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Art of Loyalty (A Stern Family Saga Book 4)

Page 29

by Monique Orgeron

  I have to laugh because the minute I say that, she jumps out her chair and starts frantically looking everywhere for her phone.

  I leave the house with new found confidence. Now, to get permission.

  I arrive at the nursing home, nervous. I never imagined myself ever doing this. After our last conversation, I don’t know what Willy will think of my proposal.

  Knocking on his door, I hear him yell to come in. I walk in, finding him in his wheelchair, reading. “Hey Willy, I was wondering if I could speak to you for a few minutes?”

  “Whoa, what happened to your face?”

  I chuckle and tell him honestly, “I killed the snake, all of it.”

  He nods, knowing exactly what I’m referring to but leaves it alone. He changes the subject. “You know, I’m not pissed at you boy, just disappointed, for Brittany. What do you need?”

  “I’m sorry about the last time I was here. I didn’t mean to disrespect you or your granddaughter. I just wasn’t sure how to handle what I was feeling.”

  “What are you feeling?”

  “I’m in love with Brittany and I want to marry her. Now, I know I have some issues, but if it would be okay, I think I would like to continue talking to you and your friends. It helped me to hear everyone’s stories. I think you were right. I never trusted anyone enough to feel comfortable talking to them, but I trust you. If you think I can come back, I’d like to.”

  He puts his book down and looks at me with a stern look. “Do you promise to be here every Wednesday, to put forth the work in talking to us?

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you promise to be loyal to my Brittany and never hurt her?”

  “Always. I would never hurt her, I promise.”

  “Good, because I know people. We might be old, but we still know how to shoot and one of us is an expert with explosives.”

  I stand straighter, shocked. The man just threatened me.

  He smiles and starts laughing. “Scared you? Good, it’s about time. I never thought you would get your head out your ass. Going to church to pick up a hooker. Who does that?”

  “I told you old man, I did not go to church to pick up a hooker.”

  “Sure, you didn’t, now you’re going to marry her.”

  He starts rolling his chair out the door but then stops. “How are you going to convince her? She doesn’t think you love her.”

  “I’m going to prove it to her.”

  He turns around and starts heading out the door. “Hey, where are you going?”

  “I can’t wait to ask Dolive to go to the wedding with me.”

  I watch as he continues to roll down the hall.

  Now to meet Baxter and then one more appointment.



  I wake to a knock on the door. Looking around at my surroundings, I remember I’m in Vin’s bedroom but he’s nowhere to be found. Someone knocks again, covering my body, I tell whoever it is to come in.

  Catherine walks in carrying some clothes. “Good afternoon, I thought you might be up by now.”

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s eleven thirty. I asked Avery to loan you some things.”

  She lays the clothes down and then sits on the bed. “I want to thank you for what you did.”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  She looks at me with tears in her eyes. I’ve never seen Catherine like this, and I’m not sure what to do.

  “Brittany you brought my Vincent to life. For that, I will always be grateful.”

  “Catherine, I think you’re giving me too much credit. I really didn’t do anything.”

  “You loved him. You showed him that he wants and needs to be loved. No matter what I have done to show him he deserved to be loved, it never worked. You got to him, you made him feel your love.”

  “Catherine, remember you gave me my freedom from Vin.”

  She stands and walks to the door. “I did, you are free from his contract. But if you think it will be that easy to escape his love, you’re mistaken.” She opens the door and says, “I expect you to be at lunch in thirty minutes.”

  She shuts the door, leaving me alone. I know I should listen to her and go down for lunch but that would just be too weird. Maybe I can sneak out? I get dressed and open the door, looking to see if the coast is clear. I walk fast to the back staircase leading to the kitchen. I’m almost to the back door when I freeze, hearing Zander laughing.

  “Trying to sneak off? It won’t work. Mom will know the second you pass the front gate.”

  I turn, looking at him carrying his twin daughters. I know he’s right, it’s useless trying to sneak out. When Catherine wants something, you just give it to her.

  “You need some help with them?”

  “Yes, which one you want?”

  “How can you tell them apart?”

  “Their personalities. They’re both a handful but Logan here, is a little more rambunctious than Ryan.

  “Then give me Ryan. I don’t want to be accused of rubbing off on her.”

  He hands who I guess is Ryan over and tells me, “Sorry sweetheart, there is no chance of that, they both take after Murphy and me. With parents like us, they have no choice but to raise some hell when they get older.”

  He grabs something off the counter then tells me, “Come on, let’s go do the family thing.”

  I take a deep breath and look at Ryan’s beautiful, smiling face. “All right kid, I can do this.”

  I walk out to the dining room with Ryan in my arms. Everyone looks up at me, everyone but Vin, who’s not here. Gavin runs up to me yelling, “Teany!” I bend to hug him tight. When I stand back up, Gabriel is eyeing me, not looking too happy. Catherine waves to the chair she wants me to sit at. Once Zander gets Logan in her highchair, I hand him Ryan and sit down.

  I ask Catherine where Vin is, and she tells me he had some appointments to take care of, but that he shouldn’t be too much longer. Everyone starts passing plates of food around. It’s not exactly what I expected eating with the Stern’s would be like. I always thought that they had servants serving them each a plate; something more formal. Catherine notices my surprise and says, “We’re not always formal Brittany. We’re a family and we prefer to eat like any other. Go ahead, grab what you would like.”

  I shrug and fill my plate. Right then, we hear Murphy yelling Zander’s name then she storms into the room. I freeze and watch the fireworks.

  “Zander! Where the hell are you?”

  She spots him sitting with the girls and yells, “YOU! This is all your fault!”

  He looks at her feigning innocence. “What did I do? I’ve been with the girls. Tell her, Brittany.”

  “Me? I..I…don’t involve me.”

  Vin appears, standing behind her. He looks over at me and smiles, looking mischievous. He walks over to me and sits beside me. He whispers, “Did I miss the show?”

  “It’s just getting started. Is this normal?”

  “Nothing is normal between those two.”

  Catherine asks the million-dollar question, “Murphy, what did Zander do this time?”

  She waves a plastic stick in the air and yells, “I’m pregnant! He knocked me up again!”

  Zander jumps up and runs to Murphy, lifts her off the floor, swinging her around.

  “Damn right I did! I love you, Red!” He puts her down and kisses her like a man, starving.

  Everyone jumps up to go and congratulate them. I stay seated to give them their family time.

  Once everyone is back seated, I tell Murphy and Zander congratulations. Murphy seems to be fine now and looks happy.

  Gabriel still looks stoic sitting across from me. Vin notices too. He slams his hand on the table and leans over on it.

  “All right Gabriel, let’s have it!”

  “I don’t like this, and you know it!”

  Fallon surprises us all by saying, “I know, you’re being an ass!”

  Gabriel turns looking at Fallon,
shocked by her words.

  Catherine yells for Jeffery to come and take the children to the kitchen. Gabriel leans back in his chair, waiting for the time to strike.

  The minute the kids are out the room, he looks at Fallon then me and says, “How long?”

  Fallon asks, “How long what?”

  “Don’t play stupid with me Fallon. How long have you known about Brittany? I imagine it’s quite a while because my son sure does react to her like he’s known her his whole life.”

  Fallon backs her chair up, “Because he has! I’ve known about Brittany since the beginning. She met Gavin for the first time when he was just a few weeks old. She’s my best friend. I don’t care that you slept with her. Jesus, who haven’t any of y’all slept with?”

  Liam jumps in first, “Don’t bring me into this, I never slept with Brittany.” Then he turns to me and says, “Not that I wouldn’t have wanted to.”

  Avery tells him to shut up. Then Fallon says, “Besides, I know you will never sleep with her again because I would have to kill you. If not me, then Vin would!”

  Right then Vin stands and shouts, “Enough, no one is ever sleeping with Brittany again. She’s retired, she’s no longer working.”

  Gabriel stands, then Theo stands, waiting to see which one is going to make the first move. But then it hits me what he just said.

  I stand yelling, “Retired? You can’t tell me I’m not working. Catherine bought my contracts back from you. I can do what I want!” I start jabbing a finger into his chest. “I decide who I sleep with, not Gabriel, not you, me!”

  He bends, throwing me over his shoulder. I watch as Theo sits back down. “I said you’re retired. I’m not having my wife sleeping with any other men!”

  He puts me on my feet in the living room. “What did you say?”

  “I said, my wife!”

  I sit down before I fall. Vin drops to his knee in front of me.

  “Brittany, I love you, hell I think I’ve been in love with you since the first time I saw you. I was stupid thinking I didn’t. I still don’t know if I deserve you, but I am willing to earn your love. I know I have some baggage, but I’m working on it. I promise I will get better.” He digs into his pocket and pulls out a black ring box. “Your grandfather gave his blessing for me to ask you to marry me.”

  I can’t move or speak, I just watch as he opens the box. “Oh my God!” It’s a beautiful, large solitaire diamond on a platinum band. Simple, but elegant.

  “I hope you like it?”

  I’m still speechless, then he pops the question. “Brittany, will you marry me?”

  I’m trying to find the words to answer him, but my mind is going places I have no control over. I keep thinking how he is everything I have ever wanted, but how much this marriage could hurt him. All of them will suffer for having me in their family. I remember telling Catherine how I wouldn’t do this to any of them. I shake my head and find the words,

  “No, Vincent. I won’t marry you. I’m sorry.”

  I stand to run off seeing everyone staring in our direction. Vin grabs me by my arm and throws me back down on the sofa. “You told me no? You can’t tell me no! You love me, I know you do. You might not have said it but…”

  I stop him because I can’t stand to hear him go on. “I do love you, Vincent. I’ve loved you so long that I don’t even remember a time when I didn’t.” I lower my voice and get closer to his face. “You are the only man I have ever loved, but I’m no good for you. I can’t hurt you this way. I will be yours forever, but not in marriage.”

  He stands up and walks away but I chase, stopping him. “Look at me Vincent, I love you. We will make a new arrangement just like you wanted but I won’t marry you.”

  “The hell you won’t! You will put this ring on your finger and you will marry me. I want a marriage contract and children.”

  I look back over to everyone not even pretending they’re not spying. “Since when do you want children?”

  “Since I fell in love with you. You opened my heart Brittany. With you, anything is possible.”

  He starts unbuttoning his shirt. “What are you doing?”

  “I am going to show you how much I love you.” He gets his shirt opened and I see a large bandage. He starts peeling it away and that’s when I see his new tattoo. It’s beautiful and colorful, the only color on him.

  “You see this Brittany?” He points to the two roses on his shoulder. “This one lying down shriveled, is my mother. I watched her die after years of abuse. This one here is for Catherine. It still stands, living and surviving. The petals that have fallen stand for the pain she suffered from the same man that killed my mother, but the rose still stands strong.”

  Then he points to his heart where there lays a red, full bloomed rose standing. “This is for you. You have all your petals because you’re full of life, and generous to everyone. You stand strong, proud of who you are, and you should be. I’m proud of you and I will be proud to call you my wife. The rose is vibrant red because you brought color into my life. You showed me joy. You are my color, my light in all my darkness. And I put you over my heart because with you there, I am safe and sound.”

  I’m crying hysterically. Vin grabs my face and says, “I need you, Brittany, now and forever. I can’t go back to living without you by my side. I don’t care what anyone thinks, and neither will my family. We all love you. You are worthy of that love. You are my home, Brittany. Now, will you marry me?”

  I look over to everyone waiting for an answer then I look back at the man who just confessed how much he loves me.

  “Yes Vincent, yes, I will marry you.”

  Jumping into his arms, I hear him moan in pain from his bruises and the tattoo, but he holds me even tighter, kissing me with more love than he ever has before. Everyone runs into the living room, congratulating us. They’re all so excited, all except Gabriel. When everyone is finished hugging and kissing us, I turn to him, questioning his silence, “Gabriel?”

  He walks over and kisses my cheek. “I only ever wanted you to be happy. I wasn’t sure if he would be able to love you like you deserved. But he does. I have no problem with you being family. It looks like my wife and son already consider you family. This is nothing more than us telling the world that you are now ours. You are now a Stern and I dare someone to look at you wrong.”

  Vin pushes Gabriel back, “Alright brother, that’s my line.”

  Catherine shouts out. “Enough, we are family and we protect each other. No one now, or in the future, will ever come between us. Family, to the end.”



  The next day, Brittany and I decide to go back to her home. We figured we need the time to be just us. We know it won’t last long. Mom insisted on planning the wedding now. She claims there is no reason to wait, especially since Brittany says she doesn’t want a big wedding. She only wants a few friends and family there but insists on having the wedding at her church. I never saw myself getting married or that it would ever be in any church.

  But here I am, a month later, standing at the altar in church waiting for my bride to come walking down the aisle. Gabriel is my best man and standing up for me on the side is all my brothers, Liam, Zander, and Teddy.

  The audience is small, just like we wanted. All of Brittany’s working friends are here, and so are Willy’s friends, who are now mine. I’ve been carrying through with my therapy with them and we have become close. I had a party limo pick them all up to be here today. They loved it and they even brought dates, including Dolive for Willy.

  The music starts, and I stand at attention as the women all start walking in. Avery, Murphy, and Candy. Fallon is her matron of honor and Chloe is her maid of honor. They’re wearing the deep red dresses, Brittany picked.

  The music changes and my heart skips a beat the second I see Brittany walking in, looking more beautiful than I’ve ever seen her. She has her long hair up in a tight bun and she’s wearing an all lace, long sleeve dress.
The dress is an ivory color because she refused to wear white. It’s high on her collarbone, revealing no skin, looking very demure, however her back is totally exposed. She’s also wearing pearl earrings mom gave her as a wedding present. Willy is on the side of her, looking sharp as he walks her down the aisle using a hand-carved cane I had custom made for him.

  Gabriel whispers to me, “You better take care of her.”

  I should be pissed but it’s just Gabriel showing he cares. “Always, brother.”

  Willy brings her straight to me, passing her hand off to mine. That’s when I see the tears. I pull her in and wrap my arms around her. “Don’t cry, baby.”

  “I’m happy Vin. I never thought I would have this.”

  I make her a promise that I plan on delivering. “I’m going to make all your dreams come true.”

  She kisses me, and the pastor begins the ceremony. Once we are announced as husband and wife, the audience starts cheering and clapping. I’m so in awe of my wife. I tune them out, slowly taking a step closer to her. I grab her face and gently kiss her lips once then twice. There is nothing better than showing her my tender side. Her hands slide up my arms as she kisses me back and whispers how much she loves me. “Never quit telling me that.” She kisses me one more time then Fallon breaks us up and says that everyone started leaving already. We were so caught up in the moment, we didn’t realize.

  We all gather back at the mansion for the small reception. Willy is so happy, walking in with Dolive on his arm but, then he spots mom. I have to laugh at him. The man has a serious crush on her. Dolive even shows jealousy. The party is going great until Zander comes to me and says, “You know her family is yours now too, right?” I nod my head thinking of course. “Well your little sister is outside flirting with one of my guys and he’s liking it a little too much.” He slaps my shoulder. “Good luck with that. Looks like you will be doing the crazy dad thing before me.”

  He starts laughing as he walks away. Great!


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