Lover's Roulette, (Forever and Always #6)
Page 5
“Of course.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Have you seen my girlfriend? I’m totally sprung.”
That response didn’t make me feel better. “Lust and love aren’t the same thing. Now answer me.”
He met my gaze. “I’m in love with Monnique.”
“And you don’t love Scarlet?”
“I love her like a sister and a friend. How many times do I have to say this? Every time you bring this up, you push Scarlet away. I’m her friend—that’s it.”
“I’ve never been friends with someone I fucked.”
“So that makes it impossible for anyone else?” He leaned back in his chair and rested his arm on the table.
“Perhaps I’m biased but I can’t imagine anyone sleeping with Scarlet and not falling madly in love with her.”
“You did.”
I glared at him, knowing he was right. “That’s a completely different situation.”
“Whatever you say.”
“Did you have feelings for her before?”
“Does it matter?”
“What kind of response is that?”
He leaned forward. “For argument’s sake, let’s say I did have feelings for Scarlet, I was in love with her, and I wanted her to end up with me instead of you. What would that change? She’s marrying you, not me. I’m with Monnique now. And more importantly, Scarlet loves only you. What does it matter how I feel? I understand you’re jealous and bothered by the idea of me being with her, but you’re totally blind to what you have—her complete devotion. Your insecurities are getting old.”
I knew he was right. I was dragging this out longer than I should. As stupid as it was, I still felt threatened by Cortland. Knowing she was so close to him made me jealous. As selfish as it sounded, I wanted to be the only man Scarlet confided everything to. I wanted to be the only man she fucked like an animal. Since I had treated her so poorly in the past, I was scared a better man would come along and take her away. She shouldn’t have given me another chance and I knew I had been a horrible jerk to her. I guess I just had a guilty conscious. “It would be different if she didn’t see you every day.”
“Do you trust her?”
“Of course I do.”
“Then there’s absolutely no reason why you should hate me. Even if I was a total sleazebag, Scarlet wouldn’t cheat on you. So just get over it.”
“You never answered my question.”
I leaned forward, staring him down. “Did you have feelings for her?”
Cortland said nothing.
“You did, didn’t you?”
“Why are you asking me this? Just let it go. Be happy.”
“That answers my question.”
Cortland met my gaze with equal confidence. “So, are we going to have a brawl right here in the middle of the casino?”
“Then what do you want to do?”
“I’m not mad.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You’re not?”
“You’re a living orthodox.”
“Everything you said is true. I shouldn’t feel threatened by you. But I would like you to elaborate on that.”
“There’s nothing to say.”
“I won’t tell Scarlet.”
He sighed. “I had a thing for her as soon as I saw her. Originally, I thought she was one of Ryan’s lady friends. When he said she was his sister, I was taken by surprise. Obviously, I thought she was very attractive. She and I just clicked as soon as we met. I liked being around her, I could be myself. The only drawback was you. She was totally hung up on you. After we fooled around, I felt guilty because I had a girlfriend. When I was with Scarlet, I knew the moment meant nothing to her. I could tell. There’s no doubt in my mind that she loves me, but she doesn’t love me in a romantic way. It might be different if you weren’t in the picture. I knew she was so in love with you that my feelings were misplaced. Instead of going down a path that was doomed, I decided to move on with someone else. That’s when I met Monnique, who I’m madly in love with, would rip out my own heart just to make her happy, and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. That’s the story. It’s over.”
I nodded. For some reason, the revelation made me feel better. I always suspected it and knew Scarlet was oblivious to it. The confirmation that I had been right the entire time gave me some satisfaction. I wasn’t sure how to explain it. “You don’t feel anything for her anymore?”
“I may have cheated on my ex, but that isn’t my style. I’ve always been a monogamous man, always honest and true. Monnique is the only woman in my heart. I think Scarlet is an amazing person, a perfect woman, but she doesn’t hold sway over me. I look at her and see a friend, a family member. When I look at Monnique, I see my whole world. When she looks at me, I see the same feeling on her face. So to answer your question, no.”
“Can this be our secret? I don’t want Ryan to know either.”
“I’ll take it to the grave.”
“Thank you. So we’re cool?”
“Yeah. Thanks for telling me the truth.”
“Scarlet has told me a lot of things. Would you like to hear what she said about you?”
I nodded.
“When she first moved here, she said she couldn’t imagine being with anyone else for the rest of her life. She didn’t want to date anyone, talk to anyone, do anything. She didn’t even go out with us because she didn’t want to meet anyone. After you came back, she told me you were the best sex she ever had, better than me, and that was because she was madly in love with you, something she would never feel for anyone else as long as she lived. It’s always been you from the first day I met her, and even after all the shit we’ve been through, all the crap you did to her, it’s still you. Her love in unconditional. I don’t know what you did to win that girl’s heart, but it’s yours forever.”
“I know it is.”
“So stop hating me.”
I laughed. “Okay. I’ll stop.”
“And if Scarlet knew the truth of my feelings, she would stop talking to me. I’m trusting you not to tell her.”
“She wouldn’t do that.”
“Yes, she would. She fights for our relationship because she believes we are purely platonic, which we are, but if she knew I ever had feelings for her, she would sever the relationship because it wouldn’t be fair to you, that she so close to someone who wanted her to be more than just a friend. So please don’t tell her.”
The realization hit me. If I told Scarlet the truth, I could get rid of Cortland forever. I wouldn’t have to see him anymore and think about what he did with Scarlet. It would be a weight off my shoulders and something I wouldn’t have to stress about. No longer would I have to look at his face and think about him being with Scarlet—my fiancé.
But I loved Scarlet. I always put her first. I knew she loved Cortland and needed him in her life. She had such a horrific past and I knew this new family healed those old scars. As much as I wanted to throw Cortland under the bus just to make myself happy, I couldn’t do that to her. I had to do what was best for her. “I won’t say anything.”
Cortland nodded. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
“I figured the first thing you would do is tell Scarlet so you could get rid of me.”
I smiled. “It crossed my mind.”
“And why aren’t you?”
“Scarlet’s happiness is always more important than mine. She goes first.”
He nodded. “You’re a good man. I’m glad Scarlet is marrying you.”
His words surprised me. Perhaps Cortland wasn’t such a bad guy. Even though he was flawed and had committed serious sins, he was always honest and forthcoming about his intents and feelings. He was loyal to his friends and loyal to Monnique. “I’m glad Scarlet has you as a friend.”
He smiled. “Scarlet would be so happy if she could hear us.�
“Maybe we should hug in front of her. That would make her ecstatic.”
“Knowing her, she would start crying or something.”
“And I would get some hot sex.”
“Whenever I clean the house, Monnique makes it worth my while.”
“Maybe I’ll try that.”
“But what she doesn’t know is that I purposely make the apartment messy so there’s something to clean up.”
I laughed. “Wow. You don’t get enough?”
“No, I do. But she does this really sexy dance for me when I go that extra mile.”
“And she doesn’t notice that you’re trashing the house?”
“I do it gradually.”
“My head is swirling with ideas.”
“I mark up the floors with my shoes because it’s so noticeable. She’s usually too tired to clean when she gets home from work, so when I do it I look like a hero.”
I laughed again. “I’m glad I can turn to you for ideas.”
He shrugged. “What are friends for?”
“Actually, what’s family for?”
A slight smile spread across his lips. He glanced at me then looked away. The relationship between us had finally been repaired. I didn’t see Scarlet when I looked at him. The anger and jealousy had disappeared. Now I just saw a friend.
“What’s going on between them?” Monnique asked as she fixed her hair in the mirror. She picked up the bottle of hairspray and sprayed it into her strands. She was wearing an olive green dress that highlighted her skin tone perfectly. Her curves were noticeable in the dress. She had a thin waist, wide hips, and a very perky ass. I was totally envious of her body. She was thin but not too thin, having the right amount of muscle and fat. I felt hideous when I was near her. She was exotic and beautiful. I felt like a plain white girl. She looked at me in the mirror, catching me staring. “Are you staring at my ass?”
“Huh? What?”
She laughed. “You like what you see?”
“Sorry. I just get a little jealous sometimes.”
“Jealous of what?”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re beautiful, Scar. Don’t think otherwise.”
“Your ass is just really noticeable.”
She raised an eyebrow.
“I swear I’m straight,” I said quickly.
She laughed. “I’ve never seen Sean check me out once. I didn’t realize you were the one I should be worried about.”
“Sean would love that.”
“So what’s with him and Cortland?”
I felt my heart rate increase. “What do you mean?”
“It just seems like Sean hates him most of the time. What did Cortland do?”
I was feeling guiltier by the minute. Monnique and I had become really good friends since she started dating Cortland. I loved having her around, especially since she made him so happy. This made me feel like a total bitch for keeping the truth from her—that I slept with Cortland. I wanted to confess, but I couldn’t throw Cortland under the bus like that. This was his relationship and I didn’t want to wreck it. “They just don’t get along.”
“Have you talked to them?”
I sighed. “Many times.”
“I just don’t see how two guys could argue so much. They’re acting like a bunch of girls.” She put down the hairspray then adjusted her dress in the mirror. It was short, coming to her thigh, and it had a low cut in the front.
“Cortland isn’t going to be happy when he sees you.”
She rolled her eyes. “He can deal with it. I told him when we got together that I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for a long time.” She walked in the closet and retrieved a dark blue dress. It was short and had a cut in the front to show some cleavage. “And Sean won’t be happy when he sees you in this.”
I eyed the dress. It was beautiful. “I can’t wear this.”
“Why?” she asked, putting her hands on her hips.
“Because it’s yours. I brought some dresses along.”
“No, this will go so well with your eyes.” She took it off the hanger and handed it to me. “Come on. I got this for your bachelorette party. You’re going to wear it.”
I touched the fabric in my hands. It was stretchy but thick, able to contain all my goodies. “That was so sweet, Monnique.”
“Now put it on.”
I changed into the dress then pulled on some pumps before I looked in the mirror. I was never someone who looked at their appearance in the mirror often, but I had to admit that I looked like a million bucks. Monnique fixed my hair and sprayed the hairspray into the strands. After applying a little lip gloss and some makeup, which I hardly wore, I looked totally different.
“Damn, you look fine,” Monnique said, nodding her head in approval.
I didn’t know what to say. “I look so different.”
“Because you never wear makeup.”
“I look like a hooker.”
Monnique laughed. “I bet Sean will like it.”
“Uh, I don’t know.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter if he likes it. Do you like it?”
I ran my hands over the dress and saw the curves of my waist and my thin legs underneath. My calves were prominent and my ass stuck out. My busty chest was even more noticeable. I didn’t recognize myself. “I guess.”
“Good. Let’s go.”
We walked down the hall until we came to Janice’s room. Monnique knocked on the door and Ryan answered it a moment later.
Ryan looked at Monnique. “Wow. Expecting to be discovered tonight?”
She ignored him. “Where’s Janice?”
“She’s getting dressed.”
“Tell her to hurry.”
“What are you ladies up to?” he asked.
“You’ll see.”
Janice opened the door wider, wearing a towel. “Sorry that my boyfriend is so rude. Please come in.” She glared at Ryan before she walked away.
We came inside the hotel room then shut the door.
“Go away, Ryan,” Janice said.
“I’m paying for this room,” he said.
She grabbed a shoe and tossed it at him. “Hit the road.”
I laughed. “It looks like you’re getting kicked out.”
He glared at me. “Baby, I’ll meet you downstairs.”
He opened the door then left.
Janice dropped her towel, standing in her bra and underwear. “Sorry, I’m running late.”
“It’s okay,” Monnique said. “I know how it is. Every time you try to get dressed, they just take off your clothes again.” She walked into the closet and pulled out a few dresses. “Try this one.” It was purple.
“I like it,” I said. “You can wear these nude pumps with it.”
“Oh, and this necklace,” Monnique said as she grabbed it from the dresser.
I grabbed a curling iron and started to do her hair while Monnique applied her makeup. Janice clipped in her earrings and did her nails. Like a team, we prepped Janice in minutes. I felt like the pit stop crew in Nascar racing.
Janice looked at herself in the mirror. “Thanks, ladies.”
“No problem,” Monnique said.
Janice grabbed her suitcase and pulled out a veil. “This is for you, Scarlet.”
I looked at it. It said, ‘Blushing Bride’. “Thanks.”
“Put it on,” Janice said. She grabbed it and pinned it in my hair, letting the small veil fall behind my head. I looked at it in the mirror. It was small but noticeable. I liked it.
“Thank you. I don’t know about the blushing part.”
“Neither do I,” Monnique said with a laugh. “Now let’s go.”
We left the room then headed down to the lobby. All the guys were sitting at the table where I left Sean. As we walked across the room wearing our heels, I felt a lot of heads turn toward us, staring at us.
/> When I looked at Sean, he was staring at me, his mouth gaping open. The other three were just as dumbfounded. I reached him and he eyed my body, looking at my thighs, my chest, then my face.
Cortland looked like he would faint. “Humna, humna, humna.”
Ryan grabbed Janice’s hand. “Let’s head back to the room.”
She pushed his hand away. “No. We’re going out.”
Sean pulled me into his lap, his hand moving up my dress. His lips kissed my neck before they kissed my lips. I felt his massive boner under my ass. “You look so fucking hot.”
“You like my veil?” I said as I touched it.
“I didn’t even notice,” he said as he leaned forward and kissed my chest.
I pushed him away. “Sean, we’re in public.”
“You think I care? I’d fuck you on this table if you’d let me.”
Mike’s eyes kept darting to all of us. “Seriously, any of you have any sisters?”
We ignored him.
Janice pulled away from Ryan. “We’re going to a club. See you later.”
Monnique kissed Cortland before she stood up. “Bye, honeybunny.” Cortland looked like he was about to cry.
When I moved off Sean’s lap, he reluctantly let me go. They looked like famished wolves that hadn’t eaten in months. Sean immediately rested his hand on his crouch, blocking the sight of his erection. I noticed the other men do something similar to hide their obvious thoughts.
I linked arms with the girls then we walked away, feeling the perverted stares of our men drill into our asses and thighs.
“So, what do you guys wanna do?” Mike, the first one to recover, asked.
I ignored him. I was still staring at Scarlet’s ass as she left the lobby of the casino. That blue dress highlighted her eyes, making them gleam like stars. But that wasn’t what I was watching most of the time. Her aerobicized thighs caught my attention under that short dress. Her thin legs were perfect. The dress was tight around her waist and her chest, making her huge tits pop out like an exploding firework. I adjusted myself in my seat because my hard cock was pushing against my fly. I could tell the other guys were equally mesmerized by the sight of our girls. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”