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Lanie's Lessons

Page 16

by Maddie Taylor

  This time her plea was cut short as his clammy hand brutally clamped over her nose and mouth. She gagged as his filthy, sweaty hand pressed against her lips. His palm was smashing her nose and she struggled to breathe. Her hands came up and pulled at his hands uselessly; he was stronger than he looked.

  Her mind whirled and she felt a little faint from the lack of oxygen. Where was security? Surely someone had heard, or could see her struggling.

  “Let her go!” Vicki suddenly yelled from a few feet away. “Security!” She shrieked.

  The next thing Lanie knew, she was free. Her legs gave way and she slid down the wall onto the concrete floor, sucking big gulps of air into her lungs. A thud and a sickening crunch sounded beside her, followed by a scream of agony.

  “Touch her again and I’ll rip off your useless prick and shove it down your disgusting throat.”

  Lanie looked toward the voice and saw Ethan. He was livid, the anger making his voice nearly unrecognizable.

  “You broke my nose!”

  Lanie’s eyes shifted to her old boss, blood spurting between his fingers as he held his hand clamped over his nose. He was squealing in pain, sounding exactly like the pig she had called him for years.

  Ethan moved in front of her and crouching, cupped her cheek. “Are you hurt?” His concerned gaze swept over her face and then down her body. Seeing nothing, he helped her to stand, his hands running all over, checking for injuries as if disbelieving his own eyes.

  “I’m okay, Ethan. Just shook up a little.” Winded from the ordeal, her voice was unconvincing, and it quivered as she spoke. Shaken, she leaned heavily against him.

  “She couldn’t breathe,” Vicki added. “The bastard had her pinned to the wall with his hand over her face. She was turning blue when I walked up. We should call the police. He’s drunk and a menace to everyone he comes in contact with.”

  “No, please. Let’s just go.” Lanie rushed as she leaned away from Ethan. “I don’t want him to spoil the game. I’m okay.”

  “The hell with the game, Lanie.” Ethan growled.

  “I’m fine, really. I want to see the Sox win. I want to see the fans swarm the field and celebrate. It’s a once in a lifetime experience like you said and I won’t let him take that away from us.” Her hands came up and held Ethan’s face as she stared up at him pleadingly. “I’ll make him pay in court, honey. I’m on this.”

  “I’ll make you pay, Ice Cunt.” Simons drunken slur sounded from beside them. “I’ll sue your preppy husband for breaking my goddamned nose and take every dime he’s got.”

  Still looking up at him, Lanie watched as the angry fire that was already burning in Ethan’s eyes blazed brighter. When he moved, she held on. “Please, Ethan. He’s not worth it. Leave him.”

  He breathed in deeply and she knew he was exerting iron control over his emotions. She envied his ability to do that. “Okay, baby,” he said gruffly. “After I have another word with him.”

  “Ethan, please. He’s not worth you going to jail.”

  His eyes, brilliant with suppressed rage, looked at her. “You were wrong before, baby. I’ve got this.”

  Although he looked like he was ready to explode, she released him, having little choice as he turned her into Vickie’s arms. Enfolded in her motherly embrace, they both watched as Ethan bent to Simons and dragged him to his feet by his collar.

  He struggled against Ethan’s grip as he easily shoved him against the wall. He was no match for his strength and their positions mimicked Lanie’s from earlier. Although she was concerned for Ethan, she felt a small pang of satisfaction that the shoe was on the other foot and her man was the one giving him hell.

  “How does it feel to be helpless against someone bigger and stronger, asshole?”

  “I’ll have you arrested for assault.”

  “What assault?” Ethan asked coldly. “You were drunk and staggering. Such a shame you took a header into the wall.”

  Vicki immediately added her support. “That’s how I saw it. How about you Lanie?”


  “You can’t do that!” Walt whined pathetically.

  “Watch me, you disgusting worm.” Quick as lightening, Ethan slammed his fist into Simons’ pot belly, then drilled him with a bone crushing upper cut which sent his head snapping back into the wall. With Ethan no longer holding him up, Walt slid down to lay slumped and whimpering at his feet.

  “That felt so fucking good. I’ve wanted to do that for years.


  “One minute, Lanie,” he said as he crouched in front of a prone Walt Simons. “I think the header you took was right here by this concrete ledge. After you busted your nose, your chin must have clipped it on the way down. Vicki?”

  “Yep. That’s exactly what I saw.”

  “Now that we have that clear, listen up asshole. You are going to stay away from my wife. Don’t contact her except through your attorney. You don’t come near her. For that matter, don’t even think about her. After the trial, she doesn’t exist to you, understand?”

  Walt the bully cringed and nodded in agreement.

  Ethan stood up and came to collect Lanie. Wrapping a strong arm around her, he guided her toward the nearby exit. She dug in. “No, Ethan. I mean it. I’m going back to my seat. Then I’m getting a beer and I’m going to watch the Sox win the freakin’ pennant.” Her voice rose in pitch and volume at the end and drew the notice of a few nearby fans who cheered wildly.

  “Oh, sure,” Lanie griped throwing up her hands, “that they hear.”

  “Lanie, honey,” Vicki’s soothing voice came from beside her. “You’re upset. Maybe Ethan’s right and you should go home.”

  “Of course I’m upset. Who wouldn’t be after a disgusting pig rubs his stench all over you, grabs you, and clamps his sweaty hands on your mouth. That reminds me, Vicki. Give me a wet wipe. I’m not going back in that ladies room.”

  She held out her hand while having a stare down with Ethan. She grunted a thank you when Vicki laid two wipes in her palm. Ripping into one packet, she wiped her face and hands. After opening the second, she took the one step that brought her against Ethan and gently lifted his hand. Carefully, she began to clean him up, making a soft keening noise at the blood on his knuckles and the bruises already forming.

  “It’s mostly his blood,” he bit out, anger still radiating off his tensely held body.

  “All the more reason to get you cleaned up. No telling where that pig has been.” She said this matter of factly, keeping her gaze fixed on her task. Hoping if she stayed calm, he would relax a bit.

  When she was done, she pitched it all in a nearby trash can. Looking first at Vicki for support, and finding only concern, she then looked at Ethan. Taking his hand, she said. “Let’s go enjoy the rest of the game.”

  “Lanie, I need to get you home.”

  She scowled up at him. Sure, he was pissed, but not anymore than she was. Besides, the incident had passed and leaving would accomplish nothing. She changed her tactic.

  “Fine,” she huffed. “You go home. I’ll go sit and watch the game with Ray.” She spun on her heel, managing to take one small step, before his arm caught her around the waist.

  “Wait.” He pulled her in for a tight hug. “Baby, are you sure you’re okay?”


  He searched her face, worry still furrowing his brow. Leaning into him, she pressed her argument. “This will relax me and take my mind off the whole sickening incident.”

  His mouth tightened, his fingers flexing around her arms as he silently debated her request.

  “Please, Ethan. I don’t want to miss it.”

  A roar from the crowd seemed to prompt his decision and he pressed a firm kiss to her forehead. “Fine, but you don’t leave my side.”

  “I’m on you like glue, honey. I promise.”

  By the time they regained their seats, it was the bottom of the ninth, the game once again tied. There was a conference on t
he mound with the winning run on first and no outs. Ethan sat silently beside her. Not only was he not letting her out of his sight, but he had a constant hold on her, either by holding her hand or with an arm around her shoulders, clamping her to his side. It was apparent he had no intention of letting her go. On her other side, Lanie could hear Vicki quietly explaining what had happened to Ray.

  Although she didn’t want to bring it up, she felt she had to. “Ethan, shouldn’t we alert security? We can’t leave him there.”

  “Who says? He’s got a bloody nose and a bruised jaw. Unfortunately, he’ll live.”

  “I called security from my phone, Lanie,” Victoria said. “With the size of the crowd and the playoff excitement, they’re swamped. But since he was um, well… falling down drunk was the term I used, they said they’d send someone to take care of him. I gave them my information if they have questions. If he’s smart, he’ll leave it alone.”

  “He hasn’t proven to be particularly clever, so far.” Lanie responded glumly as she leaned her head against Ethan’s shoulder. It was easy to turn her face into his neck. When she did, she whispered, “Thank you for saving me, Ethan.”

  “It makes me sick that he touched you. I wish I could have spared you that.”

  “How could you have known he would be here, let alone attack me?”

  “I should have gone with you, which was my gut feeling in the first place.”

  “You came looking for me.”

  “You were gone too long. I was worried.”

  The stadium erupted with boos as the next Yankees relief pitcher walked out of the bullpen and made his way to the mound. The reliever, which Ray mentioned was their best closer, shut the home team down, the batters going down in order.

  As the third man struck out, Ethan cursed under his breath. They were going into extra innings.

  “This is great. Free baseball.” Lanie’s attempt to lighten his foul mood, fell flat. Rare for Ethan, but justified in this case. She squeezed his tense thigh. “I think I’ll take that beer, honey, and keep ‘em coming. I have a feeling it’s gonna be a long night.”

  Ethan shot her a look that said she was a nut, and with a shake of his head, flagged down a vendor.


  The next morning, Ethan got the first text from Lanie at nine o’clock.

  The Sox won the pennant, honey!

  I know, baby. I was there, remember?

  Have you heard anything?

  No. And I don’t expect to. Stop worrying.

  After another hour, another similar text from her appeared.

  Big Papi’s walk off home run in the 12th was awesome.

  Agreed. I’m glad we stayed.


  No. I’ll call you if I hear anything, which I won’t.

  After the following hour, his text alert chimed again. This time there was no pretext of baseball.


  He responded right away.


  After a moment, his phone’s alert chimed.

  Love you

  The next hour he was between classes when the text came, so he called her.

  “Oh my God, Ethan. Did they arrest you? Which precinct are you at? I’ll be right over. I’m sure I can arrange an arraignment today and post bail. I’m on it, honey.”

  “Lanie. You have to stop worrying about this. He is not going to press charges and this is why. A: he assaulted you too. The ring of bruises around your upper arms are the proof.” Seething, he visualized the dark purplish finger marks he’d seen on her skin when she’d stepped out of the shower that morning. She had jumped when he started cursing volubly and threatened to hunt the bastard down and kill him. But when he saw the concern in her eyes, he’d reined in his anger. He’d also scooped her up, settled her in his lap and gently kissed every tender, discolored mark on her skin.

  “I wish I had another go at Simons. With broken fingers, he wouldn’t do anything like this again, at least not without remembering the pain.”

  “Ethan, your bloodlust is showing.”

  He snorted. “Whatever.”

  She laughed softly. “You sound like a sarcastic teenager.”

  He continued without acknowledging her comment. “Are you still worried, or do I need to finish with my list.”

  “He threatened to sue, honey. He’s just stupid and stubborn enough to do it.”

  A heavy sigh came from his end, before he continued. “B: Simons already has enough legal shit to deal with, he won’t want to tack on an assault charge, and C: if he did, it’s his word against mine, yours and The Honorable Victoria Studor.”

  “You seem so certain.”

  “I am. So certain in fact, that if Walt Simons is stupid enough to press charges against me, when you post my bail, you can take me home and I’ll let you have your wicked way with me. If I’m right, I get to be wicked.”

  The long pause came from her end this time.

  “Lanie, are you still there?”

  “I’m here.” Whispering throatily, she didn’t sound like herself.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Um…” she actually croaked this time and cleared her throat before she answered. “Not really.”

  He chuckled. “What’s wrong, baby? Did you think of something naughty to do with me?”

  “Darn you, Ethan. I have court in an hour and you made me really wet.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Tell me about it.”

  “No,” she grumbled. “I’m going to have to start carrying a change of panties in my purse.”

  “I see. So you’ve got the dirty mind, but it’s all my fault, huh?”


  “I’m sorry, Lanie.”

  “You should be.”

  “Not for the panties. Because you’re going to lose this bet.”

  “Crap, I already forgot it was a bet.”

  “Tell me what you were thinking.”


  “If I guess, will you tell me?

  “Probably not.”

  “You want to tie me to the bed and lick me until I can’t stand it, making me wait to come until I beg for it like I do to you.”


  “Or maybe you’ll want to straddle my shoulders and ride my tongue until you come.”

  “I’m going to have to go.”

  “Or, you could demand that I come to your office get on my knees beneath your desk, naked, of course, and pleasure you with my tongue. All… day… long.”

  “I’m hanging up now. I’ve got to run by the store on my way to court.”

  “What for?” Guessing, he still waited expectantly with a broad grin.

  “To buy more damn panties, you evil man.”


  “What, honey? I really have to go.”

  “Did I distract you?”

  Again silence reigned on her end. “Yes, honey, and I love you for it.”

  “Good. I’ll see you tonight.

  “Ethan,” she said softly.

  “I’m still here, baby.”

  “I hope you win.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Distantly, she heard the front door close as Ethan arrived home. His voice called her name a moment later.

  “I’m in here, honey.” Her voice croaked like a sick frog and she began coughing again. Reaching for another throat lozenge on the bedside table, she moaned as every bone in her body ached. Ethan appeared in the doorway and stared at her in surprise.

  When the last coughing spell had passed, a wave of weakness had overtaken her in its wake and she’d collapsed on the bed half dressed. That was how he found her, in her bra, skirt and one navy pump, lacking the energy to kick the other shoe off let alone finish undressing.

  “I’m sick,” she whined from where she half lay on the bed, feet still on the floor, her upper body slumped to the side and flopped over a pillow.

  “I can see that. It must have come on suddenly. You seemed fine this morning.”

  “I’m miserable,” she began, but paused to cough and blow her nose. “I woke up with a tickle. By noon, I couldn’t breathe and it felt like I had razor blades in my throat. When I left at four, I had a pounding headache. Now look at me, Typhoid Lanie.”

  “Poor baby,” he said, moving toward her.

  “Stop!” Lanie cried out in alarm. “Stay away. I don’t want to get you sick.”

  “Someone has to take care of you.” He knelt to slip off her shoe and eased her feet onto the bed. Sitting down beside her despite her protests, Ethan stroked the hair back from her forehead. His cool hands felt good on her skin. “You feel warm. Have you taken your temperature?”

  “No thermometer.”

  “What about cold medicine?”

  “I felt too bad to go by the drugstore and I don’t have anything to take other than these disgusting cough drops.” She pointed to the two remaining lozenges on the night stand. They’d definitely been around for a while. Having melted at some point, the outside had become sticky and the wrappers, which were torn in places, had adhered to the lozenges like glue. “I found them in my coat pocket and had to pick the lint off of them. It’s gross, but I was desperate.”

  “Let’s get you undressed, first. I’ll make you some hot tea with honey and lemon and then I’ll go to the pharmacy for supplies.”

  He found the nightgown she’d intended to put on where it had fallen at the foot of the bed. Pulling her up to a standing position, he stripped off her skirt. Bra and panties followed while she leaned limply against him, too exhausted to stand on her own. Once dressed in her most comfortable cotton blend chemise, he tucked her in, pulling the covers up to her chin as she shook with a chill. Before leaving, he brought her a cup of hot tea.

  “Drink all of this, Lanie. You need fluids.” He touched his lips to her hot forehead and was gone.

  Lanie dozed fitfully, her cough waking her every time she nodded off. She kicked off the covers one minute, shivering and pulling them up to her ears the next. When Ethan returned, he stood next to the bed, staring down at her with concern.

  “I feel terrible.” Her stuffed up nose made it sound like “I feew tewwible.” She moaned out her agony. “My bones ache, and I’m restless. One minute I’m on fire and sweating buckets and freezing and chilling the next.” As if to prove her point, a flash of heat swept over her and she threw off the covers and pull her clingy chemise away from her damp skin.


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