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The Weekend (A City Romance Series Book 1)

Page 10

by L. A. Ritz

  A few blocks down the street is what the locals call the SAM. Also known as the Seattle Art Museum. Bethany is somewhat familiar with it. Bethany is extremely familiar with art. Apart from wine, it is the one thing she really knows. If she could have finished school, she would have graduated with an art history degree. When the couple, walks hand in hand, down the street and makes way to pass the museum, Bethany notices the special showing for Claude Monet. Her heart beat speeds, her limbs grow nimble, and her words come out before she can stop them.

  “You can purchase me tickets to see that show.”

  The couple had just been talking about why Bethany wouldn’t let him purchase her the simplest of things in the market. Apparently Bethany doesn’t want to feel like she is taking advantage of a man she barely knows. Phillip had made the point that she knows him more personally than most other people. She was after all the first person to stick a finger in his back hole. Neither of them leaves that conversation with a straight face.

  “What show?” Phillip enquires.

  Bethany points to the big sign on the side of the building. It is the impressionist’s vision of a water lily pad. “The special showing of Monet.”

  Phillip looks up at the sign. He only takes a moment to study it then pulls her hand to guide her to the entrance side of the building.

  It doesn’t take long before Bethany is looking straight at a blended perfection of colors of pale images, distorted so close, yet formed into bridges, lilies, and moving water with just a step back. Bethany moves forward and back at each painting at least three times. Phillip stands aside, not looking at the painting, instead his eyes stay focused upon her. They reach a smaller painting, compared to some of Monet’s bigger pieces, and it just gives a glimpse of the famous pond represented in Monet’s famous works.

  Phillip states, “Paris has much larger paintings of this.”

  Bethany doesn’t turn to him, too engrossed in the work. “I know.”

  “Have you been?”

  Bethany meets his eyes for a brief second then scoffs, “I wish.” She turns fully to him and says, “If I could travel, I would have gone to Paris first.”

  “Why can’t you travel?” Phillip enquires.

  “Well, mostly because I haven’t had the money to do it.” Bethany’s father may own a vineyard and makes wine, but their production is small and usually it takes a large fortune to make a small fortune in the wine business. Bethany’s father never had any fortune. When her father met her mother, their dream became to purchase vines and live a quaint life of making wine. Quaint is accurate. At least her father carried on the dream, even after the death of his wife.

  Phillip only replies with an “oh” and so Bethany moves on to the next painting.

  It takes three more paintings before either say a word to each other, and the words that come out of Phillip’ mouth next are a complete surprise.

  “I think you should come back to Paris with me tomorrow.”

  Bethany pauses. Her mind doesn’t believe it. “Ha. Ha. Funny.”

  “I am serious.”

  She straightens up and sees that he is looking at her intently. “I can’t afford it.”

  “I will pay.”

  Bethany smiles, “Thanks, but…”

  Phillip puts a finger over her mouth to quiet her. “I insist.”

  Bethany wants to, oh, how she really wants to take him up on her offer. But she can’t. The following week is the pre-operation appointment for her surgery, which is the following day. Following that she will have chemotherapy. This is her last day of freedom from being sick. Tomorrow she will drive home and prepare herself. She will need a week to prepare herself.

  She shakes her head at him. “I can’t, I have plans next Monday that will keep me busy for a while.”

  Phillip stares at her for a long time. He seems disappointed. He sighs, “Ok. But I can have you home by next Monday. That is still a week away. And you would be doing me a favor, I have this event to go to next Friday that I need a date for. You wouldn’t have to pay for anything.”

  Bethany wants to shake the feelings off she is feeling at that moment. She really does wish she could just say yes. It all seems perfect. It all seems like it would work out. But she knows if she says yes, there is a chance that she will get attached. Or even worse, he would get attached. How awful would that be to find out someone that you were interested in was dying? So, instead of crying, Bethany puts on her brave face with a great big smile. “I will think about it.” She knows she will say no.

  Phillip takes that as a maybe. He is chipper as he says, “Great, now let’s go look at some Native American Art.”

  Chapter 16

  Mrs. Madame Leather-Trench-Coat

  The couple is rounding the corner to go up the main stairs, when Bethany accidently runs straight into another person. Bethany startles. “Sorry.”

  The finely-dressed woman pulls back and both she and Bethany meet eyes at the same time. And both set of eyes widen at the same time. Bethany reddens as she realizes that it is none other than Madame Leather-Trench-Coat from Kitty Amour standing before her in a slick black suit and high pointy heels.

  The Madame looks over to the man holding Bethany’s hand. A smile spreads across her face. “Miss Harte.” The woman knowingly purrs, looking back at Bethany.

  Bethany mumbles out, “Hello.”

  “I approve.” Madame holds no pre-amble and no hesitation in her voice.

  Bethany looks over at Phillip who has a bemused expression. “Umm… Thanks.” Bethany doesn’t know how else to respond to that.

  Madame nods. “Nice seeing you again.” She walks off in the opposite direction.

  Bethany is so embarrassed. She doesn’t want to explain this moment to him and when she looks up at Phillip, she can see that he is curious. Bethany squeezes his hand tighter. “I think the Native American Art is this way.” Hopefully he understands her desire to just ignore the moment.

  Phillip doesn’t say anything, as he just follows Bethany up the stairs.

  After checking out some totem poles they come across a room full of artistic images. These images are abstract, yet obviously are of nipples. Why someone would take a picture of a nipple, is beyond Bethany. Why it would be considered art, is also beyond Bethany. Yet, after the weekend Bethany had she is a little heated to see them. She follows Phillip’s lead and stands thoughtfully in front of one. Neither of them are examining the photo in a serious way.

  Phillip has other things on his mind. “Who was that woman?”

  Bethany startles. She looks up at him wide eyed. “What woman?”

  “The woman at the bottom of the stairs.” Phillip insisted. “What did she approve of?”

  Bethany did not want to answer this. She hoped it would all be left behind her. But he already knew some very intimate details concerning her, so she shrugged and gave him answers. “You know how I said I went to a sex club?”

  “Yes.” He stated slowly.

  “Well,” Bethany took a deep breath. “She is the Madame.”

  Phillip was silent. That was it. Phillip thought she was ridiculous. Bethany may have decided not to go to Paris with him, no matter though, because he was withdrawing his offer. Bethany was ready to leave, run down the hall, fake a headache, and move to an island in the Bermuda triangle- anything to get rid of what she had planned to do this weekend.

  “Like the dominant?” Phillip finally questioned.

  Then Bethany just started rambling. “I don’t know. She was the one in charge. There was this woman, who was dressed like a cat. Then I realized they were all dressed like cats. And this old crazy cat lady. And Peanut, who really wasn’t of peanut size. And everyone had tails coming out of their assholes. I just… just…” Bethany took a deep breath. “I thought it was a normal sex club.” Bethany finally blurted out.

  Phillip was watching her and Bethany was glad it was out there. It would make leaving him easier if he thought she was crazy. Then Phillip shook his head
. “You are a brave girl.” He spoke clearly.

  “What!” Bethany was shocked.

  Phillip explained, “I don’t know why you felt the need lose your virginity at a sex club, or how you managed to set this all up. But I am shocked that you, let alone anyone, would actually go through with it.”

  “But I didn’t.” Bethany argued.

  “You did. You showed up. It wasn’t what you expected. So you left. Then you found me.”

  Phillip was right. She did find him. She accomplished what she wanted, and it was better than she hoped for.

  “Now,” He continued, “seeing all these nipples and talking about pussies, has me a little bothered.” Phillip grabs her hand the same time she laughs. “Come with me. I know where to fix this.” He pulls her in the direction they just came from.

  They turn right before the entrance to the ancient utensils and into an alcove meant for an afternoon break. No one is in the area because it is a less visited section of the museum. Who cares about a two thousand year old spoon, when you have Impressionism and color downstairs? Bethany has on the blue summer dress she wore when she drove over to Seattle at the beginning of the weekend, and Phillip is quick to take advantage of it. He pushes her back to the wall, and lifts of her dress. His lips are on hers.

  Bethany has tried only twice to deny him. The thoughts of getting caught and in trouble do cross her mind. But Bethany can’t stop. Not when he is kissing and touching her in this manner. All worries wash away in the frenzy.

  Somehow her panties go missing. Phillip’s finger is under her skirt and where it should be. He seems to understand that she will need to be warmed up some. She was only a virgin just yesterday. In her mind she is helping him unbutton his pants, but in realty her hands are stumbling and he has to expertly pull himself out. A condom is applied. He comes into position and is awaiting entrance. Bethany has one leg wrapped around his waist. Her other leg is holding her up right, but not for very long. Phillip lifts her up and pushes inside her. Both lovers exhale into each other’s connected mouths. Bethany holds on as Phillip pumps inside her. Bethany does everything in her power to stay quiet. She is aware that they are in a public place. Phillip is magic. Not only is he great with his body, but he leaves little comforting words.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  “You feel so good.”

  “I can’t get enough of you.”

  He repeats these things in between his labored breaths.

  Bethany is beyond the outside world, even when she looks up and sees none other than Madame poking her head around the corner. Bethany considers stopping what is happening. But, surprisingly, the woman lifts her finger to her mouth in a quiet sign. The woman’s eyes are alight with humor and a little desire. Then Madame Leather-Trench-Coat turns around and walks away.

  Bethany realizes that the Madame is giving her discreet permission and had even liked what they were doing. More importantly, Bethany didn’t care as Phillip was now in the middle of giving her a great orgasm.

  Phillip finishes and uses the wall to support them both as he leans against her. They both need a moment to gather their breaths. Bethany chooses not to mention that the Madame had caught them. Instead she basks in the aftermath of making love against a wall in a public place. Public sex is perhaps something that all couples should try, and so Bethany could mark that off her list. And after their moment of resting and nuzzling, Phillip assists her in getting back to her feet, he tucks himself up the best he can and they go in search of the closest bathroom.

  The couple had spent their afternoon in the art museum. They walk out hand-in-hand and upon their exit, Bethany notices the Madame one more time. The Madame winks. Bethany is proud.

  Chapter 17


  Phillip and Bethany had just stepped outside the art museum when Phillip curses under his breath. He pulls out his phone which is clearly on vibrate and had been ringing. He answers in quick foreign words. His expression is exasperated and his voice increases in intensity and strength as he speaks to whomever this person is. Bethany knows something or someone has upset him, but because she doesn’t speak any other language but English- thank you American school system- She doesn’t get a word of what it was about. It wasn’t her business any ways. But when he hangs up, and he had let go of her hand at some point during the conversation, she is sad to see him distance himself from her.

  Phillip rubs his face. He takes a deep breath. He forces a smile on his face. “Let’s go down to the waterfront.” He suggests this like it will help save his mood. So Bethany, willing to spend every moment of today with him, agrees. She is happy when he grabs her hand again. The couple walks down towards the harbor.

  They find a bench outside the aquarium that sits on the water’s edge. It is a Sunday afternoon, so the kids are in full swing inside the aquarium, their glee and squeals are muffled noises just passed the gates. Seagulls also are heard, their begging and scavenging swoop through the air around. A rush of traffic crowds the highway behind them. Bethany and Phillip just sit on the bench, watching different points of the weaving waters before them. Bethany’s mind is worried about Phillip, but he is still holding her hand. They are firmly connected. He just needs a moment. No one recognizes this more than Bethany. A moment to think and moment to contemplate what it all means. Whatever happened on that phone call, Phillip only needs a moment.

  It wasn’t till ten minutes later that he breaks their silence.

  “Sorry about that.” He is quick to apologize.

  “What?” Bethany acts confused.

  “The phone call. My father. He always figures out a way to bring a good day down.”

  Bethany doesn’t want him to think that this ruined the mood. For whatever reason, making him happy at the moment, is as imperative as making her happy. So with the “jumping head first” mentality Bethany has developed this weekend, she stands up and turns to him. She squeezes her body between his sitting legs. Phillip’s hands reflexively go to her hips. She bends over and leans her head close to his. She keeps her eyes on his curious eyes. Her hand reaches up to tilt his chin up higher.

  Bethany kisses him.

  This kiss is the most important one. Maybe it was because she initiated. Maybe it is because it isn’t rushed, sloppy, or overly passionate, like their past kisses have been. Maybe it is because for the first time she is giving him something, instead of Phillip always being the one to give. He gave her an important night. He gave her lots of orgasms. He gave her something more special than she had ever hoped for. So, for Bethany, in her current situation, it is as important to give as it is to receive. Bethany gives him this kiss and Phillip is aware of the gift.

  “Please come to Paris with me.” Phillip speaks as soon as they break apart. There is this plea in his voice, like he needs this more than anything.

  Bethany is about to reply. Deep down, Bethany wants to say yes. But she can’t. She even briefly has this idea that it will work. But it won’t. And so, she was going to tell him the same thing- where she will think about it, and really it is a no- but the universe has other ideas when her phone loudly rings from her small purse.

  Bethany smiles about the interruption, and straightens up. Bethany gets her phone from her purse and she sees that it is Amber calling her.

  Phillip encourages her to answer it. “Go ahead.”

  Bethany accepts the phone call, while still being in Phillips clutches.


  Amber doesn’t hold back. “Hey bitch! Are you still getting your cherry popped?”

  Bethany reddens like a cherry at that moment. Because Phillip is less than a foot from the phone and Amber had spoken very loudly. There was no doubt that her voice carried out, and when Phillip begins chuckling, Bethany considers chucking her phone out into the harbor.

  “No, Amber.” Bethany speaks slowly and sternly, so that maybe Amber would get the point. “I am outside right now.”

  Amber doesn’t understand the tone of her voice. “Y
ou can have sex outside.”

  “Amber!” Bethany sees that Phillip also heard that as he smiles even wider.

  “Bethany!” Amber mimics. “Don’t be such a prude.”

  Bethany doesn’t want to be talking to her rash friend right now. But Amber has other ideas as she continues. “Where are you? I assumed you would be done by now, unless he was as good as you said he was. Geese, three orgasms, I wish Jerry would give me three orgasms. He is the quick fuck on top of the desk kind. Anyways, I will meet you wherever you are.”

  Bethany just gives up on stopping Amber and her tirade. Phillip hears it all because for some reason her phone volume is on high, and Amber’s voice carries through. Bethany sighs. “Amber one moment.” She pulls her phone from her ear.

  “Phillip, do you mind if I take this?” Bethany barely wants to look at him, but he is so close to her right now, it is hard not to see his face.

  Phillip laughs. “Please.” He releases her hips and Bethany is able to step back and get some distance.

  It is not till she is at the railing of the water’s edge, a good thirty feet away, that Bethany puts her phone back to her ear.

  “You need to make sure I am not standing next to anyone while you speak so freely.” Bethany starts with no preamble.

  “You shouldn’t answer your phone, especially if you are in the middle of getting fucked.”

  “I wasn’t.” Bethany argues. “And I wanted to make sure that you weren’t freaking out about me again.”

  Amber answers, “Well I am. I just am more interested in what is going on below your waist more.”

  Bethany sighs heavily. “Everything below my waist is very satisfied. So is everything above my waist.”

  “Way to go.”

  At that moment, Bethany sees a giant pelican plop down on a dock pole lodged in the water. It opens its beak wide, and the soft underside begins waddling as if it is about to hack something up or trying to get something down. The bird keeps whatever it is swallowing in. Bethany lets what is on her mind out.


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