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The Trapped Mind Project (Emerilia Book 1)

Page 34

by Michael Chatfield

  Deia walked to the dwarf, saying a few words before she walked off toward the group again.

  “Well done. Remind me to never get on your bad side!” Tounk said.

  Deia smiled, some of the tension in her shoulders relaxing.

  Dave gave her a curious look. “You okay?”

  “Better than him.” She pointed over her shoulder at the dwarf who was being pulled from his armor, groaning as healing mages worked on him.

  Dave smiled at his girl, holding hands as they waited.

  Joko and Gurren both won their bouts. Max had a hard battle but in the end he’d been forced out of the circle.

  Dave got a message calling him to the Player’s games. Deia gave him a kiss, putting on his helmet as Dave put on his gauntlet.

  He was still wearing basic iron armor. It was heavy and its protection didn’t look like much. It was well made and customized to fit him. Most Players were using at least steel, most with enchanted armor.

  Dave was going up against a level 25. She was a human warrior with what looked like a bit of giant in her. She was seven feet of muscle, armor, and great sword.

  “Hello, little man.” She shook her head at Dave’s stature.

  “Hello, Hesi,” Dave said graciously.

  “It must be like climbing a tower when you try to hump that Elf over there. Friggin’ midget.” The woman tried to get him riled up.

  He moved, easing his shoulders, and looked at her stance. He didn’t have much Mana left after all of his conjuring. It was coming back, but it had slowed down since he’d entered the ring. He concentrated his Touch of the Land, using a third of its Mana as he studied Hesi and her armor.

  “Ah, well, I do remember a nursery rhyme about a princess in a tower, and she’s hotter.” Dave nodded toward Deia. He caught Deia’s amused look. He’d forgotten how acute her hearing was. It brought a smile to his face as he shrugged.

  “Pah, so what does that make you? The damn frog?” Hesi said.

  “Different nursery rhyme.” Dave looked back to Hesi and her leg. With such a big piece of armor, it was hard to make it all strong as hell. It was worn, used and cared for. Though Dave wasn’t looking at its appearance; he was looking into its very structure and makeup.

  Hesi snorted.

  “Don’t matter. After you get your ass beat, ain’t no one going to want to jump in your bed. In this game, power rules. I don’t know how the hell you’ve lasted this long being level 3.” She shook her head.

  “Fighters ready?” the Dwarven referee asked.

  Dave and Hesi nodded. Dave moved into a fighting stance as Hesi casually pulled her sword off her back.

  “I hope I don’t kill you with a single kick. So damn squishy, I’ll probably kill you in one hit.” Hesi sighed.

  “If you can land a hit.” Dave smiled. The final magical runes appeared on the inside of his armor. New power filled him as he physically grew a few inches and his body bulged out slightly.


  Hesi swung her blade. It almost seemed as if it were moving in molasses to Dave; his speed had increased to four times its normal. The power it was consuming was incredible. He needed to finish the fight quickly. He moved under her sword, flipping his right axe over in his hand, bringing the pointed back onto the weakness he’d seen. His doubled strength cracked the armor and stuck into her leg. He pulled the axe free and tore the armor apart. He turned and jumped, coming up over Hesi as she turned to face him.

  She tried to bring her massive blade between them as Dave slammed the side of his axe against Hesi’s head.

  Her movements were slow and choreographed; even with her bell rung, she was able to select another action. This was a strength of the preset actions. Even with bad damage, your character would still carry out the action. For tanks against mobs or when they were injured, it was useful as hell.

  Dave dropped on her opposite side. Just as her blade came into block his last attack, he dragged his axe through the back of her leg. She fell backward. She might be able to use actions, but her body still took damage. Without supporting ligaments in her leg, she couldn’t use it. Dave let go of his axes as she fell down toward him. He took her weight on his two hands; using her momentum and his strength, he pushed upward, yelling as his muscles bulged and he flipped her over. She crashed down, her right foot outside of the circle.

  Dave broke the connecting runes in his armor to conserve power. He was breathing heavily from the fight.

  Hesi pounded the ground in frustration and pushed herself up with her great sword. “Good fight, Dave. Sorry ’bout the stuff before.”

  “No worries. In a fight, we’re trying to do everything to mess our opponent up.” Dave smiled and pulled his helmet off.

  Hesi grinned and put out a hand. Dave shook it.

  “I’ve heard about you Evolvers. If you’ve got some free time, I’d like to learn how to really fight instead of just using these actions,” Hesi said.

  “Talk to the Dwarves around hre, they’d be interested in giving out some lessons for a bit of gold.” Dave smiled.

  “Thanks, I’ll check it out,”Doulden said before walking away.

  Dave walked the other way, dealing with his notifications. Training was good but actually getting in a fight was a way to confirm those skills and his stats reflected it accordingly.

  Active Skill: Magical Circuits

  Level: Journeyman 4

  Effect: 51% chance of creating better Magical Circuits and understanding them.

  Cost: Dependent

  Passive Skill: Dodge

  Level: Journeyman 4

  Effect: 51% chance to evade objects.

  Active Skill: Sprint

  Level: Expert 2

  Effect: 67% increased speed

  Cost: 5 Stamina/s

  Active Skill: Dual wield

  Level: Journeyman Level 8

  Effect: Attacks are 28% faster; 50% reduced damage with off-hand blade.

  Cost: 15 Stamina/s

  Chapter 14: Fight Night

  Tounk lost in his second bout and Lox was tearing up the level 40 to 60 circles.

  Deia, now able to use her Fire magic, was mopping the floor with people. Sometimes, she was handicapping herself just using her ranger skills. Every time she used her Fire, her smile grew a little bit wider.

  The Player fights were going slower, so Dave was able to sit back, watch other fights and work on his Magical Circuits enchanting his armor.

  Gurren had won two bouts, Joko another.

  Finally, Dave was called back out to the Players’ circle. He was up against Mikal. Mikal had been training a lot, moving from an Action Player to a hybrid Evolver and Action.

  It had been some time since Dave had seen the Russian rogue; he was level 29 now.

  Dave pulled up his character sheet and did some mental math.

  Character Sheet


  David Grahslagg










  Chaotic Neutral

  Unspent points: 65




  1.08 /s




  2.50 /s




  2.00 /s













  He had the same amount of stat points littered around as someone who was level 39. He opened up a screen that showed his armor base.

  Iron Helm

  Quality: B

  Defense: 239

  Durability: 20/20

  Iron Cuirass

  Quality: B

  Defense: 239

  Durability: 20/20

  Iron Greaves

  Quality: B

  Defense: 102

  Durability: 20/20

  Iron Gauntlets

  Quality: B

  Defense: 65

  Durability: 17/17

  Iron Sabatons

  Quality: B

  Defense: 139

  Durability: 15/15

  Iron armor modifiers

  Linked Enchantments:

  Wearer’s Agility +75% maximum

  Wearer’s Strength +50% Max

  Mana +12% Max

  Cost: 125 Mana/s 75 Stamina/s

  The stats were great but the cost—that was crazy. It would last six seconds before the enchantments gave up.

  Dave knew he could add in the final runes to turn on the enchantments in a second, filling himself with power. It could possibly end the match as soon as it began but Dave was cautious. He held it in reserve. If he needed it, then he could call on it. Better to need it and not use it than waste it before it was ever useful.

  “How can you move quickly in all of that?” Mikal asked as they met in the circle.

  “Built up my strength training with the Dwarves, building my house and working in the smithy. It’s like another set of clothes now.” Dave shrugged.

  “Who made that? Looks pretty maneuverable. Been trying to find some better leather armor,” Mikal said.

  “I made this. I know some people who are good with leather. Me—I’m smithing all the way,” Dave said.

  “Mind talking to them after this? I haven’t been so popular after opening up the citadel.” Mikal looked at his daggers.

  “Sure,” Dave said.

  Jules, Esa, and Mikal were sorry for what they had done. As they’d come to know the village more, the way that they were dismissed for what they had done had hurt. Dave didn’t like the way that most Players thought of themselves above everything that the NPCs did and that rules didn’t apply to them. Mikal and his group seemed to be more like Dave in that respect.

  “Fighters, are you ready?” the referee asked.

  “Yeah.” Mikal lowered himself, his hands up and ready, his daggers still sheathed.

  “Yes, sir.” Dave held out his axes.


  Mikal’s blades seemed to simply appear in his hands as he disappeared, using an action. Dave jumped forward as a blade came down where Dave had been standing.

  Mikal was extended, as he thought he’d get a killing blow. Surprise colored his face as Dave swung around, cutting down on Mikal’s extended right hand, and buried his right axe in the man’s shoulder.

  Mikal cried out. The two attacks took out seventy percent of his Health. “I submit!” Mikal said.

  Dave pulled the axes free. He knelt next to Mikal, pouring healing Mana into his body.

  “Dave wins!”

  Mikal let out a relieved smile as Dave put the worst wounds back together. “You’ve gotten better,” Mikal said.

  “You have, too. Nice move with using your natural draw, to make me think that you were going to use just Evolving fighting style. Then right into blink-step, followed with a power attack. Would have worked if you were fighting someone else.” Dave smiled, sheathed his axes and helped Mikal up.

  “How did you know I was going to use actions?”

  “Watched your other two fights,” Dave said.

  Although that was true, he had seen certain characteristics like Mana flow and certain movements that made up some of the best preset actions. Everyone using blink-step reacted in the same way. Taking that, he knew when Mikal would do it. His observations had not been in vain.

  “Well, I hope you win all of your upcoming fights. Make me look a bit better!” Mikal grinned.

  “I’ll do my best.” Dave smiled.

  Chapter 15: Behind Closed Doors

  Cassie tapped her finger on her desk as she watched the man Dave. He was up against a spellsword. The spellsword was level 40. Dave had made it through all of the level 20 fighters with ease and was now grinding through the level 40s.

  The spellsword said a quick chant, keeping Dave at a distance with his sword and shield. Power flared out of the spellsword.

  His hit points and strength doubled as he turned from the defensive to attacking. Dave dodged away from the blade; it hit his left arm, denting the armor. Dave’s Health was cut by forty percent by the blow.

  Cassie’s tapping stopped as she leaned forward. “Is he a min-max build? Still, that wouldn’t make up for all of the power he’s been exerting.” Before her eyes, Dave’s Health came back as Dave’s attacks sped up.

  He hit the spellsword. Dave’s axes blurred as he struck the spellsword’s shield.

  The spellsword made to bash Dave away using a preset action.

  Dave seemed to read it exactly. He spun away from the bash that was supposed to daze him and the stab that would have impaled him. The point on the back of his axe came down on the spellsword’s weapon. The sword cracked and broke. Dave’s other axe hit the spellsword in the helmet with its side.

  It didn’t do much damage but it would disorient the spellsword.

  The spellsword didn’t seem to realize it as he brought his now broken side toward Dave in a wild slash, bringing his shield over to punch Dave with its edge.

  Dave kicked out sideways; the powerful kick sent the spellsword four feet and over the line. His armor was dented from the hit and he was down twenty percent of his Health from the single kick. His Health dropped to forty percent.

  Dave sheathed his weapons and walked to his opponent to check that he was okay.

  The man swiped at him with a shield, not accepting his loss.

  Dave punched him in the helmet so hard it dented. The spellsword dropped to the ground, knocked out with his Health bar at fifteen percent.

  Something was going on with Dave Grahslagg and Cassie wanted to figure it out. She shut her interface linked to one of her people spectating the tournament.

  She thought of the Elven Fire mage. She had natural talent with her magic, only needing a few words of power here and there to conjure powerful spells that didn’t even seem to tax her.

  Then there’s that ability to actually fight. I’d classify her as one of the most powerful fire mages I’ve seen to date. She doesn’t even buff herself; she only adds her flames to her attacks. Then there’s the whole fact that it seems that she and Dave are an item.

  She sighed and shook her head. A smile spread across her features. Makes for one hell of an interesting game though!

  The tournament would bring more people out to Cliff-Hill, more people who could serve as cannon fodder when the citadel rose.

  A message pinged in her inbox.

  >Heya love,

  Would love to join in on that raid that the Dwarves are hostin’. Got a bit of trouble with a little excursion me and the lads went out on. Should make it there in time for the festivities, love!

  Josh Giles

  Josh Giles was the leader of the Stone Raider guild. The guild had two goals: to have fun and do raids. They were constantly looking to find new raids and put their names at the top of the boards, whether that meant clearing it first or getting the best time. They dominated a number of boards. They were a relaxed guild of friends and family. Infiltrating them was damn near impossible. Although they acted like goons outside of raids, once they got into a fight they came together, focused on winning. When they had joined Emerilia, instead of just using their action commands, they started working on actually training one another. It made the game more fun. It also made them one of the strongest guilds in all of Emerilia.

  People left the Stone Raiders alone. They like to joke, have a good time, and go on raids. When they were in civilization, they were a rowdy and troublemaking bunch.

  When Cassie had enlisted their help to clear out the portal to the Alturaran lands, she had seen behind that veneer of crazy. Th
ey goofed off and messed around so much when they were in civilization because when they were in the raiding mindset or dealing with an enemy, they were a concentrated and powerful fighting force. She hadn’t invited the Stone Raiders or Giles but it seemed that they would be there in time for the Dark Citadel.

  Things were about to get a bit livelier.

  Chapter 16: Semi-Finals

  Gurren, Dave, and Deia were the only three left in the games. Dave looked at his next opponent, an extremely strong and gifted Light mage.

  Dave was modifying his Magical Circuits as he went, taking his boosts for power and instead putting them into a larger Mana pool. The mage was level 45 and Dave was not feeling good about his fight.

  Gurren was downing water after just finishing his fight. The Dwarves were talking of his fighting style, critiquing and praising him.

  As the games had continued, it had gone from a game of toughness to one of endurance. Deia looked as if she’d barely raised a sweat in her bracket of 65 to 80. “After this, you’re going to need a shower,” Deia said.

  “Oh yeah?” Dave pulled on his armor, trying to get some more circulation.

  “So, we can continue what we started this morning,” she purred in his ear.

  It was his turn to blush and grin, as he looked at her.

  Fighting was one of those things that made you feel alive.

  “Dave Grahslagg and Melisandra Endari,” the referee said.

  “Watch out for those mage bolts,” Deia said.

  “I’ll try my best,” Dave said, both of their voices turning serious. He pulled on his helmet and walked toward the fighting circle. I am going to have to start working on that new set of armor.


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