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Dystopian Girls

Page 17

by Rodzil LaBraun

  "I will tell you anything that you want to know, of course."

  "Riley," I said as I stopped so we could talk face to face. "I appreciate how respectful you are to me. I really do. But sometimes, it feels a little subservient. And that I don't particularly like. We will probably never get to be as close as I am with Alexa or Jada, but I would like for you to start treating me more like a friend and less like your master. Can you do that for me?"

  "Of course," she replied in her normal tone. "I did not mean to offend..."

  "No, no! This is what I'm talking about. Wait, let's take a seat over there in the shade where we won't be easily spotted. I want to talk this out now." I guided the elegant waif to a group of bushes beneath two large trees. We wouldn't be visible to passersby from most angles there. I sat cross-legged on the grass and Riley did the same facing me, our knees nearly touching. I took both of her thin, delicate hands in mine as I spoke.

  "Do you understand what I am asking of you?"

  "Yes," Riley replied. "I do understand. And I will do my best. But please, I am who I am. Some things are hard for me to change. I will always treat you like my leader. However, I believe that I can make some changes that would satisfy you. I want to communicate anything I know to you because I want our clan to be its strongest, and happiest. I believe that you would make good use of any knowledge that I provide. So, what would you like to know?"

  "How does Alexa feel about me?"

  "From what I can tell, she still loves you very much. She is very excited to be officially named your wife."

  "How does she feel about Jada?"

  "I don't think that she resents Jada really. Her presence though is a reminder of what has happened between you two. It may take her some time for that to fade. Their friendship is very strong, I believe."

  "How does Jada feel about this new arrangement?"

  "She is delighted, of course. She gets to have sex with you. She will continue to do her best to behave, though it is not easy for her. She wants to respect your relationship with Alexa, but in time she might not be satisfied with being the second woman. She has always been a strong independent person. This new world of ours has forced her to make some changes, but none of us can change overnight. I advise that you tread softly in this area. I doubt that you will ever lose either woman, but it might require all your social skills to keep things consistently peaceful."

  "Wow," I said. "Once again you have said more than I have expected. And it's awesome. I appreciate it. What else can you tell me?"

  "I think that you are right about getting an engagement ring for Alexa. It should help considerably. I also recommend that you sleep in Alexa's bed every night regardless of who your sexual partner was. Maybe, eventually, Alexa will feel strong enough in your relationship that you could spend the entire night in Jada's bed, or in mine for that matter."


  "I am a woman, too, Mason. I might not make sexual advances like Jada, but in time I'm sure I will welcome you into my bed. It is inevitable. You are a good and handsome man. Both of your women speak well of you, particularly in your love making ability. I am becoming a devoted follower of yours. It is bound to happen."

  "Okay," I replied, a little shy once again. "Thanks for sharing that. Right now, I have my hands full with Alexa and Jada, but we should revisit this sometime in the future. Okay?"

  "Yes, of course. I know neither of us are ready for that step. It is much too early in our relationship. We are only speaking of it because I let it slip out to help you understand that Alexa is a stronger woman than she thinks she is. In time, she will grow into her new role as your first woman instead of your only woman."

  "Thanks, for all that you have said, Riley. This helps a lot. Is there anything that I can do for you? I mean to make you feel more comfortable with our clan?"

  "I have been made to feel welcome by all of you."

  "Can you think of anything that you would like? Please, tell me of any tiny change that could make you happier."

  "Okay. Since you really want to know. There are a few things that I would like."

  "Great, what can I do?" I believed I was getting good at how to deal with Riley. She would open up to me if I was patient but persistent. Her natural supportive tendency was a huge asset to my clan.

  "First," she began. "I would prefer to have an assignment, like a permanent responsibility. It would be my primary contribution to the clan. Assisting Alexa with the cooking, and Jada with security is good, but I'd like to feel like I am a fixed part of the group, that everyone is counting on me."

  "Sure. I can see that. We'll talk about what works best and make that happen. Right now, I've been keeping track of our supply inventory. Is that something that you would like to take over?"

  "Yes, that would be perfect. Thank you. Once we get back, I'd like for you to show me where everything is, and I'll keep track from now on. You will all be able to count on me."

  "I know we will," I replied. "What else can I do?"

  "I would like for you to get more comfortable at giving me orders. I know that is not how you like to lead, and I respect that. However, I like to be productive, especially early in the day. I have a fear of overstepping my rightful place, so I don't take on tasks often unless you assign them to me. I'm sure that eventually I will get more comfortable at it. Until then, please tell me anything that you would like for me to do."

  "I will try," I answered. "Remind me, please. In fact, you can ask me for something to do anytime you want. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

  Riley bowed her head slightly, hesitating. I waited patiently. "Yes, there is one more thing. It's not very important, but I guess now is my opportunity to speak up. I am a bit envious of Alexa and Jada."

  "Oh? How so?"

  "You are a very friendly man, and you show that by touching people when you talk to them. And hugging often. I know that we are not as close. And I know that my manner can sometimes be off putting. I have noticed that you refrain from being as friendly with me, almost treating me like I am too fragile."

  "I'm sorry."

  "Don't be. It's not your fault. You are doing what you think is right based on the information in front of you. I'm just not very good at expressing myself in that way. Seeing you with the other two, though, makes me want to change. I'm afraid that I can't do it on my own. So, I only ask that you not hold back from making physical contact when appropriate. I believe you fear that I will not appreciate it, but I will."

  "Okay, that's cool," I said. "I will do my best. How about a hug right now before we get back on our mission?"

  "I would like that."

  After standing I reached for Riley as I stepped forward. She was right. Her hesitation was off putting. I surely got the vibe that she didn't want to be touched. I ignored it and pulled her close. She didn't resist, so I held her to my chest for a few seconds. I could feel her thin arms tightening around my waist. As I released. I gave her a quick peck on the cheek. I had the feeling that her comfort level was so much lower because the other girls were not around. Her timid smile as I stepped back told me all I needed to know.

  "Was that good?"

  "Perfect," she whispered shyly.

  From that point on Riley walked a little closer to me and didn't trail behind as she was accustomed. We continued to talk as we went, mostly about our lives before and after the catastrophe. The walk between the houses allowed for more conversation than the two of us alone had time for previously and it quickly became obvious to me that we were going to be great friends.

  We focused on finding a nice ring first as we searched every house, then gather supplies that we could carry in our backpacks. It wasn't until approaching the fourth home that we had any trouble. There was a grunt type of barking happening in the front yard. We moved stealthily through the bushes on the side of the house to get a better view. We could smell the problem before we could see it. Two skunks were apparently arguing, each supported by several skanks at their back. I coul
d make out some of the words once we were closer.

  "Grunt grunt fucking grunt shit grunt," one said.

  "You no good piece of grunt grunt, that my bitch grunt, give my grunt bitch back or I grunt grunt fuck you grunt," the other replied. Some of the guttural noises may have actually been grunts instead of unrecognizable words.

  I gathered that they were fighting over followers. The so-called bitch in question then shook her fist at the skunk wanting her back, then pointed at her ass and said something that may have been "spank too hard." I saw a couple of the skanks that had not yet jumped ship nod their heads. I deduced that the skunk that had trouble holding on to his women liked to spank them during sex. Since their bodies didn't heal well, it was an ongoing ache after the experience. Now the question was if the spanker could fight, because the other skunk wasn't backing down.

  The protective skunk held a table leg in one hand with two bolts sticking out of the top end. In his other hand was a metal trash can lid that was obviously going to be his shield. The spanker held a golf club in his right hand, a big-headed driver, and a French-chef's knife in his left.

  "Have you seen anything like this before?" I whispered my question to Riley.

  "Yes, I have. It can get very nasty. I prefer not to watch. In the city, some of the clan lords will have these zombie-like people battle for their lives coliseum style for their entertainment."

  "That's awful," I replied, a little louder than I should have. One of the closest skanks looked our way for a couple seconds. Fortunately, the continued grunting of the skunks drew her attention back to the impending battle. We took the opportunity to sneak back the way we came and then headed across the street to continue our search.

  In the fifth house we searched since crossing the street we found lots of jewelry in a dresser drawer, concealed in felt bags. There were several rings, including a solitaire engagement ring and a wedding band. They were just barely too big for Riley's slender fingers, so I estimated that they would fit Alexa perfectly. I pocketed the two special items that hopefully would be precious to my primary woman and tossed the rest in my backpack after allowing Riley to select a nice necklace for herself.

  The trip back to our new luxury home was trickier than usual. Skanks were crawling out of the woodwork evidently, all headed toward the area where the two skunks were facing off. This was going to be one big nasty, rotten flash battle. The neighborhood was sure to stink for a while afterwards. I was glad that it wasn’t close to our new place. I wanted to make haste to get clear of the ordeal but didn't want to attract any of their attention.

  Just as we cleared a hill that enabled me to spot our house, solar panels shining in the sunlight, I heard barking off to my left. We had been noticed after all. At least a dozen of the zombie like women were headed our way, shuffling as best they could. The two skanks in the lead appeared as if they could possibly match our speed. We took off running for our house. We had to make it time for the girls to let us in.

  When I began to slow down for Riley to catch up, she yelled, "keep going! I'll catch up soon. Go!"

  I trusted her statement to be true despite my doubts and sped up. One of us would have to reach the door as fast as possible anyway. Hopefully, Riley would not stumble and fall. That would surely enable the skanks to catch her, at least those first two. We could fight them off easily, I'm sure, but it would allow time for the others to catch up. Even if we could beat them all, they would sustain injuries from which they could not heal, possibly even die. I wanted to avoid causing anymore death, if it was in my power. There was also the chance of us getting hurt.

  I was almost fifty feet from the front door when a black-haired blur flew by me on the right. Riley had used her speed burst to not only catch up, as she had promised. She surpassed me and made it to the entrance before me. I joined her in yelling for help as we pounded our special knock loud enough to get the girls attention. Hopefully they could sense our urgency enough to let us in as quick as they could. I turned to see the two lead skanks almost upon as I heard the door bar being slid out of place. Just then Riley passed out from over exertion of her skill and began to crumple to the floor. I caught her by her armpits and raised her up to hang over my shoulder lack a large sack of seeds.

  Both stinky women raised the clubs in their hands as they closed the gap between us. Instinctively, I used my free hand to grab the large rubber door mat from below me and toss it in their direction. I followed it up with a wave of the same hand to deflect it at them at a much higher speed. They were plainly caught by surprise when the ten-pound rubber mat took them off their feet. I couldn't tell how badly they were hurt by my attack at first. They were not able to regain an upright position until after we were all inside and Jada had barred the door.

  "Oh my God!" Alexa said. "Is Riley okay?"

  "I think so," I replied, still trying to catch my breath. "She passed out from using her speed burst. Let me lay her on the couch."

  "I told you I should have come with you!" Jada shouted.

  A barrage of pounding on the front door drew our attention back to the situation at hand. Riley was awake then, but groggy. There was no sense in hovering over her. She would recover on her own in a few minutes. The sound of the glass windows on the front of the house shattering was muted by the plywood we had secured behind it, but it was still alarming.

  "Can they get in?" Alexa asked panicky.

  "Not easily," I replied.

  "What do we do?" Jada asked, looking to me for orders. Her anger at being left at home had passed.

  "We wait to see if they leave," I replied calmly.

  "And if they don't?" Alexa asked.

  "Then we'll have to chase them off," Jada answered for me. I nodded my agreement. "Just let me know when and what you want me to do."


  We left ourselves a few small peek holes when we boarded up the windows. Still our view was terribly limited. As best as I could tell, there were about fifteen skanks in our recently acquired yard, and no skunks. I couldn't make out a clear leader among the women, but some must have taken the initiative to circle our new home. A heavy blonde with nasty cuts on her puffy face was trying to figure out how to get into the back door. That wasn't going to happen. We had it barred up good. A slender brunette that might have been attractive if it weren't for her grayish skin and the nasty rash on her legs, was using a rock to bust every window she came to as she made her way clockwise around the building. The glass would shatter but the plywood held strong. Two others were trying to raise the garage door to no avail.

  "Do they have to break every window?" Jada asked.

  "They aren't going away," Alexa said, trying her best to stay calm. "I think that they are looking for food. The pain I'm picking up from them seems to be more than from their injuries. It's hard to tell, but they are clearly not happy."

  "Yeah, they don't look happy," I replied. "I think we are going to have to chase them off. I was hoping to address their leader, but they don't appear to have one."

  "What do you want me to do, Mason?" Jada asked, ready for battle.

  "Get the weapons ready here by the front door. Riley, grab some crackers from the kitchen. Maybe if we give them some food they'll go away."

  Riley returned quickly with three boxes of saltine crackers. "Here's some food for them, but Mason, I don't think this will make them go away. They'll probably just want more."

  "So, you think we'll be wasting food by giving it to them?" I asked my newest clan member.

  "I do, but I understand your desire to try a diplomatic approach first. However, I don't think they'll leave without being forced off."

  "How do we do that without killing them?" Alexa asked Riley.

  "I don't know," she replied somberly. "I have never seen it done without at least some casualties."

  Great, I thought. Just great. I didn't want to kill anyone. I knew that these females were people despite their rotting flesh, hygiene issues and poor communication skills. I al
so knew that they didn't have a real chance of defeating us. Most of them had some sort of weapon in their hand, even if it were just a stick or a rock. How many would we have to fatally wound to get them to leave? Would killing more discourage them from ever coming back? How many rotting corpses did we really want in the yard of our new luxury home? Damn it! I didn't want to do this.

  "Ok," I told my women, "grab your weapons of choice. Let's look strong. Maybe that will be enough to scare them off. If not, we'll injure a few to get our point across. Try not to get into psycho warrior battle mode, Jada. I don't want to kill any more than necessary."

  "Got it," Jada replied without taking any offense.

  "Riley. I know you are still a little weak. Stay behind us at first. How long before your speed burst is ready?"

  "Maybe in a few more minutes, if you can stall them. But, using it that quick again will probably knock me out."


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