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A Bend in the River of Life

Page 24

by Budh Aditya Roy

  On Sunday they went for a tour of Manila and in the process found the picture of two Philippines; one for the ‘haves’ and the other for the ‘have-nots.’ Metro Manila had all the spit and polish of any metropolis of the western world. However, old Manila showed the picture of poverty and sufferings of the common people. In the next few days, while Rana was busy at the seminar, Kim kept herself busy with shopping. In the evenings they would go out for dinner and enjoy some shows and then stroll around the business districts near the hotel. On Friday, the seminar ended at lunch time. They had lunch together. After lunch Rana had his shopping to complete and Kim’s shopping was never-ending. On Friday night they were scheduled for a dinner with a cabaret show at the Grand Hotel, which happened to be the Head Quarters of General Douglas McArthur, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces at the South west Pacific Theater during the Second World War. They took the opportunity to see the offices and personal quarters used by the General during his pivotal role in the War.

  On Saturday, they had a whole day program to travel to Tagayfay City on the mountains about three hours drive from Manila to see the on-again-off-again Taal Volcano, which kept the Philippines on their edge for decades. The drive through the countryside to the mountain top was relaxing. That was the first time they both had a glimpse of a volcano from another mountain about three miles away. Though there was no volcanic activity at that time, it was still spewing light ash and smoke. Lunch at the mountain top restaurant with a clear view of the volcano was a novel experience. They also had plenty of time to take a leisurely stroll around the flat mountain top. The return journey was somewhat tiring. They both slept through the entire route. In a sense, that was good because at night they had lot of talkings to do and decisions to take.

  After dinner they sat down for a heart to heart chat. Rana began by saying, “Kim, we have an unusual problem and we are trying to solve it. Let me make it very clear to you that from my side there is absolutely no problem. I love you and would like to marry you whenever it is convenient for you. If you want me to marry you now, we can do so in Hong Kong as soon as we land there on our way back. I can arrange your visa there and you do not have to even go back to Taipei. In that case you can travel with me to India without any problem whatsoever. But what little I have learnt from you about your father, I am a little concerned about your mother. If she agrees to come with you, we can arrange for her visa too in Hong Kong. However, if she does not then what decision would you take? Further, if you decide to come out but she does not, do you see any problem for her from your father? On the other side of the spectrum, my company will try to find opportunities for me in the Far East Region. But there is no time line and no guarantee. Under the circumstances, will you be able to withstand the aggressive pressure from your father?” He continued, “I just gave you the picture from my side. I know it is a tough decision and you don’t have to decide right away. You go back calmly, talk to your mother and let me know by an express mail. Nevertheless, I want you to go back with the peace of mind that I am ready and prepared to take you as my bride any time and there is no second thought about it.”

  Kim said, “Rana, I never had any doubt about your sincerity. But I know from my recent discussions with my mother that she would not like to go anywhere outside the country. I understand my mother’s position, but I am a little perplexed at my father’s recent outbursts to the extent of using physical force. I am apprehensive that if my father does not find me in my apartment, he will torture my mother both physically and mentally. He is quite capable of doing that. These bruises on my body bear ample testimony to that. My father knows that wherever I go, I keep my mother informed. If he has already looked for me in the last few days, I will find out his reaction as soon as I go back.”

  She then began sobbing, saying, “What if my father forces me to marry his partner when I go back?”

  That made it doubly clear to Rana that Kim was scared of her father’s use of force, which he had never done before. It was obvious to Rana that her father decided to apply terror tactics in order to frighten her and her mother to the extent that she would cow down to his unjust demands without delay. Finding no other way to solve the problem, Rana asked her, “Kim, I did not ask this before because the occasion did not arise. However, can’t you lodge a complaint against your father with the Taipei Police, showing your bruises, if your father uses force on you when you go back? I think he will be restrained if you do that.”

  Kim said, “Rana, you are asking me this because you do not know our society. We have a male dominated society. Even if the complaints are lodged to the police, decisions always go in favor of men. Consequently, women refrain from bringing their complaints to the police. If the complaints are lodged by the daughters, the police will simply say that daughters should always listen to their fathers in their own interest. Suppose I take my complaints to the police and they dismiss that, can you imagine what will happen to me subsequently?”

  Rana understood that Kim was so frightened by her father now that she did not want to take that route. He felt tremendous sorrow for her and took her in his arms. The last minute of Keka’s life flashed back in his mind. Tears welled up his eyes. He suddenly felt Kim was also drifting away in another type of tragedy. He tried to fight back his tears. Then slowly he said in a low voice, “Kim, if your father forces his own daughter to marry his partner against her wishes to solve his own financial and marital problems then that would be a terrible tragedy. But you will always have my understanding and love. However, living thousands of miles away the most frustrating thing for me will be my inability to do anything about it.”

  Tremendously overwhelmed by sadness he remained silent for a few moments and then said again, “Kim, if God’s plan is to unite us He will do it at His appointed time, not ours. But what is of paramount importance to me at this time is your safety and that of your mother.”

  Rana’s heart was breaking because there was nothing concrete he could do for her at that time. Fortunately, there was no misunderstanding. It was clear to Kim that the root cause of the problem was her father’s vested interest. She understood that even if Rana were to move to Taipei and fulfill his pledge to marry her, he himself could be physically harmed because of that vested interest. She also realized that the problem could be circumvented only if her mother would agree to move out of Taiwan with her, even if temporarily.

  Frustrations were mounting. But there was nothing that Rana could do to alleviate Kim’s sinking spirits except to show his utmost understanding. For now the best course of action for Kim was to go back, see how the odds develop immediately on her return, discuss again with her mother and get back to Rana with her personal comments. The ultimate decision could be heart-breaking for both. Nonetheless, there was nothing more important than the safety of life and limbs for Kim and her mother. In his recklessness, her father might commit most atrocious act. Kim was looking completely torn and forlorn. In-between her sobs she asked, “Rana, is this going to be our last meeting?”

  Rana replied, “Kim, I am always hopeful. In this case also I want to keep my hopes alive. We cannot foresee all that happens in life. We could never imagine that problem would arise like this from your own father. Let’s hope for the best. But we have to prepare ourselves for the worst. I just want you to know that if it comes down to the worst, I would be as devastated as you would, but living thousands of miles away I will not be able to do anything about it. Nevertheless, irrespective of what life brings to me in this case, you will always remain in the core of my heart. Wherever I go, whatever I do, your picture will forever remain fresh in my mind’s eye. No one will be able to snatch that away.”

  Kim said, “Rana, I trust you. But I do not know why life is so harsh on me. You are the only one I have come to love in my life. I do not know why God is pulling me away from you.”

  Rana said, “Kim, we do not know yet, only God does. So just trust Him and leave everything in His hands.”

  Next morning t
heir flight from Manila to Hong Kong was on time. Kim’s connecting flight to Taipei was in the late afternoon. The departure time for Rana’s flight to Calcutta was next morning. He was booked for the overnight stay at the Airport Hotel. So they had few hours together in his hotel room. Willy-nilly the parting time had to come. Rana kissed Kim fondly. They both choked. He tried hard to remain strong and then finally said, “Kim, despite all the uncertainties, I look forward to seeing you soon. Please write an express letter as early as you can. Keep faith always. I will go up to the gallery to see the safe take-off of your flight.”

  Kim could not respond, just nodded her head in agreement. She tried to smile, but could not quite, either. Her eyes were full of tears. She looked away and then slowly started walking to the security gate. Rana quickly went to the gallery. Kim looked back several times and waved at Rana. He waved back. On reaching the top of the stairs, she again waved a few times before stepping into the aircraft. He could not see her any more, but kept waiting for the take off. His mind flashed back three years when he saw Kim first in utter astonishment at the Rooftop Restaurant at the Hamilton International Hotel in Taipei. The initial surprise grew into curiosity and then developed into emotional friendship. He remembered the way he lost Keka. A painful realization was growing increasingly stronger in him that he was going to lose Kim too in the vortex of the River of Life.

  The aircraft started taxiing slowly to the top of the runway. In a few minutes, it began its final thrust for the take off. As it passed the nearest point from the viewing gallery, Rana waved his hand in anticipation that Kim was still looking at him. In a few seconds, the aircraft was up on the air and away. He was not in a hurry. So he kept standing there, straining to look at the aircraft speeding through the air, gradually becoming a dot and then vanishing in the thin air. He slowly walked back to the elevator and then to his hotel room. Obviously he was tired both mentally and physically. Previous night he could not sleep, for they talked and talked through the night in search of a remedy to Kim’s problem. In a few minutes, he fell asleep. When he woke up the daylight was on its way out, bidding good-bye to yet another day. He did not feel like getting up. He felt depressed. Sleeping or awake, he was sad for Kim. Notwithstanding, he forced himself up, arguing in his mind, “No matter what, life can never stop because by the design of the Creator, the River of Life was set in motion to flow on inexorably. As long as the soul is assigned to a body and has no mandate to leave that body, man has no other alternative but to accomplish the duties allotted to him in the current season of life. There is no escape from that cardinal truth in the River of Life.”

  Rana returned home to the love of his children. Next day he went back to his work, but could not shake off his worry for Kim. Her bruised and battered body due to the cruelty perpetrated by her own father kept coming back to his mind to haunt him. Without much delay he received an express letter from Kim, describing her father’s rage and fury when he found out that she was on vacation but neither in her apartment, nor at her mother’s home. When her mother expressed her ignorance about Kim’s whereabouts, he ransacked her home and threatened to kill her. He left a note under Kim’s door, hinting frightening consequences if she continued to ignore his instructions. In his apprehension Rana made an international call to Kim at her work and asked, “Are you or your mother physically assaulted?”

  Kim answered, “Fortunately, not so far.”

  Rana asked, “Did you try to sound your mother if she would move out of Taiwan with you temporarily, should it be necessary?”

  Kim answered, “Yes, I did. My mother cried a lot and said she was not young anymore; that she suffered enough in life and at her age she did not want to move anywhere and she would prefer to die in Taiwan.” She paused a little and then continued, “Rana, you understand, I do not want to press her anymore.”

  Rana said, “Kim, I understand quite well. I can also understand that you have to take a decision now before any danger strikes you. I told you that the most important thing for me was your safety and that of your mother. Accordingly, I do not envisage any other alternative for you but to surrender to your father’s abominable self interest. I know it is going to be crushing for you and me both. However, we have to accept this as the verdict of God.” He heard Kim sobbing on the other side of the line, but continued, “Kim, you know how much I love you. But your father is not behaving sensibly with you as a normal human being would with his own daughter. In his senselessness he might hurt you grievously and I shudder to take any chance with his erratic behavior. Nonetheless, please do me a favor.”

  Kim asked, “What favor?”

  Rana responded, “From his increasingly insane behavior it seems that your father is in a hurry. When he comes to threaten you the next time around, you tell him that though you do not like his proposal, you accept it to help him against his partner.”

  Rana’s heart was breaking to give this advice to Kim. However, he was genuinely concerned for her safety after witnessing her father’s brutality on her body. So he continued in a voice cracking in emotion, “Kim, when the wedding date is set, please let me know as soon as possible. At least, I will be able to write my last letter to you and send you the wedding gift.”

  Kim asked, “Rana, are you angry with me?”

  Rana answered, “Kim, why should I be angry with you? You have done nothing wrong to me. My heart cries for your sorrow. If I had no love for you, it would have been much easier for me to advise you to resist your father and suffer the consequences. But given his unpredictable behavior how can I take that risk? If something serious happens to you, it will haunt me forever. So please do what I say.”

  Kim cried helplessly on the phone and said, “Yes Rana, I will do whatever you ask me to. But please do not misunderstand me.”

  Rana said, “I will never misunderstand you, Kim. I wish you all the best. A wonderful young woman like you does not have to suffer abysmally like this. However, I will await your urgent letter.”

  It did not take long for Kim’s letter to come and it was pathetic. Her father gave her an ultimatum and Kim had no other alternative but to accept his proposal under duress. Wedding would take place in two weeks. Though the situation was already bleak, Rana did not expect Kim’s dream to be trampled at that lightning speed. His mind said there must be something really wrong. Otherwise, how could a father force his independent daughter to go through such a nightmare? Anyway, Rana needed to act swiftly. The parting letter and the wedding gift must be sent as soon as possible. Time was of essence.

  An important client of his bank, a jewelry merchant, had their family jewelry business scattered all over the Pacific Rim countries. He responded to his urgent request. He said any gift chosen and paid for in Calcutta would be manufactured in Taipei and delivered to Kim in three days. He called Kim to say that both the letter and the gifts were on the way. He said he understood her plight totally and she had nothing but his love and best wishes. He gave her the name and the telephone number of the company who would deliver the gifts to her at her convenience. He also said he would call her back as soon as he received confirmation of the delivery of the gifts to her. Kim cried helplessly and asked for his forgiveness. She said she could hardly reconcile with the situation.

  In his parting letter Rana wrote, “Kim, I consider myself very lucky to have met a wonderful lady like you. It is my misfortune that I could not bring you home. Perhaps we will never know the reason why God brought us together for such a short period to an inconclusive end… Whatever happens to me, you will always remain in a very special corner of my heart…. If ever you need my help, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. I will not be here always. But you can track me through our Regional office in Taipei…Take care of yourself and your new family. Please give my regards to your mother. I hope she finds peace through the rest of her life…..I sincerely wish you all the happiness in the world.”

  On receipt of the confirmation from the jewelry merchant that the gifts were deliver
ed to Kim personally, Rana called her and said, “Kim, I have been advised that the gifts have been delivered to you, but I have no idea if you received my letter.”

  She said, “Rana, I received both the gifts and the letter. As usual, the gifts are exquisite and the letter full of warmth. I do not know why we have to part company like this; why I have to lose a friend like you. My mother is with me, helping me organize the last few days. She keeps saying your heart is as big as the ocean. She sends her best wishes to you.” Kim was crying like a child.

  With his voice cracking in pain and emotional upsurge, Rana said, “Kim, don’t be sad. I will always remain your friend in heart. You have my best wishes. I trust it would work out well for you. I am glad that you have liked the gifts. Please give my regards to your mother.”

  Kim said, “Rana, many thanks for your words of encouragement and everything you have done for me. I will always remember you in admiration. Please give my love to Saurav and Smita.”

  Rana said, “I guess this is God’s wish. With lots of love and best wishes I have to take your leave now.”

  Kim said, “Rana, bye-bye.” Rana heard her sobbing again.

  He put down the receiver in the silence of the graveyard. Another chapter of his life short, sweet but sad, just came to an end. A relationship that began out of the blue in a Far Eastern island with such a promise, just died even before it could develop into a beautiful bud. Rana was silent in sorrow. It was a Friday evening. He was alone in his office. Everyone else had left. He said to himself, “Never again will I be involved with any other woman so emotionally.”

  Rana should have known better. Usually savvy, he lost his mind in the misery of the moment. For no one on earth is in control of relationships and all the relationships develop out of the blue only. There is nothing like pre-conceived and pre-determined earthly relationships. Not even the parents know their children before they are born. Nor do the siblings have any prior knowledge of each other and their common parentage. Husbands and wives do not have any premonition about each other before that chance encounter. Nor do the friends and lovers have any inkling of their relationships prior to that unpremeditated meeting. And individuals know not at birth either their alma mater or their workplace. Nonetheless, from the inception of the River of Life, all the relationships are planned and interwoven by the Architect of Relationships in an intricate pattern well in advance of their coming into being. The wisdom of the Architect in interlacing those relationships without the foreknowledge of the participants thereto is discernible from the ease with which the River of Life keeps flowing relentlessly to its nimble destiny, carrying in its stride the joy of hopes fulfilled and the pangs of dreams punctured with equal felicity and grace.


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