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The Final Link_The Gateway Saga

Page 18

by Erin Thornton

  “Let’s take your treat over to the mats. It will be a more comfortable place to sit and we can talk. Then I will give you a few things to try. My goal is to give you practical skills you can use in combat. Then when those two goons start to teach you any fighting skills, you can fend them off.” Eldon took her hand and walked her over to the mat. Not once did she relinquish her food or offer to share. This was hers and given these guys ability to get almost anything, she didn’t even bother to ask where he acquired it. For all she knew, a Brownie could have sent it over.

  Legs crisscrossed on the mat Aggie faced Eldon head on, but this time they didn’t touch. Between mouthfuls and a couple times without bothering to empty her mouth, “They put me through the ringer, but it was all strength training. They said from here on out they will do the first session like today and the second with fighting skills training. Total of two hours a day until I don’t tire as easily.”

  “That will come easier as you get used to the magic inside you. The magic will reset your system as you go.” Eldon leaned back on his hands as they spoke making Aggie feel more relaxed as well. That was something Eldon was always good at, he could clam her down in an instant.

  “I noticed that this,” Aggie held her bracelet up to show him, “my Fae self, told me would help me channel my magic and control it. If not this,” she shook her bracelet again as she referenced it, “specifically, then anything connected to nature directly contacting my skin. I realized whenever I needed a boost or felt like I would drop, I could draw a little from the bracelet and I was able to keep going. I didn’t do it much but I realized it when I almost keeled over a couple times. The energy was just there and I was back moving again.”

  “That sounds about right, you are channeling your magic and you don’t even know it. The bracelet, while it helps you connect, is really just a symbol for you to focus on in times of need. Your Fae is quite wise, to have given you that focal point. Now if you could, would you try something for me? I would like you to visualize wind in your head and focus on creating a tiny tornado in the palm of your hand.” Eldon really had big plans for her it seemed, he was starting out with the big guns.

  “Wow, nothing like taking it slow. Oh, I should tell you I breathed a wind today and knocked Mitchell over. So, this shouldn’t be too hard, but I did that with my mouth before.” Aggie got so excited over the food he brought her, that she had almost forgotten to tell him about her manifestation of her powers.

  “This shouldn’t be too difficult then, but just picture capturing that tornado under a glass, similar to a snow globe only this one will be called a tornado globe, purely for observation not destruction.” Aggie giggled at his description though even though it was a tad odd, it did make it easier to paint the idea in her mind. Without saying anything she held up her palm face up and stared at it. She was making an extra effort to not close her eyes. She wanted to see it form and she knew how pretty her eyes would become as they transformed into the Fae version of her own.

  Seconds later, she started to feel the air move across her hand. A smile broke out on her face because it felt just like before except this time it came from everywhere and not from her lips. Quickly that wind took shape, swirling like a tumbleweed around her hand. She had the concept but it was still a bit rough and not anywhere like a globe covering it. Aggie focused a bit harder and she pictured a glass floating above her hand and easing it over the billowing bundle. Once she had it trapped from above, she sealed the invisible glass over her palm and closed the escape for good. Now the tornado began to spin and twirl but never got any bigger than a garden gnome. The thought made her giggle because the tornado looked very similar to that gnome’s upturned hat.

  “I did it! Look at it El, it is magnificent.” Aggie wanted to jump up and down for joy but she was afraid the imaginary glass would fall from her hand letting the tornado escape and wreak havoc on the space.

  “Once again like an age-old Fae, you have now mastered the power of the wind, just as you took to creation. I’m so proud of you.” Slowly she let the wind recede and as it calmed she mentally raised the invisible glass. With that, all the wind dispersed into the room naturally and Aggie let her eyes lift and meet Eldon’s. She could see the pride shining in his eyes and it warmed her from the inside out. Not that she never had that as a child, but she had never done something like this that would warrant such a reaction. She wasn’t very much of a go getter in high school academically. She opted for the ‘just get by’ approach. This, on the other hand, was the perfect reaction and just what she needed.

  “Teach me something else, I want to knock Mitchell on his ass tomorrow. I’d really love it if it packed enough of a punch to keep him down for a minute, I might need time to make a fast getaway.” Aggie winked at Eldon so he’d know she was kidding, at least about the running away part. “No, if I knock him down no matter how hard it will be enough. I’ll stand and fight whatever he throws back at me.”

  “Good, there would be no point of training you magically or otherwise, if you are planning to just run away when the first threat appeared.” Eldon wasn’t upset, more like stating the obvious. “I think the best thing you could do that would be both surprising and still big enough to make a statement would be a vine.”

  “You mean I’m going to conjure a vine from thin air?” Aggie was impressed, but a little skeptical seeing as she wouldn’t be outside and the bracelet might not be a big enough connection for this plan.

  “Yes, but not technically from thin air. This castle as I said is made of natural stone, but because it is stone there are gaps in between that are made from a dirt paste, or mortar. You can use that to your advantage here. It will just take a bit more concentration to control it, but thankfully it isn’t as dangerous as the tornado you just contained.” Eldon stood from the mat they were on and Aggie followed suit.

  “Should I take off my shoes, I feel like connection will be key here and I’m not sure my bracelet will be enough.” Aggie hesitated but decided telling him about her insecurities was better than hiding them at this point.

  “Let’s leave them on, I’d hate for Mitchell to get a clue before you nail him.” Eldon’s wide grin was contagious, Aggie found herself enjoying this moment right along with him.

  Chapter 16

  The next morning Aggie was sore, but it was a good sore. The kind of pain that let you know you had muscles, but not enough to be immobile. Breakfast was the usual spread and after their workout the day before as well as the plan to repeat it that day, Aggie planned to load up on calories so she wouldn’t crap out too soon. Piling her plate high with eggs and bacon she threw on a couple pancakes and slathered everything with syrup. As she sat down a cup appeared in front of her, glancing around she saw that no one was anywhere near her. “Who did that?”

  No one said a word, but Gryson’s smile slipped on his face. Aggie nodded her head as she took that first sip. It ran through her body like liquid energy. Then it hit her, “Eldon, is it possible that foods and anything that comes right from the ground will affect me differently now?” She didn’t know how to describe it but coffee had always felt like a life-giving brew, but that morning it was literal. She felt renewed.

  “I can’t say exactly how it would work on you. What I can say is, I feel a bit more spry after my meals. Since I’ve always been that way it isn’t something I really notice all that often as something of significance. We can watch it and see how you react before and after eating.” Eldon’ scooped up another bite of his breakfast.

  Deciding to test this theory, Aggie jumped from her chair and grabbed a second plate of food, this time she chose only from the fruit table. Selecting a piece of cantaloupe Aggie took a bite, the juices ran down her arm and she slurped up what she could to not let it escape. The flavor burst in her mouth as though it were the first time she had ever tasted the delicacy. Sweet and light in flavor and perfect in every way. With eyes wide like a child, Aggie looked around the table, but to her disappointment, none of
the guys were paying any attention to her. So she chose to enjoy the rest of her meal, in peace.

  Aggie quickly realized, that only the grown food reacted in the magically new way as the cantaloupe. The pancakes, eggs and bacon while good, weren’t explosive on her tongue the same as the fruit. To Aggie’s surprise, she finished everything and wasn’t overly stuffed. If she didn’t want to make headway and get to the gym, she would have gone back for seconds. She was dressed in another set of leathers, but this time created by Liel. He met her at the twin’s door this morning before breakfast and Aggie was grateful. While Eldon had walked her back to the twin’s room, he was kind enough to transform her previous leathers into a beautiful silk nightgown trimmed in lace. Liel’s version of the leathers from the previous day were practical and the same buttery soft and pliable. She never would have realized how functional this material was until she worked out the previous day vigorously with no complications. Liel’s accent coloring were beautiful sweeping greens of different shades waving across her right torso. They ran diagonal and twirling at the ends and twining the individual strands and colors together into one on both ends. Her boots were the perfect size and all black. Aggie felt like she could go on a super-secret mission after dark and fit in perfectly.

  Scraping her chair back from the table ready to start the day, “So what is on the agenda today?” While she was leading the conversation, she didn’t want to dictate today.

  “I made some headway with my scrying yesterday, but I’m having trouble narrowing it down. I’m hoping with Mathius’s help I can narrow down what I’m seeing. I don’t know the terrain and can’t figure out what the interference might be at this time.” Gryson looked exhausted, but more disappointed than anything. His hair was out of place for the first time since she had met him, as though he had been constantly running his hands through it.

  “I think that is a good plan, Mathius do you have any plans today?” Aggie wanted them to cheer up and know they were on track.

  “Nothing that can’t be held off for a while. I was just going to do rounds and see if anything had changed.” Mathius moved over beside Gryson and the other two men, Liel decided to pick up his original role in the search, they made their way to what Aggie assumed was the Security room.

  “Anyone else have any great and wonderful plans today?” Aggie scanned the room, the remaining men just shrugged noncommittally. Raising one eyebrow, Aggie silently questioned their response.

  “Well, Ren and I are going to be picking up your training from where we left of yesterday. I’m planning to incorporate some actual fighting today, but you aren’t going to like it. Chances are you will be on your ass so much today, it’s going to be sore.” Snickering at his own words, Aggie scowled at him.

  “Well, since that is our plan and no one has anything else they want to share, then let’s get this ass beating under way.” Aggie didn’t want them to know she has an ace up her sleeve, so she played along and ho-hummed her way through, following the twins out and to the training gym.


  “I said keep your hands up, you are going to ruin that pretty face if you don’t protect it. The entire point is to block yourself from attack. That means any attack, try it again.” Mitchell’s gruff words made Aggie mad. They had been working for over an hour and she was growing exhausted. Her arms felt like they weighed a hundred pounds each. “You also need to keep moving, an opponent could get the jump on you at anytime and you need to be on guard at all times even if that is just staying in motion. Becoming stagnant for even just a moment, could cost you your life. You also have to remember there will be magic in play, as well. Let me show you what I mean. Ren care to help in this demonstration? We’re going to show you how much quicker the reflexes can be from still and from already in motion. Even though he has no magic, with or without, just consider the consequences of one or the other if someone threw magic at you.” Mitchell took up the stance he had taught her, legs spread shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent for mobility. Bouncing on the balls of his feet, foot to foot shifting his weight back and forth he brought his hands up in a light fist, right hand slightly in front of the left. Aggie understood the purpose of this motion, but her will to keep going was wavering. She wished she possessed the stamina to keep this up as long as Mitchell and Ren.

  Then without warning Ren barreled down and attacked his brother yelling and raising his leg in a side kick to try and take him down. Mitchell was ready for him and quickly dodged, able to step out of the way and never had to raise a fist or arm to block him.

  “Reset.” Mitchell yelled out. He didn’t address Aggie between sets, but just spoke to his brother, who rounded back across the room to begin again. Mitchell reset his stance. Only this time, she noticed he didn’t bounce on the balls of his feet. For a moment, he swayed back and forth just shifting his weight from hip to hip. This time he looked more like an impatient husband waiting for his wife to finish shopping. His hands were on his hips and not in a protective stance.

  Ren’s smile looked more like a malicious leer as he prepared to attack. This time instead a loud war cry, he approached stealthier, and without warning. When he got to Mitchell, he was scanning the room with his back to him and Ren didn’t hold back this time. With a quick strong jab, Ren punched Mitchell directly into his right kidney. While Aggie probably would have dropped to the floor writhing in pain, Mitchell’s face gave the slightest tensing. If Aggie didn’t know better she would have thought he was wincing. Though Aggie knew that Ren hadn’t pulled his punch, Mitchell was too much of an Alpha to show how much it actually hurt, he instead dropped to one knee to carry on with Aggie for the next few minutes. Not fooled one bit, Aggie knew he was regrouping because the punch wasn’t a tame one.

  “As you can see I was better prepared and had a better reaction time when I was in proper form. When I was relaxed and just waiting for the next shoe to drop, that was when he got the better of me. Even though I knew he was coming, I couldn’t react as quickly when I would have had to turn completely around and then still put my hands up to react. This is why always being ready in most situations, but especially the ones you expect a fight to break out, is best. Are you ready to go again?” While she completely understood the reasoning behind the mechanics, what she couldn’t change was the sheer exhaustion that she felt in every inch of her body. If it weren’t for those poor kids and the need to rush in there and save them, just as soon as they knew where they were, she would much rather go and take a nap.

  “Actually, can I please get a break? I’d be happy with a fifteen-minute water and sit break. Nothing crazy I promise, I just need to rest, we have been at this for over an hour now.” Aggie saw Ren glance up at the clock and cringe.

  “I’m sorry Aggie, yes by all means, go take a rest. That will give Mitchell and I time to talk through your next set. Just think about the punches and kicks we have taught you. This will be a review session, when you get back from your break.” It was a wonder to Aggie, how the twins worked seamlessly together, sharing the leading responsibitlies, while magically not stepping on each other’s toes.

  Sitting on the mat, she silently observed the guys as they discussed in the distance. While she couldn’t hear their words, it was fun to watch them in silence. In her mind, she ad libbed an entire conversation they were having about china dolls becoming a trend in Madagascar.

  “No serious, they are having them imported via drones because they don’t want the pilots to feel ultimately responsible for the dolls in the event of a crash.” Aggie imagined Ren telling Mitchell.

  As the conversation continued, Aggie fought a snicker at her own antics. “What do mean, couldn’t the drones crash just as easily?” Mitchell, ever the realist countered his brother with a furrowed brow and a confused look on his face.

  “No, with the drones they can fly lower and drop faster in the event of an emergency and not worry about any loss of pressure or risk to human lives. That allows them to set the drone and the load d
own faster and there is less possibility of damages.” Aggie lost it and couldn’t hold back her mirth any longer, falling back on the mat rolling with a huge burst of laughter. She had forgotten about doing that when she was younger with her Gran. They used to mute the TV and make up their own dialogue that they deemed more suited to the images on the screen.

  She was still laughing when the guys approached her. “What are you laughing at?” Mitchell’s scowl stopped her dead, but she still had to catch her breath so she wasn’t as somber as his face eluded that she should be. Taking two large breaths, she attempted to rein it in and settle herself.

  “I don’t know that I’ve ever seen you in that good of a mood. Whatever caused that, we are so going to repeat it later. Care to share whatever it was?” Ren always in good humor, but Mitchell didn’t seem amused.

  “I think if she is feeling that good, then we should be getting back to work. We still have a long way to go.” Aggie knew he was right, but that didn’t sit well with her. As they walked back to the training area, Aggie formulated her plan.

  “Okay, Princess, let’s go over what we have learned. I want to see what you have retained. Ren and I will alternate attacking you from different directions to help keep you moving. You either block us or dodge us. We won’t throw a punch. This is just for you to practice staying on your guard, but if you have to hit or kick to get around us do so. I don’t expect you to do anything that will cause lasting damage at this point.” Mitchell’s confidence in his words only revved Aggie up and had her more set in stone that she would be carrying out her plan.


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