Life in a Medieval Castle
Page 21
WRIGHT, LAWRENCE, Clean and Decent. London, 1960.
ALBERTUS MAGNUS, Opera Omnia, vol. XII, Quaestiones super de Animalibus, ed. Bernhardus Geyer. Aschendorff, 1955.
ANDREAS CAPELLANUS, The Art of Courtly Love, trans. J. J. Parry. New York, 1941.
Aucassin and Nicolette and Other Medieval Romances and Legends, trans. Eugene Mason. New York, 1958.
BEARD, MARY, Women as a Force in History. New York, 1946.
BENTON, JOHN, “Clio and Venus: An Historical View of Medieval Love,” in F. X. Newman, ed., The Meaning of Courtly Love. Albany, 1968.
______, “The Court of Champagne as a Literary Center.” Speculum, 1961.
The Book of the Knight of La Tour-Landry, Compiled for the Instruction of His Daughters, ed. Thomas Wright. London, 1868.
The Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond, trans. L. C. Jane. New York, 1966.
CREEKMORE, HUBERT, Lyrics of the Middle Ages. New York, 1959.
GAUTIER, LÉON, Chivalry, trans. D. C. Dunning. London, 1959.
Gesta Stephani, the Deeds of Stephen, trans. K. R. Potter. London, 1955.
HOWARD, G. E., A History of Matrimonial Institutions. Chicago, 1904.
* LABARGE, MARGARET WADE, A Baronial Household.
LANGLOIS, CHARLES-VICTOR, La Vie en France au moyen âge de la fin du XII’ au milieu du XIV’ siècle d’après des moralistes du temps. Paris, 1925.
* PAINTER, SIDNEY, Feudalism and Liberty.
* See earlier citation.
PAINTER, SIDNEY, French Chivalry. Ithaca, N.Y., 1962.
PARIS, GASTON, ed., “Le Lai du Lecheoir,” Romania, 1879.
* PARIS, MATTHEW, English History.
POWER, EILEEN, “The Position of Women,” in C. G. Crump and E. F. Jacob, eds., Legacy of the Middle Ages. Oxford, 1926.
PRESTAGE, EDGAR, ed., Chivalry, A Series of Studies to Illustrate Its Historical Significance and Civilizing Influence. London, 1928.
RENART, JEAN, L’Escoufle, ed. Joseph Bédier. Paris, 1913.
______, Galeran de Bretagne, ed. Lucien Foulet. Paris, 1925.
Le Roman du castelain de Couci et de la dame de Fayel, ed. John E. Matzke and Maurice Delbouille. Paris, 1936.
SHIRLEY, W. W., ed., Royal and Other Historical Letters Illustrative of the Reign of Henry III. Vol. I, 1216-1235. London, 1862.
STENTON, DORIS M., The English Woman in History. London, 1959.
VITRY, JACQUES DE, Exempla, or Illustrative Stories from the Sermones Vulgares, ed. Thomas F. Crane. London, 1890.
V. The Household
BALDWIN, J. F., “The Household Administration of Henry Lacy and Thomas of Lancaster.” English Historical Review, 1927.
BOYER, MARJORIE N., “Medieval Pivoted Axles.” Technology and Culture, 1960.
______, “Mediaeval Suspended Carriages.” Speculum, 1959.
BURTT, JOSEPH T., ed., “Account of the Expenses of John of Brabant and Henry and Thomas of Lancaster, 1292,” in Camden Miscellany. London, 1853.
“Constitutio Domus Regis” (Establishment of the Royal Household), in The Course of the Exchequer by Richard, son of Nigel, trans. and ed. Charles Johnson. London and New York, 1950.
GIUSEPPI, M. S., “The Wardrobe and Household Accounts of Bogo de Clare, 1284-6.” Archaelogica, 1920.
HENNINGS, MARGARET A., England Under Henry III, Illustrated from Contemporary Sources. London, 1924.
* LABARGE, MARGARET WADE, A Baronial Household.
* See earlier citation.
MANNYNG, ROBERT, Handlyng Synne, and William of Wadington’s Manuel des Pechiez, ed. Frederick Furnival. London, 1901-3.
OCHINSKY, D., “Medieval Treatises on Estate Management.” Economic History Review, 1956.
* PAINTER, SIDNEY, William Marshal.
* PARIS, MATTHEW, English History.
RICHARDSON, H. G., “Business Training in Medieval Oxford.” American Historical Review, 1941.
A Roll of the Household Expenses of Richard de Swinfield, ed. John Webb. London, 1853.
ROUND, J. H., “Castle Watchmen.” English Historical Review, 1920.
______, “The Staff of a Castle in the Twelfth Century.” English Historical Review, 1920.
* STENTON, DORIS M., English Society in the Early Middle Ages.
* TOMKEIEFF, O. G., Life in Norman England.
TOUT, T. F., Chapters in the Administrative History of Mediaeval England, vols. I and II. Manchester, England, 1920.
TURNER, H. T., ed., Manners and Household Expenses of England in the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. London, 1841.
* Walter of Henley’s Husbandry.
CHAPTER VI. A Day in the Castle
The Babees’ Book, trans. E. Richert. London, 1923.
BATESON, MARY, Medieval England, 1066-1350. London, 1905.
* BURTT, JOSEPH T., ed., “Account of the Expenses of John of Brabant.”
COULTON, G. G., Life in the Middle Ages, vol. III. Cambridge, England. 1928-9.
FAIRHOLT, E. W., Satirical Songs and Poems on Costume. London, 1899.
* GAUTIER, LÉON, Chivalry.
* GIUSEPPI, M. S., “The Wardrobe and Household Accounts of Bogo de Clare.”
* See earlier citation.
The Goodman of Paris, trans. Eileen Power. London, 1928.
HAZLITT, W. CAREW, Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine. London, 1902.
* HENNINGS, MARGARET A., England Under Henry III.
Historical Works of Giraldus Cambrensis, trans. Thomas Forester and Sir Richard Colt Hoare, ed. Thomas Wright. London, 1913.
* LABARGE, MARGARET WADE, A Baronial Household.
* MANNYNG, ROBERT, Handlyng Synne.
New Oxford History of Music, vol. II, Early Medieval Music up to 1300, ed. Dom Anselm Hughes. London, 1954.
* PARIS, MATTHEW, English History.
* RENART, JEAN, L’Escoufle.
RENOUARD, YVES, “Le Grand Commerce des vins de Gascogne au moyen âge.” Revue historique, 1959.
* Roman du castelain de Couci.
SALZMAN, L. F., English Life in the Middle Ages. London, 1926.
TANNAHILL, REAY, Food in History. New York, 1973.
* TOMKEIEFF, O. G., Life in Norman England.
* WOOD, MARGARET E., The English Mediaeval House.
* Walter of Henley’s Husbandry.
* WRIGHT, LAWRENCE, Clean and Decent.
CHAPTER VII. Hunting as a Way of Life
* Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
La Chace dou Serf, ed. Baron Jerome Pichon. Paris, 1840.
Chronicle of Florence of Worcester, trans. Thomas Forester. London, 1854.
* Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond.
* “Constitutio Domus Regis.”
EDWARD, SECOND DUKE OF YORK, The Master of Game, ed. W. A. Grohman and F. Baillie. London, 1909.
FOIX, GASTON DE LA, Le Livre de la chasse, ed. Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1886.
* See earlier citation.
FREDERICK II, EMPEROR OF GERMANY, The Art of Falconry, trans. Casey A. Wood and F. Marjorie Fyfe. Stanford, 1961.
* HENNINGS, MARGARET A., England Under Henry III.
HILTON, R. H., A Medieval Society: the West Midlands at the End of the Thirteenth Century. London, 1966.
* Historical Works of Giraldus Cambrensis.
* LABARGE, MARGARET WADE, A Baronial Household.
* ORDERICUS VITALIS, Ecclesiastical History.
* PAINTER, SIDNEY, William Marshal.
* PARIS, MATTHEW, English History.
* PERKS, J. C., Chepstow Castle.
PROU, MAURICE, “La Fôret en Angleterre et en France.” Journal des savants, 1915.
* STENTON, DORIS M., English Society in the Early Middle Ages.
* TOMKEIEFF, O. G., Life in Norman England.
TRENCH, CHARLES CHENEVIX, The Poacher and the Squire, a History of Poaching and Game Preservation in England. London, 1967.
TURNER, G. J., ed., Select Pleas of the Forest. London, 1900.
CHAPTER VIII. The Villagersr />
AULT, W. O., The Self-Directing Activities of Village Communities in Medieval England. Boston, 1952.
______, “Some Early Village By-Laws.” English Historical Review, 1930.
BENNETT, H. S., Life on the English Manor. Cambridge, England, 1960.
BLOCH, MARC, “Champs et villages.” Annales d’histoire économique et sociale, 1934.
* ______, Feudal Society.
* ______, Seigneurie française et manoir anglaise.
______, “Village et seigneurie,” Annales d’histoire économique et sociale. 1937.
* BOUTRUCHE, ROBERT, Seigneurie et féodalité.
* CAM, HELEN M., Liberties and Communities in Medieval England.
* See earlier citation.
* Cambridge Economic History of Europe, vol. I.
COULTON, G. G., Medieval Village, Manor and Monastery. New York, 1960.
DUBY, GEORGES, Rural Economy and Country Life in the Medieval West, trans. Cynthia Postan. Columbia, S.C., 1968.
* GANSHOF, F. L., Feudalism.
GASQUET, F. A., Parish Life in Medieval England. London, 1922.
GRAS, N. S. B., The Economic and Social History of an English Village, 909-1928. Cambridge, Mass., 1930.
HARVEY, P. D. A., A Medieval Oxfordshire Village, Cuxham, 1240 to 1400. Oxford, 1964.
HILTON, R. H., Decline of Serfdom in Medieval England. London, 1969.
* ______, A Medieval Society.
HOMANS, G. C., English Villagers of the Thirteenth Century. New York, 1960.
_____, “The Rural Sociology of Medieval England,” in Past and Present, 1953.
* KEETON, GEORGE W., The Norman Conquest and the Common Law.
LANGLAND, WILLIAM, Piers the Ploughman, trans. into modern English by J. F. Goodridge. London, 1959.
LENNARD, R., Rural England, 1086-1135. Oxford, 1959.
LEVETT, A. E., Studies in Manorial History. Oxford, 1938.
OWST, G. R., Literature and Pulpit in Medieval England. Oxford, 1961.
POSTAN, M. M., Essays on Medieval Agriculture and General Problems of the Medieval Economy. Cambridge, England, 1973.
______, The Medieval Economy and Society. An Economic History of Britain, 1100-1300. Berkeley, 1972.
SEEBOHM, F., The English Village Community. London, 1890.
* STENTON, DORIS M., English Society in the Early Middle Ages.
STEPHENSON, CARL, “The Problem of the Common Man in Early Medieval Europe.” American Historical Review, 1946.
* TOMKEIEFF, O. G., Life in Norman England.
* Walter of Henley’s Husbandry.
WHITE, LYNN, JR., Medieval Technology and Social Change. Oxford, 1962.
* See earlier citation.
CHAPTER IX. The Making of a Knight
BARBER, RICHARD W., The Knight and Chivalry. New York, 1970.
* BLOCH, MARC, Feudal Society.
CHRÉTIEN DE TROYES, Perceval le Gallois ou le conte du Graal, ed. Ch. Potvin. Mons, Belgium, 1866-1871.
* Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond.
COHEN, GUSTAVE, Histoire de la chevalerie en France au moyen âge. Paris, 1949.
DENHOLM-YOUNG, N., “The Tournament in the Thirteenth Century,” in Collected Papers of N. Denholm-Young. Cardiff, Wales, 1969.
* GANSHOF, F. L., Feudalism.
* GAUTIER, LÉON, Chivalry.
Girart de Roussillon, chanson de geste, trans. Paul Meyer. Paris, 1884.
* Histoire de Guillaume Maréchal.
JOINVILLE, JEAN DE, Life of St. Louis, trans. M. R. B. Shaw. Baltimore, 1963.
* LABARGE, MARGARET WADE, A Baronial Household.
* MANNYNG, ROBERT, Handlyng Synne.
MARCHEGAY, PAUL A., and SALMON, ANDRÉ, eds., Chroniques des comtes d’Anjou. Paris, 1856-71.
* PAINTER, SIDNEY, Feudalism and Liberty.
* ______, French Chivalry.
* ______, William Marshal.
* PARIS, MATTHEW, English History.
POOLE, AUSTIN L., Medieval England, vol. I. Oxford, 1958.
* PRESTAGE, EDGAR, ed., Chivalry.
ROGER OF WENDOVER, Flowers of History, trans. J. A. Giles, 2 vols. London, 1849.
* Roman du castelain de Couci.
* STRAYER, JOSEPH R., Feudalism.
* TOMKEIEFF, O. G., Life in Norman England.
* See earlier citation.
CHAPTER X. The Castle at War
Annales Prioratus de Dunstaplia, ed. H. R. Luard. London, 1886.
* BEELER, JOHN, Warfare in England.
* ______, Warfare in Feudal Europe.
* BROWN, R. ALLEN, Rochester Castle.
Chronicon de Mailros, ed. J. Stephenson. Edinburgh, 1845.
FULCHER OF CHARTRES, A History of the Expedition to Jerusalem, 1095-1127, trans. Frances Rita Ryan, ed. Harold S. Fink. Knoxville, 1969.
Gesta Francorum et Aliorum Hierosolimitanorum, The Deeds of the Franks and Other Pilgrims to Jerusalem, ed. Rosalind Hill. London, 1962.
* Gesta Stephani.
* HENNINGS, MARGARET A., England Under Henry III.
A History of Technology, vol. II, ed. Charles Singer, E. J. Holmyard, A. R. Hall, and Trevor Williams. Oxford, 1956.
* HOLLISTER, C. WARREN, The Military Organization of Norman England.
LEWIS, ALUN, “Roger Leyburn and the Pacification of England, 1256-7.” English Historical Review, 1939.
* NORGATE, KATE, Minority of Henry III.
NORMAN, A. V. B., The Medieval Soldier. New York, 1971.
OMAN, C. W. C., The Art of War in the Middle Ages. Ithaca, N.Y., 1953.
* ORDERICUS VITALIS, Ecclesiastical History.
* PAINTER, SIDNEY, William Marshal.
* PERKS, J. C., Chepstow Castle.
* POOLE, AUSTIN L., Medieval England, vol. I.
* POWICKE, F. M., King Henry III and the Lord Edward.
* TOY, SIDNEY, A History of Fortification.
* WHITE, LYNN, JR., “Technology Assessment.”
______, “Technology in the Middle Ages,” in Technology and Western Civilization, ed. Melvin Kranzberg and Carroll W. Purcell, Jr., New York, 1967.
* See earlier citation.
CHAPTER XI. The Castle Year
BASKERVILLE, C. R., “Dramatic Aspects of Medieval Folk-Festivals in England.” Studies in Philology, 1920.
______, “Mummers’ Wooing Plays in England.” Modern Philology, 1924.
* BENNETT, H. S., Life on the English Manor.
BRAND, JOHN, Observations on Popular Antiquities. London, 1900.
CHAMBERS, E. K., The English Folk Play. Oxford, 1933.
______, The Medieval Stage. Oxford, 1903.
HAZLITT, W. C., Faiths and Folklore of the British Isles, 2 vols. New York, 1965.
* HOMANS, G. C., English Villagers of the Thirteenth Century.
LEACH, A. F., The Schools of Medieval England. London, 1915.
LECOY DE LA MARCHE, A., La Chaire française au moyen âge. Paris, 1886.
* PARIS, MATTHEW, English History.
Le Roman de la rose ou Guillaume de Dole, ed. G. Servois. Paris, 1893.
STOW, JOHN, A Survay of London. London, 1598 (University Microfilms).
* See earlier citation.
The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.
accounts, household, 97, 100–103, 195
manorial, 162
agisters, 139
agricultural technology, 55, 151–153
aids, 47–49, 229
Aigues-Mortes, 238
Ain Tounga, 12
Albertus Magnus, 92
Albigensians, 186, 193, 194–195
ale, 115
Alençon, 190
Alexander III, king of Scotland, 73, 84, 116
Alfonso I, king of Aragon, 240
Alfonso VI, king of Castile, 243, 244
All Hallows, 207
allure, 225
ia, 242
almoner, 105–106, 229
alms, 102, 105–106, 163
Anamur, 248
Andreas Capellanus, 87–90
Angers, 221, 238, 240
Anglo-Saxon castles, 13, 20
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 14, 35, 135
Anglo-Saxons, 9, 11, 12–14, 16, 19, 32, 43, 62
Annals of Dunstable, 179, 196–197
Antioch, 200
archery, 111, 128, 192, 195–196, 200
Aristotle, 92
armor, 166–167, 170–171, 172, 174, 189, 218, 219
Arques (Arques-la-Bataille), 202–203, 204, 237
arrow loops, 26–28, 188, 226
Arthur, King, 172–173, 181
Arthur of Brittany, 86, 202–203
Arundel, earl of (Hugh d’Aubigny), 96, 142
Arundel Castle, 9, 220
assault tower, 191–192, 196, 200, 225
Aucassin and Nicolette, 75–76
Austrian castles, 244–246
Baibars, 247
bailey, ii, 2, 3, 11, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 58, 195, 196–197, 225, 239, 241
bailiff, 98, 111, 156, 161–162, 163, 229
Baldwin, count of Flanders, 198
Baldwin of Redvers, 190
ballista, 195, 225
Baños de la Encina, 242
barbican, ii, 3, 6, 18, 27, 29, 30, 188, 196, 225, 239, 241, 246
Bari, 240
Barletta, 240
baronial council, 97, 111
Bastille, 223
bathing, 71, 109
battering ram, 192, 193, 226
Bayeux Tapestry, 183
Beaumaris, 29, 236
Bedford, 196–197
Belisarius, 12
benefice, 45–46, 50, 229
benes, see boons
Bergfried, 244, 245
Berkhamsted, 10, 234
Bernard de Ventadour, 118–119
Bertrand de Born, 175–176
Bigod, Maud, 38
Bigod, Roger II, earl of Norfolk, earl of Pembroke, earl marshal, 38, 39, 79, 139, 181
Bigod, Roger III, 27, 38, 55–56
Blanche of Castile, queen of France, 84
Bodiam, 219
Bohemund d’Hauteville, 200
boons, 155, 215–216
booty, 174–177, 202