Book Read Free

Handle With Care

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by Dahlia Rose

  Handle With Care

  Copyright © January 2016 Dahlia Rose

  Cover Art by For The Muse Design

  All rights are reserved. No part of this e-book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter One

  Tricia lay in the bed and winced at the painful throbbing in her arm. She waited for the party to start when Nico wouldn’t be deep into his drinking and friends before she would escape. He’d taken her passport and bank cards so she couldn’t access her money. He’d also taken her phone so she couldn’t call Isa or Bryce, she was essentially his captive in Greece, to do with what he will and it seemed his will was to beat her senseless. Even after... hot tears ran down her face as she pressed her hand against her belly. This was to be a special time but it seemed Nico wanted someone who would be pretty all the time, not fat and grotesque with a baby. She wasn’t even showing yet but still he called her disgusting and a whale but wouldn’t let her leave. “Not with my baby,” he said.

  But little did he know that she didn’t need her phone to make a call to a number she knew from memory. And a girl who was raised in foster care and had to learn to fend for herself early always kept her eyes opened. Tricia noticed one of the older ladies in the town disliked Nico. ‘Disliked’ seemed too soft and she amended the word to loathed. It was evident on the older woman’s face anytime they passed to go to buy fresh bread. Tricia used to that to her advantage and after a smile and a few small conversations when he was too drunk to make the trip with her, she found out that the woman’s granddaughter was mistreated by Nico as well and feared him so much she opted to leave the small tourist town for one of the bigger cities in Greece. The day before she had made sure Nico would be too drunk to go with her and asked the old woman to use her telephone. She made the collect call to Isa and Bryce’s home in New Orleans.

  “Oh my God, T!” Isa exclaimed. “We’ve been calling you for weeks with no answer. What the hell, are you ok?” A sob escaped Tricia upon hearing her friend’s voice. “Tawny, what’s wrong?”

  “Don’t call me that please,” Tricia begged. “It’s Nico, he took my passport and my bank card, it’s too far to get to the American consulate... Isa, he hits me and... and I’m pregnant. God, I’m so scared. I’m an American with no way home and most of his friends live in this town and watch me.”

  “Fuck that piece of shit, I’m going to kill him. I have you on speaker phone, Bryce is listening.” Isa said. “I’ve only heard of this going on in Russia and the Middle East where men don’t allow the women to return home but never Greece. How far along are you, sweetie? Are you eating enough, or are you sick?”

  “He’s an animal. A domineering, sadistic vile person,” Tricia said vehemently. “I eat and he makes sure to be cruel in places the public can’t see.”

  “Can you stay where you are?” Bryce asked.

  “No, it’s an older lady in the town, they would hurt her to get to me,” Tricia explained. “She’s taking a risk to help me like this.”

  “Are you still in Port Soller? Sweetie, we are on our way.” Isa’s tone held anger and Tricia knew her friend would unleash hell when she got there.

  “Yes, and everyone he parties with—tourists or not—are horrible people,” Tricia said. “It seems like he finds the dregs of society to bring to the house and... I’m not safe there, Isa. I hate having to ask but I need help. I’m such a screw up. I’m not a party girl, I don’t do drugs or smoke and I very rarely drink. Why do people see me as this object to be used?”

  “That’s bullshit, you are not a screw up,” Isa said firmly. “He had you fooled. You’re not the first to be, I bet. He’s a dickhead and I should’ve picked up on it when he came to Monaco to get you. He loved the lavishness, the big prick. I’m going to break his skull.”

  “You won’t break his skull. If we need to, I will,” Bryce said. “Tricia, I’m going to contact the consulate, authorities, and one of my Greek representatives to expedite having your banking accounts and information changed. We’ll be there in twenty-four to thirty-six hours. You stay low, pretend to be sick or something and stay in your room because when we show up, it won’t be pretty. I don’t want you to be caught in the middle being pregnant. We’ll come up and get you.”

  “I’m on the second floor. One of the smaller bedrooms,” Tricia said. “Thank God he moved me out of his bed when I told him I was pregnant, he considers that gross and disgusting.”

  “I’ll show him his fucking face after I beat it in,” Isa practically hissed.

  “Again, any face rearranging will be done by me,” Bryce said. “Ok you hang up now, Tricia, we are on our way.”

  “Thanks guys, I love you both,” Tricia said gratefully.

  When she hung up, Tricia turned to the old woman. “Thank you so much, are you sure you will be safe here?”

  She waved her hand. “Girl, I have lived here so long most people think I can curse them or put the evil eye on them and their families. You take care of you and that son in your belly.”

  Tricia shook her head. “It’s too early to tell if it’s a boy or girl.”

  The old woman winked. “It is a boy. Bring him to see me when he is born. I can tell you if he will have any of this father’s demons.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll ever come back,” Tricia admitted.

  “You come back and don’t let Nico Sarantos ruin this wonderful place in your eyes,” the old woman patted her hands. “Go girl, before he gets up and wonders why you’re not back.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Tricia hugged the old woman impulsively and found her shoulders strong even though she looked frail. ‘Thank you again.”

  Now she waited anxiously and all Tricia wanted to do was to go home. She hated the way he said her old name Tawny. Hated his hands on her, hated how he’d find ways to hurt her, always making sure not to hit her in the stomach.

  At least there’s that, she thought. She was barely ten weeks along and the baby was a tiny little peanut. She wanted to be home with her real family and away from the domineering man who was making her life hell. She heard the first pulsing beats of music and then heavy footsteps running up the stairs. Her heart beat faster with fear and she lay under the blankets trying not to shiver and pretend she was asleep.

  “Tawny, you” Nico’s words were already slurred.

  She could smell the alcohol on him and wondered incredulously how she didn’t notice the stink from his pores. Or did he just manage to hide it well? He was so charming, vital and fun when they first met and now he was this monster. He slapped his hand on the back of her head and she didn’t cry out only moan like he woke her up.

  “Listen, you fat pig, you know got pregnant to take my money,” he snarled. “I have people downstairs, do not let me see you, don’t leave this room or it’s trouble.”

  “Yes, Nico,” she answered meekly. He slapped her cheek lightly and she wanted to scratch his eyes out. She’d fought back before but now she was pregnant and she didn’t want to hurt the baby. The life growing inside her was more important. Tricia knew her friends would be soon there and she would be able to go. Just a bit longer before I’m gone from here.

  She must have fallen asleep in the midst of the pulsing music because when it went silent suddenly Tricia sat up, instantly awake. The sound of yelling, cars s
quealing away and the hoarse sound of European sirens made her scramble out of bed. She was looking for her sneakers to put on when the door burst open. Instead of Nico, Isa or even Bryce it was Dr. Ben Allary standing there. His rugged features were grim with anger and his dark hair was tousled like he’d run his hands through it one too many times. Tricia found herself thinking about his mouth, how supple it was the last time she saw him. Now it was a firm, grim line. His dark eyes glittered like angry pieces of coal from under furrowed brows.

  “Dr. Allary, what are you doing here?” Tricia asked. She hoped her voice didn’t show the excitement within her and how her heart raced in her chest.

  “It’s Ben, remember? You couldn’t have forgotten that quickly. I want you to sit so I can check you over,” he said gently as he walked into the room. Tricia did as he directed and he turned her face so he could see the bruises in the light.

  “The baby is lower,” she teased huskily.

  He smiled. “Thanks for reminding me. Lay back.”

  She could see his anger, it made the muscle in his jaw tick even though he raised her shirt and touched her stomach with the gentlest hands she’d ever felt.

  “Any spotting?” he asked.

  Tricia shook her head. “No, and just a little bit of nausea.”

  “Has he hit you in the stomach, back, or kidney area—anything like that?” Ben questioned.

  She felt hot tears of shame and anger burn her eyes so she closed her lids and shook her head. He was examining her as a doctor and she knew he needed the truth no matter how low she felt being in this situation.

  “No, he kept it to the face, arms, and legs. But he wrenched my wrist pretty good a few times. Mostly he liked to punch me in the arms and upper back,” her voice was husky with tears. “I know you must be thinking why I stayed.”

  “Hey,” Ben said. She looked at him and her tears spilled free and ran down her face. He wiped them away gently and cupped her cheeks. “None of this is your fault and from what I’ve been told, he took everything so you couldn’t even get to the consulate on the mainland. He’s the monster, you did nothing wrong. Let’s get you out of here and home.”

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak and with his help she found her shoes. As they walked from the bedroom, Tricia didn’t look back; there wasn’t anything in that place she would miss. She didn’t even want her clothes or anything Nico had given her. It was all tainted and she would start fresh back in New Orleans.

  Downstairs Nico sat on a chair crying and pleading with the police officers there. Isa was close by and Bryce was rubbing his knuckles, a sure sign that he gotten a punch or two in before the authorities could stop him. Isa rushed to her and hugged her so tight she could hardly breathe but nothing felt better than being close to her best friend.

  “Tawny, agapi mou!” he cried out and held out his hands to her. “Tell these men I have never harmed a hair on your head.”

  Tricia nodded. “He never harmed a hair on my head. Instead he beat the shit out of me, held me hostage, verbally and mentally abused me. Actually, he pulled my hair a few times so I have to amend my statement: he has harmed a hair on my head.”

  The male policeman looked at her and the disdain was evident. “Miss, we are a passionate culture and being American you may have misunderstood his affection for abuse.”

  “Look at her face and arms,” Ben shouted in anger. “What kind of affection is that? And she’s pregnant for God’s sake! Why do males in countries like this insist that hitting a woman is part of loving her? Do you hit your wife?”

  He shook his head. “By no means do I do that sir, but I can control my passion. This one is young...”

  “My ass, he’s at least thirty-five and even if he was eighteen there is no excuse,” Bryce retorted angrily. “I want something done about him or by God I will make an international stink about this, and trust me I can.”

  His female partner held up her hands. “I agree with you completely, Mr. Forte. This is a discussion we are having in this country right now and we of course want changes. You can be assured I will not let this injustice pass and I hope it does not ruin your impression of our country or that of your friend who has been hurt.”

  “Tawny, I am the baby’s father I have rights,” Nico stood up and shouted angrily. “I will come to America and take my child. I will bring it back here and you will never be able to see the child again.”

  “You have no rights and I’ll make sure of it,” Tricia said angrily and put her hand over her stomach. “This is my baby, you are no man, you are no father and you will never have my child. I will not be one of those women who has to fight a country for my baby. And my name is Tricia.”

  “Try it, buddy and I will use every resource in my power to bury you,” Isa threatened. “She was never alone that’s why you cut her off from everyone because you wanted her weak. She still found a way to get to her family.”

  “Can we just go?” Tricia said tiredly. “I don’t ever want to see his face again and I really want a hamburger.”

  “Come on, sweetie,” Isa urged her out of the door.

  Ben followed while Bryce finished up with the Greek police. In a few minutes he was outside and held up her passport and all her documents in victory.

  “I’ve never been so glad to see a passport,” Tricia sighed in relief.

  “He tried to say he didn’t have it,” Bryce said. “After I mentioned a few high state officials I didn’t mind waking up, he got really smart and located it since the thought of jail wasn’t part of his plan.”

  The police came out next and the male of the two gave them a curt nod to go along with a frowning face. The female officer smiled reassuringly and Tricia smiled in return. There was no doubt in her mind that her male counterpart would try to chew out the female officer in the car. But somehow Tricia knew that the woman could handle herself. The laws in Greece seemed to be built towards male dominance and abuse seemed to be pushed under the rug, hidden and spoken about in hushed tones. As the police car pulled away, they were getting sorted out to get in the rental car.

  “Where are the twins?” Tricia asked.

  “David is on babysitting duty,” Isa said. “He was only too glad to offer and spoil those kids while we were gone.”

  Tricia smiled. “They have six month birthdays coming up soon, so we have a party to plan.”

  Isa shook her head in amusement. ‘There’s no such thing as six month birthday parties.”

  “In my world there is,” Tricia replied and hugged Isa impulsively. She was relieved and happy to be going home among those who loved her.


  The long wail of her name cut off their conversation. They looked around to see Nico rushing out of the door. The police were gone and he wasn’t going to give up quite as easily as Tricia had thought.

  “You get back in that house....”

  He never got to finish the words, the finger he had pointed in her direction was grabbed by Dr. Ben Allary and he pulled the drunk Nico forward. He connected his fist to Nico’s face, once, then twice and dropped him on the ground with such ease and precision, everyone was shocked. Ben flipped him over so he was lying on his back and grabbed him by the collar, lifting him off the ground until they were nose to nose.

  His voice was so harsh it surprised Tricia. “You come near her again, I’ll kill you. You think about her, I’ll kill you. I see you anywhere near her, yep, you guessed it. I’ll kill you. This is done.”

  Ben dropped Nico on the ground hard, then walked back in their direction where they all just stared at him with open mouths.

  “We can go now,” Ben said simply and slid into the passenger side of the car.

  Isa gave Tricia a look and a wink as they got into the back seat and got buckled in. Soon they were back at the airport and on Bryce’s jet heading back to New Orleans. Tricia breathed a sigh of relief. She was over the hard part—getting away from the abuse of Nico and returning home.

  She hoped it
would get easier, because now she would be a single mother, raising a baby alone. Somehow it didn’t bother her as much as people would expect. Tricia would put her life, her heart into this and give the baby all her love. Her life would be hard, but that would never be an issue for her son or daughter. He or she would always know they were loved.

  Chapter Two

  Ben walked into his town house and sat on his champagne colored sofa with a tired sigh. He ran his hands over the micro suede fabric and wondered to himself why the store just didn’t call it cream or light beige. Champagne, hmmm, he chuckled to himself softly. He had to be exhausted when he started trying to break down the marketing strategy of furniture outlets.

  Ben had left from Isa and Bryce’s home after giving Tricia another check up and went straight to a twelve-hour shift at the hospital. He delivered nine babies—two by emergency C-section—and then went on to his practice for the day’s appointments. His week went the same way; it was like a baby boom in New Orleans. On one especially hard day, he felt like he needed four hands with two wearing catcher’s mitts. It was like every one planned to deliver at the same time, including a woman visiting the city with her husband who went into labor after Cajun cuisine.

  Food and sleep were next on the agenda, not necessarily in that order. The way his eyes were closing while he sat in the comfortable lounge chair he figured sleep would come first. Ben kicked his shoes off and brought his feet up and pulled the afghan he kept on the back over his body. He made a mental note to eat and shower later before he went to bed and in a few seconds he was asleep.

  Knocking on his door made him stir and he turned on his back with a low groan. He’d not changed positions from when he fell asleep on his side facing the TV and his stiff muscles protested when he stretched. Who the hell would be at my door this late at night, he thought. He hoped it wasn’t the new doctor at the hospital, Dr. Collins, who was more like a frat boy when he was off rotation rather than a doctor.

  First thing that got him was the light that made him step back like a vampire caught in the sun, nighttime was long gone. When his eyes cleared, the second surprise was Tricia standing on his doorstep holding a basket and looking completely delectable. It has been over twenty-four hours since he saw her and there was a big difference. Her face looked bright, fresh and beautiful. Her wide, almond eyes looked at him with amusement and the white knit dress she was wearing only complimented her brown skin.


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