. Most Dolanz guards ran for their lives as soon as the combat vessel blasted the gate open. In the vault deep under the ground, Klaycon found three tubes of Otueitpea. He knew nothing about those Otueitpea except that they were parasites the size of a cell.

  Right now, Klaycon and his friends were on the way back to the training center. In the bridge, Klaycon carefully put those three tube in his chest pocket. Zier pointed at the tubes and asked, “That was why we went there?”

  “Hey, you got some good stuff too.” Klaycon said with an evil smile.

  “Well, for me, I simply like the feeling of taking stuff for nothing.” Zier said with a big grin.

  “I like the excitement.” Nissen added.

  They all laughed loudly.

  “Warning! Warning! Warning! Proximity alert!” The alarm struck everyone in the bridge.

  “Battle stations!” Klaycon shouted.

  “10 Glycan vessels are closing very fast from behind.” Zier said nervously.

  “They are hailing us.” Nissen said.

  Klaycon thought for a second and said, “Let it through.”

  On the screen in the center of the bridge, Kalan’s face showed up.

  “Hi, Dad.” Klaycon said nervously.

  “I know it is you. Come to my vessel right now!” Kalan shouted angrily.

  “Yes, sir.”

  The transmission ended.

  “I have a bad feeling about this.” Nissen said in a worried tone.

  “I told you we should at least use some disguise.They wouldn’t identity us this quick.” Zier whined.

  “I hear you. Now shut up!” Klaycon shouted.

  Ten minutes later, Klaycon stepped into the bridge of Kalan’s vessel and saluted Kalan.

  Kalan star
ed at Klaycon coldly and asked, “What are you thinking?”

  “You mean rob the Dolanz central bank?”

  “You didn’t use your brain. You like to show your handsome face, don’t you? At least you should change your clothes.” Kalan snarled.

  “So those second species contacted you and you are responding to their request.” Klaycon said ironically.

  “Shut up! They contacted the Guardian Fleet for help. Then the onsite general called me and asked me whether I recognized this face.” Kalan said in a strident tone as he pointed his finger at Klaycon.

  “I will keep it in mind next time.” Kalan said easily.

  Klaycon let out a sigh. He paused for several seconds and asked, “Why you robbed the Dolanz central bank?” Kalan asked.

  “I was…”

  “General Kalan, good news!” Neiteo abruptly interrupted Klaycon as he rushed into the bridge.

  “Slow down.” Kalan said unhappily.

  “The Human said he got Liutein’s location.” Neiteo said excitedly.

  Kalan threw Neiteo an angry stare. Neiteo immediately shut his mouth.

  “I will talk to you later.” Kalan said to Klaycon and motioned him to leave.

  After Klaycon walked away, Kalan asked Neiteo about the details. Neiteo said Mark had located Liutein and would only speak to Kalan in person. Kalan thought it was about the time. For a second, he doubted that Mark was lying. But he soon scrapped this notion. He believed no one would be that stupid.

  Chapter 165

  With Aron’s help, Mark put a bomb in his body. He lost a kidney a long time ago when he was in special force, so there was a cavity in his lower left back. He never thought the cavity would be used in this way. Then Mark asked Aron to drop him on the closest planet. After Aron left, Mark contacted Glycan.

  Kalan didn’t waste a second and headed to Mark’s location right away. When he saw Mark from the bridge, he flashed a victory smile. Klaycon was also watching this scene. He walked to his father and said, “Sir, there is something wrong.”

  “What?” Kalan asked carelessly.

  “How he got here? There is no space vessel around.”

  “Maybe he took a taxi.” Neiteo joked.

  “We have the protocol to handle a situation like this.” Kalan said easily.

  After several minutes, eight soldiers ran out of the vessel and surrounded Mark. They scanned him with different kinds of detectors.

  Kalan, Neiteo and Klaycon were watching it from the bridge.

  “Chief, it is him. The biological reading matched the one we had in record.” A soldier spoke to his communicator.

  “Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!” A piercing alarm sounded.

  All soldiers aimed their rifles at Mark, ready to fire.

  Mark stayed still.

  “Take off your clothes slowly.” A soldier shouted.

  Mark slowly removed his jacket and took off the shirt. He was wearing a back support.

  “What is the thing on your back?” Another soldier yelled.

  “It’s a back support.” Mark said calmly.

  “Take it off, slowly.”

  Mark untied the back support and threw it in front of those soldiers.

  One of the soldiers approached it with a detector in his hand.

  “Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!” The alarm went off again.

  The soldier checked the back support carefully and said, “We are clear.”

  Mark put on his clothes and boarded the vessel. Those soldiers threw Mark into an interrogation room. It was a big transparent container sitting in a spacious compartment. Mark was standing on his feet, waiting patiently.

  Several minutes later, Kalan, Klaycon and Neiteo walked into the compartment leisurely. They stopped right in front of the container holding Mark.

  “Where is Liutein?” Neiteo asked hastily.

  “Neiteo, we have time on this one. We don’t need so many soldiers around here.” Kalan said quietly.

  “Oh.” Neiteo knew what Kalan meant. He understood the sensitivity of this issue and motioned those soldiers to leave.

  Kalan turned to Klaycon and said, “That applies to you as well.”

  “Yes, sir!” Klaycon said politely and backed off.

  Kalan stared at Mark and asked, “Where is Liutein?”

  “After I tell you, you will leave me and my sons alone?” Mark asked calmly.

  “Yes, if you are telling the truth. You and your family will survive.” Kalan said sincerely.

  “How do I know you will keep your words?”

  “I know Glycan doesn’t have a very good reputation on things like this. I understand your concern.”

  “You didn’t answer the question.”

  “We need to verify what you got first, so tell me now.”

  “I…” Mark suddenly dropped on his knees, his body trembling, his hands shaking.

  Kalan and Neiteo watched Mark for several seconds. Then Neiteo quickly opened the container door, dashed inside and carried Mark out.

  Just at this moment, Klaycon emerged from nowhere and darted to Mark, his uniform transforming into an armor suit and a dagger popping out of his right fist. He swung the dagger at Mark and severed both of his arms.

  “Aaaaaaaaah.” Mark screamed in pain.

  All of these happened in a blink. Kalan and Neiteo were still in shock.

  Klaycon picked up Mark’s right arm from the blood pool. He checked the hand carefully and said, “He is going to kill us all. Check the thump.” He handed Kalan the arm.

  Kalan took over the arm and checked the thump. There was a very small detonator on the thump. Klaycon threw the arm to Neiteo and said, “He was faking just to let you take him out.”

  “Sorry, General Kalan.” Neiteo said, his voice shaking.

  Klaycon grabbed Mark’s hair and asked, “What about him?”

  Kalan looked into Mark’s eyes and said, “You won’t be alone. You sons will join you shortly.” Then he nodded at Klaycon.

  Klaycon swung the dagger and beheaded Mark. His head rolled over several times and stopped right in front of Kalan’s feet.

  “Bam!” Kalan crushed the head into bloody pieces.

  “If it was not Klaycon, we are all dead now.” Neiteo said in panic.

  Kalan gave Klaycon an approving smile and said, “You can keep whatever you took from Dolanz.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Find this Human’s son John and kill him.” Kalan said to Neiteo.

  “What about the other son Jason?” Klaycon asked.

  “He is still alive? I thought he died on planet Weithei.” Kalan said in surprise.

  “He is alive.” Klaycon said confidently.

  “Kill him too.” Kalan said firmly.

  “I like to take care of that.” Klaycon said politely.

  “It is yours.” Kalan said and left.

  Chapter 166

  Kalan was having a video conference with the leaders of the other eight species to discuss the Hylocan matter. It seemed like Kalan was representing Glycan, but he couldn’t make any call. He was just a messenger delivering decisions from Joint Commanders of Staff. Kalan knew why they picked him to do this, because he was Klizan’s son and they hoped that connection would serve as some sort of a deterrence.

  The leaders didn’t care whether Jason was dead or not, because while Jason was in Listan for more than three months, no Hylocan showed up. Iteiten from Estian and Au Ithei, the president of Oireitan, both argued that counting on a Human to lead them to Hylocan was a stupid strategy in the first place. The leader of Uainanese believed that they should had tortured Jason. In that case they could at least obtain some information. Kalan also gave up on Jason and that was why he told Klaycon to kill him. Other five species didn’t really have the chance to voice their opinions.

  Kalan was just sitting there and waiting, while Estian, Oireitan and Uainanese were arguing what to do next. After a while, they all got tired. Iteiten turned to Kalan and said, “Oh, we almost forgot Gener
al Kalan was here, would you like to shed some light on this matter?” “What? Do I look like a star?” Kalan sneered.

  “If Hylocan is out there, what are they waiting for?” R-Isgie, the leader of Uainanese, said.

  Nobody had any clue and they started blaming each other. The meeting dragged another hour and ended with nothing.

  Kalan went back to his cabin. Before he could sit down, Neiteo rushed in nervously and said, “You want to see this.” He handed Kalan a crystal.

  Kalan inserted the crystal in the slot on the table. A beam of light passed through the crystal and formed an image right in front of Kalan. It was the analysis report of the brown stuff they found in Cruiser General Klizan.

  “Superace?” Kalan murmured in surprise.

  “Yes. I couldn’t believe it either. I mean the nine species slaughtered every single one of them and confirmed every kill.” Neiteo said hastily.

  “There must be some mistake. Let them redo the test.”

  “This is the second run.”

  “Then do it the third time with a different team.” Kalan said impatiently.

  “I am quite sure it will return with the same result.”

  “You don’t know that. Keep me posted.” Kalan said tiredly.

  Neiteo nodded and left. Klaycon let out a sigh and started to think about superace and what nine species did to them. If superace were still out there, he really hope he could apologize to them for Glycan.

  Chapter 167

  The war between Dolanz and Oepttese had entered into the seesaw stage. Battles ensued on both planets and space. The same place exchanged hands again and again. Dolanz recently recaptured part of the mining center on planet NTE1423, but Human and Oepttese curbed Dolanz’s offensive.

  Jason never went to see Jenny again. After the last call he made, he was more and more worried about Gloria’s well-being. All possible scenarios cycled in his head day and night and drove him crazy. He turned to alcohol to ease the pain and recently he hung out with Kiel a lot. They had something in common. They both came from Earth and Kiel was also in the preselection institution and he was 12 years senior than Jason. However, he didn’t make it to Guardian Fleet. Also they both lost their mothers when they were still kids.


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