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Handle With Care

Page 3

by Dahlia Rose

  “Devious and well-played,” Isa took a sip of water.

  Tricia ordered a glass of pink lemonade and Isa ordered a Coke and crab cake appetizers for both of them. It was a buffet-style brunch but the waiter could bring the meal if you so chose. They opted for the waiter service and Tricia chose gumbo plus a second round of the seafood cakes while Isa asked for the roasted chicken. They talked about simple things—the twins and Bryce’s plan to build a tree house even though the kids couldn’t even walk yet. Their appetizers came and Tricia closed her eyes in delight as the first taste flooded her mouth with flavor. The combination of spices, the seafood, fried green tomatoes and roulade sauce, made her happy. She smiled and did a mental dance. There was no other way to explain it, the food made her happy.

  “Is that the I-like-my-food dance?” Isa asked.

  Tricia laughed. “Oops, I thought I did that mentally.”

  “Yeah, no,” Isa shook her head in amusement. “You used to do the same thing when we got a treat in the foster home.”

  “They were few and far between,” Tricia reminded her. “I’m so happy that our kids will get to grow up together and won’t lack for any of the things we treasured. Especially love, they all will have buckets and buckets of love.”

  “Avery and Ashley will be a year old before you deliver, a year apart is not that bad,” Isa cut into her meal. “They’ll be big brother and sister and they can teach the baby the ropes about this crazy world they’re born into.”

  “Which plastic keys taste the best and how to escape the play yard,” Tricia quipped and they both laughed. “I’m going to give up the modeling.”

  Isa looked at her in surprise. “Way to slip that in there. Is that what you really want? I mean, you can still have your career and be a mother.”

  “I know, but my priorities have changed,” Tricia admitted. “I met Nico through the modeling and while it isn’t him who soured it for me, a number of things did that I overlooked. I don’t want my baby raised in a makeup trailer while I’m on set or see the views many in the business have on body size and weight. I may not have been at it long but I made enough that I can chose another dream, something positive and fun.”

  “And that would be?” Isa asked.

  Tricia shrugged. “Don’t know yet, maybe open a boutique and sell my own clothing designs. I’ve always loved the creation part, maybe this is a sign I should go into business for myself. I’d have to get a loan, find a manufacturer and I’d want to have all my items American made. There’s a lot to think about.”

  “It sounds like you’ve already put a lot of thought into it, so you should go for it. You’d knock the fashion world’s socks off.” Isa said firmly.

  “Here’s another bomb I’m going to drop on you,” Tricia took a breath. “I kissed Dr. Ben Allary.”

  Isa choked on her drink. “I thought you were going to say I have gas or something! Holy shit! When, where—hell on wheels... just tell me everything.”

  “I took him muffins as a thank you and we ate breakfast,” Tricia explained. “He came out of the shower looking all built under that t-shirt and he was barefoot. We were cleaning up and I dropped a plate, we both bent down to get it and wham—we were kissing.”

  “Wham?” Isa said, amused.

  Tricia rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. He stopped the kiss and said we couldn’t. I guess kissing the pregnant, abused girlfriend of a psycho isn’t on his list of things to do.”

  “Oh, Tricia, he doesn’t think that. He was probably being cautious with you being pregnant,” Isa said gently. “Pregnancy hormones and all you’ve been through would make him think you’d be fragile and a slow hand.”

  “I would like a slow hand,” Tricia sighed and they both laughed. “Can I tell you something? I got pregnant by happenstance. I wasn’t sleeping with Nico anymore. I was trying to get my stuff back so I could leave. One night he came in sober for once and sorry for everything. I caught a glimpse of the guy who charmed me and I gave in that night. The next day before noon, he was drunk again and the cycle began all over. When I found out I was pregnant a few weeks later that was when he escalated. It had stopped being a relationship months before.”

  “How do you feel about Ben?” Isa questioned.

  Tricia felt her heart flutter at the thought of the sexy doctor. “I think he’s hot, from the time I met him in your hospital room. I thought he’d make a move but I was too shy to. Then it was off to Italy and that was where I met Nico. I don’t think he wants me though, I mean friendship is about it.”

  “I’ve seen how he looks at you and I don’t think that’s the problem. Ben is a gentleman and is acting like one,” Isa said firmly. “He’s treating you with kid gloves.”

  Tricia sighed. “It’s not an ideal dating situation with me being pregnant with another man’s child. I’m going to let it go and not think about it, I’m going to focus on my baby and building a life for us.”

  “That’s how you do it,” Isa agreed. “Let things happen naturally and if Ben wants you, he’ll work at making you his.”

  “Wise words, oh Sage One,” Tricia made a bowing movement with her hands.

  Isa laughed. “Now let’s eat and enjoy our meal before it gets too cold, then off to the baby boutiques for ideas and some baby books.”

  They finished brunch and with their hunger sated, they walked to the baby stores that were close by. Tricia was glad Isa made her leave the house because she thoroughly enjoyed the day. When they got home and got their packages into the house, Isa said goodbye with a big hug. Tricia locked up and went upstairs tiredly. She changed and decided to spend the rest of the evening in bed with her baby books, looking at ideas for the nursery. Even though she said she wouldn’t, Tricia still thought about the kiss she and Ben shared and a warm flush washed over her body. She wouldn’t push but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t hope for another taste of him. In a perfect world, she would never have left New Orleans and the baby she was carrying would actually be his. But the world wasn’t perfect and you had to play the cards you were dealt.

  * * * *

  Sunday heralded warm April breeze and Ben stood outside the Forte mansion after ringing the doorbell. He’d spent the rest of Friday and all Saturday thinking about Tricia and the kiss until it was driving him crazy. He needed an outside opinion and who better to offer him some insight than Tricia’s best friend Isa. The two were like sisters and he hoped after telling Isa that he kissed her friend in a delicate situation, she didn’t shoot him. Bryce answered the door with baby Avery in his arms chewing the collar of his polo shirt. Right behind him was David, Bryce’s friend and driver with his sleeves rolled up and the second half of the twins his arms, little Ashley in a purple jumper was trying to grab his cheek and bite it.

  “Teething?” Bryce said with humor in his voice.

  “That or they’re rabid. Come on in,” Bryce said and tugged his collar from the baby’s mouth.

  “Where is Isa? I kinda want to talk to her,” Ben asked. “Have you guys thought about putting banana halves in the freezer and giving them to the twin to chew? It will soothe their teeth and defrost slowly enough that they only get bits of it. And it’s healthy.”

  “Now you tell us,” David murmured and handed him Ashley. “I’ll go do that now. Be wary of this one, she’s a biter.”

  Bryce shook his head. “He saw an escape and took it. Isa isn’t here. She went out with Tricia.”

  “Oh,” Ben couldn’t hide the disappointment in his voice.

  Bryce smiled. “Want to talk to me about it? It does include you playing with or fending off babies. Top teeth coming in, they’re like beavers trying to chew everything. Oh and lots of drooling.”

  Ben bounced Ashley in his arms. “They’re not so bad. Did you put the numbing stuff on their gums?”

  Bryce grimaced. “Yes, we did, and after getting bit a few times, we deduced it makes them drool more. It’s like one of the aliens from that movie when they open their mouths and t
here another mouth.”

  He couldn’t help the laughter that burst out of him. “I don’t think your wife would appreciate you calling the kids aliens.”

  “She coined the term,” Bryce said as he set Avery in the large playpen and held out his hands for Ashley. “Give me the little biter.”

  Ashley squealed as Ben handed her over and Bryce blew a noisy kiss against her neck as he put her with her brother. When he sat down on the plush sofa, Ben noted the tired sigh that escaped Bryce.

  “They are a handful, aren’t they?” Ben asked sitting in the chair close by.

  Bryce grinned tiredly. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, but yes. My dad is coming in next week for a visit. I plan to sleep for twenty-four hours.”

  “You could hire a nanny,” Ben pointed out.

  “Nope, we want to be hands on parents, I’m ever missing a thing,” Bryce answered. “So lay it on me. What troubles our friendly neighborhood doctor?”

  Ben sighed and explained in a rush. “I kissed Tricia when she brought me muffins and I can’t get her out of my head. I stopped the kiss and now she thinks I did it because she is used goods or something like that.”

  “Wow,” Bryce said the word slowly.

  “You’re telling me. What do I do?” Ben asked.

  “Do you like her?” Bryce asked. “I know it’s like asking a teenager but that’s the question of the day.”

  “I more than like her. But the factors are: Am I ready to be a dad because she and the baby are a package deal? After what that asshole did is she ready for a relationship—a permanent one for that matter because I don’t do casual dating. And how do you go about winning the heart of a woman pregnant with another man’s child? Should we take it slow, do I put my intent on the table and kiss the hell out of her?” Ben laid out all the questions in his head.

  “That’s a lot of variables,” Bryce murmured. “Honestly, I would take it one day at a time. She obviously feels something for you too since she kissed you back. She did kiss you back, right?”

  “Of course,” Ben said, outraged. “I don’t go around kissing random pregnant women.”

  “Calm down, Doc I had to ask,” Bryce said. “Simple solution. Ask her out on a date, go to dinner or a movie or something and see where it goes. One kiss does not a relationship make. See if you have a connection before you start deciding she wants you to be the father of her unborn child.”

  Ben sighed. “Now you say it, that does sound ridiculous. You’re right. I’m going to ask her out and we can talk and see where it goes.”

  “Glad I could help. Isa won’t be back for a while.” Bryce said. “Do you want to hang back, eat some food that’s bad for us and watch ESPN or something?”

  Ben nodded. “Sure, why not, I have my beeper in case any of my patients go into labor.”

  ‘That does include chasing these two when they want out of their prison and maybe a changing a diaper or two,” Bryce pointed out.

  “I love babies and this is nothing new in my world,” Ben said. “Bring it on.”

  Feeling better after talking it over with Bryce, Ben settled back to enjoy a hectic babysitting Sunday with the man he now called a friend. Their first meeting wasn’t the best. Ben chuckled when he recalled how pissed he was thinking Bryce was mistreating Isa and Bryce’s reaction to that. Now he and Bryce could sit talk and relax with trust between them. Take it slow, Ben reminded himself. More important than what he felt or wanted, was to make sure Tricia was healthy in her pregnancy and not to stress her in any way. If starting a relationship with him was too much, he would step back and patiently wait. Someone like Tricia was worth waiting for. She deserved being handled with care.

  Chapter Four

  Tricia stood outside the door of Ben’s practice and took a deep, steadying breath. It was the first time she’d be seeing him after the kiss, and after she considered changing doctors, Tricia nixed the idea. Regardless of how she felt, trusting Ben came easy and she wanted him to be her doctor. Isa offered to come along but she’d declined the offer because she was intent in the decision to rely on herself. While she understood she needed the help when she called Isa and Bryce, it bothered Tricia to no end that people saw her as this timid person who could be abused or rescued. It made her feel uncomfortable and she planned to change that aspect of herself. Tricia vowed to be a single mother who could handle it all.

  She walked through the doors with her head held high and signed in for her appointment. After she completed her paper work and the nurse at the reception desk took her insurance information, Tricia sat down to wait until her name was called. In only a few minutes she was back in the clinic where she was weighed and her blood was taken and she gave a sample of her urine to be checked. She asked questions, that was key. She needed to know exactly what was going on when it came to her health and the care of her baby.

  Her weight was good, blood pressure normal and she was as healthy as a horse, so the nurse said. As she lay on the table waiting for Ben to come in, she couldn’t help but feel anxious about this aspect of the check-up and of course, seeing him. Ben came through the door and her heart fluttered. The white coat he wore over his royal blue shirt and paisley tie seemed to only enhance his height and handsomeness. There was a moment of disappointment when another woman in a white coat came in behind him. They wouldn’t be able to talk as freely as she would like to and she thought, Maybe that’s a good thing.

  Ben smiled. “Hi Tricia, how are you feeling?”

  “Doing good, still no nausea or anything,” Tricia answered.

  “You weren’t spreading that little tidbit around in the waiting room, were you?” He teased. “I don’t need a rebellion of my patients.”

  She chuckled. “No, I kept my lips zipped.”

  “Good.” He looked down at her chart. “Everything looks good. This is my Physician’s Assistant, Audrey Wheeler. She’ll be performing your pelvic exam today. Then we’ll move on to your ultrasound.

  ‘That’s perfectly fine,” Tricia said sweetly.

  “Nice to meet you, Ms. Turner,” Audrey Wheeler said.

  “Same here, Audrey the P.A.,” Tricia answered.

  Well now, I see why he wasn’t interested, Tricia thought bitterly. But she kept her face calm and pleasant. The brunette had flawless skin and wide green eyes. Of course working with an intelligent woman in his field would be more appealing than a pregnant model. Keep it together girl, remember you are strong and fierce.

  “Let’s get your belly measured and we can use that and the ultrasound to gauge how far along you are and your due date,” Ben said pleasantly.

  “Okay, sounds good to me,” Tricia said.

  She made the mistake of looking up at him. Ben was looking at her with a curious expression on his face and she hoped her voice didn’t give away what she was feeling inside.

  “Ok, pelvic first. We’ll step out so you can undress only the lower half and cover yourself with the sheets. Don’t worry they are warm, so this won’t feel so sterile to you,” Audrey the P.A. said.

  They left the room and Tricia stepped out of her peach tights and undies. “Damn it, she has to be nice too. I like her,” she muttered under her breath. “I can’t win.”

  In a few minutes they came back into the room and Audrey gave her a pelvic examination. As soon as she started Tricia was glad it was her and not Ben. What a pelvic exam entailed was something that may lead to an embarrassing moment for her. There was no way he could be that close to her nether region with the attraction she had for him. Thank you, Audrey the P.A., she thought. They left her to clean up and get dressed. When Ben came back in, he was alone and wheeling a portable ultrasound machine.

  “Audrey has gone to take your samples to the lab,” Ben said. “I think we can handle this part by ourselves.”

  “I guess so,” Tricia said.

  “So how are you really, friend to friend?” Ben asked as he pulled a measuring tape from the pocket of his white lab coat.

smiled and answered honestly. “I’m really good, I promise.”

  Ben nodded. “I’m glad you bounced back from your ordeal...”

  “I don’t want to talk about that,” she said abruptly.

  “Tricia, you’re going to need to talk to someone, anyone, about what you went through to start dealing with it,” Ben explained quietly. “As a doctor and your friend...”

  “I’m starting to dislike that word ‘friend’,” she muttered. “Ben, please let it go and let me handle it my way.”

  He nodded. “As you wish, now let’s get you measured and that ultrasound.”

  She was quiet as he moved the measuring tape from her the top of her pelvic bone to the small hard mound in her stomach. Then he sat and pulled the machine close before taking a small bottle from a holder on its side.

  “This is the gel we use to help us get a clear picture. It’s going to be warm, I promise,” he said with a smile before teasing. “We try to make our patients feel comfortable and cold gel makes the babies run away and hide.”

  “That’s fine, thank you,” Tricia answered. The mood in the room had become tense and she knew it, but she was very excited to see the image of her baby.

  Ben applied the gel and then used the wand to run slowly across her belly. Tricia watched as he pressed buttons and made notes in her chart silently. The more he did without speaking made her anxiety level rise until she couldn’t take it any longer.

  “Is something wrong?” Tricia’s words tumbled out in an anxious rush.

  “No, not at all,” Ben said. “Do you remember the date of your last cycle?”

  She rattled off the date before asking. “Why?”

  “Because you’re about twelve weeks pregnant and from that date you should be about eight to ten weeks,” Ben explained.

  “I had my cycle before that date, I recall it because it was lighter and shorter than usual,” Tricia said.

  ‘That’s called break through bleeding, you were pregnant but your body still acted like normal,” Ben said.


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