Art of Loyalty (A Stern Family Saga Book 4)

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Art of Loyalty (A Stern Family Saga Book 4) Page 13

by Monique Orgeron

  “What about you? Tell me, Ms. Duplantis, what do you do besides weed?”

  “Nothing, just this.”

  I hand him over the joint and he asks, “So why now? I can see you’re nervous, but why?”

  “No personal questions remember.”

  “That was for when we were under contract. I thought you tore the contract up.”

  “I did.”

  “Then I can ask anything I want.”

  “And I can still not tell you a damn thing.”

  I take another hit and ask, “How did you find me?”

  “I wasn’t looking for you, babe. This is my side of the house.”

  He waves his hand around and says, “You know the smell and the noise from the exhaust fan were dead giveaways. My brothers and I learned that trick a long time ago when Catherine busted us.”

  I start laughing, I can just imagine Catherine walking into the bathroom and finding all of them sneaking a joint.

  “Wow that’s funny. I’d have loved to see Catherine’s face when she caught y’all. I didn’t know any of you smoked. What else do the Stern boys do?”

  “My brothers never did anything else other than this. They still smoke with me here and there.”

  “So, do you do any other drugs anymore, besides pot and booze?”

  He looks me dead on and gets serious. “No, never again.”

  I can’t help but stare at him. There’s so much he’s not telling me. I want to know more and it sucks because instead of wanting nothing more than to forget about him, I want to know it all. That knowledge scares the hell out of me. Before either one of us has a chance to say another word, someone is banging on the door.

  “Open up man, I can smell it from here. Let me in, damn it.”

  Vin moves away from the door and Liam burst in. “Shit man, you could have warned me before I fell through.” He straightens up when he sees me. “Oh, shit did I interrupt something?”

  “No Liam. Here, I’m done.”

  `I pass the joint to Liam and walk out the bathroom without even giving Vin another look.


  “What the hell man!” I yell at Liam.


  “What? Really?!”

  “I was just coming to find you, mom says it’s time for us to take our places.”

  I grab the joint from him and take another hit before throwing it in the toilet.

  “Vin, what the fuck man? I wanted a hit.”

  “Too bad.”

  I storm out the bathroom pissed. That was the first conversation I’ve had with Brittany in months. If I’d have had more time, I would’ve done way more than talk to her. I could smell her desire for me over the smell of the pot. I know she wanted me just like I wanted her. Shit, Liam!

  I make it downstairs, taking my place beside my brothers. Liam follows, and stands to the left side of me. All the Stern men on full display, Zander, Gabriel, Liam and me, then on the side of Liam stands Teddy. We’re a proud bunch when we start seeing the girls coming down the aisle to the wedding music Murphy selected.

  I know my brothers’ eyes all light up the minute they see their wives. But what surprises me is my reaction when I see Brittany. My God, the woman is beautiful. If I never look at another woman again, I would die a happy man. I can see her trembling, which is odd. I’ve never seen her any other way but confident. Then suddenly she stops, right there in the middle of the aisle, her eyes are on someone in the audience. I look over to see who she’s looking at and see a man giving her a hard look. I start to move but Gabriel’s arm holds me back, letting me know not to budge. I let out a growl letting him know to back off. He won’t stop me but then I look back up and she is moving again. Gabriel whispers,

  “She can handle it. She’s stronger than that.”

  I look over at him still pissed but now I am pissed at myself. How did I not know that about her? Why does Gabriel know her well enough to know how strong she is?

  I brush it off when I see the kids. How can I not? They’re our everything. They might not be mine, but I love each one of them and would do anything for them. I don’t think I will have any of my own, so they are the closest I’ll ever get. When the twins yell, “Daddy,” we almost lose it. The audience goes wild with laughter at how cute they are.

  Looking back up, I see Brittany’s head lowered. After a minute or two, she raises her head and I can tell she has a different persona about her now. It’s like she transformed on the spot. I know what she’s doing. She’s protecting herself and it pisses me off all over again that she feels she has to.

  When the ‘I do’s’ are done, we all take our turns walking back up the aisle. I’m waiting for Brittany to wrap her arm around mine, so I can escort her up the aisle. She hesitates but then does what is expected. I see Fallon look back at us, I know the girls did this on purpose; lining us up to walk together. It seems like they are trying to play matchmaker, and even though I love the feel of her on my arm, they need to butt out.

  We walk into the reception tent and immediately she releases her tight grip on my arm and walks away. With the warmth of having her near me gone, I feel alone. Alone in a way I’ve never felt. It’s hard to explain. I look around at all the paired-up faces in the crowd and for the first time, I wish I was paired up too. Damn her. With Brittany, I’m experiencing feelings I’ve never had before and for the first time, I don’t mind them. Everything I always said I wouldn’t do, I find myself now wanting to do them, all with her.


  I’m so glad the actual wedding part is over. I was so nervous walking down the aisle and then when I saw Lester I froze mid step. His eyes showed enough disgust for me that I didn’t know what to do. It took everything in me not to back away and run. Catherine didn’t warn me he would be here. She should have.

  But then I put Lester aside. I stood up on the podium and thought how funny it is that the men here can look at me this way now but when they are between my legs it’s a completely different look I get. Screw them. I might still have trembled a little, but I lifted my head and stood proudly on my spot.

  The ceremony was beautiful, but I have to admit, my guard came back up. I just couldn’t do it without my mask. I felt every set of eyes on me and I swear I could hear the whispers. When the wedding was over, Vin came to collect me. I wasn’t sure I wanted to touch him after what happened in the bathroom, but I’m glad I did because at that moment, I needed to be held up by him. Once we walked into the reception tent I released him. I didn’t want him to think I couldn’t handle this, because I can. I won’t use him as a crutch and If I am to be crucified, I can be crucified all by myself. I don’t want anyone trying to drag him down with me.

  I decide to hang out at the bar. With all the stares, at least I can get a few drinks in me. Too quickly it’s announced that it’s time for the wedding party to dance. Okay, I can do this. I swallow my drink in one gulp, feeling the burn of the whiskey sliding down my throat, hoping it will help me gain some much-needed courage. I walk to the middle of the dancefloor, watching as everyone goes to their significant others, even Teddy and Kyle have dates. As I watch, I feel a hand come around from the back of my waist. He doesn’t say anything, but I know it’s him. My body knows it’s him, it’s like he has trained my senses to recognize his touch. He slowly comes around and grabs my hand never lifting his other hand from the back of my waist. He starts slowly moving us around to a slow song. I’m trying so hard not to make eye contact, keeping my head low and turned. But I can feel his penetrating gaze, begging me to look at him. He starts to turn us around and I feel his control in the lead of our movements. There is nothing this man doesn’t control. His moves are very smooth and practiced, which surprises me. What doesn’t surprise me is how good it feels to be in his arms. He tightens his hold on me and I allow my hand on his arm to slide up, passing along every bulge and hard ridge of what I know lies beneath this tuxedo. That’s when he leans down and whispers in my ear.

  “Look at me,

  It might be a whisper but with his deep smooth voice, it is still nothing but commanding. I shiver with chills; he has my body tingling with his words. The worst part is, I can tell he knows it.

  He whispers again, “Give them to me baby. I just need to see your eyes.”

  God help me because I do, beyond my better judgment. I look up and look at the only man I have ever wanted. When our eyes connect, it’s like no one else is in the room. We don’t say anything, we just stay connected. It is like we become one in that moment, not needing the other to say a word. Our bodies continue to sway to the music until I feel a small hand on my leg. I stop moving and look down. Gavin is there pulling at my dress for me to pick him up. Without thinking about it, I automatically pick him up and let him snuggle into my neck. I start to sway him while his tiny fingers start rubbing up and down my neck like he always does. I look up and see Vin watching Gavin with me. But it only lasts for a second or two when I see Gabriel walking up with Fallon behind him.

  Gabriel tries to take him from me. “Come on son, come to daddy.”

  But when Gavin realizes that Gabriel is trying to take him from me, he tears at my neck and dress screaming.

  Fallon runs up, “Gabriel leave him. He wants Brittany to hold him.”

  I see Gabriel’s confusion written all over his face as his son settles back on me, laying his head back on my neck. Fallon tries to cover it by saying, “Looks like Gavin has taken a liking to pretty girls. Leave him Gabriel. I think we can trust him with Brittany. If he wasn’t comfortable with her, he wouldn’t want to stay.”

  Gabriel is still watching his son’s affection for me, wondering why he would have an instant bond with me. If he only knew I see Gavin as much as I can, I think he would go off the edge.

  Vin stands closer now telling Gabriel, “We have him, don’t worry.”

  Gabriel looks at me then asks, “You sure you want to have him with you?”

  “Go have fun you two. I will just dance with the little man. I’m sure that’s all he wants.”

  Gabriel nods, but then before he can walk away from us Gavin lifts his head, calling me Teany like he always does and kisses my check.

  Gabriel moves towards us again but Fallon calls to him, “Gabriel come on, dance with me. Leave Gavin to his new girlfriend.” She takes her hand, rubbing up his arm, curling her fingers around his hair, getting his attention off of us. When Gabriel reluctantly turns, she winks at me dragging him away.

  Vin turns and sees how hurt Gabriel made me feel. “Brittany, he’s an asshole, but he doesn’t really want to hurt you. He’s just so scared Fallon will find out about you two.”

  I squeeze Gavin in my arms, trying to pour all my love into him. “I know Gabriel is just trying to protect his family. It’s just…I wish…”

  “You wish he knew how much you loved our little man.”

  I nod my head and close my eyes before I let a tear out. Vin asks, “Dance with me again?”

  I open my eyes and tell him, “No I’m okay. I’m just going to go sit down with him for a little while.”

  I make my way to a table and sit, rocking Gavin in my arms. Catherine walks up with the twins. “Brittany, would you do me a favor and watch these two, so I can dance with Theo?”

  Gavin lifts off my shoulder and gets down to play with the girls. “Yeah go ahead, I don’t mind.”

  “Thank you, I won’t be too long.”

  Catherine leaves and I lean down to play with the kids. After a few minutes, the music shifts to a fast beat. The kids start bobbing their little heads and dancing, so I stand up and join them. We are having so much fun until I hear a woman’s voice.

  “Do you not have any shame?”

  I turn and look at whom I presume is Lester’s wife because I see him heading our way. I get in front of the twins and Gavin, trying to shield them from hearing whatever this woman might have to say to me.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t think this is an appropriate time for this conversation.”

  “The only thing not appropriate here, is you. You’re here acting all high and mighty trying to pretend you aren’t the whore you are.”

  Before I can respond in defense of myself, I hear Catherine’s voice.


  I hear some yelling. I turn to see Lester’s bitch of a wife scolding Brittany. How dare she? I told him he was still allowed to come because I needed the damn deal to go through. He knew I was not happy about what he did. This deal was going to be his retribution. I was going to make him suffer first through his business before I allowed Vin to have him. I walk over to them and tell her,

  “Leslie, I think you owe my friend an apology.”

  “Apology? She should be the one apologizing to all of us for her being here in our presence. She is making a mockery of you and your family.”

  This woman has no idea the protection I have been giving her husband. Well, it is all finished now.

  I walk right up to Leslie and get real close. “I think it is time to apologize to my guest, she is a dear friend of my family. Anyone who thinks like you do is more than welcome to leave my home and never return. Now, are we going to have a problem?”

  As I stare the woman down, Lester walks up and then Vin. I never remove my eyes from Leslie and start talking to Lester.

  “Lester, are we going to have a problem or are you going to make your wife apologize to my friend?”

  “Catherine, you can’t be serious. You want my wife to apologize to a hooker?”

  I hear Vin growl out and move to attack Lester, but I stop him. Now is not the time.

  I look at him and tell him, “Vincent, not at your brother’s wedding. Not now. I am a patient woman. There’s a time for everything.”

  I turn back to Leslie and let her see my sinister side, smiling beautifully, I tell them both, “I called my son off because I don’t want to make a scene, but know this, you have offended me greatly. I plan on returning the favor.”

  Lester goes to say something, but I stop him by holding my hand up. “I would appreciate you not making this any worse on yourselves. Do the proper thing by escorting yourselves off my property, before I have it done for you.”

  They look appalled, but they turn and walk away; leaving my son’s wedding. Vin stands vigilant until Lester and his wife walk off. I turn to Brittany and lay my hand on her cheek, letting her know I will always have her back. I could and should have dealt with Lester sooner, but everything has a time. I’m still not ready to bring down justice, but with today’s disrespect, he has forced my hand.

  I turn away from Brittany and walk a few steps away from her to Vin. I whisper to him, “He is the one that hurt Brittany. He’s yours now. Do with him as you wish.”

  I see the rage in him. Vincent hates violence against a woman. He will get justice for her the only way he knows how. It’s something he needs, I’ve held him off long enough.

  Vin nods his head and it is done. Lester will never be a problem again. I walk back over to Brittany and grab the twins from her. As I walk away holding on to my baby girl’s little hands I pray they will never have to go through any abuse from a man. If so, I hope I am around to dish out the justice. But as I look down and see their beautiful faces, I have to hold back a huge laugh. I can already tell by the look in their eyes, they will dish out their own justice. They will be stronger than I am and that pleases me very much.


  The minute Catherine tells me that it was Lester who hurt Brittany, it takes everything in me not to run after his ass. I agree not to interfere with Zander’s wedding, but Lester will get what’s coming. It’s time to get my hands dirty. It’s been far too long.

  But my plans are halted when I hear Brittany talking to Gavin.

  “Hey Gavin, Teany has to go. Give me a big hug, okay.”

  “You don’t have to leave Brittany.”

  When Gavin stops hugging her neck, she looks up and tells me, “Take Gavin please and tell everyone that I enjoyed the we
dding very much, but something came up.”


  “Please Vin, just see to Gavin.”

  I watch Brittany walk as fast as she can out of the party. But I wasn’t the only one, little man watches too, “Teany.”

  “Yeah, I know little man, Teany.”

  About two hours later the party is still in full swing when we get an unexpected visitor. Richard Shaw has come, demanding a meeting with Catherine. None of us are happy to see him but none more than Theo. Catherine tries to calm the situation and allows Richard to speak with her. As they walk off, we’re all on high alert. His being here can’t mean anything other than trouble.

  Not quite an hour later Catherine returns, refusing to answer any of our questions but wanting to speak with all the women. Fallon, Avery, and Murphy all follow her back into the house. When they return, someone had better start answering some damn questions.



  The day after the wedding I ask all the family to gather. Zander and Murphy decided not to go on a honeymoon; neither of them are willing to leave the twins yet and Murphy absolutely refuses to miss any more work right now.

  I sit waiting and contemplating how to make them all understand what happened last night between Richard and me. But more than that, I’m contemplating what Richard wrote in that letter. Is he just playing a sick game with me, trying to get me to doubt Vin? Planting ways to destroy my family little by little from the inside? I wouldn’t put it past him. But if someone is here, trying to use Vin against me, I need to know. And Vin has never said a word to me. Why?

  According to Richard, the person has already made contact with Vin. Is it possible he doesn’t even know someone wants to use him as a pawn? The scariest part is I know my son, I trust Vin with my life, but if he thinks he can handle things on his own, he will or at least try.


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