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Keeping the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 3)

Page 18

by Stone, Dee J.

  “Sebastian,” I say, my voice low. “How…where…?”

  He opens his mouth to say something when a loud groan comes from Sorenten. His eyes fill with rage as he leaps to his feet, his wound sealed. He must have healed himself. He raises a palm toward Sebastian.

  “Sebastian, look out!”

  Sebastian turns around, but he’s not quick enough and Sorenten’s magic tosses his sword to the floor like it’s a pesky fly. This doesn’t faze Sebastian. He uses his martial arts to try to take the king down.

  I can’t just sit here and watch my boyfriend get himself killed. I need to do something. Shutting my eyes, I focus on healing myself. I don’t have much energy, but maybe I have just enough. Warmness washes over me, kissing every inch of my body.

  My eyes fly open and I’m on my feet, launching the largest lightning bolt I’ve ever created at Sorenten. Just before it slams into his chest, I use my other hand to fling Sebastian to the floor, out of harm’s way.

  Sorenten’s body shakes, as though he’s a can of soda seconds away from exploding. It looks like the lightning bolt is tearing him apart from the inside. It lasts for only a few seconds before he collapses to the floor, burnt to a crisp. All that remains of him is his head.

  I’m panting as I stare at him. He’s dead. We…we did it.

  Sebastian presses his lips to my temple, muttering soothing words. Tears fill my eyes. I can’t believe he’s dead.

  I pull off. “What about the others? We need to help them.” I’m about to rush out the door, but stop and face him. “Where are your parents? Renaya?”

  Pain flashes across his face. He shakes his head. My heart sinks to my stomach.

  “My parents…” His voice chokes. “They risked their lives saving me. I don’t know where Renaya is.”

  I envelop him in my arms. “Sebastian, I’m so, so sorry.”

  “They attacked the guards valiantly, and I will be forever grateful, but unfortunately…” His voice chokes up again as he shakes his head.

  I press my lips to his cheek, not knowing what to say. Words don’t seem to be enough. He gives me a strained smile. “Before she died, my mom made me promise to do everything in my power to give Ortarians the lives they deserve.”

  I take his hand. “Then let’s go do that. Let’s end this war.”

  Using my magic, I lift Sorenten’s head off the floor and stick it out the window. It’s chaos down there, with all the rebels and guards attacking one another. I see many faces I don’t recognize—Ortarians who aren’t rebels but who have joined us.

  “Sorenten is dead!” I call. “The king is dead!” Everyone stops what they’re going and look up at me. I use my magic to transmit the message to those at home, too. All Ortarians need to know the truth. “Stop the fighting,” I continue. “Stop the bloodshed. There’s no need for that.”

  Everyone is quiet as they gape up at me. I catch my father amongst the group. Nothing but pride registers on his face. Renaya is down there, too, a little injured, but otherwise okay. I see many other rebels, too. A sigh of relief escapes me. Even though I know we’ve lost many—and I’ll mourn them—I’m amazed at how many survived.

  “The time has come for Ortarus to be the world it deserves to be,” I say. “No more hardships, no more wicked kings.” As I’m saying this, the walls of the palace seem to be getting lighter, and soon the castle is completely white. The sky is no longer black, but blue. The darkness is slowly being lifted from all around us.

  Everything, all Sorenten’s doing, is being undone. Ortarus is transforming back to the wonderful place it used to be.

  No one moves, other than Alaric, who calls for attention. Even though I’m all the way up here, I can see his hair. It’s no longer white, but auburn and curly. Just like mine. “Sorenten had been lying to you all these years,” he says. “He was never the true king, and now that he’s dead, the truth will surface.” His chest shines and when he lifts his shirt, his crown is glowing.

  A collective gasp is heard from down below. One by one, they bow. Many others seem to have left their houses and are gathered around the palace. We all bow, including Sebastian and myself.

  Sebastian’s arms come around me. “It’s over,” he whispers in my ear. “It’s all over.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  We’re standing in the cemetery with our heads lowered as my father, King Alaric, makes a speech. “We mourn those we have lost. Those who fought so valiantly, who risked their lives for our cause. They’ll never be forgotten—they’ll always be in our hearts.”

  I slide my hand into Sebastian’s and squeeze tight. His eyes are shut, his lips pressed together. His parents risked their lives to save him, and I will be forever thankful. I wish there was more I could say to him, do for him, but I think the only thing I can do is be there for him. He’s trying to put on a brave face, but I know a part of him has died along with his parents. Parents that only wanted what was best for him and his sister, who sought to give them a better life. It’s all due to that wretched Sorenten that all this happened. I know my anger and blame can’t change the past. I just hope the Ortarians live good, happy, peaceful lives.

  More speeches are made as we all remember the ones we have lost. I didn’t know many of them well, but all the rebels had a connection. A goal, a purpose. Yes, we’ve succeeded, but I wish they could all share it with us.

  When Sorenten was king, he ordered the dead bodies to be disintegrated. My dad refuses to allow such things. He makes sure each body is properly buried with the respect it deserves.

  Sebastian holds me close, giving me a strained smile. I force one back. Renaya is standing a few feet away from us with an expression of indifference. Her eyes don’t leave her parents’ graves, though, and I can see emotion in her eyes. Pain. Loss. She and her brother haven’t only lost their parents. They’ve lost all those years they could have been a family. I rest my head on Sebastian’s chest and murmur encouraging words, telling him how proud his parents are of him and Renaya, how much they love them.

  After the speeches are done, everyone scatters to their usual activities. Sorenten’s guards have been locked up and my dad has new guards, but it won’t be long before the former guards will be released. They were loyal to Sorenten, but many of them didn’t have a choice. Each one is going to be on trial, and if my dad senses they’re loyal to him, he’ll forgive them.

  All those who had been forced to work as servants in the palace have been freed, including Casa’s sister. Unfortunately, I had to tell her the news of Casa’s death. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life, and the tears didn’t stop. The same goes for Salia’s father and her family. I know it wasn’t easy learning that she betrayed us. I wish things would have happened differently, but there’s nothing I can do about that now.

  Before I left Sorenten’s room yesterday to join the others outside the palace, I found Merla’s necklace in one of his closets. When I handed it to Renaya, her eyes shined with gratitude. I’m glad I was able to give her something that seemed to have meant a lot to her mother.

  Alaric has appointed Renaya as captain of the palace guards. Hastus is my dad’s advisor as well as his personal guard. He, Renaya, and the other guards, flank the royal family on each side as we make our way back to the palace. We can fly or zap ourselves to the castle, but there’s something about walking away from those we’ve buried that causes us to feel like we’re saying goodbye.

  As the new king, Dad’s going to make many more speeches, but for now we need to mourn those we’ve lost.

  Sebastian’s hand is still clutched in mine. I give it a tug. “How are you doing?”

  His lips are still pressed together as he gives me a slight nod. A hard swallow makes its way down his throat.

  “I know I keep saying this,” I tell him, my voice soft. “But I’m really sorry. Are you sure there’s nothing I can do?” I’ve asked him this a million times, yet I can’t help feeling like I need to do something. Magic can’t bring pe
ople back from the dead. Trust me, I tried.

  His lips brush across my cheek. “Thank you, Lily, but I’ll be okay. I’ll…I’ll get over it.” He swallows once again and looks away.

  “Hey,” I say, tugging his hand again and causing him to look at me. “Your parents will always be with you. Here.” I touch his heart. “Always remember that.”

  He nods slowly. My eyes travel to Renaya, who’s on Dad’s left. I haven’t had a chance to talk to her yet—really talk to her—but I’d like to. Maybe once all of this calms down.

  We reach the palace and walk toward the throne room. The entire castle is white on the inside and is made up of white stones and diamonds. The thrones are also comprised of diamonds, as is the king’s crown. When I first saw the thrones, I didn’t think they’d be comfortable, but they are the most comfortable chairs I’ve ever sat in. Since Alaric has no queen, I have been sitting beside him. As much as I don’t like the idea of being a queen or princess, it still feels nice to be sitting in that chair. Temporarily, though. I’d like to go home as soon as I can. I haven’t said a word to my father yet because I don’t want to hurt his feelings, but I can’t stand the thought of Mom worrying about me. Time moves slower here than on Earth. For all I know, I could have been gone for twenty years.

  Dad and I sit on our thrones, and Sebastian lowers himself on the chair beside me. My hand still hasn’t left his. Renaya stands behind Dad’s chair with her arms by her sides, her head tilted upward.

  “Sebastian, Renaya,” Alaric says. “Go rest. I told you to take some time, Renaya. Let Hastus take over as captain for a little while.”

  “I’m fine,” she says.

  He nods unsurely before his eyes meet Sebastian’s. “With all the power I have, I can’t bring those we’ve lost back. As much as I want to, I just can’t. I’m sorry.”

  Sebastian places his hand on my dad’s arm. “It’s okay. Both you and Lily—all the Ortarians—have been nothing but kind.” He bows his head. “Thank you.” He turns to his sister. “I think King Alaric is right. You should take a few days off to rest.”

  Her eyes narrow. “I said I’m fine.”

  “Mother and Father—”

  “Are dead,” she snaps. “They were never much of a mother or father, anyway.”

  “Renaya,” I say. “You don’t mean that.” I get up and rest my hand on her arm. “You’re hurting. We’re all hurting. We’ve lost so many. This isn’t easy for any of us.” I give her a hug, one she resists for about a second then welcomes.

  “Thanks,” she says. “But I’m well enough to be captain.” The pain in her eyes have transformed to fire, and just by looking into them, I know she’ll do a fine job protecting my dad and Ortarus. She may be young, but her heart is strong and determined.

  “Okay.” I look at my father. “I know there’s so much you need to do and your mind is like a jumbled mess and you don’t want to be bothered, but…” I close my eyes for a second because I know he won’t want to hear this. “But I think I need to go home.”

  He just stares at me, not blinking. After a bit, he leans back in his throne. “I see.”

  “I love it here and I’d love to see how this place transforms into the wonderful world it’s meant to be. But I need to go back to Earth. It’s where…” I shut my eyes again, and this time I leave them shut. “It’s where I belong.”

  He’s quiet. I can feel all the guards, including Renaya, gawking at me. They all must have assumed their princess was going to remain here. After all, I am the heir to the throne. I internally shudder just thinking about it. I love the Ortarians, but I can never be their queen.

  My dad lets out a breath, and I open my eyes. He says, “I should have expected this. I suppose I was in denial. You told me that you’d want to go home as soon as Sorenten was killed.”

  “My mom must be worried sick about what happened to me. I need to go home.”

  He nods reluctantly. I hate that I’m hurting him, but there’s no other choice. It hurts me to say this, but Ortarus isn’t my home. Earth is. My life is there. I can’t see myself living here. It’s just not me. Sure I’ve grown attached to it and its people, but Earth is where I need to be.

  Renaya steps forward. “You’re leaving?” Her head whips to Sebastian. “And I assume you’re going with her?”

  Sebastian takes her hands. “I love Lily. I want to have a future with her, and if she feels like Earth is her home…then it’s mine, too.”

  Snorting, she pulls out of his hands. “You’ll follow her anywhere.”


  “Leave me alone.”

  He grabs her hands again. “Renaya, she’s not the only one pulling me to Earth. I’d like to live there. To get an education and have a job.”

  “You can do that here,” she says.

  He nods. “I know I can, but Ortarus doesn’t feel like the place I should be. I don’t…I don’t feel like an Ortarian.”

  “King Alaric is going to distribute magic equally. There won’t be classes anymore. You’ll have magic.” Her tone is so hopeful and her eyes are big and heavy with emotion that I can’t look at her. This hurts too much.

  “Sebastian,” I say. “I don’t want to tear you away from your sister. You’re all each other has left.”

  He walks over to me and cups my face in his hands. “Are you saying…you don’t want me to return with you?”

  “No, of course not, but…” I push some hair off his forehead. “What do you want, Sebastian?”

  “I want to be with you. Forever.”

  “Me, too,” I whisper. “But I can’t bear the thought of separating you from Renaya, especially after you just lost your parents.”

  Alaric gets up and opens his mouth to say something, but Renaya beats him to it. “No, Sebastian is right to choose Earth.”

  We all turn to her.

  “I was wrong,” she continues. “I realize now that you and Lily belong together. You have a life on Earth. A happy life. A life you need to return to.”


  She shakes her head. “Sebastian, you’re my brother, but Lily makes you happy. She loves you very much and you love her. You two deserve to be together.” She smiles sadly.

  Alaric says, “You can visit as often as you’d like. Lily has the ability to travel from world to world.”

  “Yes,” I say. “We’ll visit so often you’ll get sick of us.”

  Alaric chuckles. Renaya’s smile is small. I hug her. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Very sure. I’ve never seen him this happy. Earth is where the two of you belong.”

  I tighten the hug. “You’re an amazing and strong person, Renaya. Seriously, you inspire me so much. You have no idea.”

  She waves her hand as a blush crawls onto her cheeks.

  After we pull apart, Sebastian hugs her. “I’ll see you,” he promises. His voice lowers. “You’re going to be here.” He taps his heart. “Just like Mother and Father will always have a place in my heart. They have a place in your heart as well.”

  Her eyes are a bit glassy as she nods. “I’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you more. Maybe you can visit us on Earth one day.”

  She laughs. “Sure.”

  “It’s not so bad,” Sebastian says. “The only downside is that we can’t use magic.”

  He’s right. I haven’t even considered that. Now that he’s no longer a genie, he won’t have magic. Neither will I. The only magic I’ll be able to perform is traveling between the worlds.

  I hug my dad. “I’ll miss you, too, you know.”

  He strokes the back of my head. “I know. And I’ll miss you. But…” He draws back. “I’m returning to Earth with you.”


  He shifts in place. “There are some things I’d like to see…” His voice trails off.

  My eyebrows furrow. What can he possibly want to see on Earth?

  Then it hits me. “You want to see Mom.”

  He raises
his hands. “I know she’s seeing someone and I wish her the best. I’d still like to talk to her, to explain. I know we have no future, but I’d like to apologize for all the pain I’ve caused her. Also someone has to verify your story. Who’s going to believe that you went to another world?” He wiggles his eyebrows playfully.

  I laugh, then frown. “Wait, you can’t just leave your kingdom. Who’s going to rule?”

  He smirks. “I’ll only be gone for a few minutes.” He winks.

  “What about me? What year will I be returning to? I mean, I don’t want to go back to Earth being the age forty.”

  He chuckles. “Don’t worry about that. We’ll travel back to several days after you left. We can’t do sooner, I’m afraid. Magic still has its limits.”

  “Really? We would have only been gone for a few days?”

  He nods.

  We say our final goodbyes. Sebastian can only travel to Earth with me, and he’ll need to hold my hand or else he could get lost in oblivion. He promises Renaya we’ll return soon and we give her one more hug before the three of us zap ourselves to Earth.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  I guess I’ll need more practice with the whole traveling to Earth thing because Sebastian and I crash to the floor while Alaric lands on his feet.

  “Ow,” I mutter before sitting up. We’re in the living room. I notice Dad surveying the place, his eyes lost in the memories. He and Mom bought this house years ago.

  Before we got here, Alaric told me to picture in my mind where I wanted us to end up. I chose Mom’s house, since it wouldn’t make sense to go to my apartment in New York when I want to see Mom in California.

  “Who’s there?” a voice calls. Mom must be in the hallway. “I’m calling the police!”

  I peek my head out of the room carefully, in case she’s holding a bat or a knife. “Mom?”

  Her eyes widen and the wire hanger in her hand drops to the floor. “Lily?”

  I jump into her arms. I might have been gone for only a few Earth days, but it’s been forever since I was in her arms.


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