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The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies

Page 24

by Rosemary Ellen Guiley; Philip J. Imbrogno

  23 Al-Ashqar, op. cit., p. 131.

  24 "The Welsh Fairy Book," op. cit.

  25 Katharine Briggs, The Vanishing People (New York: Pantheon Books, 1978), p. 151.

  26 Guiley, op. cit., pp. 85-86.

  27 Ibid., p. 29.

  28 Drieskens, op.cit., p. 99.

  29 No one knows precisely where the kingdom of Sheba was located, but modern historians believe it was in or near modern-day Yemen.

  30 AI-Ashqar, op. cit., p. 22.

  31 Barbara Drieskens, Living with Djinns: Understanding and Dealing with the Invisible in Cairo (London: SAQI, 2006), p. 182.

  32 Ibid., pp. 182-83.

  33 Kathleen Krull, A Pot O' Gold: A Treasury ofIrish Stories, Poetry, Folklore, and (of Course) Blarney (Hyperion Books for Children, 2004), pp. 147-151.

  1 Dr. J.Allen Hynek (1910-1986) was an astronomer best remembered for his UFO research. Hynek acted as scientific adviser to UFO studies undertaken by the US Air Force under Project Sign (1947-1949), Project Grudge (1949-1952), and Project Blue Book (1952-1969). Hynek coined the term "close encounter."

  3 An-Nas, 114.

  2 The term "high strangeness" was used by Hynek to describe those UFO cases that did not fit the normal bulk of reports. They include electromagnetic effects, abductions, the appearance of strange beings, and psychic communication with an alien intelligence.

  1 NASA/AMES Research Center: lookingatearth/29dec_magneticfield.html. Accessed October 2010.

  2 Kitt Peak National Observatory supports the most diverse collection of astronomical observatories on earth for nighttime optical and infrared astronomy, and daytime study of the sun. Kitt Peak is located 56 miles southwest of Tucson, Arizona.

  3 NIDS was created by real estate developer Robert Bigelow of Las Vegas in 1995 as a privately funded organization to scientifically investigate UFO and paranormal phenomena, and to advance fringe science. It was discontinued in 2004. NIDS involved teams of scientists and researchers.

  4 Colm A. Kelleher and George Knapp, Hunt for the Skinwalker (New York: Paraview/ Pocket Books, 2005), p. 6.

  5 Ibid., p. 64.

  6 Ibid., p. 209.

  7 Christopher O'Brien, Stalking the Tricksters, Shapeshifters, Skinwalkers, Dark Adepts, and 2012 (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2009), pp. 158-159.

  1 A book of Muslim short stories.

  2 Rosemary Ellen Guiley, The Encyclopedia ofDemons &Demonology (New York: Facts On File, 2009), pp. 100-104.

  3 John D. Seymour, Tales ofKing Solomon (London: Oxford University Press, 1924), p. 58.

  4 Ibid., p. 57.

  5 The Black Pullet, -of-Magical-Talismans, p. 13. Accessed November 2010.

  6 Children up to the ages of twelve to fourteen are considered immune to the influences and dangers of djinn.

  7 Rosemary Ellen Guiley, The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft &Wicca, 3rd ed. (New York: Facts On File, 2008), p. 172.

  8 Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, "Visions of the Jinn: Ibn Taymeeyah's Essay on the Jinn," Accessed November 2010.

  9 Ibid.

  10 Ibid.

  11 Author interview.

  12 The authors know of a case involving a youth who attempted this method and was mentally destabilized by the djinni. Details cannot be divulged to protect privacy, but the youth was institutionalized, and a great deal of money was spent to hire an adept in another country who could command a powerful enough djinni to cast out the one afflicting the youth.

  13 AI-Luqmaan, 20.

  14 Mahmood Jawaid, Secrets ofAngels, Demons, Satan and jinn: Decoding Their Nature through Quran and Science (self-published, 2006), pp. 57-59.

  15 Ibid., 221-223.

  16 Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Rituals (New York: Avon Books,1972), p. x.

  17 Sahib Muslim, 39.6754.

  18 In some modern views, Iblis' throne is located in the Bermuda Triangle, and all the disappearing ships are sacrifices to him.

  19 H. P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu, 1926. Published online at http://dagonbytes .com/thelibrary/lovecraft/thecallofcthulhu.htm. Accessed November 2010.

  20 Carl L. Johnson, "Providence's Master Spirit," revised November 2009, in correspondence to the authors.

  21 LaVey, op. cit.

  22 Guiley, The Encyclopedia ofDemons & Demonology, op. cit., p. 46.

  23 Ibid., p. 40.

  24 The story of the development of the MiniBox is featured in Talking with the Dead (Tor, 2011), co-authored by Rosemary and George Noory, the host of Coast to Coast AM.

  25 Short Wave Listeners.

  1 As noted earlier concerning zar cases, cajoling, reconciliation, and bribery are sometimes used to appease possessing djinn who cause domestic problems.

  2 Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, An Taymeeyah's Fssay on the jinn (Demons) (New Delhi: Islamic Books Service, 2002), p. 81.

  3 Umar Sulaiman al-Ashgar, The World of the jinn and Devils (Boulder, CO: Al Basheer Co., 1998), p. 205.

  4 Sahib a1 Bukhari, vol. 6, p. 491, no. 530.

  5 An Taymeeyab's Essay on the jinn (Demons), op. cit., p. 76.

  6 Sahib Muslim, Vol. I, pp. 273-274, no. 1106.

  7 According to Saad 38:35, Solomon's prayer was "My Lord forgive me and grant me sovereignty not allowed to anyone after me."

  8 Barbara Drieskens, Living with Djinns: Understanding and Dealing with the Invisible in Cairo (London: SAQI, 2008), p. 90.

  9 An Tameeyah' Essay on the jinn (Demons) op. cit., pp. 107-108.

  10 Accessed October 2010.

  11 Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Hadith Musnad, vol. 4, p. 170.

  12 Flavius Joseph us, The Antiquities of the Jews, pp. 250-251.

  13 In Jewish lore from the book of Tobit, the archangel Raphael teaches the young man Tobias how to exorcize demons-especially the dreaded Asmodeus-with the smoke of burning fish gall.

  14 Ibn Taymeeyab's Essay on the jinn (Demons), op. cit., p. 77.

  15 Robert Lebling, Jinn Discussion Group,, Nov. 6, 2009.

  16 Ibid.

  18 Ibid., p. 52.

  19 Similarly, in Christian lore holy wells and springs were created by saints striking the ground with their staffs.

  17 An Taymeeyah-Essay on the jinn (Demons), op. cit., p. 59.

  20 Sahib Muslim, 4:1922.

  21 Rosemary Ellen Guiley, The Encyclopedia ofMagic 'Alchemy (New York: Facts On File, 2007), p. 299.

  22 Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was an inventor and electrical engineer. He was one of the most important contributors to the birth of commercial electricity and is best known for his many revolutionary developments in the field of electromagnetism.

  Table of Contents

  Opening Words



  I Reality Check

  2 The Origin of the Djinn

  5 Unveiling an Ancient Race

  + Djinn in the Qur'an, Sahih al-Bukhari, and the Bible

  5 The Djinn Order: The Good, the Bad, and the Very Bad

  6 Djinn Nature, Abilities, and Powers

  7 Angels and Demons: The Djinn Connection

  8 Djinn, Fairies, and Leprechauns

  9 Aliens, Djinn, and UFOs

  10 Djinn and Shadow People

  11 They Want Our World and They Want It Now!

  12 Human-Djinn Contact: Is It Possible?

  15 Dealing with the Djinn

  Appendix I.• Djinn Social Structure

  Appendix II.• Djinn Order ofPower



  During our research we spent a considerable amount of time reading several English versions of the Q

  When Muhammad died there was no singular codex of the Qur'an. No collection of his revelations in fi

  The question of physicality concerning matter may seem like a wild claim, but it was scientifically

ng more than vibrating strings of energy. A controversial theory in physics states that all mat

  According to the thirteenth-century Muslim scholar Iman Ibn Taymeeyah, the djinn can take the form o

  Centered in New York's Hudson River Valley are a series of mysterious stone chambers and carved stan

  will. Thus, they are above sin and can only do the work of Allah (God). However, there is a similar

  If any of them follow thee, Hell will I fill with you all."'

  Solomon's great powers were bestowed by God, who came to him in a dream and said, "Ask what I shall

  mind, so that none like you has been before you and none like you shall arise after you."4

  Some accounts hold that the stones for the temple were fetched from quarries by female djinn. Some r

  The richest details are found in The Testament of Solomon, a pseudepigraphic text written between th

  Solomon ordered Ornias to cut stones for the temple, but the djinni was terrified of the withering p

  Ornias cut a deal with Solomon to produce the prince of the djinn in exchange for his freedom. He to

  The prince gave out a mighty roar of flame, but was forced to appear before Solomon. Beelzeboul sa

  day would return in triumph. He said he incited men to murder, wars, sodomy, lawlessness, heresy, an

  The first was Onoskelis, who appeared as a half woman, half mule. She said she was born from "a voic

  star burned bright in the heavens.13

  Asmodeus angrily informed the king not to ask many questions because his kingdom and glory would s

  Angry, Solomon had Asmodeus bound more tightly and flogged with ox hide thongs. The djinni was force

  Again Iblis came to comfort the djinn, and they complained. Iblis responded that when situations see

  A half hour later, a soldier walked into the small room. Speaking almost perfect English, he identif

  His Excellency said that a special unit in the United States military had been trying to capture a d

  The old man said that Iblis, still fearing the wrath of the angels, often takes a human form to conc

  rocks in the Tertiary period.'

  [15.33] Allah said: Then, get out from here, for verily, you are rajim.'

  [15.40] Certainly, you shall have no authority over my chosen ones, except those who follow you of t

  [6.112] And thus did we make for every prophet an enemy, the shaitans3

  Yet, they join the djinn as partners in worship with Allah, though He has created them (the djinn),

  The Thief of Baghdad was a popular movie made in 1940 that features a bitter, angry djinni.l




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