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The Mile High Madness

Page 22

by Anders, Annabelle

  She pulled Corinne’s truck around to the back, cut the engine, and then nearly jumped out of her skin when Red came charging out to greet her. Two days ago, she would have been terrified by this. Tonight, he served as a reminder that the horses needed feed. What else? She’d need to look at Corinne’s note or she’d miss something for sure.

  Damn you Peyton.


  Peyton’s first inclination had been to drive straight to The Rusty Tavern, in Hotchkiss, and get rip roaring drunk. That’s what he would have done five years ago, before Corinne moved back in, before he’d taken partial responsibility for his niece. But he couldn’t allow himself such a selfish luxury today. Hell no, a text had just come through from his neighbor on the south side. Part of the fence had fallen.

  So instead of drowning his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey, he’d stopped at home, picked up his tools, and driven to the edge of the property.

  Normally he would have enjoyed the feel of the hammer in his hand, taken satisfaction knowing that this repaired section was now stronger than the rest. He would have liked to feel his muscles strain, get some dirt on his hands.

  But today held no peace.

  He’d seen the look in Stella’s eyes when he’d left her. He’d known she was mad as hell.

  He just… God, he just couldn’t handle anymore today. He’d sat in that room, listened to that doctor, and watched the light of hope leave Corinne’s eyes forever.

  He’d held her while she cried and known her pain was emotional as well as physical. It had been the worst day he could remember since getting the call about his mom and dad.

  He just didn’t think he could deal with Misty’s grief today too… fucking coward that he was.

  He replaced his tools and slammed the tailgate shut. He needed to take care of the chores at home now. The sun’s last rays barely lit up the distant sky in a myriad of pinks and oranges and reds. Stars twinkled in the east.

  Just two nights ago he’d sat beneath this same sky with a pretty girl. He’d wanted to kiss her.

  These feelings for Stella somehow blindsided him. Amidst the torment of Corinne’s cancer and Misty’s coming loss, he couldn’t forget the taste of Stella’s lips.

  What a mess. Such a fucking mess.

  The road back to the house had more rocks and ruts than most horse trails but he’d driven it a thousand times.

  Would she be there with Misty? Of course, she would. Stella had that something about her that he knew she’d do what needed to be done. Despite her looks, and her city background, she was solid, dependable, the opposite of what he’d assumed before they’d met. Part of him wanted to see her, to talk to her – apologize – but another part of him resented her presence tonight.

  She’d seen him at his worst today. Likely she hated him by now. He’d abandoned her. Hell, all of them.

  Corinne’s truck was parked behind the house. As he pulled up, Red came dashing out of the barn with Stella not far behind him. Whereas Red made a mad dash for the truck, however, Stella folded her arms defensively and glared. Her pony tail was slipping out of its tie and she had hay stuck on her jeans, but standing there, with the golden sunlight caressing her face, she nearly took his breath away.

  Unwilling to wait for him to climb out of the truck, she narrowed her eyes, scowled, and then disappeared inside the barn. Misty would be inside with the horses. Damn, he owed them both an apology.

  He turned off the engine and just sat for a minute, trying to come up with the right words to say, until Red’s impatience forced him to climb out. After a few affectionate pets, Peyton ambled reluctantly toward the barn door.

  “Stella,” he called out. “You don’t have to do that. I’ll finish up in here.” A pile of dirty hay in front of her, she ignored him and kept sweeping up the last bits.

  “I’ve got it.” She swiped at a strand of hair hanging in her face. She looked flushed and her eyes were red.

  Self-loathing kicked him in the ass.

  He snatched the broom out of her hands, tossed it on the ground and enfolded her in a giant hug. “I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”

  Shaking, she pushed against his chest. “Just leave me alone.” But then she buried her face against him and a sob racked her frame. “Don’t do that! Don’t leave me alone again. Not like that.”

  Peyton tucked her head beneath his chin and ran his hand down her hair. Her warmth, gentle hiccups, those fragile hands clenched against his chest – all of it along with Stella’s sweet perfume mixed with the smell of horses – made him feel like he’d come home.

  “Shhh…” He kissed the top of her head, holding her against him still. “I won’t. I’m here.” A combination of want and need tore him up. He grabbed both sides of her face to look at her. Silver eyes gazed back searchingly. And then, with a single nod and a slow blink, she forgave him. With that gift, he traced his mouth along the side of her cheek. When he finally reached her lips, he paused, his heart thundering inside his chest. He could almost taste her already. “I’m here.” He murmured the words again before closing the distance between them.

  She welcomed him with a sweetness he didn’t deserve.

  The warmth spreading into his limbs, his gut, his… heart… were all new. She felt so fresh and unfamiliar and yet so right. Unlike when he’d kissed her from atop Hermes, he could feel the entire length of her body. And he could linger, taste, explore the tender skin behind her lips.

  She sighed sweetly, and slender arms crept around his neck. As she did so her breasts pressed against him fully. He ran his hands down her back. Ah, Stella. The soft curves of her body felt fragile and small.

  Grasping her long ponytail from behind, he tugged downward. Stella needed little prodding and allowed him access to the tender skin of her neck. He dragged his mouth along her shoulder but then captured her mouth again. From the moment he’d laid eyes on her he’d wanted this. He’d wanted to possess her, to know her. He’d wanted to be a part of her.

  Certain parts of his anatomy agreed whole heartily.

  And then had to check himself. “Where’s Misty?”

  It took Stella a minute to answer. And then she wiggled and stepped back. “Misty had fallen asleep and Corinne needed her. They needed each other. The nurses okayed it. I felt bad leaving but I wasn’t sure you’d come back to feed the horses…”

  Stella didn’t meet his eyes when she told him about Misty staying at the hospital. Just a few hours ago she’d been with her dearest friend, her dearest friend who happened to be dying. Talking about Corinne and Misty reminded her that Peyton was Corinne’s brother. What kind of a human being was she?

  Even if Corinne had never told her she’d felt betrayed by a friend who’d gone after her brother, now was not the time to be thinking of these sort of things… doing these sorts of things. She touched her lips. It was just that Peyton’s kiss….

  No man had evoked these kinds of feelings.

  “Misty’s staying at the hospital tonight?” The words made Stella feel as though she’d neglected her duty. She nodded and then met his gaze.

  “Where did you go?” He hadn’t been drinking. She could avow to that first hand. She wondered if he’d gone to Valerie. The thought curdled her stomach. She had no claim to him, no right to even ask.

  He leaned one shoulder against the wall and gave her a half smile. “One of the fences was down.” Relief should not have rushed through her the way it did at his words. “I didn’t mean for you to have to do any of this.” And then he cocked his head a little to the side. His hair sprang out from his head in a number of different directions. Peyton always looked like he’d been out wrestling with some cow or horse. Such a silly thought. Apparently, he’d been wrestling with a fence today. “You eat anything yet?”

  His question almost made her laugh. Such a mundane thing to say. She hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. She shook her head. “You?”

  “Nope.” And then he reached one hand toward her, beckoning her to wa
lk with him.

  Stella swallowed hard.

  Should she?

  Stepping forward she placed her hand inside of his larger, calloused one.

  As soon as his fingers tightened around hers she realized there was no way she could stop this from happening. All day, all night, hell, all her life, she’d felt empty, alone. With her hand in his, walking up to the house, the earth somehow righted itself.

  This very well could be the best medicine for two hurting people. She didn’t understand it, but she needed it. And Peyton needed it.

  Still holding her hand, he opened the door and pulled her inside. And then in one quick motion he pinned her against the wall. A thrill shot down her spine. This man, this rock of a man, then molded his body against her. Stella trailed her fingers up his chest and licked her lips.

  He groaned and dipped his mouth to claim her. Velvety, firm lips chased any logical thoughts from her brain.

  “Do you want to eat?” He spoke against her mouth.

  His voice sent a liquid heat from her head to her toes, making her legs tremble. In her breasts and between her legs a heavy aching set in. She grabbed his head with both her hands and drew him down so she could meet his kiss better. “No.” His hair felt silky and springy beneath her fingers. “Do you?”

  Sharp whiskers scratched her mouth as she trailed kisses down his jaw and onto his neck. He pulled her hips into his, his arousal so hard it almost hurt. “Does that answer your question?”

  All she could do to answer was let out a crying sort of moan. Words escaped her by now.

  His hands swooped under her knees and without breaking their kiss, Peyton swung her up into his arms. She clung to him tightly, unwilling to stop now for anything.

  She trusted him as he carried her through the living room and up the stairs. His room was at the far end of the hallway. Had it just been this morning that she’d been searching through his drawers?

  “You never changed into the clothes I brought you.” She teased a little, plucking at his shirt.

  He growled. “So, you’ve been in here before.” But he didn’t switch on the light. The sky had turned a dark shade of blue and moonlight cast a pale glow onto his bed.

  And then she was laying on top of it. A large four poster, strong and sturdy, like him. On hands and knees, he crawled up beside her. He didn’t touch her anywhere but leaned forward and kissed her again.

  It wasn’t enough. Feeling horny as heck, but not caring, Stella located the clasp of his belt and began fumbling with it.

  Not to be left behind, he growled and whipped her t-shirt over her head. Stella felt warm hands at her breasts and then sharp pains of need as he pulled her into his mouth.

  She almost felt drugged as she lost herself in his touch.

  His hands found the button on her jeans and released it nimbly. Stella shimmied as he slid them down her legs.

  Only to get stuck on her boots. Those damn hiking boots.

  “Nothin’ worth having ever comes easy.” Cold air hit her when he sat up and then pulled her feet into his lap. Looking down, he seemed to be studying the knot she’d tied.

  She could only laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. At least he hadn’t turned on the light. Laying here in nothing but her panties and bra, with her pants caught around her ankles, she felt more than a little vulnerable.

  Peyton reached over and switched on the bedside lamp. “These shoes are tied up like Fort Knox.”

  Laughing again, Stella pushed herself up to examine the knot. “Do you need my help? I would have thought you’d be an expert at undressing women.” Except that when she was this close to him again, she couldn’t help pressing kisses against his mouth. Peyton returned them enthusiastically all the while tugging at the laces.

  But these were high ankle hiking boots. And unless one of them untied the damn things, they weren’t coming off. Experiencing some serious frustration, Stella groaned. “I’ll get these. Do you have any… um…”

  But he knew what she meant and shifted her feet to the bed for her to deal with.

  “We wouldn’t have this problem if you owned a pair of cowboy boots.” He grumbled teasingly.

  So much fumbling. She’d tied them, she ought to be able to untangle this mess. Stella focused all her concentration on the knotted laces while Peyton rifled through his drawers. If she’d had a pair of scissors in that moment she would have cut the damn things off.

  “I got ’em!” She declared victoriously, loosening the strings and kicking them off. She barely had time to get her jeans off before Peyton tackled her back onto the bed. Hard male body pinned her to the mattress. She welcomed the feel of him on top of her, the hairs on his chest caressing her naked skin as he explored with his mouth. And his mouth was everywhere. Hot, demanding, hungry.

  He’d removed his shirt and she noticed his belt was gone too. His pants had been unbuttoned…

  She brushed her hands along the rigid seam there and felt him jump. He groaned and then she murmured. “It’s a shame to keep you hidden in here.”

  “We’re both still wearing way too many clothes, woman.” His mouth had moved down her sternum, past her belly. “And as pretty as this little slip of fabric is, I’d prefer what’s underneath.”

  Oh, that mouth. It claimed her. It branded her. Squirming and reaching, she couldn’t hold back. She’d never considered herself very vocal, but in that moment, some primitive sounds she had no control over escaped past her lips.

  “God, Stella.” His voice rumbled against her.

  She couldn’t stand it any longer. “Peyton, I need you. Now.” Her hands gripped his hair.

  And then he was kneeling before her, opening the condom and sliding it onto his thick, hard shaft. Stella licked her lips in anticipation.

  When had she ever felt this way? Never! When he lay down and covered her again she welcomed him – all of him.

  So good. He felt so good. Like he was meant to fill her, complete her.

  They moved together in perfect sync. Like two halves, separated long ago, reunited at last.

  Peyton changed his rhythm, slowing but deepening his thrusts. “Open your eyes.” He gazed down with an unexpected intensity. “Silver eyes.” Thrust. “God damn incredible silver eyes.”

  His own blue eyes hypnotized her. “Peyton,” she whispered. But her lids were heavy with passion. A few more thrusts and she closed them again, just feeling, loving.

  Her climax rose slowly and somehow, he drew it out, seeming to savor her cries of pleasure. Just as the last waves rolled over her, his movements quickened, deeper, harder, and she shattered all over again.

  When they both finally were sated, his shaking arms collapsed and he dropped his head onto her shoulder. So much emotion, she felt like crying. Stella wrapped her arms around him.

  She didn’t know what this meant, or where it was going, all she knew was that she didn’t want it to end.

  This woman felt like a dream – a dream come true in the middle of his worst nightmare. He lay there, utterly satisfied and recharged, wrapped up in both her arms and legs. He wanted to say something but nothing he could think of felt right. So, he simply nuzzled his face in her neck.

  “Ummm…” She hummed in satisfaction.

  He’d never realized how intimate the sounds of a woman’s love could be. Stella’s spoke to his heart.

  He gently nipped the top of her shoulder and growled. “Are you hungry now? We can make some sandwiches, or something.”

  Delicate fingers stroked his back. “Are you hungry?”

  “Surprisingly, yes. But I don’t want either of us to move.” She turned her head and nuzzled his chest.

  “If we were at my apartment we could order takeout. I don’t imagine anybody delivers around here?” Peyton didn’t like the reminder that she lived three hundred miles away.

  “You don’t imagine right.” Unable to stop himself he dragged one hand along her side, to her thigh. He’d been laying there inside of her and still hadn’t
had enough. But it was early yet. They had all night. “I need to replenish my strength though, Stella. I’m not done with you yet.”

  He felt her shiver against him. She liked that. He bit her again. This time a little harder.

  “What kind of sandwiches?” She asked him sleepily.

  Peyton finally slid out and rolled so that he lay next to her. “Turkey?” He glanced at her questioningly.


  Peyton chuckled and looked around for his pants. “Spoiled woman. All right. Don’t move. I suppose you did get the horses fed.”

  She opened those gorgeous eyes at his words. “I understood why you left, today. I was mad but…” She looked so serious.

  They were walking a fine line tonight. Taking pleasure while Corinne lay at that damn hospital. Did he and Stella need to talk? He didn’t want to talk, he wanted to feel, and make love and good god, he wanted to laugh.

  “You’re kind of scary when you’re mad. I was damn near afraid to come home.” He chose to avoid the sorrow beating at their door. Buttoning his jeans, he glanced back up. “How do you like your sandwich?”

  Stella roused from her lethargy and searched for her clothes. “I’ll help. If you leave me here alone, I’ll be out for the night.

  He tossed his shirt across the bed. “You better come with me then.” He sure as hell wasn’t about to let that happen. His cock twitched as he watched her slip slim arms into the too big shirt. Sexy as hell.

  Downstairs they worked together in comfortable silence. Peyton put on a Sam Hunt C.D., opened a bottle of wine, and then went about building the sandwiches. Stella added chips and a few olives to two plates and found some napkins. In between such mundane tasks, they worked closely, allowing their hands to brush one another’s more than necessary. At one point, Peyton stood behind Stella and worked with both arms around her, nuzzling her neck as he did so.

  They carried their feast to the table and sat across from one another. Tonight belonged to them. They had all the time in the world.


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