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Mission Happy (A Texas Desires Novel Book 3)

Page 6

by Rylie Roberts

  “They’re real. Not like most everyone else around here,” she explained.

  “Let me see, Julie.” Connor leaned in to kiss her lips while sliding his hands under hers, moving the bra away. Resting back on his heels, he stared intently at her exquisite breasts. She was perfectly made in every single way. His mouth watered as he extended a hand, his thumb caressing one fat, protruding nipple. “You’re beautiful.”

  “I’m not.”

  Startled by the sincerity of her statement, his gaze lifted to hers and he laughed outright. She clearly had jokes even if there were some insecurities lurking just beneath the surface. Julie was hands down one of the most beautiful women he’d ever laid eyes on. His face actually flushed as his mouth descended to feast on one taut nipple. He laved the bud between his lips, lifting the swell to take more inside his mouth.

  Satisfied he had that nipple ready, he used both hands to plump and knead her while moving to the other. Julie boldly responded, arching her back forward, her long legs tangling around his. Her hands came to his head, holding him at her breast. He lifted his eyes, watching her reaction. She gave a deep throaty moan of approval as he ran his palm down her flat belly into her open capris.

  She was shaved clean and soaking wet when his fingers breached her seam, sliding across her clit, then lower.

  “Oh God, Connor,” she moaned, tossing her head backward. Julie drove her hips into his hand. “More, Connor. I need more.”

  Damn, he’d tried hard to slow them down, enjoy each other more completely this time. Julie wasn’t nearly on the same page.

  Restrained by the binding of her pants, he shoved his hand lower, slipping two fingers inside her soaked channel while his thumb applied pressure, adding quick sweeps across her clit. Julie went wild. Her feet digging into his calves while her hips bucked against his hand, he shoved his fingers as far inside her as they could go.

  To his surprise, she moved quickly, dislodging his mouth and jostling his hand free as she swung a leg up and over him to shove her pants off. Those went flying across the room as she looked back over at him, clearly confused. “Why are you still dressed?”

  The humor wasn’t lost on him, but more importantly, he jerked into action, fumbling while trying to get his button undone enough to shove his shorts low. Julie crawled across the mattress toward him. He had never realized how visually stimulated he could be. Her sensual move made him fumble as he tried to undress. His skilled hands became useless when she crawled up his body. Luckily for him, she took over where he’d failed. His shorts fell to the bed as she spoke. “I want you to touch me just like you did, okay?”

  He’d had so many surprises with Julie. She reached an arm around his neck and hooked one of those long legs around his waist. Man, he liked that move. Her lips touched his, her arm tightening as he ground his knees into the mattress, but was unable to stop his fall forward. Julie reached a hand between their bodies, her insistent palm gripped the shaft of his dick, impaling him inside her before her back ever hit the mattress. Their gazes connected, the force of the fall bouncing her into his chest until he pressed her into the mattress, driving his cock deeper into her soaked core.

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  The same sexual haze from before now descended, wiping any thought from his head.

  Jesus Christ, what just happened?


  Nothing in the world compared to this man. He was sculpted like she’d never seen anyone before. Every muscle in his chest, all the way from his shoulders to his well-defined six-pack, was carved and on display for her greedy consumption. He was bulky and massive in every single way. More substantial than any other man she’d ever been with. Stars shot from behind her closed eyelids on the very first thrust, doubling in number when he shoved back inside the second time. He instinctively hit her spot with every single move of his powerful hips.

  A fleeting thought settled in the back of her mind: she might actually be ruined. Connor may just be the best she’d ever have.

  The delicious stretch of his width required her to take everything he offered, and in return, this sexual stunner would definitely leave its long-lasting mark. She tried hard to hold off her orgasm, give herself time to enjoy. Steadily, she rolled her hips against Connor, finding the perfect angle to take him to the root. Stars lit again, sending her head backward, her hands fisting into the bedspread.

  “Oh my God, Connor. It feels so good,” she managed again. Of course, his head was right there close to her lips, his tongue shooting out to lick across the seam.

  “Christ, Julie,” Connor hissed, her heels digging in his ass, spurring him on. Connor’s hand went to her hips, lifting another degree, holding her in place.

  Oh dear lord, it just got better. “Yes… Right there… Connor, yes…”

  “It’s too good,” he whispered, seconds before he drove his tongue inside her ear. That had never been quite the turn-on like this before. His warm breath sent shivers across her heated, sensitive skin when he instructed, “Be in this with me, baby.”

  “I’m already ready, Connor. Come with me,” she whimpered, losing the tight hold she had on the bedspread. Erotic desire coiled deep, arching her neck. Connor took advantage of the move, his lips trailing down her neck until he was able to push back on his arms, giving him more advantage in each staggering thrust. Dear God, the man needed no more help, he was perfect on his own.

  Cracking her eyelids, her breath heaved with an unexplained need. She managed to see the magnificence of Connor. He had his eyes screwed tightly closed, that exquisitely muscled body strained and arched, his beautiful brow furrowed as his hips continued driving into her.


  He became fierce, his hands gripping tighter at her waist, slamming his big body into her. He shoved with such force she had to lift her hands to the headboard in a vain attempt to keep her in place. She was little match for his brute strength and did the only thing she knew to do. She rolled her hips, burrowing her heels in the mattress, forcing an arch even when he held her so tightly.

  Lost in the intensity of the moment, she barely heard the sweetly whispered words. “You’re beautiful… How do you do it?”

  Connor’s body collapsed on hers. His tongue drove inside her mouth and his fingers shoved between her folds, rapidly circling her already-there clit. She couldn’t even hold the kiss, her orgasm so powerful she lost everything at its rapid spiral across every cell in her body. Julia hadn’t been pushed over the edge, she’d been flung, free-falling, having no idea what exactly happened or how to recover and couldn’t seem to find it in her to care.

  At some point she surfaced with the weight of Connor’s heavy body surrounding hers, his strong arms pushing underneath her until, in one fluid motion, he rolled to his back, pulling her along with him. She lay sprawled across his vast chest, feeling small and well taken care of—exactly where she wanted to be. She nestled there, relishing the exotic scent of his cologne mixed with all this sweaty, overworked man.

  Still very much in that after-great-sex bliss mode, Julia quietly mumbled, “I need to shower.”

  He moved again, adjusting her much like a child with a rag doll, holding her in the crook of his arm. God knew she tried to open her eyes—she had no idea where he found the strength to move—but the fluttering of her lids only resulted in keeping them securely closed. A jaw-cracking yawn had her burrowing in the comfort of his warmth.

  “Are you on birth control? Is that anything we need to worry about?” Connor asked, his Southern drawl more pronounced with the deep sexy edge he had in his voice. She liked that accent more than she wanted to admit. His sweet breath puffed in her face before the mattress beside her dipped and creaked. He moved while her head lay awkwardly on his bicep.

  How did he have all this energy to keep moving? Finally, she turned her head and forced her eyes open with another long yawn. Connor was spread across the whole side of the bed with her on a little patch at his side.

  “I’m o
n birth control and disease-free. What about you?”

  “I’m disease-free—checked regularly as part of my job. Birth control would’ve been the condom,” he answered cheekily, chuckling as he looked over at her. She lifted her head and gave him a lazy grin. Julia turned, stretching across his chest, placing her hand under her chin as she looked at him. She didn’t know how, but he truly did seem more handsome than even a moment ago. Boy, she liked him so much. In their silence, Connor kept the sweet smile on his face and lifted a hand to caress down her hair and back.

  A comfortable silence continued as she absorbed everything that was Connor McDaniel. If only life could always be this good. God, she’d love that more than she wanted to admit.

  “What do you do for the military?” she asked lazily, not wanting anything to break this moment. Her heart had connected and she truly wanted to know more about this man. For the good or bad of it, their sex had definitely ended in her emotions becoming involved.

  “I’m in special teams, technically a SEAL.”

  Julia watched something happen to him, narrowing her eyes as she tried to figure out what it was. She wasn’t sure, but anxiety skated up her spine as the relaxed, peaceful expression on Connor’s face turned hard and unreadable. His body tensed beneath her.

  The fingers that had been caressing up and down, from her ass to her hip, stopped altogether before his hand dropped away. He moved, dislodging her. In that fluid way he had, Connor rolled to the side of the bed. She was staring at his massive back now. It took everything in her to let it happen when all she wanted was to draw him back in the circle of her arms, make him talk about whatever just happened. A moment later, he rose to his feet and started for the bathroom.

  “I’ll get you a warm washcloth.”

  “You don’t have to. I need to shower. Is that okay?” she called out when he went around the corner. She was still on the bed, her head resting on her hand, and her heart actually ached. He’d severed any of that connection she’d thought they shared when he left her lying there.

  Maybe he wanted her to leave. Oh man, she didn’t want to go.

  “Sure,” he said, his head popping around the corner. The seriousness still lurked, but he did grin, even if it didn’t quite reach his eyes. When he ducked out of sight, he called out, “Are you hungry? I can order something. What would you like?”

  Rolling to her back, she stared up at the ceiling, listening to the faucet in the bathroom. Why was she so relieved that he didn’t want her to leave? In the matter of just a few minutes, she’d been so blissed out she never wanted to leave his arms. Seconds later, he had her heart plummeting with worry. Now she wanted to give herself a high five because he wanted her to stick around.

  Honestly, for her, this had never been merely a one-night stand. She’d had the hots for that man for years, but he didn’t know that and clearly hadn’t felt the same way. Pushing to her side of the bed, she rose, going toward the bathroom, whispering to herself, “Maybe I shouldn’t have given it up so quickly.”

  “What would you like?” he asked, startling her. Connor had his shorts in his hand, shoving one foot through. She lost herself, staring at him. He was literally the hottest guy she’d ever seen. She was in so much trouble. At the bathroom door, she dropped her head back between her shoulders and looked at the ceiling as she answered.

  “Anything really. No sour cream or tomatoes.”

  She needed to find perspective in a major way. He totally knocked her off balance anytime he was around.

  “Want margaritas?” She could tell by his voice that he’d turned toward her. He had to be looking at her naked bottom. That got her moving. Once around the corner of the bathroom, she saw the tangled mess of her hair and groaned as she began finger-combing the strands.

  “Probably shouldn’t. I have an early call tomorrow,” she called out, reaching to shut the door.

  “Okay.” His voice was close, and he appeared in the doorframe, holding her purse. This felt very similar to him opening the bathroom stall door on her. He clearly had no space boundaries.

  He came in, placed her purse on the counter, and stood behind her while circling a hand around her waist. She gave her hair one last hurried run through with her fingers before looking up at him. She stared at him in the mirror as he pressed his body against her back. His face was serious and their gazes connected as he leaned forward to place a kiss on her jaw, right below her ear. “You’re beautiful.”

  “You’re the beautiful one,” she said, lifting a hand up to reach his buzz cut when he nuzzled her neck. “You’re a very handsome man and this body… Do you work out all the time?”

  “I work out a lot. It’s a good stress reliever.”

  “Where does relentless come from?” she asked about the tattoo on his arm.

  “I’ve been called that my whole life. I finally decided it was probably true, so I inked it.”

  Connor leaned back, the quietness returning as they continued to stare at one another. She assessed his mood to be different yet again—somewhere between happy and serious. Somehow working out fell in the same off-limits category as discussing his work in the military. Mental note made.

  “It’s surprising you aren’t in a relationship,” he said, changing that subject on his own.

  “Nope, no relationship,” she said and turned, wrapping both her arms around his waist.

  “Good, I don’t want to have to kick some guy’s ass,” he said after a second of silence, the humor back in his voice.

  “So these muscles can back up what they represent?” Her hand circled one of his biceps, squeezing the hard muscle. He surprised her when he hooked a knuckle under her chin and lifted, her face. His lips right there, waiting for a soft kiss. Mental note on that too. He liked being affectionate.

  “I’d rather be a lover than a fighter.”

  It took a second with his serious expression firmly in place before she barked out a laugh.

  “Well, if you’re half as good at fighting as you are a lover, you got yourself a winner there too.” That earned her another kiss and those knuckles sliding across her cheek before he turned, leaving her standing there.

  “Let me know if you need anything. I’m ordering room service.” He closed the door on his way out.

  She’d always been a very private person. She didn’t do these things—sharing bathroom space, being randomly naked with anyone—yet now she missed his presence. Connor was just so easy to be with. She stared at the door, hoping he’d come back inside. When he didn’t, she turned to the shower, this time registering the slight ache between her legs. Her body was well used. She bent, reaching for the faucet when Connor opened the door a crack and popped his head through.

  “Chicken, fish, steak?”

  She grinned, turning on the water before looking back at him. She was all ass in the air while staring at him from over her shoulder. Of course, he’d seen it all, but still, not her finest moment.

  “I don’t care. Whatever you decide,” she said, lifting, carefully placing a foot inside the tub, thankful the warmth of the water was perfect because she hadn’t checked it before stepping inside. She absently reached for the curtain, closing it behind her.

  Dang, she hadn’t grabbed the soap.

  “Are you staying through the night?” His hand extended inside the shower, holding the courtesy bottles of shampoo and conditioner. How could she even pretend to be annoyed with that offering? He had a natural consideration and never missed a beat. She reached out to take both.

  “I can if you want,” she answered when the bar of soap came in next.

  “How about some ice cream sundaes?” he asked, sticking his head inside the shower this time. With that infectious crooked grin, he gave her a wink before letting his eyes trail down the length of her body in obvious appreciation.

  “I could be into that,” she answered when his gaze traveled back up to her face.

  “Me too.”

  “Okay, now leave me alone so I can showe
r,” she said when his gaze lingered, turned darker, and it looked like he might try to join her.

  “I left a clean T-shirt on the counter,” he said, pulling the curtain closed. Her hands were full of soap, and she smiled a silly little goofy grin. He pulled at her heartstrings in a major way. She was in trouble with that one.


  Funny how sex and good company had her throwing caution to the wind. She’d eaten about as bad as she could, almost a full steak, all of a loaded baked potato with the full calories of real butter and cheddar cheese while having bites of every other plate of food Connor had ordered. God, the food was delicious.

  She collapsed on her back, sprawled across the length of the bed, freshly showered, hair blown dry, no makeup, and wearing Connor’s T-shirt. He sat against the headboard on the opposite side of the bed with some pillows tucked behind his back. His hot, muscled chest was bare, showing his few tattoos, and she pretty much decided he should stay just like that all of the time. There was no denying his high sexy factor, and after a little bit, when all this food digested, she planned to show him exactly how hot she thought he was.

  “I think you ordered too much,” she said, looking over all the plates between them. As much as they’d eaten, there was double that amount still left over.

  “I didn’t know what you liked. I just kept ordering. I think I ended up getting everything on the menu.”

  “I’ll be working this off for hours tomorrow.” She tucked one arm under her head, while patting her belly. Connor gave a small chuckle and shook his head, causing her to turn his way.

  “We still have dessert coming,” he said.

  “Oh lord.” She gave a small groan and lifted her head to see her normally flat tummy extended, pooching out.

  He rose, reaching for the remote, turning on the television before tossing the control her way. “Pay-per-view looks good. I think Ty’s new movie was on there. That’s what they said downstairs.”

  Connor shoved himself off the bed and began moving the plates to the tray on the dresser. She reached across the bed for the remote. With a solid hefty push, she rolled to Connor’s spot, reaching for his pillow to tuck under her head as she looked at the television.


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